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A Snake's Life

Page 5

by Kenaren

  *Tsk* Her foot started tapping again.

  “Did you just *Tsk* me?”

  *Scoff* “What, are you my dad now?” Her voice seemed to bring up old memories of a small red-haired child.

  “You think you can tell me what to do, just because you married my sister!? You’re not my dad, so stop acting like it!” I shook my head to clear it of the old memory.

  “I thought I’d forgotten about that…”

  “Um… Are you okay, old man?”

  “… I’m fine. So, do you have anything to ask me?” She folded her arms and looked at the ground in response.

  “Will you take me to my Granny?” I just stared at her. When she looked up and saw me she seemed to realize what I wanted because her face area grew hotter.


  “Eh, why not. I don’t have anything else to do until my meal digests.”

  “Why only then?” She asked as she climbed on my head again.

  “Because then, I get to eat again.”

  *Giggle* “Is your next meal, all you think about?”

  “Of course not, I also think about snacks.” She fell back laughing.

  While moving through the forest, and listening to Ayla ramble on about her Granny. I began to think about the voice I’d heard.

  “Was that actually Sarah?” I wondered. For the entirety of my time here, Sarah had never said a word. So, what could have caused me to suddenly hear her voice?

  Was it my conscience feeling guilty about leaving a little girl to die? But then, why didn’t I feel anything when I ate those bodies?

  It could have been because I knew it’s what Sarah would have wanted me to do. After all, she died to save a child. And regardless of the pain, it brought me. I knew it was just who she was.

  “Or… Maybe there’s more at work here than I currently know.” I glanced suspiciously at the little chatterbox riding on my head.

  I seriously doubted it was Ayla, but… another Druid, perhaps? I was unfamiliar with their capabilities, so I couldn’t rule out some rudimentary form of mind control.

  “Hey, Ayla?” She stopped rambling long enough to look at me.


  “How does your magic work, exactly?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “How does it affect the world? I’ve never encountered a Druid before, so I’m just curious.”

  “Oh! Well, according to Granny. Or magic connects our minds to the plants and animals around us, to allow us to communicate with them and ask them for assistance.”

  “If they refuse, could you force their compliance?” She was quiet for a few seconds, then she asked.

  “Are you worried I’ll force you to do something?” She leaned over to look me in the eye.

  *Chuckle* “You? No, It’s not you I’m worried about. It’s others like you, that concerns me.”

  “… You don’t have to worry about Granny either. She’s the nicest woman I know.”

  “Is it just the two of you?”

  “Well… No, there’s a camp of us.”

  ” Should I worry about any of them?”

  “Hmm, there are a few that may try to suppress you.”

  “Oh, and why’s that?”

  “A druid is only considered an adult when they have successfully bonded with an animal. While most of us believe this is a sacred bond that should be voluntary on both sides. Some of us believe it to be a show of strength, so they force the animal into submission.”

  “Would I be an animal they would try to ‘force’?”

  “… Probably. I mean, since you’re so strong, and your race so rare. A lot of people will want to bond with you.”

  “Wait… My race? Are Titan Boas so rare?”

  “Yeah… I mean, I think so. I think Granny’s mentioned before that most large serpents, are hunted for their meat and skin.”

  “Hmm, Is that so…” She must have mistaken my words for fear because she spent the next twenty minutes assuring me that I would be fine.

  What she didn’t seem to realize was, it wasn’t fear that caused my words.

  “It sounds like I’ll have all the food I could ever want if I’m so ‘rare’ that people will actively try and hunt me down.”

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing, nothing. So, tell me about the other Druids at camp.”

  She began listing names and a description of each person. She also told me which ones she liked, and those she didn’t.

  “Especially Aurae, don’t trust her… Ever.”

  *Chuckle* “Rivalry on the playground, I take it?”

  “What, No! Aurae is my Granny’s age. She’s also the leader of the camps warriors… She’s one of the people to force animals into serving her, and my Granny has never gotten along with her.

  “I guess, I should probably avoid her then?”

  “Yes! You definitely should!” Then she went back to rambling off names as we ventured through the forest with her leading me to the Druid camp. When something appeared in front of me.

  You have unlocked the following evolutionary path. Gluttonous Basilisk Would you like to evolve?

  You have unlocked the following evolutionary path. Gluttonous Earth Basilisk Would you like to evolve?

  “No~” A phantom smile spread across my face.

  “If any of them try to ‘force’ me to do anything… Well, I could always use a snack on my way to the next animal.”

  “Huh? Did you say something, Old man?”

  “Nothing at all.” I was almost eager for one of them to try, now.

  Chapter 9

  I followed Ayla’s direction and only three hours later, I could detect smoke in the air. So, we must have been getting close to camp.

  “Okay, how did you manage to get us here so fast?”


  “I’m detecting smoke in the air, so I’m assuming we’re close to this camp of yours. Now, are you going to answer my question?”

  I could feel her smirking behind my head.

  “I’m just that awesome, old man!”

  *Chuckle* “Alright brat, you’ve earned a little praise.”

  *Giggle* She jumped off my head and ran a little ways ahead of me.

