Historical Page 40
The Woman From Tantoura
The Secret Bride
The Undrowned Child
Janet Hardy in Radio City
Shadows on the Nile
Ruth's Journey: The Authorized Novel of Mammy From Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind
Dark Minds (Class 5 Series Book 3)
The Snake Pit
The Girl With the Windup Heart
Destroyermen its-1
Split Code
Talina in the Tower
Worth the Wait: A Ladies of Harper's Station Novella
First Strike (The Kurgan War Book 1)
American Duchess
Rum Affair: Dolly and the Singing Bird; The Photogenic Soprano
The Twelfth Night Wager
A Memory of Violets
The Medici Queen aka The Devil’s Queen
Beloved Hope (Heart of the Frontier Book #2)
Circling the Sun
Forever My Own
The Enchanted: A Novel
A Darcy Christmas
The Ides of March
Dark Chaos
A Surrendered Heart
Prairie Song
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