Sound's Familiar (Terra Noctem Book 1)
by Dana Marie Bell
genres Other3
years 2019
The Golden Horn
by Judith Tarr
series Hound and the Falcon
genres Other6
years 2012
Death and the Lady
by Tarr, Judith
series Hound and the Falcon
genres Other11
years 2013
The Dragon Hunter and the Mage
by V. R. Cardoso
series Wounds in the Sky
genres Other11
years 2016
Terror in the Night
by J. M. Robinson
series Blood Hound
genres Other6
years 2018
Ain't Nothing but a Pound Dog
by Jeannie Wycherley
series Spellbound Hound Magic and Mystery
genres Mystery
years 2019
Darkness Falls
by J. M. Robinson
series Blood Hound
genres Other9
years 2018
Delayed Love
by Sandra Richmond
series Hell Hound MC
genres Other12
years 2015