Burns Like Fire (Dangerous Creatures #1)

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Burns Like Fire (Dangerous Creatures #1) Burns Like Fire (Dangerous Creatures #1)

by Mandy Rosko

Genre: Other10

Published: 2015

View: 604

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Read Burns Like Fire (Dangerous Creatures #1) Storyline:

A scarred hunter seeking revenge... Jack Marilla is out to avenge the deaths of his family, and get his revenge for the burn scars that cover his body. His house was burned down with himself and his family locked inside of it two years ago, and he barely survived. His prime suspect is Cindy Chase, the paranormal fire starter who captured his heart, and then set his house ablaze before vanishing. ...and the woman he used to love as his prime suspect... When he finally catches her, Jack faces his biggest challenge yet. To not believe her when she claims to be innocent, or fall for her tempting seduction.

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