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Every Little Thing About You

Page 31

by Lori Wick

  being able to play the piano in church the day before and

  Every Little Thing About You 295

  hadn't broken down, even when Slater came to sit by her.

  She told herself that if she could just keep busy, she would

  ^iake it. Then Monday came, and she went to get the maiL


  Why she opened Dakota's letter just outside the building,

  she didn't know, but she had, and now she must find Slater.

  The jailhouse was empty. She thought about heading to

  Hathaways' house but was fairly certain he wouldn't still

  be there. She had just decided to go ask Tess if she knew

  where Griffin was so, she could ask him about Slater, when

  the door opened and the man she loved stepped in.

  "Hi," he said warmly, a smile coming to his face the

  moment he saw her. He came close but didn't try to speak.

  Liberty's face looked strained, and he thought she might

  cry if he touched her.

  "You see, it's like this," Liberty began with no warning. "I just like you so much, Slater." Tears came to her eyes, but she kept on. "I have from the start. I don't know when that

  turned to love, but it did, and it just won't go away. But all

  my love, Slater, doesn't change the fear, this horrible terror

  inside of me, that you only feel obligated."

  "I don't Libby," Slater clarified. "I promise you."

  "That's what Dakota said," she told him as she handed

  him the letter.

  Slater read, Dear Libby, nothing would induce Slater to


  marry a woman out of guilt. He's always loved you. Never forget

  that. Dakota.

  Slater looked down at her, his heart in his eyes. "I can't

  tell you how true this is, Libby. I love you so much. I ache

  with what I feel. I wish I could have done things differently

  at the Potters', if only to convince you that for weeks now,

  I've known you were the one."

  "Oh, Slater." Liberty wanted to stop crying but

  couldn't. "Please ask me again."

  Slater's arms were around her before she saw him


  "Marry me?"


  296 lori wick

  He held her gently, so very careful of her side. Liberty

  would have raised both arms to hold him close but could

  only manage one. Slater kissed her sweetly, first her soft

  cheek and then her mouth.

  "I love you, Libby. Don't you ever forget it."


  "I won't, Slater, but you can remind me anytime you


  Slater had to laugh. The only thing fuller than his arms

  right now was his heart, and that was fair to bursting.

  You did it, Lord, his heart cried in joy as he held Liberty

  with the utmost care. I didn't know how and I didn't know

  when. I only knew You would. I'll spend the rest of my days

  thanking You for this miracle You performed on my behalf.

  June 1882

  the telegram read: Dakota hurt. Come swiftly. D. Curtis. Slater had left for Desmond's house within the hour. Now, a week later, he moved swiftly toward Duffy and Kate's/

  one thought on his mind: seeing his wife.

  It was getting late. Darkness was falling fast, but Slater

  took little notice. He heeled Arrow to just short of a run as

  he moved toward the home his in-laws were sharing with

  them until he and his wife could find a place, his heart

  hoping he would find Liberty on her own.

  Slater took Arrow back to the bam, stabled him as


  swiftly as he could, and walked in ground-eating strides

  toward the kitchen door. All he could do was smile and

  lean against the door when he found Liberty at the kitchen

  table, a recipe book open in front of her. She was bent over

  reading something and took a moment to look up to see

  who had entered. An instant later she flew into his arms.

  "I missed you," she said as soon as she could breathe.

  Slater wanted only to kiss her again.

  "How's Dakota?" she finally got out.

  "Hurt bad," Slater said as he led her to a chair, sat in it,

  and invited her to sit in his lap. "He's lost a lot of blood,

  and he'll be at Desmond's place for a while, but he's strong.

  And the best news of all, Libby," Slater added, "he came to


  "Oh, Slater!"


  298 lori wick


  "It's true. Cash was there too. Dakota told us he's never

  been so scared. The bullets just kept coming, and he knew

  he couldn't do a thing. He said that he's never before seen

  how lost he was, and at that moment was completely terrified

  of dying. He talked to Desmond as soon as he woke

  up, but not until Cash and I got there did he tell anyone he

  was ready to talk to the Lord."

  "Oh, Slater." Liberty hugged him tightly. "I've been

  praying and praying. I must admit that I thought the Lord

  might use this injury in Dakota's life, but I didn't know

  how completely."

  Slater's sigh was heartfelt. "You should have seen his

  face, Lib. He looked so at peace. He's a shot-up mess, but

  all the fear and defensiveness are gone." Slater couldn't go

  on. He was suddenly too choked up to speak. He and Liberty

  sat quietly together until Slater heard a noise. It

  sounded like a tiny baby's cry.

  "What was that?" Slater asked, wondering if Zach and

  Laura had gotten a kitten.

  Liberty grinned hugely. "That's my baby sister."


  Slater's mouth fell open. "Your mother had her baby?"

  Liberty still grinned. "Last night, just before midnight.

  Come see her."

  Slater was in a state of shock as Liberty led him to the

  living room. It was empty, save for the small person in the

  cradle, who was just starting to make noise.

  "Well, now," she said tenderly as she scooped up the

  light bundle, "did you think we'd all forgotten you? You

  have to wake up and meet your big brother-in-law." Liberty

  bounced her a little and coaxed, "Come on, Jeanette,

  wake up and talk to us."

  Liberty and Slater laughed when the baby would have

  none of it. She turned her face toward Liberty and went

  back to sleep. The three of them sat on the sofa then, and

  Slater took Jeanette in his arms.

  "I've never seen anything so perfect," he said as he

  lifted her tiny hand and examined each finger. Jeanette's

  Every Little Thing About You 299

  tiny head was beautifully shaped and covered with soft,


  dark fuzz. She was feather-light to hold, and for a time

  Slater was transfixed with this precious infant

  "How's your mother?" he suddenly remembered to


  "Doing great. Up and around already and feeling

  strong. Duffy's plan is for her to take it easy on the stairs-- only two trips down a day--so I'll be bringing Jeanette down here with me so Mam can sleep and not think she's

  hearing the baby cry all the time."

  Their eyes went back to the baby then, and for a time

  they just watched her. Jeanette's next cry was a real one. In

  no time at all, she was awake and howling, obviously

  ready to be fed. Liberty
took her upstairs to Kate and then

  rejoined her husband on the sofa. They had not been apart

  since they'd been married in April. They spent some time

  catching up, both glad for a little time alone.

  "We could have one of our own," Slater offered, his

  arms holding Liberty tightly.

  "Indeed. I'm all for it," Liberty said with a smile.

  Slater moved to kiss her, accidently bumping her nose.

  "I'm sorry," he apologized.


  Liberty shrugged it off, saying, "My aim has always

  been better."

  Slater couldn't hold his laughter. Indeed, he was still

  laughing when Liberty kissed him, and as he expected, her

  aim was perfect.

  5" *3r 3'

  lori wick is one of the most

  versatile Christian fiction writers

  in the market today. Her works

  include pioneer fiction, a series

  set in Victorian England, and

  contemporary novels. Lori's

  books (over 1.5 million copies

  in print) continue to delight

  readers and top the Christian

  bestselling fiction list.

  Lori and her husband, Bob,

  live in Wisconsin with

  "the coolest kids


  in the world."




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