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Shadow Angel: Book One

Page 22

by Leia Stone

  Suddenly, my mom appeared in the open portal. Her lip was bleeding, eye black and blue, hair a stringy mess, but she looked madder than hell. In her hands was a thick, black, smoky chain, swirling and moving as if it were alive.

  “Tatum Angelina Powers, I know your gran didn’t raise a fool,” my mother declared in an authoritative mom voice. “I command you to go to Avalon and receive your ascension blessing.” The next instant, she yanked the chain with supernatural force and Apollyon’s legs swept out from under him. Before he could regain his footing, he was hauled backward into the portal, and then it snapped shut with a crack, the grass beneath it burning.

  The words she spoke slammed into me, and I nodded. Becoming a Lumen, getting the tattoos and weapons and powers, was the only way I was ever going to be able to fight Apollyon and save my mom.

  The demons remaining in the courtyard roared back to life, but now that they were no longer funneling out of the portals in droves, I felt better leaving the Lumens to deal with them.

  “Tatum, go!” Drea screamed as Jacob dropped her right on top of a level two bat chimera demon. She sliced its throat with one clean swipe and then landed on her feet in the garden.

  Kicking off from where I stood, I bolted through the garden, weaving in and out of the melee. Demons and hunters slashed at each other like mad. There were broken windows, scorched grass, and the sounds of battle all around me.

  Reaching the sanctuary’s double doors, I checked over my shoulder. Aurelia was racing up the steps. When she joined me, she turned to face the battle.

  “I won’t let anyone in. I swear it on my life.” She held her glowing blue sword aloft and looked out at the advancing demons.

  That was the thing though, I didn’t want anyone to protect me with their life, but it didn’t seem like there was anything I could do about that now.

  Pushing all of that aside, I burst through the doors and ran across the room. When I reached the portal I leapt without hesitation into the swirl of blue and white, letting the feeling of peace come over my body and saturate my very soul.

  I was airborne for a moment, there was a flash of golden light, and then warmth kissed my skin as my feet touched the ground. My surroundings slowly came into focus, and when I realized I was standing before an angelic being with a twelve-foot wingspan, I dropped to my knees and bowed my head.

  I knelt on a glass bridge. Through it I could see waterfalls, trees, lakes, and rivers down below. Underneath me, snowy white doves flew in and out of marshmallow fluff clouds as I stared in wonder at the world that was Avalon.

  The deepest peace I’d ever known fell over me. Tears welled in my eyes as I bowed my head and took in the wonderment. Gran’s healing, my mom, my father being Apollyon, and even Gage didn’t bother me here. It was like I left all that stuff back at Lumen Academy.

  “Hello, Tatum,” a deep yet gentle voice called above me.

  I looked up into the gaze of the seven-foot angel now standing before me. His eyes glowed light purple, and his skin was a bronzed gold. His long blond hair hung over his shoulders, and I couldn’t help but stare at his armor. The sword at his hip was nearly as tall as me. His golden breastplate and wrist cuffs gleamed; his thigh protectors wrapped around solid muscle. I thought I looked badass and battle ready, but that was nothing compared to this dude. This being was built for war.

  I pushed to my feet on shaky legs.

  “I’m Cael, and we’re all so glad you’re here.” He smiled warmly at me, and a chorus of cheers rang out behind him. I moved slightly to the side and peered through a gap in his white feathered wings to see a golden castle at the end of the glass bridge. It appeared to be floating in the sky and was like nothing I’d ever seen before. The cheering figures in and around the glistening fortress were small blips, too hard to make out, but they screamed and thrust their fists into the air enthusiastically.

  “What’s the excitement all about?” I asked.

  He tilted his head as he regarded me, his gaze full of affection. “It’s for you, beloved child. We thought we almost lost you to the Shades.”

  A sob formed in my throat and tears welled in my eyes. The angels of Avalon were cheering for me? Tears spilled over and ran down my cheeks.

  “I would never choose Shade,” I assured him, sniffling, “I just had to save my gran.”

