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SHATTER: Epoch’s End Book 2: (A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller Series) (Epoch's End)

by Mike Kraus


genres Science

years 2021

Billionaires, Bullets, Exploding Monkeys (A Brick Ransom Adventure)

by Mike Attebery


genres Other9

years 2009

"Popguns & Pacemakers" — Patriotism, in a small town, and other tales of The Great American Westerly Midwest

by Mike Palecek


genres Other

years 2013

Annie Chapman - Wife, Mother, Victim: The Life & Death of a Victim of Jack The Ripper

by Covell, Mike


genres Other5

years 2014

The Directive: A Novel

by Matthew Quirk

series Mike Ford

genres Other6

years 2014

Stay Hidden: A Novel

by Paul Doiron

series Mike Bowditch

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years 2018

The Precipice: A Novel

by Paul Doiron

series Mike Bowditch Mysteries

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years 2015

The One a Month Man

by Michael Litchfield

series DI Mike Lorenzo

genres Other12

years 2012

The Long Road: Book 6 of the Thrilling Post-Apocalyptic Survival Series: (Surviving the Fall Series - Book 6)

by Mike Kraus


genres Other9

years 2017

House Blood - JD 7

by Mike Lawson

series A Joe DeMarco Thriller

genres Other9

years 2012

Mike at Wrykyn

by P. G. Wodehouse


genres Fiction

years a long time ago

[Mike Hammer 03] - Vengeance Is Mine

by Mickey Spillane

series Mike Hammer

genres Other6

years a long time ago

Mickey Spillane - [Mike Hammer 01]

by the Jury I


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years a long time ago

Mickey Spillane - [Mike Hammer 10]

by The Body Lovers


genres Other7

years a long time ago

Mickey Spillane - [Mike Hammer 02]

by My Gun Is Quick

series Mike Hammer

genres Other10

years a long time ago

Lone Wolf #7: Peruvian Nightmare

by Barry, Mike


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Lone Wolf #3: Boston Avenger

by Barry, Mike


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Lone Wolf #9: Miami Marauder

by Barry, Mike


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Lone Wolf #12: Phoenix Inferno

by Barry, Mike


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Lone Wolf # 14: Philadelphia Blowup

by Barry, Mike


genres Other5

years a long time ago

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