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The Complete Works of   JAMES JOYCE

Page 143

by James Joyce

  2 Say where! A timbrelfill of twinkletinkle.

  Zweispaltung as

  mea. The doubleviewed seeds. Nun, lemmas


  quatsch, vide pervoys akstiom, and I think as

  of Wiederher-

  I’m suqeez in the limon, stickme punctum, but


  for semenal rations I’d likelong, by Araxes,

  to mack a capital Pee for Pride down there

  on the batom 1 where Hoddum and Heave, our

  monsterbilker, balked his bawd of parodies.

  And let you go, Airmienious, and mick your

  modest mock Pie out of Humbles up your

  end. Where your apexojesus will be a point

  of order. With a geing groan grunt and a

  croak click cluck. 2 And my faceage kink and

  kurkle trying to make keek peep. 3 Are you

  right there, Michael, are you right? Do you

  think you can hold on by sitting tight? Well,

  of course, it’s awful angelous. Still I don’t feel

  it’s so dangelous. Ay, I’m right here, Nickel,

  and I’ll write. Singing the top line why it

  suits me mikey fine. But, yaghags hogwarts

  and arrahquinonthiance, it’s the muddest thick

  that was ever heard dump since Eggsmather

  got smothered in the plap of the pfan. Now,

  to compleat anglers, beloved bironthiarn and

  hushtokan hishtakatsch, join alfa pea and

  pull loose by dotties and, to be more

  sparematically logoical, eelpie and paleale by

  trunkles. Alow me align while I encloud

  especious ! The Nike done it. Like pah,4 I peh.

  Innate little bondery. And as plane as a poke

  stiff.5 Now, aqua in buccat. I’ll make you to

  see figuratleavely the whome of your eternal

  1 Parsee ffrench for the upholdsterer would be delightered.

  2 I’ll pass out if the screw spliss his strut.

  3 Thargam then goeligum? If you sink I can, swimford. Suksumkale!

  4 Hasitatense?

  5 The impudence of that in girl’s things!

  Destiny, In-

  geomater. And if you flung her headdress on

  flunce of Design

  her from under her highlows you’d wheeze


  whyse Salmonson set his seel on a hexen-

  Prometheus or

  gown.1 Hissss!, Arrah, go on! Fin for fun!

  the Promise of

  You’ve spat your shower like a son of Sibernia


  but let’s have at it! Subtend to me now! Pisk!

  Outer serpumstances beiug ekewilled, we care-

  fully, if she pleats, lift by her seam hem and

  jabote at the spidsiest of her trickkikant (like

  thousands done before since fillies calpered.

  Ocone ! Ocone !) the maidsapron of our A.L.P.,

  fearfully! till its nether nadir is vortically where

  (allow me aright to two cute winkles) its naval’s

  napex will have to beandbe. You must proach

  near mear for at is dark. Lob. And light

  your mech. Jeldy! And this is what you’ll say.2

  Waaaaaa. Tch! Sluice! Pla! And their, redneck,

  (for addn’t we to gayatsee with Puhl the Pun-

  kah’s bell?)mygh and thy, the living spit of

  dead waters, 3 fastness firm of Hurdlebury Fenn,

  discinct and isoplural in its (your sow to

  the duble) sixuous parts, flument, fluvey and

  fluteous, midden wedge of the stream’s your

  muddy old triagonal delta, fiho miho, plain

  for you now, appia lippia pluvaville, (hop the

  hula, girls!) the no niggard spot of her safety

  vulve, first of all usquiluteral threeingles, (and

  why wouldn’t she sit cressloggedlike the lass

  that lured a tailor?) the constant of fluxion,

  Mahamewetma, pride of the province 4 and

  when that tidled boare rutches up from the

  Afrantic, allaph quaran’s his bett und bier! 5

  1 The chape of Do¤a Speranza of the Nacion.

  2 Ugol egal ogle. Mi vidim Mi.

  3 It is, it is Sangannon’s dream.

  4 And all meinkind.

  5 Whangpoos the paddle and whiss whee whoo.

  Their Rule.

  Paa lickam laa lickam, apl lpa ! This it is an her.


  You see her it. Which it whom you see it is

  and Celestial

  her. And if you could goaneggbetter we’d soon

  Hierarchies. The

  see some raffant scrumala riffa. Quicks herit

  Ascending. The

  fossyending. Quef! So post that to your pape


  and smarket ! And you can haul up that languil

  The peripatetic

  pennant, mate. I’ve read your tunc’s dimissage.

