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Strike a Match

Page 25

by Fiona Riley

  Sasha moaned against her lips. “I like how you think.”

  Abby pulled back, a thought occurring to her. “Do you have to be somewhere right now? Are you on shift?”

  Sasha leaned back in, reconnecting their lips. Her hands wandered over Abby’s body as she spoke. “Nope. Upside of injured leave. I’m strictly here on the business of seduction and romance. My afternoon is free.” Sasha’s thumbs massaged along the sides of her breasts and everything felt significantly hotter. “You?”

  This was the best news Abby had heard all day. Hands down. Or up, as it were, since Sasha was palming her breasts at the moment. “As my own boss, I’m declaring the workday complete. If your arm is up to it, what do you say to grabbing some food we won’t eat and having a bed picnic?”

  “Sounds perfect. And I’m feeling no pain.” Sasha was unbuttoning Abby’s blouse, evidently not interested in waiting. “That door have a lock?”

  Abby tried to focus on Sasha’s question but her attention was directed to the skirt Sasha was unzipping. “Mm-hmm.”

  “Great. Let’s see how comfy this couch is, you know, as an appetizer to the bed picnic later.” Sasha walked her back until her knees hit the couch before she lifted her up in a bridal carry and placed her down with care. Sasha was so strong and sexy it was making her dizzy.

  “I love this idea.” Abby breathed out slowly as Sasha kissed along her neck.

  Sasha pulled back with a smile. “And I love you.”

  Abby rewarded her with a kiss before gently pushing her toward the door. “Go close that.”

  “On it.”

  As Sasha’s body weight left her own she grabbed Sasha by the jacket and pulled her back down, running her hand up the tight tank top she had on underneath her gear. “Be quick about it. And lose the jacket. But let’s keep the rest of it on for a bit, okay?”

  “Of course. I have a feeling it’s going to get very, very hot in here. I’d hate to be ill prepared.” Sasha was back on top of her in a flash. “Now, where were we?”

  “You were just about to teach me the basics of fire safety.” All this teasing was making Abby’s body feel like it was on fire.

  “You seem to me more of the advanced type. Let’s accelerate the process a little, no? Strike a match and see if it ignites?” Sasha’s mouth was hot against her ear.

  Abby decided this was the kind of hands-on training she wanted for the rest of her life. “Definitely.”


  “Another woman!” her father called out and Abby laughed.

  “No way. Who would turn that down?”

  Abby’s response garnered a high five from her father. Sasha rolled her eyes. The two of them were like frat boys.

  She was watching them from the doorway to the living room while her mother finished prepping a snack in the kitchen. They were playing couch Family Feud and absolutely destroying the contestants on the show. She’d been impressed with Abby’s prowess. She was a worthy opponent to her dad.

  “It’s food. I’m telling you. Food.” Abby nodded in confidence.

  “You expect me to believe that when they polled one hundred married men and asked them what their wife would never let them bring to bed with them, food was higher up on the list than another woman? No way.” He shook his head and crossed his arms. “Not a chance.”

  “Crumbs in the sheets is a divorce-worthy offense, Duncan.” Abby waved her finger at him. “It’s food. I’ll bet you on it.”

  Her father paused the DVR and turned to face her. “You’re on. Name your wager.”

  Abby tapped her chin in consideration. “If I’m wrong, then Sasha will make dinner every night for two weeks and do the dishes.”

  “Whoa. How did I get dragged into this? No way. Leave me out of it,” Sasha protested from the doorway.

  “Okay, let’s be real, you’d be having Sloppy Joes every day if that were the case. I’ll cook six nights of those two weeks to make sure you get some greens,” Abby added selflessly.

  “I preferred the Sloppy Joe outcome, but I’ll compromise.” Her father narrowed his eyes at Abby. “And if you’re right, which you won’t be, but I’ll humor you, what then?”

  Abby smiled broadly and spread out her arms. “When I’m right, you have to tell me about that time Sasha got her head stuck between the spindles of the railing on the stairs and all about how you had to slather her with lard to get her out. Spare no details. I want full embellishments.”

