The Screaming Skull
by Rick Ferguson
series The Chronicles of Elberon
genres Other3
years 2018
The Potter's Field
by Ellis Peters
series The Chronicles of Brother Cadfael
genres Other3
years 1990
The Magicians Nephew
by C. S. Lewis
series The Chronicles of Narnia
genres Christian
years a long time ago
The Wizard
by Thomas Rouxville
series The Chronicles of Suvaria
genres Other3
years 2019
The Rose Rent
by Ellis Peters
series The Chronicles of Brother Cadfael
genres Other3
years 1986
The Silver Chair
by C. S. Lewis
series The Chronicles of Narnia
genres Christian
years a long time ago
The Sanctuary Sparrow
by Ellis Peters
series The Chronicles of Brother Cadfael
genres Other4
years 1983
The Hidden Witch
by A C Rae
series The Chronicles of Avarria
genres Other
years 2019
The Battle for Endallen
by Andrew G. Wood
series The Chronicles of Arandor
genres Fantasy
years 2019
The Broken Kingdom
by Andrew G. Wood
series The Chronicles of Arandor
genres Fantasy
years 2018
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
by C. S. Lewis
series The Chronicles of Narnia
genres Christian
years a long time ago
The Heartstone
by Lisa Finnegan
series The Chronicles of Ledrith
genres Other5
years 2008
The Silver Chair tcon-6
by Clive Staples Lewis
series The Chronicles of Narnia
genres Other5
years 2011
The Apprentice
by Thomas Rouxville
series The Chronicles of Suvaria
genres Other
years 2019
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe tcon-2
by Clive Staples Lewis
series The Chronicles of Narnia
genres Other6
years 1999
The wizards and the warriors tcoaaod-1
by Hugh Cook
series The Chronicles of an Age of Darkness
genres Other6
years 2012
The Last Battle tcon-7
by Clive Staples Lewis
series The Chronicles of Narnia
genres Other7
years 1998
The Kings Man
by Rowena Cory Daniells
series The Chronicles of King Rolen's Kin
genres Other8
years 2012
The Horse and His Boy
by C. S. Lewis
series The Chronicles of Narnia
genres Christian
years a long time ago
The Raven in the Foregate
by Ellis Peters
series The Chronicles of Brother Cadfael
genres Other
years 1986