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FILTHY: A Steamy Romance Collection

Page 56

by Brent, Amy

  I placed a kiss on her cheek and walked away without another word. I could feel Pam’s suspicious eyes burning a hole in my back, but I paid no attention to it. Our marriage was fake, Jessica was an adult and, despite our little moment, nothing had happened. That was the truth, and I was sticking to it.


  A sickening feeling filled my gut as I watched my fake husband walk away.

  Despite their innocent explanation about study and pizza, I wasn’t stupid and knew something had happened. What that something was, I wasn’t sure, but the bulge in Ben’s pants and Jessica’s hurry to get out of the room filled my head with terrifying ideas. Since Jess hadn’t been angry or upset and I had no actual proof of anything, I controlled my temper and acted as if everything was well in the Walker household. But that didn’t mean I would let this go.

  No, my daughter was too sweet and innocent, and my husband was too old, too experienced and too married to be anywhere near her. I was determined to find out what he wanted from her and put an end to it before it even started.

  That was my job and my mission as a mother and wife.


  I ran so fast up the stairs it was a miracle I didn’t drop anything or fell on my face. My cheeks felt warm—too warm—but considering the multitude of feelings I had coursing through my veins, I honestly wasn’t entirely sure what my reaction was about.

  All I knew was that there was a part of me that felt embarrassed and almost ashamed of how uncharacteristically forward I had been to a man I knew I couldn’t have. Feeling like that made my heart pound and my eyes grow wet with unshed tears. However, there was also another part of me— one that was intrinsically connected to that new hunger Ben had woken inside of me—and it felt nothing but visceral anger at my mother for arriving before I had a chance to see where my time with Ben would lead.

  Torn and desperate for some alone time to collect my thoughts, I quickly crossed the hall toward my room. Once inside, I shut and locked the door behind me.

  With my eyes closed, I pressed my back against the door and slid down until my butt hit the floor. After tossing the books and papers I was holding aside, I folded my arms across my chest and rested my head against the wood.

  I pulled one, two, three lungsful of air, but they did nothing to remove the mess inside my head. If anything, they did the opposite. The darkness and the soft pressure of my own touch made me remember the warmth of Ben’s hand as it grazed my leg and how his muscles felt underneath his charcoal suit as I touched his arm. From there, my mind wandered to the intensity of his gaze and the melodic sound of his laugh.

  My heart continued to pound a frantic tattoo against my ribs as I replayed every second and every detail of our time together. I remembered the spicy scent of his cologne, the sexy tone of his voice and, above all, the way the air seemed to grow heavier and hotter in his presence. For weeks, I had wondered if the attraction I felt for him was one sided and now that I knew it wasn’t, my mind ran wild with the possibilities of what might have happened if my mother hadn’t arrived when she did.

  With my eyes still shut, I imagined Ben slowly reaching his face forward and touching his lips to mine. My lips parted as I wondered what his mouth would taste like and how rough his tongue would feel against mine. I pictured his hand grabbing my hair and pulling me closer as we kissed, and as a result, my breaths quickened with need and desire.

  Suddenly, the arms wrapped around my chest were no longer my own. They were his and they dug into my flesh with the same urgency I felt deep in my belly. Those hands started to move up my arm and across my chest. Fingers slid the spaghetti straps off my shoulders until my breasts were completely exposed and then proceeded to tease and pleasure my nipples.

  Moans passed through my open mouth as my need for more and for him intensified. Moisture pooled between my thighs and though I pressed my legs together, I found no relief to the throbbing in my pussy. Despite my lack of experience, I knew that there were only two ways that ache would stop. The first was by being well fucked by my daddy, the second was to take matters literally into my own hands.

  Since the first option wasn’t available at the moment, I went with option number two.

  I slid my hands from my breasts, past my stomach, and onto my hips. I hooked my thumbs at the elastic of my shorts and pulled the garment down my legs along with my lace panties until I was seating naked on the ground. Parting my legs, I ran my hands—which in my mind, were still Ben’s hands—up and around the soft skin of my thighs until they reached my center.

