Read Awakening Storyline:
Awakening tells the story of Barsch, Alza, Kingston and Maloch, four incredible individuals brought together by unusual circumstances. They will cross deserts, escape exploding cities and face dangerous madmen in order to discover truth. Pasts will be revealed, personalities will be twisted and minds will be broken. Humanity might not survive their failure, or their success...The Chronicles of New Eden – Awakening tells the story of Barsch La Tergan, an ordinary teenager who wakes up to find that his world has gone to ruin. Setting out to discover the truth, he encounters three unforgettable companions: Alza, a mysterious young woman; Kingston, a hermit with a dark past; and Maloch, a robot who has begun to question his purpose. Together they will discover the truth. Together they will decide the fate of humanity.Together they will change the world.Pages of Awakening :