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Flood Tide

Page 17

by Sara Ware Bassett



  The next morning saw a grave change in the household on the bluff.Delight, with violet-circled eyes and cheeks whose rose tints had fadedto pallor, listened with dread for the sound of the Galbraith's motor.What the day would bring forth she feared to speculate. Willie and Bobalso showed traces of a sleepless night. Although they had guardedfrom the others the happenings of the previous evening, between themloomed a barrier of mutual amazement and reproach. Beneath hisattempted optimism Willie was wounded and indignant that he should havebeen deceived by those in whose kindness he had believed sowhole-heartedly. He fought the facts with loyalty, obstinatelytrusting that some satisfactory explanation would be forthcoming, buthe did not understand, and the dumb question that spoke in his eyeshurt Robert Morton more than any formulated reproach could have done.It was human, the young man owned, that the inventor should resenthaving been tricked. He himself, throughout the weary watches of thenight, had twisted and turned Janoah's damning testimony, struggling toexplain it away by some simple and harmless interpretation; yet he wascompelled to admit that the facts pointed in but one direction. And ifhe was baffled in his search for a way out, how much more so mustWillie be? Why, he would be almost superman if he did not surrenderhis faith before such convincing evidence.

  To the grief he experienced at forfeiting the little old man's trust,Robert Morton was also compelled to add the bitterness of discoveringthat those whose friendship was dearest to him had betrayed it and usedhim as a stool pigeon in a contemptible plot that he would have scornedto further had he been cognizant of it. He wondered, as he turnedrestlessly on his pillow, whether it was Mr. Galbraith with whom theduplicity originated or whether the conspiracy of yesterday was one ofSnelling's hatching. Was it not possible the employee desired theinvention for his own profit? That, to be sure, would be calamityenough, but it would at least clear Mr. Galbraith of theft andreinstate him in the young man's confidence. If only that could be theanswer to the riddle, how thankful he would be!

  Well, until he could be brought face to face with the capitalist, itwas futile to attempt to unravel the enigma. How he longed in hisbewilderment for the sympathy and counsel of a fresh perspective! Buton Tiny's discretion he could place no reliance and even had he beenable to do so, everything within him shrank from the disloyalty ofvoicing evil against his friends until he had proof. Delight was alsoan impossible confidant because of her recently discovered relationshipto the Galbraith family. To breathe a word which might at thisdelicate juncture prejudice her against her new relatives would becontemptible. No, there was nothing to be done but be patient andmaintain in the meantime as close a semblance to a normal attitude aswas possible.

  Fortunately the silence that settled down upon the silvered cottagecaused no surprise to any of its occupants. Having been warned not tochatter, Celestina observed a welcome quietness perfectly understood.Nor was it strange that in view of the shock Delight had received sheshould be more thoughtful than usual. Nobody commented either onWillie's abandonment of his inventing, or gave heed that he and RobertMorton spoke little together. How could the Galbraiths, Bob's bestfriends, be discussed in his presence? There was abundant explanation,therefore, why a strained atmosphere should prevail and pass unnoticedwithout either Celestina or Delight suspecting that its cause was otherthan the disclosures made by Madam Lee on the previous afternoon.

  Nevertheless, eager as was each of the household to have speculationsatisfied and the future with whatever it might contain unfold, therewas a simultaneous start of apprehension when the Galbraiths' familiarred car stopped at the gate of the cottage. From it alighted neitherMr. Snelling nor any member of the family, but instead the chauffeurgravely delivered to Robert Morton a hastily scrawled note written inMr. Galbraith's spreading hand. Marveling a little that it was he towhom the communication should be addressed, the young man broke theseal of the letter.

  Madam Lee, he read, weary with excitement, had retired almostimmediately after their departure, the maid attending her having lefther sleeping like a tired child; but when they had gone to arouse herin the morning, it had been only to find that she had passed quietlyaway in her sleep without struggle or suffering. Snelling had goneover to New York to make the necessary funeral arrangements, and thefamily were to follow the next day. There was nothing Bob could do,but if he and Delight wished to accompany them, Mrs. Galbraith would beglad to have them. Madam Lee had been devoted to Bob, and it wasDelight's unchallenged right to share in the final obsequies to hergrandmother.