  A shiver went down my spine as the tips of my fingers touched my wet folds. A pleasurable Oh, formed on my lips as my thumb found its way to my clit and started massaging that magical little nub. The world fell away as my body was taken by the sparkling prelude of the fireworks to come and my fantasy expanded to include Ben’s dick touching me where no other man had ever gone before, and filling me in the way I desperately needed to be filled.

  Needing to feel something more, something that would connect my body to the image in my head, I pushed a finger inside my opening as I continued to circle my thumb around and around my clit. The pressure against my walls was divine, so I pulled my finger out and pushed it inside of me again. Completely taken by the novel and delicious feeling, I kept pleasuring myself like that until the build up inside my belly became almost unbearable. Then, once the fantasy became too real and the pleasure became too much, I gave in and whispered Ben’s name over and over as I lost myself in a much-needed, toe curling orgasm.

  Once the explosion inside of me finally subsided, I pulled my finger completely out and sighed with delight as the world finally came back into focus. The ringing of my cell phone was the first thing I acknowledged.

  Still feeling sluggish, I opened my eyes and reached for the device that was discarded beside me along with my books and papers. Without looking at the screen, I slid my finger toward the green button and answered the call.

  “Jess? Did I wake you, baby?” a serious and familiar voice asked in my ear, snapping me right out of my post orgasmic bliss.

  I closed my legs and cleared my throat. “Trey?” I asked, pulling the device away from my ear to see if I was imagining things. Unfortunately, I wasn’t.

  “Yeah,” he said as if it was evident.

  With a sigh, I said, “First of all, I’m not your baby anymore. We broke up six weeks ago. Secondly, it’s almost midnight on a weekday. I have classes tomorrow.”

  “I know,” Trey said in a tone that was a long departure from his usual cocky tone. “But I just got back in town, and I had to call you. I’ve missed you.”

  Honestly, I had no idea what to say. Saying that I hadn’t missed him one bit since we broke up felt nasty and mean, but at the same time, lying felt just as wrong. We had dated for a long time and, in my own way, I still cared for him.

  For that reason, I tried to let him down easy and used my sweetest voice to say, “As much as I’d love to see you too, I’ve been really busy with school. It’s my last year before med school and I can’t afford any distractions.”

  He sighed, but in true Trey fashion, pushed his luck. “C’mon, Jess. I’m sure you can squeeze some time for dinner or at least drinks.”

  I took a deep breath and opened my mouth, ready to turn him down in a more obvious way. But then, I looked at my mostly naked self, and the absurdity of my current situation hit me like a sack of bricks. I had just masturbated on the floor while fantasizing about a man who was twice my age, a self-proclaimed player and married to my mother. Despite the little stupid voice in my head saying that theirs was a marriage of convenience, I knew that this was all kinds of wrong and unhealthy.

  That realization made my body cold with fear. My tuition, as well as my mother’s and Ben’s future, depended on this deal they had and I couldn’t risk jeopardizing it because I was careless and horny. No, I had to find a way to keep my mind—and body parts—away from Ben Walker and, maybe, Trey was that way.

��Okay,” I said with a sigh. “I guess I can squeeze some time tomorrow night for dinner. But just so we’re clear, it’s not a date.”

  One of Trey’s throaty laughs echoed in my ear, and I couldn’t help but smile at it. We talked for another five minutes, mostly about where he would take me and what time we would meet, then, once we hung up, I put my clothes back on and dragged my ass to the bathroom to clean up before bed.

  I looked at my reflection in the mirror and did my best to convince myself that this plan would work. That Trey would be a great Ben substitute and that going out with him was my way of getting things back to the way they should be. However, as I finally lay down on my bed and closed my eyes, Ben returned to my mind.

  Realizing that my step-daddy was here to stay, I flipped onto my stomach and groaned at how royally screwed I was to want the one man I knew I couldn’t have.


