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Devi’s Distraction: Icehome Book 7

Page 10

by Dixon, Ruby

  “Clean,” she teases, and then nips my lower lip.

  I groan, eyes closing. Little tease. “I shall clean it every day, just for you.”

  “You’ll spoil me.” Her hot mouth nips at mine again, and she leans in, brushing her teats against my chest. “Heck, I’m already spoiled. Four arms is just…twice as amazing.”

  “You like my four arms?” I slide all my hands down her sides, and let two of them stray to her backside, clenching hard. She moans and rocks against me again.

  “Oh yes, yes I do.” Devi kisses me hard again, rocking against me. “I’ve never done this, N’dek.” She presses her forehead to mine, her eyes closing. “I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing.”

  “You are touching me. I am touching you. That is all we need to know.”

  “Is this new to you, too?” She leans back and gazes at me. “Or am I the only virgin?”

  “I have touched no female before you, if that is what you are asking.” I caress her jaw, even as I drag her hips further up my thigh, loving how she grinds down against my muscles. “When the Great Smoking Mountain killed most of my clan, I was not yet a hunter. There were no females I had my eye on…and then after that, there were no females save for one, and she soon resonated to another.” I shake my head. “It is only Devi that makes my cock so hard that feels harder than bone.”

  She sucks in a breath. I think for a moment that she will speak more of our inexperience, but her eyes are bright with anticipation. “Can I touch it?”

  “My…cock?” As if I could ever refuse such a thing. When she nods, I bite back another groan. Even now, my Devi is excited to learn. She will kill me with her enthusiasm. “I am yours to touch, my Devi.”

  My female looks down at my lap, where the furs barely cling to my achingly erect cock. The shape of me makes a pointed tent of the blankets, and I want her to brush them aside and take me in her hand.

  I have never wanted anything more than that.

  Devi puts her hand on my cock—over the furs—and traces my length. Her eyes go wide. “Oh, you got very big.”

  I growl low in my throat, pulling her other hand to my mouth and kissing it furiously. She is so soft here, it makes me want to lick her everywhere. “Touch it,” I tell her thickly. “Touch it however you like.”

  “This is good for now,” she says shyly, stroking her hand up and down my length. It feels so good…and it does not feel like enough. I want to rip the furs away and grind myself into her palm. I want her to touch my sac, to flick my spur…I imagine a thousand different touches at once. Her fingers on the head of my cock. Her fingers dancing along the ridges. Her mane falling over my belly as she leans in…

  I groan, my hand covering hers as my body clenches in release. I cannot believe such a thing flashed through my mind. Females do not put their mouths on males…do they?

  I cannot believe I just came.

  “Oh,” Devi murmurs, her voice soft and sweet. She gives me a bashful look. “Was it too much? I’m sorry. Is there a more appropriate way to handle a penis?”

  “A what?” I pant, trying to concentrate. Her hand is still gripping my length, and it feels so good even though I am sticky with my own release. She gives me a little squeeze and my cock spurts once again, my breath hissing from between my teeth.

  “A penis,” she says, her voice soft. “That’s the scientific name for it. What do you call it?”

  “A cock,” I grit out, because she is still squeezing me.

  “A cock,” Devi murmurs.

  Another shudder ripples through me at her words. “Say it again,” I groan, squeezing her bottom. “I like to hear you say that.”

  “Cock,” she says again, and then licks my mouth. “I like that. It sounds more masculine, more virile. Other men can have penises, but you have a cock, N’dek.”

  Impossibly, I am getting hard again. I pant as she nips at my jaw, my hands clenching against her body. I want to touch her as she touches me, but she is so distracting that it is difficult to concentrate. “You should move your hand unless you want me to come again,” I growl at her.

  “Is that a threat?” She gives me a teasing look. “Because I liked making you come. It makes me feel powerful.” And she leans in and licks the tip of my nose.

  That makes me think of things she can do with her tongue that should not be done and I groan once more. “Can I touch you?”

  Her hand squeezes on my cock again. “Yes.” She sounds as breathless as me.