  “Hurry up, old man!” She took off running towards camp.

  “This damn brat. Does she ever tire?”

  I followed after, and before long I saw a large break in the trees. After passing through the tree line, I was in a large clearing full of leather tents, campfires, and standing directly in the center of the clearing was a large group of people.

  I could hear them yelling about something, but I was too far away to hear clearly. Ayla, however, apparently did because she started sprinting for the group.

  While she was running, I got my first good look at her. She had long blonde hair and was wearing some sort of gray cotton dress. She was also barefoot, though I had suspected that for awhile as I didn’t feel anything rough on my scales.

  I followed after her, though I hung back away from the light of the fires in case the people got jumpy.

  “Granny! It’s okay, I’m here!” Ayla ran and jumped on the back of a young woman.

  “That’s her ‘Granny’?” The woman Ayla jumped on looked to be in her late twenties with short silver hair. When the woman turned her head to the side, I saw the ears.

  “So… They’re elves.” In the firelight, I could see their tanned skin and golden eyes.

  “Ayla, where have you been!? You’ve had me worried sick about you!” Ayla’s ‘Granny’ yelled.

  “Sorry Granny, but I was just so bored waiting around the camp all day.” Her Granny pulled her off of her back and sat her down on the ground, so she could inspect her for damage.

  “So, you thought running into the Myrkr Forest alone was a good idea, did you?” Granny bopped her on the head.

  “You idiot! What would you have done if you ran into an Alpha Deer, Huh!? You knew we had already lost one group, to this forest!”

/>   “I know Granny, But it’s okay, I made a friend!” Ayla said while trying to dodge her ‘Granny’s’ arms.

  “Oh, And just what good would this ‘friend’ have been if you ran into a group of Deer? You both would have been killed!”

  “No, it’s okay. We did run into a group of Deer, but he protected me!”

  “What!?” She seemed utterly surprised and Ayla’s confession.

  “Are the Alpha deer truly so dangerous?”

  *Sigh* “Where is this man, then? I’ll have to reward him for saving your life.”

  “Yay!” Ayla ran to the edge of the firelight and began looking for me.

  “Old man! Where are you!?” She screamed into the darkness.

  “Oh well, might as well get this over with..”

  “Old man?”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m coming, ya damn Brat.” I watched the gathered elves faces as I entered the light. At first, they didn’t seem to react. Though, that could have been because they were so surprised they were frozen.

  The following screams told me that It was probably the second option.

  “Titan Boa!” One of the men wearing leather armor, with a bow strapped to his back, yelled. The other armed men and women surrounded me, while the unarmed people fled. They each notched their arrows and prepared to fire.

  “Is this how you repay someone for helping you?” I raised myself up and glared down at them.

  “Wait, no! He’s my friend!” Ayla yelled.

  “Hold your fire, Hold your fire!” Granny yelled.

  “You should listen to them, I’m beginning to get hungry…”

  “But Elder, This is a tier three beast! You don’t honestly expect us to just let this creature inside!”

  “There are children inside the camp, Elder!” A female elf yelled.

  “You think I don’t know that!?” Granny yelled before she cautiously looked up at me.

  “If this… man, actually protected Ayla. Then I owe him.”

  *Chuckle* “Well, you’re an honorable one, aren’t you?” She looked up at me.

  “Some think me ‘foolish’, not honorable.”

  “It’s possible they’re right, but do you really care what they think?”

  *Laugh* “Not even a little. I didn’t survive as long as I have by being afraid of another’s opinion.”

  “Smart lady.” The other elves were watching us talk, though they appeared confused.

  “What’s it saying, Elder?” A woman asked.


  “Don’t get upset, Titan. They don’t understand you, the way we Druids do.”

  “My name is Torga, and I was led to believe this was a Druid camp?”

  “Well… Torga. This is a Druid camp, however, as we cannot defend ourselves in these lands. We hired guards to protect us.”

  “From… The Deer?”

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  “I see. Then, I’ll be going now.” I turned and went back the way I came.

  “Wait! Old man, where are you going!?” Ayla ran ahead of me.

  “I’m going to hunt, Brat. Unless you want me to eat some of your camp, to satisfy my hunger?”

  “No, don’t do that!” She rapidly waved her hands in front of her.

  “Then, I hunt now, and return tomorrow to receive my reward.”

  “Okay… If you really want to leave. I won’t stop you.” She looked at the ground.

  “Remember brat, Speak clearly or not at all.” Her face heated up, and I moved around her on my way to the forest. Once I’d made it inside, I began hunting for as much food as I could find.

  The next morning, I reentered the druid camp and was quickly surrounded by the guards.

  Standing at the forefront, was a dark skinned elf with silver hair and red eyes.

  “Hello~” she purred while walking up to me.

  “My aren’t you a beautiful creature.” She reached out to run her hand along my scales.

  “If you desire to keep that arm, don’t touch me, Elf.” She quickly withdrew her hand and glared up at me.

  “Well, aren’t you a feisty one?” She waved her hand in an intricate pattern, and I felt a force enter my mind.