  Awed, and in a low voice, Robert Morton read the communication aloud.

  "I shall go, of course," he said, with a catch in his voice. "MadamLee--was very dear to me. Had she been of my own people I could nothave cared for her more deeply."

  "And I--what shall I do?" questioned Delight. The appeal was to Bob,and the sense of dependence vibrating in it thrilled him with tendergladness.

  "I suppose," he answered gently, "it would make your grandmother happyto know you were there. Wouldn't it be a token of forgiveness?"

  "What do you think, Willie?" the girl asked.

  "I agree with Bob that you should go, my dear," the old man replied."Somehow it seems as if your grandmother would rest the sweeter forfeelin' you were near by. An' anyhow, it's a mark of respect to thedead. You're bound to show that, no matter how you feel. I'm prettysure that if you an' your grandmother had had the chance to get betteracquainted, you would have loved one another dearly. It was only thatit all came too late for you to feel toward her the same as Bob does."

  "Perhaps!" Delight returned with half-dazed seriousness.

  So it was decided the two young persons would go with the Galbraiths toNew York, and the next day they joined the Belleport family andfollowed the body of the fine, stately old Southern woman to its lastresting place. There were no outside friends among the small group ofmourners, and the two days of constant and intimate companionship drewthem together with a closeness very vital in its results. Delight wasreceived into the circle with a tact and affection that not only puther at her ease but won her heart; and Robert Morton, as Madam Lee'sfavorite, was as much a part of the family as if he had been born intoit. For the time being, the common grief banished from his mind everyother thought, and once again he and his old-time friends met without ashadow of distrust between them. Even Cynthia was in her mostappealing mood, casting all caprice and artificiality aside andcentering most of her attention on her newly acquired cousin. Thesilent benediction of peace the presence of the dead brought broodedover them all, and it was with no perfunctory tenderness that Delightbent and gently kissed her grandmother's cold forehead.

  Then came the journey back to Belleport, and as Mr. Galbraith, Roger,and Howard Snelling were all detained in New York, it was Bob whobrought the party home. In the meantime no opportunity had presenteditself for broaching to the financier the subject of Willie'sinvention. The interval during the funeral rites was too inopportune,and Robert Morton had lacked both the inclination and the courage tobreak in upon such an occasion with an affair so sordid and unpleasant.He had hoped that during the return to the Cape some chance for a talkwith the capitalist would be afforded him. But now there was no helpfor it but to go back to Willie Spence's with the weight still heavy onhis heart. Mr. Galbraith, he learned, would have to remain in the citytwo weeks or more; and an important business deal would keep Mr.Snelling at the Long Island plant indefinitely. Hence for the presentthere was not a possibility of clearing up the mystery. It was,however, significant that Snelling evidently considered his part of thework done; and if Janoah's accusations were founded on fact, as theyappeared to be, it was not surprising that he seized upon the confusionof the present as a fortunate cover for his exit from Wilton.

  The more Robert Morton pondered on the train of events, the lesswilling he became to connect Mr. Galbraith with the purloining ofWillie's idea. The financier had intended to do precisel
y what he hadspecified, lend a friendly hand to the old man's scheme. It wasSnelling who had seen in the circumstance something too promising tolet pass and who, without his employer's knowledge, had made bold tosecure the device for his personal profit. In the meanwhile, ignorantthat Robert Morton was cognizant of his cupidity, he was as debonair asif he had nothing on his conscience. He made himself useful in everypossible direction, and on parting from Bob at the train declared heshould look forward with the greatest anticipation to their futurebusiness association together. How the young man longed to confrontthe knave with his crime! It seemed almost imperative that before themischief proceeded farther steps should be taken to stop it. But whatproofs had he to present?

  No, a middle course was the only thing possible, Bob decided. He mustreturn to Willie's roof with the atmosphere uncleared and finish thelittle that still remained to be done on the invention as if no shadowclouded his sky. He could not leave Willie in the lurch. Furthermore,it was out of the question for him to depart from Wilton until he hadcome to an understanding with Delight Hathaway. The intimacy of thepast week, with its lights and shadows, had only served to renderstronger the bonds that bound him to her. In every issue the networkof strange events had developed her character, and displayed facets ofsuch unsuspected force and splendor that where beauty had at firstfascinated it was now the soul behind it that called to him. TrulyMadam Lee had in this grandchild a worthy descendant, and it brought anadded joy to his heart to thus link together the two beings he lovedmost deeply.

