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Crystal Grids Power

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by Ethan Lazzerini

  Praise For Crystal Grids Power

  “A very well written and easy to understand guide with very complete procedures. The Sacred Geometries used for the grids are well defined. Ethan discusses that not only intention is required but also positivity, focus, action and effort. Ethan has also addressed the direction of the energy flow, which is quite important for gridding if one desires results. The entire book is highly recommended for all!”

  -Melody, author of the Love Is In The Earth series

  Spiritual Book Awards Finalist

  Crystal Grids Power was chosen as a top three finalist in

  Soul & Spirit Magazine’s Spiritual Book Awards 2018 for

  Best Crystals Book.



  Harness The Power of Crystals & Sacred Geometry for Manifesting Abundance, Healing & Protection


  Copyright © 2017 Ethan Lazzerini

  All rights reserved

  1st Edition

  Book cover, diagrams and illustrations are copyright of

  Ethan Lazzerini

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photographic, mechanical, photocopying or recording, other than for ‘fair use’ as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews, without prior written permission of the copyright holder.

  The information and advice contained in this book is in no way to be considered a substitute for consultation with licensed medical practitioners. The metaphysical information is based on the author’s personal experience, beliefs and research. Results will vary for everyone and are not guaranteed. Always use common sense with spiritual information and crystals. Any use of the information in this book is at the reader’s own discretion and risk.

  Please note the printable template document is offered as a free gift and not included in the price of this book. This offer is subject to availability and may be removed at any time without notice. There is no guarantee it will be available in the future.


  Psychic Protection Crystals

  The Modern Guide To Psychic Self-Defence With Crystals For

  Empaths & Highly Sensitive People

  Crystal Healing For The Chakras

  A Beginner’s Guide To The Chakras &

  Chakra Balancing With Crystals


  This book is dedicated to all those who have supported me and patiently waited for the release of this book. To the valued readers of my blog articles and books. Old friends and new, you know who you are. Thank you for your kind words and being as passionate about crystals as I am. I give you my heartfelt gratitude.



  1. The History & Origins of Crystal Grids

  2. How Crystals Grids Work

  3. Sacred Geometry Reference Guide

  4. Crystal Grid Tools & Essentials

  5. How To Prepare Your Crystal Grid

  6. Crystal Grid Care & Maintenance

  7. Enhancing Your Intentions

  8. Simple Crystal Grids

  Simple Abundance Crystal Grid

  Simple Healing Crystal Grid

  Simple Protection Crystal Grid

  Simple Relationships Crystal Grid

  9. More Advanced Crystal Grids

  Abundance & Prosperity Crystal Grid

  All Purpose Crystal Grid

  Angelic Connection Crystal Grid

  Attract A Loving Partner Crystal Grid

  Aura Balancing Crystal Grid

  Aura Clearing Crystal Grid

  Cleanse Home Crystal Grid

  Confidence & Courage Crystal Grid

  Earth Healing Crystal Grid

  Faith & Hope Crystal Grid

  Healing Crystal Grid

  Home Blessing Crystal Grid

  Home Protection Crystal Grid

  Increased Energy Crystal Grid

  Inspiration & Ideas Crystal Grid

  Karma Release Crystal Grid

  Life Purpose Crystal Grid

  Motivation Crystal Grid

  New Beginnings Crystal Grid

  Overcome Obstacles Crystal Grid

  Peace & Harmony Crystal Grid

  Personal Healing Crystal Grid

  Protection Crystal Grid

  Psychic Attack Shield Crystal Grid

  Psychic Development Crystal Grid

  Self Love Crystal Grid

  Sleep Well Crystal Grid

  Spiritual Guidance Crystal Grid

  Stress Relief Crystal Grid

  Success Crystal Grid

  10. Creating Your Own Crystal Grids

  11. Troubleshooting


  About The Author



  I first learned about Crystal Grids many years ago. There was very little information about them back then or it was hard to find. Over the years and perhaps thanks to the Internet, this has now changed. The interest and popularity of Crystal Grids has continued to grow, especially in recent years.

  One of the first Crystal Grids I ever made was put around my whole bedroom to help create a peaceful environment conductive to sleep. It worked, but how?

  As I looked at the Crystal Grids others had created, I noticed that there was still a veil of mystery about them. Many sources did not say why they used each different type of crystal in the grid. Even when they did, they never seemed to explain the significance of the geometric arrangement of the stones.

  That’s why it’s so important for me to explain to you exactly why I selected the crystals in these grids and why I chose the geometric shapes that I did. I think it’s important to understand not only what you’re doing but also why you’re doing it. This book will help you understand the metaphysical mechanics and remove the mystery and secrecy behind Crystal Grids.