  “What is this? Why am I the prize for the winning and losing bet here?” Sasha was panicking a little. That stair story was beyond embarrassing. Especially when Abby found out it happened when she was in high school and plenty old enough to know not to try it.

  “Deal.” Duncan and Abby shook on it without heeding Sasha’s input at all. Figured.

  He hit play on the DVR and the host called out the answers starting with the lowest scoring one. Another woman was number three, and food was number two.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Her father’s mouth hung open in surprise as Abby jumped off the couch to do her victory dance.

  “Boo-yah. Crumbs in the sheets. Worst. Bed partner. Ever.” Abby pretended to hear the roar of the crowd.

  “Unbelievable.” Her father shook his head in disbelief. Sasha would never admit it, but she thought he was going to win this bet for sure.

  “Ha. You’re both wrong. The number one answer is going to be a dog.” Her mother’s voice called from the kitchen and Abby’s celebration halted. Her father paused the program again.

  “A dog?” Abby looked at Sasha’s father and they shook their heads in unison. “No way, people love to sleep with their pets.”

  “It’s dog.” Her mother leaned against her in the doorway, holding up a cutting board of cheese and crackers. Sasha went to steal a slice of cheese and her mother slapped her hand away. “Abby gets first pick. She’s a guest.”

  Sasha huffed. Guest, her ass. They spent at least one night here a week, most weeks more than that. Abby was no more a guest here than she was.

  “All right, all right.” Her father surveyed her mother with suspicion. “If Valeria is right, then the wager needs to be adjusted.”

  “Hey. I won fair and square. You owe me a story.” Abby pouted and looked to Sasha for help.

  “Oh, I’m not helping you get dirt on me. You’re on your own there, babe.” Sasha held up her hands in defense.

  “Fine. When I win and dog is the answer,” her mother supplied with a smile, “Sasha has to cook, do the dishes, and do the laundry for the next two weeks. And Abby is responsible for making sure we get vegetables at every meal.”

  “Again, why am I the wager here?” Sasha looked between the three of them with suspicion. “I smell a conspiracy.”

  “That’s just the dirty laundry piling up for you.” Her mother winked as she walked into the living room and handed the snacks to Abby and her father. “Hit play so Sasha can start the light load.”

  Her father pressed play, and sure enough the number one answer was wet dog.

  “This is rigged.” Sasha gaped as her mother handed her the dish cloth when she walked by.

  “I already sorted everything. There’s a load in the dryer to be folded. This cloth can go in the next wash.” Her mother patted her on the shoulder and walked back to the kitchen, leaving Sasha, her father, and Abby standing shocked in the living room.

  “We just got played, didn’t we?” Abby looked between Sasha and her father.

  Her father mashed a few buttons on the remote and cursed under his breath. “Sneaky woman.”

  “What?” Sasha took a piece of cheese now that Abby had taken her first piece.

  “I record all the episodes of Family Feud throughout the day to save some for when you and Abs stop by.” Sasha’s heart swelled with that adorable admission and even more adorable use of Abby’s nickname. “But if you look here, this episode has already been viewed. She totally played us.”

  “Ma!” Sasha stomped into the kitch
en to find her mother doubled over with laughter at the kitchen table. She was wiping away tears and trying to catch her breath.

  “You guys are so easy.” She barely got the words out between howls of laughter.

  “A cheater among us.” Abby sighed as she headed into the laundry room off the kitchen.

  “Where are you going?” Sasha called out after her.

  “A bet is a bet. I’m going to help you fold—otherwise we’ll be late for our date.” Abby winked at her as she carried the laundry basket back toward the living room.

  “Oh, no way in hell am I honoring that bet. First, I didn’t shake on it, and second, she clearly cheated. That voids the bet entirely.” Sasha had nearly forgotten about their plans later, although she couldn’t imagine how that was even possible. She’d been looking forward to this for weeks.

  “I’ll tell you the stair story if you promise to fold my underwear into those fancy little squares I saw you do with the facecloths.” Her father scooted over on the couch to make room for Abby to stack piles next to him.

  “You’re not helping, Dad.” Sasha took a shirt from Abby and folded it in half—she could think of worse things to do with her time than spend it with her love and her parents doing boring household things. Boring was fine by her these days. Well, boring was fine right now. In this moment. But later, she would bet her life that later would be anything but boring. She intended to make sure that everyone involved would be a winner.