  I had four conference calls, three meetings, signed two deals and fucked one intern on my office desk, and Jessica was still the only thing on my mind.

  I had stopped getting excited about just talking and flirting with a woman at the age of seventeen when I learned what seduction and fucking were all about, but for the first time in over two decades, it did it for me. Getting to know Jessica, flirting with her on my living room floor and getting caught up in her beauty and innocence had aroused me more than Vanessa’s pussy and I wanted more.

  Desperate to see her again, I rescheduled a business dinner with my new CFO and headed home. For some reason I can’t fathom, I stopped at a local pizza place and ordered two large pies to go. Maybe she would have to study again, and I wanted to be ready to keep her company the right way.

  As I parked my car, I realized that both Pam’s and Jessica’s cars were parked in our garage and felt my excitement dwindle a bit at the thought of having to share my night with my wife as well. Since there was nothing I could do about it, I checked myself in the mirror, and after assuring that my hair was perfect and my tie was straight, I grabbed the pizzas and stepped out of my car.

  Loud, annoying yelling was the first thing I noticed when I walked through the front door. Living alone for most of my life, my existence was a peaceful one and, most of the time, the only sound that ever echoed in my home was music playing in the background. I liked it that way and, for that reason, an instant frown formed between my eyes as I followed the sound all the way to my kitchen.

  The closer I got, the louder and clearer their angry words became. Then, once I was almost at the end of the hallway, Pam barked something that made me stop walking.

  “I thought that phase of your life was over, Jessica. That boy isn’t good for you, and you know it.”

  My nostrils flared with an anger I could barely control. Rationally, I knew I had absolutely no right to feel the way I did, but I didn’t really care. I wanted Jessica more than I had wanted anyone in a long time and though I couldn’t have her, that desire still made her mine.

  A groan echoed towards me, and Jessica’s voice followed. “Oh, my god, mom. Can you just not meddle? It’s my life, and I’m an adult. Those two things assure that I can do and see whoever I want, whenever I want.”

  Even more peeved by those words, I forced my feet to move again just as Pam started arguing that despite Jessica’s adulthood, her decision to go out for dinner and drinks with her ex was childish and stupid. In total agreement with my wife, I filled my lungs, straightened my back, and wore my commanding, powerful CEO expression as I made my way into the kitchen.

  “What the fucking hell is this godawful screaming in my house?” I demanded, making it crystal clear how annoyed I was.

  At my presence, both mother and daughter turned to look at me. Instantly, my eyes zoomed into Jessica who was wearing a pair of dark wash jeans that hugged her curvy hips and toned legs in ways that should be illegal. Her juicy cleavage was on full display thanks to the plunging neckline of her white boho top, and her face had a light coating of makeup that highlighted her natural beauty. It was without a doubt a date-worthy look, and I hated to see her dressed up like that for another man.

  She pulled in a deep breath when our gazes met. The angry intensity in my eyes made Jessica visibly flinch under my stare, and the corners of my lips tugged upward just a little bit at her reaction. Her mouth opened as if she was getting ready to say something, but before any words came out, I turned my attention to Pam.

  Unlike her daughter, Pam was clean faced, wearing lounging clothes and with an angry fire in her eyes that almost matched mine. With her hands on her hips, she said, “I’m sorry about the yelling, Ben. I didn’t realize we were so loud, but my daughter is being impossible, and I got carried away.”

  Jessica groaned at her mother’s words, but I just ignored her as I placed the pizzas over the counter and waved a hand at my wife’s apology. “I don’t want apologies, I want to know what’s happening.”

  “My ex-boyfriend is in town and invited me out for drinks and something to eat,” Jessica blurted out before her mother could say anything. I turned my eyes to her once more and received a challenging glance as she continued, “I said yes—not that it concerns either of you since I’m a freaking adult.”

  I clenched my teeth and pulled a long and deep breath to calm the need I suddenly felt to spank her. The idea of my hand slapping her naked round ass was arousing, but not enough to completely subside the anger I felt at that moment.

