The Essential Clive Barker
by Clive Barker
genres Horror
years 2010
The Butcher of Baxter Pass
by William W. Johnstone
genres Western
years 2017
The Collected John Carter of Mars (Volume 2)
by Edgar Rice Burroughs
series John Carter
genres Science
years 2012
The Collected John Carter of Mars (Volume 3)
by Edgar Rice Burroughs
series John Carter
genres Science
years 2012
The Collected John Carter of Mars (Volume 1)
by Edgar Rice Burroughs
series John Carter
genres Science
years 2012
Dan Carter and the Haunted Castle
by Mildred A. Wirt
genres Childrens
years 2012
Dan Carter and the Great Carved Face
by Mildred A. Wirt
genres Childrens
years 2012
Dan Carter and the Cub Honor
by Mildred A. Wirt
genres Childrens
years 2012
Dan Carter and the Money Box
by Mildred A. Wirt
genres Childrens
years 2012
Jack Carter and the Mafia Pigeon
by Ted Lewis
genres Other7
years 2014
Sven Carter & the Android Army
by Rob Vlock
genres Other7
years 2015
Amanda Carter in the L.A.Z., life after zombies
by Jo Lee Auburne
genres Other9
years 2016
John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood
by Sellers, Michael D.
genres Other10
years 2012
Sven Carter & the Trashmouth Effect
by Rob Vlock
genres Other10
years 2010
John Carter and the Giant of Mars bs-11
by Edgar Rice Burroughs
series Barsoom series
genres Science
years 2012
In the Valley of the Kings: Howard Carter and the Mystery of King Tutankhamun's Tomb
by Daniel Meyerson
genres Other9
years 2009
M A R Barker - [Tekumel- The Empire of the Petal Throne 01]
by Flamesong (v0. 9) (epub)
genres Other5
years 2013
The Adventures of Ethel King, the Female Nick Carter
by Jean Petithuguenin
genres Other2
years 2014
Into the Realm
by R W Foster
series The Chronicles of Carter Blake
genres Other4
years 2014
The Last of Philip Banter
by John Franklin Bardin
genres Other3
years 2014