  He nodded once. “Admirable.”

  I was about to reply when I caught a hint of color in the sky and peered up. I gasped when I saw the stained glass overhead. This place was breathtaking.

  We were chilling on a glass bridge in the sky, but there was stained glass above us, trapping the clouds inside the most colorful dome I’d ever seen. It was like all of the artists in the world got together and created this masterpiece of a place.

  “Sorry.” I shook myself, facing him again. “This is all just… so much. I don’t know how to process it all at once.”

  His warm smile deepened. “Common reaction actually.”

  “I’ll bet. Sorry if I’m late, I had a bit of trouble getting here.” I reached up and rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

  His smile faltered while sadness crept into his gaze. “We saw that. I’m sorry we could not be of service.”

  I frowned. “Yeah, why are you guys all hanging out up here when the demons are ravaging Earth?” The second it flew from my mouth I regretted being so blunt. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that—”

  “You did. And that’s okay.” He chuckled softly, and I sighed in relief, thankful he was amused by my candor and not annoyed. I wasn’t looking to go to Avalon and get smote by the first archangel I met. “We used to travel to Earth freely and check in on the humans there. We would help in any way that we could. But unfortunately it’s become so filled with darkness and evil, the dimension no longer supports our form. Our bodies simply cannot pass through the portal to Earth without being irrevocably harmed.”

  Whoa. Earth was so messed up that even regular angels couldn’t go there anymore? Man, if that wasn’t a reality check, I didn’t know what was.

  All levity bled from Cael’s gaze and a sinking feeling settled in my gut, warning me that whatever came next was going to be heavy. “Watchers were created to protect Earth and its inhabitants from evil if the angels of Avalon were ever unable to do so themselves. The hope was always that Watchers would lead relatively normal lives, thriving with the rest of humanity and never knowing their true lineage, never needing to be called to action. For many thousands of years that was the case, but not anymore. Humanity’s free will opened the door to darkness. By distorting the truth with lies, and tempting them with wealth, Apollyon took advantage of the situation and swayed some Watchers away from their true missions and made them Shades. Watchers of light, the Lumens, are truly the only ones holding the darkness at bay.”

  “Is there truly nothing you can do to help us?” I asked. It didn’t seem fair that Apollyon’s demons were allowed to ravage Earth but the angels of Avalon couldn’t help with the fight. Even just a few of these suped-up angels would surely help tip the scales in the direction of good.

  Cael’s mouth pinched as he shook his head. “I’m afraid not, but there’s hope that will change one day. Right now, we can only gift you with powers and help guide you.”

  I peered past Cael to see the angels had quieted, and now flew up and around the castle, some holding swords and other spears. What did they need weapons for in this place? Wasn’t the battle on Earth? I frowned, and he seemed to read my expression.

  “We have our own challenges. Even in Avalon,” Cael said, causing goose bumps to break out onto my skin. “But that’s not for you to worry about. You’re here now.” He clapped his hands together. “And we’re so glad you’ve chosen to become a Lumen.”

  Reaching out, he placed one of his hands on each of my shoulders. His hands were so large they completely engulfed the shoulder plates, and his thumbs brushed my neck. Heat poured from his palms, through my armor and down my back, where it settled
along my spine.

  “I have a very special mission for you, Tatum, one set apart from any other mission given to another Lumen. Something that we are aware is a lot to ask.” His tone was gentle, but his words scared the crap out of me. But he was a living, breathing, feathered angel, so I wasn’t going to deny anything he asked of me.

  “Whatever it is, I’ll do it,” I assured him.

  He beamed with pride, and the heat between my shoulder blades turned into a burning sensation. I winced and opened my mouth to ask what he was doing to me when he said, “Would you trust me if I told you that you aren’t ready to know exactly what it is yet? Only that it involved eventually defeating Apollyon?”

  When an angel asked if you trusted him, you obviously didn’t say no. But defeat Apollyon? That was a big ask. I opened my eyes so wide they felt like they were going to fall out of my head.