  I slide a hand between her thighs and cup her where she is hottest. “Tell me what you call this.”

  She moans, the sound long and sweet. Her eyes close and she pushes down against my hand. “Like…the vulva? The inside or the outside? Or all of it?”

  “Any,” I murmur, and lean in to nip at the column of her throat. She is so lovely and graceful, long and lean compared to the other humans. When she shivers, I nip her again. I want to give her tiny, teasing bites everywhere.

  Especially where I am cupping.

  “Oh, uh…well, there’s vulva, and labia…there’s actually two sets of labia…” There is a dazed expression on her face as her hand clings to my shoulder, her other still gripping my rapidly hardening cock.

  “Here?” I ask, and push deep between her folds with my middle finger. I can feel her cunt part beneath the leather, allowing me to stroke her deeper.

  Devi makes a choked sound in her throat. “Yes. Labia, ah, majora…minora…whatever.” She pants, rubbing against my finger. “Wh-what do you call it?”

  “Cunt,” I growl, and nip at her throat again. “A hot, wet, perfect cunt.”

  “Oh.” She shudders. “Oh, that’s so obscene and it sounds so perfect coming from you. I think I like your words better.” Devi bucks against my hand, and she presses her forehead to one of my horns.

  “Where do you like your cunt touched, my Devi?”

  She whimpers, the most beautiful sound. “Up,” she tells me. “Move your finger up.”

  I obey, dragging the pad of my finger forward along the seam of her cunt.

  Devi gives a choked cry when I reach the top, where her thick folds meet her sweet mound. “Oh fuck me, right there.”

  “There?” I whisper into her ear, rubbing hard enough that she will feel me through the leather.

  She does not respond—instead, she writhes against me, whimpering. She arches her hips and I drag her back down with my hands, rubbing that spot. “Tell me what this is called, my Devi,” I demand. “What I am touching.”

  “My clit,” she sobs, and she squeezes my cock again. “Oh, fuck, it’s my clit and that feels so good—”

  I growl as she strokes me, rubbing harder. I want to touch the teats that bounce enticingly near my face as she rocks her hips, grinding down against my finger. I want her hand on my cock and not on the sticky leather that covers it. I want so much more than this quick release—I want an entire night of her in the furs with me.

  No, I want a lifetime of her in the furs with me.

  Devi arches up against me again, and then she drops her head to my shoulder, biting down ferociously as she quakes with her release. I can hear her scream against my skin, and the hard nip of her teeth. Her savage response is so exciting that my foolish cock spurts seed all over again, coating the furs once more.

  She squeezes and squeezes, even as she bites my shoulder again, and nothing has ever been so good as that mouth on my skin. I groan out her name, and then hold her close as she collapses against me, panting.

  Time passes. Her heartbeat slows. My breathing becomes normal. I grow increasingly aware of the delicious sprawl of Devi’s delicate limbs over mine, and the way she fits perfectly against me. I still have my hand between her spread thighs, but when I touch her lightly, she makes a sound and shifts her weight away, indicating that it is too much.

  I know how she feels. If she gives my cock one more squeeze, I fear my entire body will come apart in response.

  I have never felt such pleasure, such utter j
oy in another’s touch. There is nothing better than how Devi responded to me…or that wicked bite she gave me when she came. “I think I must go to the healer,” I murmur.

  She jolts upright, a look of alarm in her eyes as she meets my gaze. “Oh god, what’s wrong?”

  I tap my shoulder. “I have this terrible bite—”

  Her eyes widen even more and then she buries her face against my neck again, laughing. “You had better behave or I will bite you again, naughty man,” she chides.

  “How can I possibly behave if you promise such things?” I tease. She sighs and tucks herself closer to my chest, and I feel utter contentment. This is where she belongs, here in my arms.

  “I should get going soon,” she says, her voice sated and sleepy and muffled by my neck. “I just wanted to check on you.”

  I tighten my arms around her. I do not want her to go. I want her to stay here with me. The ache of my stump is nothing to the ache that would be in my chest if she left. “Stay,” I say to her. “Stay and sleep beside me tonight. Your clothes can stay on. I just want to hold you.”

