The Twilight Saga Collection
by Stephenie Meyer
genres Science
years 2008
The Werewolves of Nottinghill
by J. J. Thompson
series The New Earth Chronicles
genres Other
years 2018
The Pentagram Child: Part 2 (Afterlife Saga Book 5)
by Stephanie Hudson
genres Fantasy
years 2015
The Rapture: In the Twinkling of an Eye / Countdown to the Earth's Last Days
by Tim LaHaye
series Before They Were Left Behind
genres Nonfiction
years 2005
The Exodus Towers: The Dire Earth Cycle: Two
by Jason M. Hough
genres Science
years 2013
The Hour of the Gate: A Spellsinger Adventure (Book Two) (The Spellsinger Saga)
by Alan Dean Foster
genres Science
years 2011
The Most Precious Substance on Earth
by Shashi Bhat
genres Other
years 2021
The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution
by Richard Dawkins
genres Nonfiction
years 2009
The Last Legends of Earth
by A. A. Attanasio
genres Literature
years 2010
The unsuspecting mage ms-1
by Brian S. Pratt
series Morcyth saga
genres Science
years 1999
The Wilsons' Saga (Book 1): The Journey Home
by Gibb, Lew
series The Wilsons' Saga
genres Other
years 2020
The Sangrook Saga
by Steve Thomas
genres Christian
years 2018
The Runes of the Earth: The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant - Book One
by Stephen R. Donaldson
genres Science
years 2006
The Christmas Bride: Christian Western Historical (Window to the Heart Saga Spin-off Book 3)
by Jenna Brandt
genres Other
years 2017
The Ring of Earth
by Chris Bradford
genres Other7
years 2010
The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter
by Saxon Andrew
genres Other7
years 2017
The Secret Wisdom of the Earth
by Christopher Scotton
genres Other7
years 2015
The Time Hunters and the Spear of Fate (The Time Hunters Saga Book 3)
by carl ashmore
genres Other7
years 2013
The Starborn Ascension: Books 1, 2, and 3 (The Starborn Saga)
by Jason D. Morrow
genres Other7
years 2015
The Lobos' Heart Song: Book 2 of the Soul-Linked Saga
by Laura Jo Phillips
series The Soul-Linked Saga
genres Other7
years 2011