  “Defeat the ruler of the Netherworld?” I yelped. That sounded like something fit for Aurelia, or someone much more advanced.

  The buzz from his touch intensified, and I was about to shrug out of his grasp when a cool balm from his palms went right to the heated skin on my back.

  “It’s a lot to ask, but only you can do it. As Apollyon’s daughter, you alone have the abilities needed for this task.”

  I knew it. I knew some of Apollyon’s darkness had leaked into me. “But you won’t tell me how?”

  He smiled. “In time.”

  “And if I complete this mission?” I chewed my lip.

  “Only then can the balance be restored to Earth so that we could go there again. We could help the humans and bring peace to all who live there.”

  I squirmed. “I mean, Apollyon moves stuff with a flick of his hand, I’m not sure—”

  “Oh.” The angel grinned, his hands still on my shoulders as small vibrations of energy pulsed through me. “Are you worried you won’t be powerful enough?”

  I nodded. The ruler of the Netherworld against Would-You-Like-Ketchup-With-That? Tatum. There was a clear winner there, and it wasn’t me.

  He released me and the power fled my system, leaving me feeling dizzy and worn out.

  “Tatum, if you do not fulfill your mission, Earth will fall into a darkness that will be beyond repair,” he stated bluntly.

  My mouth popped open. “Wait, what? Surely there is someone else—?”

  “There is not. But it’s your choice.” He crossed his arms and his biceps bulged.

  Way to put the weight of the world on a barely eighteen-year-old’s shoulders. But I couldn’t let the world fall into darkness on my account.

  “Of course I’ll try, but I’m going to need the works. Wings, tattoos of light, weapons.” I held out my arms for him to give me the good stuff and gasped when I looked down at them. They were covered in thin white glowing arcs and swirls.

  I peered over my shoulder and cried out in surprise when I saw two white transparent wings hanging off of my back.

  When he was touching me, he was giving me my powers. Mind. Blown.

  “It’s done? I’m a Lumen?” I asked as a giddy feeling bubbled up inside of me.

  The cheers in the mansion behind him started up again, and angels flew up into the sky.

  I was so humbled by their excitement, it nearly brought me to my knees again. “So you’ll tell me my mission soon?”

  Cael grinned. “It was an honor to meet you, Tatum.”

  Well, if that wasn’t a polite no, I didn’t know what was.

  “Thank you,” I managed to say through the lump in my throat.

  He nodded and I started to turn around.

  “Tatum,” he called after me.

  I spun, facing him, and swayed a little, still not used to the wings. They might be translucent, but they still had some weight.

  “No one is irredeemable. Remember that.” His violet gaze held mine as confusion swirled in my mind. I had barely opened my mouth to ask what he meant before I was being sucked backward into the same portal that had brought me here.

  I landed back in the sanctuary, my ankle twisting awkwardly on the uneven stone floor and a tingle of pain shot up my leg. A swirl of tattoos lit up on my arm and then the discomfort disappeared.


  Drea! My friends. I had no idea how long I was gone and if they still needed me.

  Rushing forward and out the double doors, I stopped when I was met with the cheering crowd of my fellow Lumen.

  They were battle weary, covered in blood, but screaming their heads off in joy.

  “You got wings,” Drea grinned, and then rushed toward me.

  I opened my arms and wrapped them around her after she slammed into me. Laughter bubbled out of us both as she pulled back and checked out my tattoos, comparing ours.

  She pointed to one swirl. “Whoa, what’s this one do?”

  I frowned. “Aren’t they all the same?” They looked like hers to me.

  She chuckled. “It’s angelic script, we learn to read it as children. This one is healing.” She pointed to one swirl. “This for speed.” She pointed to a tighter swirl with a tail coming off the back. “Weapons. Light magic—”

  “Let her breathe, daughter.” Aurelia stepped up behind Drea and pulled me into a hug. “Good job, kiddo.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled but then peered at an injured hunter being carried away behind her and the grin slipped from my face. “People are hurt.”

