The System Worked_How the World Stopped Another Great Depression
by Daniel W. Drezner
genres Other8
years 2014
The Great Quake: How the Biggest Earthquake in North America Changed Our Understanding of the Planet
by Henry Fountain
genres Other8
years 2017
The Ravenous Brain: How the New Science of Consciousness Explains Our Insatiable Search for Meaning
by Bor, Daniel
genres Other10
years 2012
Money_How the Destruction of the Dollar Threatens the Global Economy - and What We Can Do About It
by Steve Forbes
genres Other10
years 2014
Argo: How the CIA and Hollywood Pulled Off the Most Audacious Rescue in History
by Antonio Mendez
genres Romance
years 2012
The Unbreakable Miss Lovely: How the Church of Scientology tried to destroy Paulette Cooper
by Tony Ortega
genres Other7
years 2015
The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America
by Jim Marrs
genres Other7
years 2010
THE FANS' LOVE STORY: How The Movie 'DIRTY DANCING' Captured The Hearts Of Millions!
by Tabashnik, Sue
genres Other8
years 2010
The Invention of News: How the World Came to Know About Itself
by Andrew Pettegree
genres Nonfiction
years 2014
The Ocean of Churn: How the Indian Ocean Shaped Human History
by Sanjeev Sanyal
genres Other11
years 2016
Witch is How The Dice Fell
by Adele Abbott
series Witch P.I. Mystery
genres Mystery
years 2019
Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All
by Paul A. Offit M. D.
genres Other3
years 2010
Obama Zombies: How the Obama Machine Brainwashed My Generation
by Jason Mattera
genres Nonfiction
years 2010
Witch is How The Tables Turned
by Adele Abbott
series Witch P.I. Mystery
genres Mystery
years 2018
Stolen History: How the Palestinians and Their Allies Attack Israel's Right to Exist by Erasing Its Past
by David Meir-Levi
genres Other6
years 2011
The Edge of the World: How the North Sea Made Us Who We Are
by Michael Pye
genres Other6
years 2014
The World in Six Songs: How the Musical Brain Created Human Nature
by Levitin, Daniel J.
genres Other7
years 2008
Royal Legacy: How the royal family have made, spent and passed on their wealth
by McClure, David
genres Other8
years 2015
Washed Away: How the Great Flood of 1913, America's Most Widespread Natural Disaster, Terrorized a Nation and Changed It Forever
by Geoff Williams
genres Other8
years 2013
DREAM BIG: How the Brazilian Trio behind 3G Capital - Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Telles and Beto Sicupira - acquired Anheuser-Busch, Burger King and Heinz
by Cristiane Correa
genres Other9
years 2014