  Therefore he made the journey back to Wilton, bravely resolved to bearJanoah's taunts and Willie's silent reproaches until the moment camewhen he could acquaint Mr. Galbraith with Snelling's perfidy and seethe injustice righted. It was not an enviable position, the one inwhich he stood. He felt it to be only human that in the face of thisacid test the old inventor's affection and allegiance toward him shouldwaver, and that Janoah would detect and rejoice in its unsteadiness.But as Bob relied upon ultimately solving the conundrum, he felt hecould endure a short interval of unmerited distrust. It was in Delightand Tiny, who were unconscious of any false note in his relation to thehousehold, that he placed his hopes for aid. Hence it was with nosmall degree of consternation that on reaching Wilton he learned thatthe girl had resolved now to return to her own home.

  "I have been here over two weeks already," she said to Bob, "and Ireally am needed by my own family. They miss me dreadfully when I amgone. Zenas Henry goes down like a plummet, Abbie says. And then Ihave so much to tell them! Besides, now that Aunt Tiny is well again,there is no use in my remaining."

  "There is a great deal of use in it for me!" asserted the young manmoodily.

  "Nonsense! You and Willie have your work, and in a day or two you willbe so buried in it you won't know whether I am here or not."


  A warning echo in the word and a quick forward movement caused her toadd hurriedly:

  "And--and--anyway, you can come up to our house and see me there. Youwill like the three captains and Abbie, you simply can't help it; theyare dears! And you will worship Zenas Henry--at least you will if heis--I mean sometimes he doesn't--well, you know how older men feel whenyounger ones appear. He is very devoted to me and he is alwaysafraid-- But I am sure he will understand, and that you and he willget on beautifully together," she concluded with scarlet cheeks.

  The clumsy explanation had a dubious ring and Bob frowned.

  "You see, your being Aunt Tiny's nephew will help some; he likes hervery much. And of course any friend of Willie's and--and--of mine--"

  With every word the formidable Zenas Henry increased in formidableness.She saw the scowl deepen.

  "You will come and see me, won't you?" she pleaded timidly. "I shouldbe sorry if--"

  Robert Morton caught the slender hand and held it firmly.

  "I'll come were there a thousand Zenas Henrys!"

  "That's nice!" she answered with a nervous laugh. "There won't be athousand, though. There never can be but one as good and as dear as heis! Only remember, you mustn't come right away. I shall have a greatdeal to tell them at home, and it won't be easy for Zenas Henry to facethe fact that the Galbraiths have any claims on me. It has always beenhis pride that I had no relatives and belonged entirely to him. And Ido, you know," she went on quickly. "Nothing on earth shall take mefrom Zenas Henry! I worried a good deal lest Madam L--lest mygrandmother should insist that I spend part of my time with her. Butthat is all settled now. I can keep up my friendship with theGalbraith family by calls and short visits, and everything will go onas before. I don't want anything changed."

  The young man saw her draw in her chin proudly. "Of course I haveforgiven my grandmother," she went on, "but I never can forget that shemade my mother's life unhappy and that she was unkind to my father. SoI never wish to accept any favors from any of them."

  "But the Galbraiths are not to blame for the past," ventured Bob, hisloyalty instantly in arms.

  "No. But they are Lees."

  "Your grandmother was sorry--bitterly sorry," urged the young man in apersuasive tone. "It was probably her regret that caused her death."

  The girl nodded sadly.

  "I know," she said. "I realize she lived to regret what she had done.I am not blaming her. But for all that, she never can mean to me whatshe might have meant. Rather I shall always think of her as ahandsome, stately old lady who was your friend and loved you."

  She turned to leave him, but he refused to let her go.

  "Delight," he cried, drawing her closer, "will your grandmother bedearer to you because she loved me? Tell me, sweetheart! Do I meananything in your life? You are the only thing that matters in mine."

  He saw a radiance flash into her wonderful eyes, and in another instanther head was against his breast.

  "It is only because of you, Bob," she whispered, clinging to him, "thatI can forgive the Lees at all."


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