  “They are.” Aurelia nodded. “But it is a pleasure to protect those ascending to Avalon and cause for celebration.” She bowed slightly and emotion clogged my throat.

  Before I could respond, Jacob walked over with a grin. “Wings? That means you’ll need flying lessons.”

  “Yeah, she can get them from Dash. He’s a better flier.” Drea put one hand on her hip.

  I smiled, trying not to think of the injured or the carnage littering the courtyard, instead I focused on the warm welcome from my friends. I was a Lumen now and Aurelia was right, it was to be celebrated.

  Marlow, Skye, and Dash were next, timidly stepping to our little group. Marlow was the first to speak. “Hey, sorry we kinda got spooked when—”

  “The Ruler of the Netherworld said he was my father?” I offered.

  Skye tossed her hair over one shoulder. “Yeah, that was slightly disturbing. But you’re one of us now.”

  “Forgiven?” Dash asked from where he hid behind his usual black hoodie.

  I smiled. “Forgiven.”

  Drea pulled her fingers into her mouth and whistled. Every hunter in the courtyard turned in our direction.

  “It’s party time!”

  Whoops and cheers rang all around me and then I was being hoisted into the air and carried back to the school.

  The carnage around the courtyard was a reminder of the battle we’d undertaken today, but for what happened in Avalon, it was worth it.

  Three hours later, I had showered, changed, and stuffed myself with five slices of pizza, two cupcakes, and three glasses of sparkling cider. Even Jasmine and her twin brother James were at my party. I was glad to see that Jasmine was fine after being injured by the serpentine demons during the attack last week.

  Drea pointed to Jacob. “Your face when you saw her wings! You were so jealous.”

  Jacob frowned. “Was not. Dash has wings too.”

  “And you hate it.” Drea tossed a cherry at his head, but he jerked to the side and caught it in his mouth, giving her a wink.

  Dash leaned into me slowly. “You know they will retract with a simple thought. If you’re done showing them off.”

  Oh they would? I hadn’t even noticed them. I was starting to get used to the weight. Unlike Dash’s and Jacob’s, which were made of feather and bone, mine were made of light and smoke.

  I thought of them sucking in my back and they retracted, sending a tingle down my spine. Drea and Marlow jumped a little.

  Marlow grabbed her chest. “Warn us, dude! That’s freaky!”

  I burst out laughing and thought about opening
them again. They snapped out, cutting through the air, and Jacob grinned. “See. They’re fun, huh?”

  “Braggers!” Skye yelled. But then she lifted her hand and wiggled her perfectly manicured nails in the air and sparks of light danced over her fingers.


  I was about to try to show off another new power when my phone buzzed.

  “Be right back.” I slipped out of the cafeteria where my birthday party was being held and pulled out my phone. Maybe it was Gran. When I looked down at the screen, I frowned.


  “Hello?” I picked up.

  A sob ripped through the other end of the line and chills broke out on my arms.

  “We’re outside Lumen Academy. He’s dying,” she wailed.

  I froze. “What? Who?”

  “Gage!” she screamed.

  Something took hold of my heart and squeezed. Gage. Dying.

  My wings snapped out of my back and then I was running.

  We were on the third floor, and I wasn’t wasting any time if Gage was dying. The window at the end of the hall was open to the city below.

  “Tatum!” Drea yelled, but I ignored her and leapt onto the windowsill, yanking the screen off and throwing it to the floor inside of the building.

  When I looked down, in the glow of the streetlamp I saw a sobbing Indigo hovering over a body that was covered in blood.

  “Gage!” I yelled and then jumped.

  In hindsight, I probably should have taken a flying lesson first. The crisp night air swirled around me, and I instinctively flapped my wings as my hair whipped around my face, covering my eyes. Fear sliced through me as I wobbled left and right, dropping fast. It wasn’t a graceful descent, but I didn’t die, so that was something.

  Not caring who saw me, I slammed my boots onto the concrete next to Gage and took in the horror before me.

  His entire gut was split open, and I could see his intestines.

  “No!” I fell to my knees, gathering him in my arms. “What happened?”


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