  She is quiet for a moment, and then lifts her head to gaze at me. “If I do, will you chew those roots and use them on your leg? I realize that you’re tired of sitting around, but you’re going to be sitting around that much more if you hurt yourself.” She studies my face, her fingers touching my chin, and then adds, “But you are an adult and do as you please. Just know that it would please me to have you take care of yourself.”

  “But you will stay?”

  Devi rolls her eyes, but nods. “I will, you impossible man.” She picks one of the roots up off the furs, from where it has fallen, discarded in our caresses. “Now open up and get to chewing.”



  I wake sometime before dawn with an arm around my shoulders, one around my waist, another on my hips, and a raging erection poking me in the backside.

  All right, I shouldn’t have stayed here all night. The darn man was just too cute with his sad puppy-dog eyes as he asked me to stay. How could I resist? Being with him was amazing. After we fooled around, we cuddled and he put on pants so I wouldn’t feel awkward sleeping next to him. I rubbed his leg, we talked, cuddled some more, and I fell asleep curled up in his arms.

  For the first time since I arrived here, I slept through the night without waking up shivering. N’dek’s like my own personal electric blanket as he drapes himself all over me, and I love it. I loved sleeping against him. I loved fooling around with him.

  I just feel so stinkin’ happy this morning, too.

  But the skies are gray with pre-dawn and I need to sneak back to my bunk or there are going to be a million questions to answer and I don’t want that. I don’t want anyone asking questions, not when I have no answers. Like N’dek said, we’re going to take things one day at a time. So I carefully lift his arms and slide my way out.

  He groans and tries to pull me back against him. “Come back.”

  I laugh, because of course he’d say that. “I’m going to head back to my furs before anyone realizes I’m gone.” I ignore his grabbing hands and get to my feet, then eye his rather spectacular body as he rolls onto his back and gives me a view of breathtakingly broad chest. “You’ll try and stay off your leg today? Let the swelling go down?”

  N’dek cracks one eye open and looks at me. “I will consider it.”

  I snort. “That’s a no if I ever heard one. I’ll see you later, then?”

  “You will,” he says confidently, and I shiver at the purr in his voice. For a moment, I want to say screw it and dive back under the covers with him, but then I think of Bridget and A’tam and how everyone in camp knew their business right away. She’s handled the teasing well, and I’m not sure I could do the same.

  So before I can change my mind, I smile at him and leave the tent.

  The morning is chilly, and it feels like it’s gonna be a snow day. That doesn’t change a thing for the games or anything else, it just means a constant patter of cold wet against my skin. Not my favorite. I brush my tangled hair back from my face, hoping that the weather makes a few people sleep in, and quickly cross through the camp, head down. I make it to the women’s cave without a problem, but the moment I go inside, Sam sits up in her bunk.

  She arches an eyebrow at me. “Walk of shame?” She mouths, curious.

  Oh no. Is it that obvious? I touch my hair, blushing. It is rather tangled and I’m not entirely sure my clothes are on straight. “Please don’t say anything,” I whisper.

  “I would never.” She closes her eyes and pretends to go back to sleep.

  I slip under my blankets and try to finger-comb my hair furtively. My thoughts are still on N’dek and the way he kissed me last night, the drag of his fingers against my labia and up to my clit, the rock-hard length of him under the furs that I wasn’t quite brave enough to uncover. Gosh, making out with him was thrilling. There’s no other word for it. Just thinking about touching him makes me get all quivery inside, and I get wet between the thighs again.

  I’ve never reacted to anyone like I have N’dek. I’ve been on plenty of blind dates set up by Nani or my mother, always with good Indian boys looking for an eventual wife, but we never click. Ever. I’ve never even tongue-kissed one like I have N’dek. My dates never made it past the first one because we always wanted different things. I wanted a career involving lots of summers in hot deserts, digging through sand and rock for fossils, and long nights at the lab poring through information. Most of the guys I was set up with wanted a wife who gave up her career to raise children. I know not all Indian men want that, but Nani and Mom seemed to think those were the right guys for me because those were the only ones I met.

