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Crystal Grids Power

Page 4

by Ethan Lazzerini

  If you are working with a very simple Crystal Grid, you could even use a Tumble Stone as the Central Stone. You should try to make sure that it is bigger than any other crystals used. You can get extra large Tumble Stones. For the best results try one of the recommended forms of Central Stones listed earlier.

  Crystal Points

  These are really useful crystals to have and can be used to form the geometric patterns around the Central Stone. These smaller Crystal Points are usually laid flat on the grid but could also be free Standing Crystal Points. Clear Quartz, Citrine, Smoky Quartz and Amethyst crystals all naturally grow as Crystal Points and are easily available.

  The benefit of these crystal formations is that they direct and focus energies at the tip, also known as the termination point. By creating channels for energy to pass through and out of them, they are ideal crystals for Crystal Grids. They work well within the geometric lines that make up the grids.

  You can get stones that have been cut and polished into these shapes, which will also work just as well. Natural or cut Crystal Points will cost you more than Tumble Stones. It is worth mentioning that with natural raw Crystal Points, you will see many flaws and they may not look perfect. This does not weaken their effectiveness for directing the flow of energy throughout the Crystal Grid.

  A Guide To Different Crystal Forms

  In this section I will describe the main uses of different crystal cuts, carvings and natural formations as they are used within Crystal Grids. Understanding the way different forms of crystals work will really help you in selecting crystals to use in your grids. It is also valuable knowledge to have with any work you do with crystals or Crystal Healing.

  I have also given a few suggestions for the types of Crystal Grid that some of these forms are well suited to. To make things easier, especially if you are new to crystals, I have included some illustrations of these different shapes and forms. Please refer to the following diagram for a general guide to the way these crystal forms look to help you identify them.

  (1) Crystal Point

  This is a natural or cut crystal with a single tip or termination point at one end. If selecting Quartz Crystal Points for Crystal Grids look for a good amount of clarity. These crystals direct and focus energies out the termination point. The base or root of the crystal can also be used to absorb and draw off energies.

  (2) Standing Crystal Point

  This is a natural or cut Crystal Point, which either naturally stands pointing up or has been cut at the base. These freestanding crystals are sometimes called Towers. They focus and beam energy upwards, making them ideal Central Stones. They can also be used as Support Stones to increase energy.

  (3) Standing Generator Point

  A Generator Point is a natural or cut crystal that has six equally sized triangular faces around the tip or termination point. The termination point when viewed from above must also be in the centre of the crystal. Cut Crystal Points often use this shape. Generator Points build up and transmit energies, which makes them excellent Central Stones.

  (4) Double Terminated Crystal

  This is a natural or cut Crystal Point with a termination point at both ends. These special crystals send and receive energies at the same time. They can also be used to transmute energies. Double Terminated Crystals are good Support Stones for connecting two other crystals within a Crystal Grid.

  (5) Crystal Pyramid

  These cut and polished stones are usually four sided with a flat base. They anchor, raise and focus energy out through the tip, making them a good choice for a Central Stone. Small Crystal Pyramids could also be used anywhere in the grid. They work well in cross and square shaped grids. You can use pyramids in any Crystal Grid for raising or amplifying energies. They work well in grids for manifesting things or balancing Earth energies.

  (6) Crystal Sphere

  Also known as a Crystal Ball. This is a stone that has been cut and polished into a perfect sphere. You will need a stand to keep them in place within the grid. Some stands will come supplied with Crystal Spheres. This cut focuses and directs energies in all directions evenly, making them good Central Stones. They work well in Grids for focus, awakening psychic abilities or for peace and harmony.

  (7) Star of David Crystal

  This is a cut and polished crystal with many facets. The overall shape is hexagonal with the facets forming a Star of David geometric shape. These are not so easy to find but they make great Central Stones. Due to the geometries they connect and direct energies in many directions within a Crystal Grid. They work well in hexagonal Crystal Grids. They are good in grids for protection, balance, unity or life purpose.

  (8) Crystal Flame

  This is a crystal that has been carved into a flame like shape. They will have a flat base and gently twisting or spiraling formation. Crystal Flames are not common but can be used as Central Stones. They generate and focus energies while directing them upwards. Fire element energies are also helpful for transmuting energies. Crystal Flames are good for Crystal Grids focused on cleansing, gaining knowledge or boosting energy.

  (9) Crystal Skull

  This is a crystal that has been carved into a skull shape. They can be expensive but smaller ones are more affordable. Crystal Skulls bring in the help of spiritual beings such as your guides or ancestors. They are also known for being powerful healing stones. Another good Central Stone especially for guidance, knowledge, protection and healing grids.

