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Winter Musgrave remembers nothing about her life except for the bare bones of her childhood and pieces of her years as a successful trader on Wall Street. She fears she has gone mad—but is it madness when objects shatter when she grows angry and the doors and windows of her home unlock and open while she sleeps? When mutilated corpses of small animals appear on the doorstep of her isolated farmhouse?Desperate, Winter seeks help at the Bidney Institute for Psychic Research. With the help of Truth Jourdemayne, Winter recalls that she had once been a member of a magickal circle—one that left something behind . . . . Truth is no stranger to the paranormal, but she isn't prepared for the strength and fury of the thing that is hunting Winter and her old friends. Winter must gather the scattered remnants of her circle. It won't be easy, not with her best friend dead—murdered by magickal evil—and her old love,...