  The Crystal Grids in this book were not created just to look pretty. I have carefully researched and formulated these Crystal Grids using Sacred Geometry, combined with my knowledge of crystals. I have made sure that they will be practical and helpful tools to use in all areas of your life.

  How To Use This Book

  Please make sure you read through this book in order to make sure you understand things fully before using any grids. It was written like a course, with each chapter building on the next. Even if you have worked with Crystal Grids before you are going to be learning new things here. The printable Crystal Grid Templates link is given later in the book for this reason.

  You are going to learn how to harness the energies of crystals and Sacred Geometry to amplify your intentions, focus your mind and manifest positive change. But first we will explore the origins and historic influences behind the Crystal Grids used today. You will discover the connection between Sacred Geometry and crystals and why they form the powerful blueprint behind Crystal Grids.

  Before we begin I just want to let you know about a free gift I have for anyone who subscribes to my Crystal Newsletter and updates. Once you join you can download my free Ebook Discover Your Guardian Stone. This book was written to help you find your personal protection crystal using astrology.

  If you’re interested please visit my website or go directly to the link below:



  Some have said that Crystal Grids are an ancient tradition while others say they are a modern invention. So which is true? It is hard to pinpoint exactly when and where the first Crystal Grid was made.

  Crystal Grids also known as Crystal Nets or Crystal Layouts, appear to have developed during the growth of modern day Crystal H
ealing. This began sometime around or after the early 1980’s. Just like the practice of Crystal Healing today, Crystal Grids draw on ancient knowledge, traditions and beliefs.

  There is plenty of evidence of the meaningful placement of stones and crystals in several different cultures and eras. This might be where the idea came from, or at least Crystal Grids follow a similar system. In this chapter we will explore a few of these ancient spiritual practices in more detail.

  Stone Circles & Standing Stones

  Megalithic monuments can be found all around the world. The Stone Circles and structures of Europe are well known, truly ancient, yet still shrouded in mystery and controversy. The makers of these structures clearly believed in the importance of using stones, their position on the landscape and their relation to the Sun, Moon and very likely the Stars.

  It is believed that places like this were once used for spiritual practices, rituals and healing. Esoteric and metaphysical beliefs about these standing stones say that the ancients were tapping into the energy of the Planet. Or that they were drawing in energies from the Cosmos. These locations are said to have been built on places of importance. This includes Ley Lines and Vortex points, which form where Ley Lines converge. This network of energy that crosses the landscape is closely connected to Sacred Geometry.

  What we do know is that these standing stones are placed with geometric design and alignment to other important monuments. They are also placed to align with the Sun, Planetary cycles and the constellations.

  Stonehenge is one of the most well known Stone Circles in the world. The larger stones were somehow transported to England from a mountainous region in Wales. Preseli Bluestone seems to have had some kind of special meaning for these people. The circular markings it has may have represented the stars or the Universe itself.

  Perhaps these standing stones linked heaven and Earth in some way? Their original purpose may have been lost in the mists of time, but there was clearly a deeply meaningful intention behind the placement of these stones.

  The Breastplate of the High Priest

  The Breastplate of the High Priest is a curious and sacred garment, which is mentioned in the Bible. Specific instructions are given on the gemstones to use, their position and geometrical arrangement:

  “And you shall make a breastplate of judgment, in skilled work; like the work of Ephod you shall make it; of Gold, blue and purple and scarlet stuff, and fine twined linen shall you make it. It shall be square and double, a span its length and span its breadth. And you shall set in it four rows of stones. A row of Sardius, Topaz and Carbuncle shall be the first row; and the second row an Emerald, a Sapphire, a Diamond; and the third row a Ligure, an Agate and an Amethyst; and the fourth row a Beryl, an Onyx and a Jasper” – Exodus 28:15-21

  The text then goes on to say that the stones represent the twelve tribes of Israel. As with any ancient text the names of the gemstones are hard to translate and opinions vary on quite a few of them. In the first century AD, the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus said that the stones also represented the months of the year and signs of the Zodiac. This astrological connection later became associated with the tradition of Birth Stones in jewellery.

  It is significant that there are twelve stones in the breastplate. This number occurs frequently across cultures as having religious or mystical meaning. The stones are arranged in four rows of three, which could signify the four seasons of three months. Or the four elements associated with the signs of the Zodiac.

  What we do know is that these crystals were considered to have some kind of holy and symbolic power. They were stones that represented tribes and possibly monthly cycles or astrological constellations.


