The Wizard at Home
by Rick Shelley
series The seven Towers
genres Other7
years 1995
The Wizard of Oz
by L. Frank Baum
genres Childrens
years 2012
The Wizard (Dungeon Core Book 1)
by MJ Kaltenbrunner
genres Other8
years 2017
The Wizard And The Dragon
by Joseph Anderson
genres Other8
years 2012
The Wizard That Wasn't (Mechanized Wizardry)
by Ben Rovik
genres Fantasy
years 2011
The Wizard of London em-5
by Mercedes Lackey
series Elemental Masters
genres Fantasy
years 2005
The Wizard of Menlo Park
by Randall E. Stross
genres Other8
years 2007
The Wizard Killer - Season One: A Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy Serial
by Adam Dreece
genres Young Adult
years 2016
The Wizard at Mecq
by Rick Shelley
series The seven Towers
genres Other9
years 1994
The Wizard of OZ
by S. D. Stuart
genres Other9
years 2013
The Wizard of Ooze
by David Farland
genres Other9
years 2012
The Wizard from Earth
by S. J. Ryan
genres Other9
years 2014
The Wizard of Time (Book 1)
by G. L. Breedon
genres Other9
years 2011
The Wizardry Quested w-5
by Rick Cook
series Wizardry
genres Other9
years 2015
The Wizard of Death
by Forrest, Richard;
genres Other9
years 2016
The Wizardry Consulted w-4
by Rick Cook
series Wizardry
genres Other9
years 2001
The Wizard of Time
by Therese MacFarland
genres Other10
years 2013
The Wizard and the Warlord wt-3
by Michael Robb Mathias
series Wardstone trilogy
genres Other10
years 2005
The Wizardry Cursed w-3
by Rick Cook
series Wizardry
genres Other10
years 2014
The wizard at home tst-2
by Rick Shelley
series The seven Towers
genres Other10
years 1995