  “You may be an adult, but what you do is absolutely our concern,” I explained in a calm and purposely condescending voice. “You’re Pam’s daughter, living under my roof and I’m the one paying for your education. For those reasons, you need to respect your mother, the house’s rules and honor the investment I’m making in your future.”

  A spark of outraged fire glowed in Jessica’s eyes at my words, but I didn’t back down or looked away from her. Instead, I stood beside her mother and continued to stare deep into her eyes challenging her anger and stubbornness with my own.

  “So, you’re saying that because you’re paying for stuff and my mom doesn’t like Trey, I don’t get to have a life. Is that it?” There was disdain for both her mother and me as she asked the question.

  Deep down, I wanted to say that it wasn’t right. That she could have a life as long as it didn’t involve another man meddling with what was mine. But I knew I couldn’t say that, especially in front of Pam, so instead I pulled in a deep breath and prepared myself to give her another good—and acceptable—explanation as to why she couldn’t leave with Trey.

  However, before a word came out of my mouth, the doorbell rang. Jessica looked behind me and took a step toward the arch leading into the hallway, but I stepped in front of her.

  “We have a butler in this house,” I informed in a cold and firm tone. Then, narrowing my eyes at her, I added, “And you don’t walk out on me.”

  Her chest bounced with heavy breaths as our silent staring match continued. With each passing second, my desire to grab her by the neck and kiss her lips grew and, despite Pam’s presence, I almost gave in. Luckily, before I had a chance to do something I would certainly regret, Geoffrey walked in to announce Trey Mulligan.

  Finally, Jessica looked away from my eyes and smiled as she walked around me. “Hey, Trey,” she brazenly greeted, and my hands balled up into fists.

  I turned around just in time to see Jessica—my Jessica—wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him on the cheek. My blood boiled and my hands closed so tightly my knuckles grew white and cold.

  My problem with him wasn’t just the sweet greeting he had gotten from the woman I desired. It wasn’t even the moronic smile on his lips or the fact that he had chosen to wear a t-shirt, jeans, and Chucks to a date. No, my problem was that I simply couldn’t understand what the hell she was doing with him. There was no way a boy like that would ever be good enough or able to satisfy her as well as I could.

  “Hi, Ms. Carlisle,” he greeted in a cocky voice.

  Pam let out an audible sigh,
and when I stole a glance sideways to look at her, her lips were pressed together in the grimmest of smiles. “Hello, Trey. Hope you’re doing well.”

  I rolled my eyes at her politeness and interrupted the chit-chat.

  “She’s Mrs. Walker now, and I’m her husband, Benjamin Walker,” I said as I walked in his direction and extended a hand. The confident smile slipped right off his lips at my approach, and I reveled in the feeling of superiority his reaction brought me.

  The boy cleared his throat and placed his cold palm in mine. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Nice to meet you, Sir.”

  At least he was properly addressing me. It would have been tough for me to allow him to keep his teeth in his mouth had he called me by my given name. Through the corner of my eyes, I saw the annoyed look Jessica was giving me, and the knowledge that I was affecting her made my lips curl into a smile as I squeezed his hand with all of my strength.

  “I wouldn’t say that it’s nice to meet you, but since I have, let me make some things clear,” I started while still squeezing his fingers and received dirty looks from Jessica and Pam who had suddenly materialized beside me. Not fazed by them one bit, I continued, “I’m new at this parenting thing, but Pam and Jessica mean a lot to me. I won’t have anyone mess up their lives or hurt them. Is that clear?”

  Trey pulled in a long breath and nodded. At his unsatisfactory reply, I tightened my grip a bit more, and though he visibly winced, he also answered with words. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good,” I said finally releasing my hold on him. He covered his right hand with his left and massaged the pain away as I added, “Since it’s a weeknight and Jessica has classes tomorrow, I expect her back here and you gone by ten-thirty.”


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