Read Liberi Sursum Coeli Storyline:
A traditional gothic horror story from 18th century England sets up an arena for a wornout village priest and an ambitious astronomer, in the time when western celestial science was young. Old patient christianity is mixed with good intentions and personal ambitions as innocent, less educated community is drawn back to lands they once feared.Vicar Godwinson of Dainsdale has lived a long life with his herd. Old clergyman and his flock remember too well the former and corrupt master of Scyllaclough Grange, the dominating manor in the edge of county. Now the new master is about and proves to be as complicated as his predecessor but in a seemingly good way. An able astronomer, Mr Tollerson and his frolic and industrious wife Anna arrive, planning to change the face of the lands and ultimately the face of the universe. Vicar's and later the whole community's fears change to great expectations. However, good intentions hide ambitions and ultimately an obsession in the unfortunate process, raising the old fears from the grave in front of vicar Godwinson.Pages of Liberi Sursum Coeli :