Shifting Crossroads 8 - Ocelot of Trouble
by Zenina Masters
series Shifting Crossroads
genres Romance
years 2013
Thorn, Son of a Duke
by Sandra Masters
genres Other4
years 2016
Thorn, Son of a Duke: Regency Romance (The Dukes of Desire Book 3)
by Sandra Masters
genres Other
years 2020
Amelia's Outback Christmas (12 Naughty Days of Christmas)
by Masters, Constance
genres Other7
years 2014
War Master's Gate
by Adrian Tchaikovsky
series Shadows of the Apt
genres Science
years 2013
War Master's Gate sota-9
by Adrian Tchaikovsky
series Shadows of the Apt
genres Science
years 2013
Born of Stone
by Missy Jane
series Gargoyle Masters
genres Other6
years 2014
The Gates of Sleep em-3
by Mercedes Lackey
series Elemental Masters
genres Fantasy
years 2008
The Makers of Light
by Lynna Merrill
series The Masters That Be
genres Other5
years 2012
The Wizard of London em-5
by Mercedes Lackey
series Elemental Masters
genres Fantasy
years 2005
The Seekers of Fire
by Lynna Merrill
series The Masters That Be
genres Other8
years 2011
Master of Ransome: An Australian Outback Romance
by Lucy Walker
genres Other2
years 2020
Master of Tomes
by Raconteur, Honor
genres Other2
years 2021
Master of His Fate
by James Tobin
genres Other3
years 2021
Master of Storms: Dragon Shifter Romance (Legends of the Storm Book 5)
by Bec McMaster
genres Romance
years 2021
Master Of Sin
by Sienna Snow
genres Other3
years 2019
Master of the Moondog
by Stanley Mullen
genres Other3
years 2010
Matters of the Heart
by Heather M Green
genres Other3
years 2017
Master Of Games
by Sienna Snow
genres Other3
years 2018
Master of Valor (Merlin's Legacy 2)
by Angela Knight
genres Fantasy
years 2018