  Not that it matters now. I think of my mother and grandmother achingly and hope they don’t miss me too much. I hope they know that I’m happy here.

  Strangely, I am. I love this place. I don’t mind that it’s cold and I wear leather all day long. I don’t mind that I sleep on a cave floor and cotton panties are a thing of the past. I’m having fun exploring the wildlife here…

  And there’s N’dek.

  I pull my covers over my head to hide my giddy smile.

  I can’t sleep, so as the others wake up and dress, I yawn and fake doing the same. I change my clothes because my tunic smells like N’dek’s skin and if I can smell it, I’m sure the other aliens will be able to. I braid my hair and head out toward the main fire, fighting back another yawn. I didn’t realize how late we were up last night, but I feel tired and sluggish as I take my morning cup of tea.

  A hand touches my back. Warm breath brushes over my ear. “I have something for you,” N’dek murmurs, sending goosebumps up my spine. I didn’t even realize he was awake.

  I turn around and look at him. He’s so tall, I realize. I’ve always known that he’s thick and stocky, like all of the Strong Arm men, but he’s gloriously tall, too, and I realize it all the more as he hovers over me. N’dek smiles down at me and holds out a small pouch.

  Shrimp shells. I swallow a laugh, fishing one out. “Will it hurt me if I take two? I’m rather sleepy this morning.”

  “Two is fine. You should not have stayed up so late.” His eyes are hooded with lust as he pops one into his mouth.

  I can feel myself blushing as I take two shells and dump them into my tea, swirling it with a finger. “What can I say? I was preoccupied.”

  “You should retire early tonight,” he murmurs. “Perhaps—”

  “N’dek,” someone calls.

  We both turn.

  J’shel stands with Taushen, R’jaal, and Veronica’s golden dragon mate, Ashtar. J’shel waves at N’dek impatiently. “Come and help me convince Ashtar that he should not confront Old Grandfather. Tell him that it is a very bad idea.”

  “It is a very bad idea,” N’dek says loudly. He touches my arm and then moves past me, going to stand with the cluster of men as they argue loudly about the enormous bird that nearly ate J’shel and
Hannah’s little party. I watch N’dek as he walks, noticing that he wobbles on his leg sometimes, as if the prosthetic isn’t striking the ground properly, but he’s got it strapped tightly to his knee, and perhaps it’s like he said, he needs time to adjust it. I study his back, rather pleased and proud how he stands toe-to-toe with the others, as if he’s never been out of action for a single day. It’s not my accomplishment, but I’m so proud of him it makes my chest swell.

  I take a sip of my shrimp tea and…oooh. It’s a lot like a spicy chai, and I can feel the caffeine surge through my veins. I don’t care how gross it is, I’m a fan. I continue sipping it, and my gaze strays to the shore. It’s early morning, the best time to look at what the beach has washed up, since the tide is out. I know today is more of those darn games, but I can’t resist the siren call of the beach. I drain my cup, shake the tea leaves and shells into the fire and then set it down for the next person to use, and trot down to the shore.

  I’m giddy to see all kinds of exciting-looking lumps on the sand, and before I know it, I’m totally immersed in specimens. Some of them are half-eaten, some bloated in death, but there are a few fresh, promising things I’ve never seen before, and one that looks like a fish with tentacle-like feet, which throws me off. I’ve never seen anything like that, and I spend so much time dissecting and examining that I fail to notice that someone’s standing over me until they block my light.

  I look up, thinking it’s N’dek again, a smile on my face.

  It’s S’bren.

  I can feel my face fall. “Oh. Hi.” I smile brightly. “What’s up?”

  He holds out another dead tentacled fish, a better specimen than the half-eaten one I’m currently picking apart to study. “I found this for you.”

  I get to my feet, straightening. “Ah…” I’m not entirely sure I should take it, because I know these men can get strangely possessive over the smallest things.

  S’bren nudges it toward me. “Take it. I have no use for it. I merely saw it and thought of you.” When I continue to hesitate, he adds, “I know N’dek has your heart.”


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