  periphery. It’s

  For, let it be taken that her littlenist is of no


  magnetude or again let it be granted that Doll

  the laziest can be dissimulant with all respects

  from Doll the fiercst, thence must any what-

  youlike in the power of empthood be either

  greater than or less than the unitate we

  have in one or hence shall the vectorious ready-

  eyes of evertwo circumflicksrent searclhers

  never film in the elipsities of their gyribouts

  those fickers which are returnally reprodictive

  of themselves. 1 Which is unpassible. Quarrel-

  lary. The logos of somewome to that base any-

  thing, when most characteristically mantissa

  minus, comes to nullum in the endth: 2 orso,

  here is nowet badder than the sin of Aha with

  his cosin Lil, verswaysed on coverswised, and

  all that’s consecants and cotangincies till Per-

  perp stops repippinghim since her redtangles

  are all abscissan for limitsing this tendency of

  our Frivulteeny Sexuagesima 3 to expense her-

  selfs as sphere as possible, paradismic peri-

  mutter, in all directions on the bend of the

  unbridalled, the infinisissimalls of her facets

  becoming manier and manier as the calicolum

  of her umdescribables (one has thoughts of

  that eternal Rome) shrinks from schurtiness

  Ambages and

  1 I enjoy as good as anyone.

  2 Neither a soul to be saved nor a body to be kicked.

  3 The boast of the town.

  to scherts. 1 Scholium, there are trist sigheds to

  Canine Venus

  everysing but ichs on the freed brings euchs to

  sublimated to

  the feared. Qued? Mother of us all! O, dear


  me, look at that now! I don’t know is it your


  spictre or my omination but I’m glad you

  Exclusivism: the

  dimentioned it ! My Lourde ! My Lourde ! If

  Ors, Sors and

  that aint just the beatenest lay I ever see ! And

  Fors, which?

  a superpbosition ! Quoint a quincidence ! O.K.

  Omnius Kollidimus. As Ollover Krumwall

  sayed when he slepped ueber his grannya-

  mother. Kangaroose feathers: Who in the name

  of thunder’d ever belevin you were that bolt?

  But you’re holy mooxed and gaping up the

  wrong palce 2 as if you was seeheeing the gheist

  that stays forenenst, you blessed simpletop

  domefool! Where’s your belested loiternan’s

  lamp? Y
ou must lap wandret down the bluish-

  ing refluction below. Her trunk’s not her brain-

  box. Hear where the bolgylines, Yseen here the

  puncture. So he done it. Luck! See her good.

  Well, well, well, well! O dee, O dee, that’s

  very lovely ! We like Simperspreach Hammel-

  tones to fellow Selvertunes O’Haggans. 3 When

  he rolls over his ars and shows the hise of his

  heels. Vely lovely entilely! Like a yangsheep-

  slang with the tsifengtse. So analytical plaus-

  ible ! And be the powers of Moll Kelly, neigh-

  bour topsowyer, it will be a lozenge to me all

  my lauffe. 4 More better twofeller we been speak

  copperads. Ever thought about Guinness’s?

  And the regrettable Parson Rome’s advice?

  1 Hen’s bens, are we soddy we missiled her?

  2 I call that a scumhead.

  3 Pure chingchong idiotism with any way words all in one soluble. Gee

  each owe tea eye smells fish. That’s U.

  4 The Doodles family, Hoodle doodle,




  and Ultimo-

  Want to join the police. 1 You know, you were



  always one of the bright ones, since a foot


  No Sturm. No

  made you an unmentionable,fakes ! You know,



  you’re the divver’s own smart gossoon, aequal


  to yoursell and wanigel to anglyother, so you


  are, hoax! You know, you’ll be dampned, so


  you will, one of these invernal days but you


  will be,carrotty! 2

  Wherapool, gayet that when he stop look

  time he stop long ground who here hurry he

  would have ever the lothst word, with a sweet

  me ah err eye ear marie to reat from the jacob’s3

  and a shypull for toothsake of his armjaws

  at the slidepage of de Vere Foster, would and

  could candykissing P. Kevin to fress up the

  rinnerung and to ate by hart (leo I read, such a

  spanish, escribibis all your mycoscoups) wont

  to nibbleh ravenostonnoriously ihs mum to

  me in bewonderment of his chipper chuthor

  for, while that Other by the halp of his creac-

  tive mind offered to deleberate the mass from

  the booty of fight our Same with the holp

  of the bounty of food sought to delubberate

  the mess from his corructive mund, with his

  muffetee cuffes ownconsciously grafficking

  with his sinister cyclopes after trigamies and

  spirals’ wobbles pursuiting their rovinghamil-

  ton selves and godolphing in fairlove to see

  around the waste of noland’s browne jesus 4

  (thur him no quartos!) till that on him poorin

  sweat the juggaleer’s veins (quench his quill!)

  in his napier scrag stud out bursthright tam-

  1 Picking on Nickagain, Pikey Mikey?

  2 Early morning, sir Dav Stephens, said the First Gentleman in youreups.

  3 Bag bag blockcheap, have you any will?

  4 What a lubberly whide elephant for the men-in-the-straits!


  quam taughtropes. (Spry him! call a blood

  Ascription of the

  lekar! Where’s Dr Brassenaarse?) Es war itwas


  in his priesterrite. O He Must Suffer ! From this

  Proscription of

  misbelieving feacemaker to his noncredible

  the Passive

  fancyflame. 1 Ask for bosthoon, late for Mass,

  pray for blaablaablack sheep. (Sure you could

  wright anny pippap passage, Eye bet, as foyne

  as that moultylousy Erewhig, yerself, mick!

  Nock the muddy nickers! 2 Christ’s Church

  varses Bellial !) Dear and he went on to scripple

  gentlemine born, milady bread, he would pen

  for her, he would pine for her, 3 how he would

  patpun fun for all 4 with his frolicky frowner

  so and his glumsome grinner otherso. And how

  are you, waggy? 5 My animal his sorrafool!

  And trieste, ah trieste ate I my liver! Se non ‚

  vero son trovatore. O jerry! He was soso, harriot

  all! He was sadfellow, steifel! He was mister-

  mysterion. Like a purate out of pensionee with


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