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“Of all the sets of parents in the world, why was I landed with you?” I stomped out of the house, only just stopping short of yelling at them that I didn’t ask to be born. I was thirty-six. How was this my life?
Not so long ago, Holly Richards had the life she’d always dreamed of growing up in crime-riddled Crackleham – the successful husband, the children, the mansion by the sea in the most sought-after area of town. Now, she’s a boomeranger – an adult living back at home with her parents, and a penniless one to boot.
Smarting from her husband Terry’s betrayal and with four children to support on no income, Holly throws herself into participating in a TV show called Diary of a Boomeranger, which catalogues the life of three grown-ups who returned to the family nest when times got tough. But as she desperately seeks financial opportunities from her public profile, she is also forced to confront Crackleham family ghosts that were never laid to rest – and the man she almost chose instead of Terry.
As tensions escalate in the Richards’ household and Holly’s financial situation grows even more precarious, Holly is desperate to start a new life – but is she doomed to remain forever right back where she started?