Embrace of Darkness
by Bilinda Sheehan
series The Shadow Sorceress
genres Other5
years 2019
Thicker Than Blood
by Annie Bellet
series Twenty-Sided Sorceress
genres Science
years 2015
Demon Curse
by Linsey Hall
series Dragon's Gift - The Sorceress
genres Other
years 2019
Dragon Blood
by Linsey Hall
series Dragon's Gift - The Sorceress
genres Other2
years 2019
Sorcerous Deeds: Special Investigators for the Magickally Challenged. An Urban Fantasy Novella. (Adept Solutions Book 2)
by Teagan Kearney
genres Other8
years 2017
Sorcerous Flame
by Lana Ames
series Harem of Sorcery
genres Other8
years 2018
Sorcerous Rivalry (The Mage-Born Chronicles Book 1)
by Kayleigh Nicol
genres Other9
years 2018
Sorcerous Heat
by Lana Ames
series Harem of Sorcery
genres Other10
years 2018
Sorcerous Flame (Harem of Sorcery Book 2)
by Lana Ames
genres Other11
years 2018
Sorcerous Heat (Harem of Sorcery Book 1)
by Lana Ames
genres Other12
years 2018
Ancient Sorceries And Other Weird Stories
by Algernon Blackwood
genres Horror
years 2010
The Sorcerous Spy
by Thomas K. Carpenter
series The Reluctant Assassin
genres Other2
years 2018
Night's Sorceries
by Tanith Lee
genres Science
years 2017
A Suitable Present for a Sorcerous Puppet shamf-3
by Garth Nix
series Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz
genres Science
years 2010
Sorcery's Child (The Mindbender's Rise Book 2)
by D J Salisbury
genres Other7
years 2015