  (10) Crystal Heart

  This is any crystal that has been carved into the shape of a heart. They radiate energies in all directions. They can be used as either a Central Stone or smaller Support Stones. This form would suit any Crystal Grid focused on love, relationships, peace or health and healing.

  (11) Crystal Merkaba

  This is a crystal that has been cut into a mystical geometric shape also known as a Merkaba Star or Merkabah. In geometry it is also known as a Star Tetrahedron. Crystal Merkabas have eight points to direct and focus their energies in many different directions. They are used in Crystal Grids for spiritual development, raising the vibration, affecting the Aura, personal transformation and protection.

  (12) Crystal Arrowhead

  Making Arrowheads from stone is an ancient tradition going back to prehistoric times. They are still made by hand today, by chipping away at Obsidian. Although other stones can be cut this way, the most easily available are Obsidian. Obsidian Arrowheads direct energies out the tip and can be used for strong psychic protection. Crystal Arrowheads can also be used to sever the connection with a person or energy that is harmful. They also tap into your inner warrior. They are good stones for Crystal Grids for protection, releasing things, inner strength or life direction.

  Recommended Crystals for Grids

  Clear Quartz is perfect for any kind of Crystal Grid. This crystal is a powerful tool for manifestation work or healing. Clear Quartz is highly programmable, meaning that it retains your intentions. This crystal sends and receives energy really well. Clear Quartz brings focus, clarity and power to all your Crystal Grids. The following two forms of this crystal will prove very wise investments to have for all Crystal Grids.

  Clear Quartz Crystal Points

  You want to have a set of 6, 8 or ideally 12 Clear Quartz Crystal Points. Try to look for crystals that are roughly about the same size, but no smaller than one and a half inches in length. You can also use Double Terminated Crystal Points. These crystals will direct, connect and enhance the energy of other crystals in the grid. They will be used in many of the Crystal Grids featured in this book, so they will be very useful crystals to have.

  Clear Quartz Standing Crystal Point

  This crystal can be used for any Crystal Grid in this book that requires a Central Stone. The Crystal Point will beam your intentions out into the Universe with clarity. It will build a strong energy to power your Crystal Grids. This will also amplify and focus the energy of all other crystals in the grid. You can substitute one of these crystals
if my suggested Central Stone is not available.


  I like to use notes in my Crystal Grids. You can write a brief summary of your intention on a small piece of paper. Then fold it up and place it under the Central Stone. This further confirms your intention in physical form. It also helps set and focus of the Crystal Grid after it has been activated. I include a suggested statement of intention with each grid in this book, which you can use as a guide to creating a written affirmation.

  Many people feel it helps to write down their goals and intentions. It has been found that people who write down their goals have a higher success rate than those that don’t. What better way to do this than placing your written intention at the centre of your Crystal Grid? You can use any paper you like, notepaper, parchment paper or coloured paper. Avoid anything with printed words or images that are not in alignment with the intention of your Crystal Grid. As the note will be part of your Crystal Grid, you should cleanse it along with all the crystals and include it with them when you activate the grid.


  Just like the addition of a note with your Crystal Grid, a photograph can be used to represent the person a grid has been made for. This is common practice with distant healing or distant protection grids. Just like writing their name on paper, the photo will help create a stronger connection between the grid and the person it has been made for. This is not needed when you’re doing a Crystal Grid only for yourself.

  Try to avoid photos with extra people in, unless your grid is for all those people shown. Use a recent portrait photo or whole body photo with no other people showing. If printing out photos yourself, it is easy to crop other people out of the photo. Of course if your grid is aimed at helping a couple or your family then this would not be an issue. If the Crystal Grid is for healing or spiritual purposes you could even use an Aura photo if they have a recent one.

  All photos used should be cleansed and included in the activation method. Place the photo face up under the Central Stone along with your note of intention. I will let you know when a photo is helpful for a particular grid. This is always optional and if no photo is available, you can just use their name on notepaper as described above.


  In some Crystal Grids you could also include a small map. This would be for grids that are used to send healing or bring peace to a specific location for example. This may be a Town, City, Country, Island or even an Ocean. You can print maps from the Internet easily. These are folded with the notepaper and placed under the Central Stone. This is also optional, you can just mention the location in the affirmation of intention note.

  Crystal Grid Templates

  This is not essential but many people do find that using some kind of physical layout for their Crystal Grids to be helpful. This can consist of a piece printed or hand drawn paper or card. With the growing interest in Crystal Grids you can now get geometric designs printed onto Crystal Grid Cloths. There are some that have been etched onto metal, such as copper or brass. You can also get Crystal Grid Templates that are engraved onto wooden discs or squares that you can use as a base.

