The Secrets of a Fire King
by Kim Edwards
genres Fiction
years 1997
The Death King
by Jovee Winters
series The Dark Kings
genres Fantasy
years 2018
The Hot King and I: A Royal Bad Boys Romance
by Seyna Rytes
genres Other3
years 2020
The Art of Detection
by Laurie R. King
genres Mystery
years 2006
The King's Men: A Tale of To-morrow
by Nathan Schachner
genres Other3
years 2006
The Murder of King Tut: The Plot to Kill the Child King
by James Patterson
genres Literature
years 2009
The Haunting of the King's Head
by Amy Cross
genres Horror
years 2019
The Pleasing Hour
by Lily King
genres Other3
years 1990
The Last King
by M J Porter
series The Ninth Century
genres Fantasy
years 2020
The King's Summons
by Adam Glendon Sidwell
series Super Dungeon
genres Mystery
years 2019
The Little Sisters of Eluria
by Stephen King
series The Dark Tower
genres Horror
years 2008
The King of Clubs 3
by Savannah Skye
series Undercity Chronicles
genres Fiction
years 2019
The Ninety-Ninth Bride
by Catherine F. King
genres Other3
years 2017
The Waste Lands
by Stephen King
series The Dark Tower
genres Horror
years 1991
The Banishment of the King
by A. J. Chaudhury
genres Fantasy
years 2018
The Green Mile
by Stephen King
genres Horror
years 1996
The King's Mercy
by Lori Benton
genres Other3
years 2019
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
by Stephen King
genres Horror
years 1999
The Magic King
by Jovee Winters
series The Dark Kings
genres Fantasy
years 2017
The Viscount's First Love: Regency Romance (The King's League Book 2)
by Lucy Adams
genres Other3
years 2019