  “This day just keeps getting better and better.” Abby giggled and handed Duncan a pair of boxers she had folded into the shape of an envelope. “Good?”

  “Yeah, this is cool. Valeria, you gotta see this. What other shapes can you make?”

  Her father’s excitement was childlike. Sasha loved Abby a little more in that moment.

  Abby seemed to consider this. “I can make bath towels into an elephant, and fit jeans, a T-shirt, and underwear into a tube sock to save space when traveling.”

  “You magical creature, you.” Her father patted the seat next to him. “Okay, so, it was a rainy, cold night and Sasha was bored. I mean, what other reason could she have for putting her head between the slats in the railing?”


  Abby leaned her hip against the back of her sofa and smiled as her gaze fell on the glass bowl on her kitchen island. That bowl had been made with care. That bowl was the start of the relationship she was celebrating tonight in a very special way. That was her favorite bowl. It had been decided a hundred times over.

  In the six months since she and Sasha had gotten together, she had experienced the highest highs of her life. She was reminded of their first time, that incredibly hot first time, every time she put fruit in that bowl. Her favorite bowl.

  “You’re doing that dreamy-eyed staring thing again.” Sasha’s arm slid around her waist, then her lips hovered at the skin below Abby’s ear.

  Abby closed her eyes and purred. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  “Oh, on the contrary.” Sasha’s breath was hot on the skin under her jaw. “I think it’s adorable. And I love it.”

  “It, huh?” Abby leaned back against Sasha’s chest and smiled. She could feel that Sasha was wearing her new present.

  “You. I love you.” Sasha’s lips teased at Abby’s pulse point and she melted against Sasha a little more, the anniversary gift making its presence known more firmly against the small of her back.

  Abby dropped her hand to rest her palm on Sasha’s strong, muscular thigh. She was pleasantly surprised to feel Sasha’s naked flesh under her touch. No need for pants at this party, it seemed. Her stomach tightened in anticipation.

  “What’re you wearing?” She didn’t turn yet. Instead, she chose to savor the attention Sasha paid to her neck, to her jaw. Those lips were working their magic on her, from the top down. Her sex throbbed and any fleeting thought she had of turning vanished when Sasha’s left hand wrapped across her front and palmed her breast through the nearly sheer tank top she’d changed into when they got home.

  Sasha massaged her breast as she spoke. “Only what’s important.”

  Abby struggled to focus when Sasha’s hips pressed against her ass. She moaned. “I want to see.”

  “Soon.” Sasha toyed with her nipple as her other hand snaked around Abby’s front, pushing her panties down just enough to slip inside.

  Abby wondered how soon soon was, her body scorching with want as Sasha dipped into her wetness and pressed against her clit before skirting away again.

  “You’re pretty excited, Abs.” Sasha’s teasing stopped and she slid one long finger inside her. Her teeth were on Abby’s earlobe as she whispered, “So wet, so soon.”

  Abby shuddered from all the sensations—wet lips, hot tongue, slick fingers, the insistent pressure against her ass. It was fast approaching too much. “I can’t help it.”

  “Because you want it?” Sasha’s hand abandoned her breast to glide up her chest and settle at her collarbone, gently caressing the front of her neck as she slid two fingers back inside.

  “Fuck. Yes. I want it.” Abby dropped her head back and she felt Sasha pull her even closer, her fingers going deeper, spreading slightly, stretching her in that way that would help her get—

  “Ready?” Sasha moved her fingers in and out slowly before she pressed the heel of her hand against Abby’s clit.

  Abby saw stars and wondered if her legs would give out. “Yes. Please.”

  The hand caressing Abby’s neck paused before turning her chin so her lips met Sasha’s. Sasha kissed her deeply, her tongue filling Abby’s mouth and scrambling her mind. “Bend over the couch for me.”

  Abby just about died.

  Sasha’s fingers slipped out of her but before she could voice her complaint, Sasha’s hands were on her hips, guiding her panties down her legs to the floor. It was time.