  The benefit of Crystal Grid Templates like these is that they make it easier to position the crystals. If you need to clean the crystals or they are knocked out of place, you can see where they belong straight away. You really don’t need to invest in these items unless you want to. Later on I am going to give you a printable PDF file with all the Crystal Grid Templates from this book.

  If you don’t have access to a printer, do not worry because you don’t need to use a template to create Crystal Grids. Some people prefer to place their grids directly onto a flat surface. If you work this way, you can make your grids as big or as small as you like. All the grids in this book come with clear diagrams, which you can use as a guide to crystal placement. Crystal Grids do not need to be absolutely perfect to work.

  If a Crystal Grid uses the Flower of Life symbol, you may want to invest in a Crystal Grid Cloth for these. This will be very useful to you and inexpensive if you can’t print the Flower of Life out yourself. You can purchase these online



  Before you begin arranging your crystals into their positions, there are a few things that need to be done in preparation. If you are familiar with Crystal Healing, some of these procedures will be very familiar to you and you may want to skip forward to the Crystal Grid Activation Methods later in this chapter.

  Each time you create a new Crystal Grid, you will want to start with crystals that have been cleansed. Any new crystals could also be consecrated which I will explain. This is optional but a good idea.

  You will then have to decide if you want to use the Activation Wand method, the simpler All-In-One method or a combination of the two. All of these methods will work as long as you feel comfortable using them. The Activation Wand method is the most well known, but some people find it a bit complicated. See how you feel when you read about them.

  You will not have chosen a Crystal Grid to use yet but I want you to understand the procedure and familiarise yourself before you start making any grids from this book. When you’re ready to start setting up a Crystal Grid, you can return to this chapter and follow the steps below.

  Cleansing Your Crystals

  You must use crystals that have been energetically cleansed and rebalanced for the creation of Crystal Grids. By cleansing I mean clear any energies they may have picked up while in a shop, from any previous owners, through their travels, from you or from past use. You don’t want any previous energies or intentions to cloud or confuse your intention once your Crystal Grid is set up and activated.

  There are many ways to cleanse or purify your crystals. If you are already familiar with cleansing crystals and have your own ways of doing this, then keep doing what works for you. Here are some possible options. I do not personally recommend using water, direct sunlight or salt to cleanse crystals as these can damage some minerals. Also all the methods below do not require waiting for special times such as the Full Moon, just to make things easier for you. Always use what feels right and works for you.

  Cleansing Crystals With Incense

  You can smudge them with the smoke of a bundle of dry White Sage, also known as a Smudge Stick. You can also cleanse them by passing them through the fragrant smoke of a stick of Palo Santo wood. Or use cleansing incense like Sandalwood, Sage, Copal, Camphor, Frankincense and Myrrh or any purifying incense blend.

  Always use a fireproof dish or an incense holder. Light the incense stick or wood and blow out the flame, so that it smoulders. Pass the crystals through the smoke with the intention to cleanse them three times or until you feel that they are clear.

  Cleansing Crystals With Sacred Sound

  You can also cleanse crystals using sacred sound. You can use a Tibetan Singing Bowl by placing your crystals around it but not inside the bowl. Firmly strike the side of the metal bowl with the wooden mallet and then rub the side in a circular clockwise motion with the mallet to maintain the ringing sound. The crystals should be all clear after about a minute of this.

  A simpler method is to use Tibetan Ting Shas. These are small brass cymbals with Buddhist mantras or designs. Place your crystals in front of you on a flat surface. Hold the Ting Shas by the rope that connects them, so that they are dangling down next to each other over your crystals. Bring the sides of the cymbals together firmly so they ring and let this fade away. Then repeat two more times. Your crystals are now clear.

  Cleansing Crystals With Pyramid Power

  If you work with crystals a lot, this could be a useful investment. Copper Pyramids, made from copper bars or pipes can be used to cleanse crystals. They should be made to the proportions of the Great Pyramid at Giza. Align one of the sides of the Copper Pyramid to magnetic North using a compass. Now all you need to do is place your crystals inside and under the middle of the Copper Pyramid. Your crystals should be cleansed and rebalanced within an
hour or leave them overnight.

  Cleansing Crystals With Energy

  If you use any type of energy healing modality, you may already use this for cleansing items like crystals. This may be Reiki, Seichim or any other healing system. Usually this will involve holding the crystals with both hands, while sending the healing energy through the hands into the crystals. These methods may require special training, initiation or an attunement.

  If you are new to cleansing crystals, one of the quickest and easiest ways is using Universal White Light. This method uses a simple visualisation that anyone can do. You are going to use the purifying power of white light energy. With this method no other special tools or skills are needed, just your mind’s eye and intention. If you are cleansing a lot of crystals and can’t hold them all in your hands all at once, just repeat the procedure for different batches of crystals.


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