  Although mandalas do not require the use of crystals, they are connected to the use of Crystal Grids. The word mandala originates from an ancient Sanskrit word meaning ‘circle’. A mandala may also incorporate other shapes. Mandalas are found in both the Hindu and Buddhist traditions and go back thousands of years. They are said to represent the Universe, displaying sections of the Physical and Spiritual Worlds.

  Buddhist Monks are trained to create these mandalas using coloured sand, which does naturally contain Quartz. Sometimes powdered crystals or gemstone beads are used. The creation of the mandalas is a form of focused meditation practice. After the mandala has been created it is destroyed. This represents the temporal nature and illusion of time and space.

  Medicine Wheels

  The Medicine Wheel originates from the Native American tribes. These wheels are created from stones arranged in a circular pattern with spokes or a cross inside. There is also usually a stone placed at the centre of the circle.

  The designs are a symbol of the Native American traditional beliefs and spirituality. Different spokes and sections of a Medicine Wheel may represent and align with the compass points or the rising and setting of the Sun. They may also symbolise the seasons or elements. Some Medicine Wheels are large historic stone monuments similar to Stone Circles, which are aligned with the four cardinal directions. A few are associated with alignments to the Moon, Stars and Planets.

  Like a mandala, many feel the creation of a Medicine Wheel is a form of meditation. In ancient times the large Medicine Wheels may have operated as a communal site for traditional teachings, spiritual knowledge and divine connection.

  Crystal Grids Today

  So what we can see is that the idea of arranging stones into a symbolic geometric pattern has been used since prehistoric times. Crystal Grids are quite possibly a development of these ancient structures, ideas and traditions.

  Modern Crystal Grids draw on the wisdom of Sacred Geometry, metaphysical beliefs and Crystal Healing traditions. You could see them more as a spiritual technology, which I have no doubt will continue to grow and evolve. There are already several different types of Crystal Grids that can be clearly defined. These include the following:

  Regular Crystal Grids

  This is the most well known and popular type of Crystal Grid used today. The crystals are arranged into small or medium sized geometric patterns on a flat surface for many different purposes. Regular Crystal Grids like these are often used for things like manifesting, psychic protection, healing or support during difficult life changes. They can be made for yourself or to help others. You can also use a Crystal Grid template for these.

  Location Crystal Grids

  This is a large Crystal Grid, which is placed around a room, building, garden or within the landscape. These grids are usually created to change, maintain or protect the energy of a place. Location Crystal Grids can be temporary such as a grid within a bedroom for sleep troubles. Or they can be permanent such as crystals left buried in the earth. Crystals could be placed at the four corners of a House for protection. A Crystal Grid could be made outside in nature, to create a sacred space for meditation.

  Body Crystal Grids

  This is a Crystal Grid that is placed on or around a person. These are temporary Crystal Grids, which are used in Crystal Healing work or for Psychic Protection for example. The crystals are placed to change the energy within the Aura and Chakras. You could use a Crystal Grid to cleanse or balance the Aura. Or crystals could be placed around the body for grounding.

  In this book we will be mostly looking at the first type of Crystal Grid, as it is the most useful and versatile. I have also included several really helpful Location Crystal Grids and Body Crystal Grid layouts for you to try as well.



  Crystal Grids may not be the most simple way to use crystals, but they can be very effective. This is the reason more and more people are working with them. Later on I will show you step by step how to make both simple and more complex grids for yourself and others. But first we are going to explore how and why these arrangements of crystals work.

  Crystal Grids combine the energies and properties of specific crystals with the mechanics of other metaphysical systems. This is all done wi
th the intention of creating a desired result. What this means is that the energy of the crystals is focused, directed and amplified when used within a Crystal Grid.

  The building blocks of all Crystal Grids are the crystals themselves. So let’s start with the essential part of all Crystal Grids before we explore the other aspects. Please note that throughout this book I refer to the words crystal and stone interchangeably to include any mineral or gemstone.

  Crystals & Crystal Healing

  Crystals have long been used for their therapeutic, spiritual or healing properties. What we now call Crystal Healing or Crystal Therapy today is the development of these ideas and traditional beliefs in modern times.

  From a scientific point of view, crystals contain various combinations of minerals and have their own electromagnetic field. When we look at most crystals close up under high magnification we see they have a crystalline structure, which is geometric. This exists at a microscopic level and repeats throughout the whole crystal. Some crystals grow into clearly geometric formations such as Quartz, Amethyst, Pyrite and Fluorite to name but a few.


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