  “Now, you’re going to let me touch you, aren’t you?” Her voice reverberated throughout my mind, and my body attempted to obey. My head was lowering to her eye level when I stopped.

  “Get. Out. Of. My. Head.” I hissed.

  *Giggle* “My, you are a strong willed one… I’ll have to break you of that. Now, Bow!” Her order caused a severe migraine, but I still refused.

  “You. Elven. Bitch. Get. Out. Of. My. Head!” I struggled against my body as it tried to obey her. The pain was getting worse for every second I disobeyed.

  “You’ll comply eventually, they always do.” She smirked up at me. I was about to respond again when I got a pop-up.

  Because of your repeated resistance to Druidic mind control. You have gained the following trait. Strong willed: Increases resistance to mind altering effects.

  Almost instantly, the pain began to lessen and my body stopped fighting against me. The elf seemed to notice that I wasn’t struggling as much, and seemed to believe she had won.

  “There, you see? I knew you would comply eventually.” I lowered my head to her level.

  She grew excited and quickly raised her hand to touch my scales, but the instant she did.

  “I warned you…”

  “Huh?” She asked as I bit into her arm and quickly spun my body away. She was pulled off her feet and slung into the air. She screamed as she traveled through the air until, at the peak of her motion, I quickly pulled in the opposite direction. Her arm couldn’t take the strain and was torn off, while she fell out of the sky and onto the hard ground. I quickly swallowed her arm before anyone could stop me, and began glaring at the surround Elves.

  The previously confident elves were now nervous, and angry,

  “The beast killed Lady Aurae!” One of them screamed, alerting the rest of the camp.

  “Kill it before it attacks someone else!” They drew their weapons and tried to surround me. However, a voice stopped them in their tracks.

  “Stop this at once!” Granny and Ayla ran inside the circle of guards and stood in front of me.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “But Elder, the beast killed Lady Aurae!” Granny took a step towards the guard.

  “She’s not dead, you incompetent oaf!” She pointed over their heads at a group of Druids surrounding the downed form of Aurae.

  “But… But, the beast.”

  “Shut your damn mouth! I told Aurae last night to leave Torga alone, and what does she do? She tries to force him to bond with her.” She took two more steps forward.

  “She’s lucky we need her, or else I’d let nature take its course!”

  “So… I can’t eat her?” Granny glared at me over her shoulder.

  “If that is what you desire as payment for saving Ayla, be my guest.”

  “Not unless she tries that again. However, I would like some information.

  *Sigh* “If it is information you seek, then follow me and I will answer any question you have. However, I would ask that you leave after to prevent further incident.”

  “Very well.” I nodded my head.

  “Then follow me, we’ll head to my campfire for this talk.” She turned and walked off.

  I glanced down and saw Ayla fidgeting in place.

  “Relax brat, I suspected that would happen before we arrived.” She peeked up at me.

  “You’re not mad?”

  “Not at you, though if that woman comes near me again, I’m going to eat her.”

  *Giggle* “I think Granny was hoping you would pick that as your reward.” She leaned up to whisper near my head.

  “She’s been trying to get rid of her for years now, but she was given the position by the previous Elder, so Granny can’t do anything directly.”

  *Chuckle* ” I think your Gra
nny and I could really get along.” Ayla perked up then.

  “So… You’ll stay?” I shook my head.

  “I can’t stay. I have something I need to do, and I can’t do that with people around.”

  “Oh… Will you come visit?”

  *Sigh* “Yes Brat, I’ll come visit you and Granny.” She glared up at me.


  “Yes, I promise I’ll come to visit.” Her glare vanished and she smiled up at me.

  “Good!” She took a few steps back.

  “You better keep your promise, or when I’m bigger I’m going to come looking for you!”

  “Understood, Brat.” Her smile grew bigger.

  “Okay! Bye, old man!” She turned and walked deeper into the camp.

  “Chuckle* “Bye, Brat.” I followed after Granny and headed up to her campfire for our talk, and hopefully, for some information on my next target.

  Chapter 10

  I followed Granny to a tent on the outskirts of the camp, and while looking around. I noticed that it was one of the more simple camps around.

  “I’ll be honest. I expected something a bit more…” She glanced up at me.

  “Lavish?” I nodded.

  *Chuckle* “What can I say…I prefer simple.” She shrugged.

  “Aren’t you the leader, though?” She sat down on an old tree stump and looked up at me.

  “I am. Though you’d never know it.” I tilted my head in confusion.

  “Why not?”

  *Sigh* ” Too many people with differing opinions have caused a divide. On one side, you have my family and a few of the older Druids.”

  “And the other side?”

  *Scoff* Aurae and her lot… She’s been luring the younger generation over to her way of thinking for several years now.”

  “And, you haven’t stopped her, because…?”

  *Sigh* “It’s not that simple.” She stood up and began pacing back and forth in front of her tent.

  “My Grandfather, the last Elder, gave her that position. And, whether I like it or not. That’s given her a… a modicum of leeway, in her actions.”

  “Such as?”

  “… I cannot interfere with her actions, so long as they are for the camps ‘protection’. And, she’s quite good at manipulating the truth to fit her needs.”


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