  “C’mon Abby. Let me see you. All of you.” Without the flimsy barrier of her panties in the way, she could feel the soft yet firm tip of the dildo Sasha teased against the flesh of her ass, before she positioned it against Abby’s dripping sex. Sasha rubbed the tip against her swollen lips and encouraged her to flex forward with a gentle hand between her shoulders. “Show me you’re ready.”

  Abby moaned again, the want overpowering her desire to draw this out. She leaned forward on her elbows, balancing herself on the high back of her sofa as Sasha spread her legs with confident, slick fingers.

  “You’re gorgeous, Abs.” Sasha’s voice sounded far away and Abby whined as the pressure from the head of the dildo left her opening. Her frustration was short-lived when Sasha’s mouth replaced the anniversary gift.

  “Oh, Sasha. Yes.” Abby’s body shuddered and she relaxed onto the sofa cushions, her legs spreading and back arching to give Sasha better access.

  Much to Abby’s delight, Sasha rewarded her enthusiasm by sucking on her lips and thrusting her tongue inside, licking and humming in that practiced rhythm that she knew drove Abby crazy. It always got Abby to the edge, so fast. It was practically criminal.

  “Sasha,” Abby warned. She was climbing too quickly. The anticipation of this moment had been building for weeks since their trip to the sex toy shop last month. Sasha had meticulously planned her schedule to ensure that on their six-month anniversary, she would be off. Getting off. Which was exactly what was about to happen to Abby, prematurely, if Sasha kept doing that thing with her tongue.

  “All right, baby.” Sasha pressed one final kiss to her swollen lips before resuming her prior position.

  The skin of Abby’s hip burned under the heat of Sasha’s steadying hand. But every other sensation was drowned out when she felt the dildo press into her again. This time, Sasha kept it there, spreading Abby’s lips with her fingers and coaxing the dildo deeper.

  Words escaped her as her body stretched and pulled Sasha’s member deeper. All the foreplay and the wetness culminated in this moment, and Abby exhaled into the pleasure of the sensation. Sasha filled her, the feeling
of ecstasy locking her in place as Sasha reached a slow but steady rhythm. Abby bent forward a little more, allowing herself to get lost in the delicious feeling of the fullness. “Sasha.”

  Sasha hummed and Abby knew she was biting her lip in that way she always did when she was focused on giving Abby pleasure. She missed seeing Sasha in that moment. She wanted to come undone looking at her beautiful and masterful mouth.

  “Baby.” Abby used all of her willpower to slow the seemingly unstoppable orgasm. Every careful but determined thrust from Sasha brought her that much closer to release, stoking the fire that blazed in her core. As badly as Abby wanted to come, she decided she wanted even more to come while under Sasha.

  Sasha stroked her side in reply, the soft sensation of a kiss between her shoulder blades warming her in a different way entirely.

  Abby tried again, this time clasping the hand Sasha had on her hip. “Baby, I want to see you.”

  Sasha slowed her rhythm and pulled out just long enough for Abby to turn around and take in Sasha’s outfit, or lack thereof. She was wearing a lacy black push-up bra and black boyshorts with an O-ring occupied by that perfect dick they’d chosen together. Her toned stomach glistened with sweat and flexed as she caught her breath. Her dark hair cascaded in long waves across her shoulders. Her eyebrow was raised in that confident and cocky sexiness Abby had grown to love. This was exactly the kind of visual Abby had been hoping to see.

  She opened her arms and Sasha stepped into them, lifting her up and carrying her to the other side of the couch. She grabbed Sasha’s face and kissed her deeply as Sasha filled her again, resuming the rhythm from before. Abby was right back at the precipice, Sasha’s mouth hot against her own, her body trembling under the feeling of Sasha’s breasts rubbing against hers.

  “Sasha.” She was breathless. She wouldn’t last long now.

  “You’re perfect. I love you.” Sasha bottomed out on her next thrust and Abby’s clit twitched from the contact of the harness, propelling her into the blinding orgasm she’d been waiting for.

  Abby cried out and gave in to the tremors provoked by Sasha’s repeated thrusts. She felt heat radiate everywhere as her body relaxed in that satiated perfection she couldn’t get enough of.


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