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A Snake's Life

Page 9

by Kenaren

“It wants to harm…. Sarah…” Though I logically knew that Lena wasn’t Sarah… I couldn’t stop the fire that began to rage inside me.

  “It wants to take her away from them….” By this point… Lena no longer existed in my mind, as her image was replaced with Sarah and the sound of screeching tires.

  “Kill… It!“ Sarah’s voice echoed in my mind.

  “Fenris!” He padded over to the edge of the ship.

  “What is it, snake?”

  “If the Leviathan comes near us again… Will you help me kill it?” He smirked at me.

  “Of course.”

  * * *

  We didn’t see the Leviathan again that day, and several weeks passed by in a flash. The five of us traveled across the ocean in search of the Giant, but despite our best effort, we had yet to find it.

  During that time, the rage inside me continued to build. No matter how often I convinced myself that she wasn’t here… that it wasn’t her… It returned, time. after. time.

  Lena and Hali sensed that something was off with me, but every time they asked I just brushed them off. After all, what was I going to say?

  “I keep replaying my wife’s death in my mind and replacing you with her.” They’d believe me crazy…However, at this point, even I wasn’t completely sure that I wasn’t.

  I began to eat more often to help me ‘work off’ my anger. Though, I believe the sight of blood was doing more to calm me than eating was.

  “Kill It!” That also wasn’t helping. Sarah’s voice continued to echo in my mind, and her death was on a loop inside my dreams.

  And even though there were some variations, it always ended the same.

  I would be in a shadowed human body, and she would be standing in the middle of a busy highway, screaming for me to help her… And I would always fail.

  No matter how hard I tried, or how fast I ran… I was always too late to save her. And, it was driving me crazy!

  *Sigh* “I only hope this ends soon… lest I do something I’ll regret.”

  Chapter 17

  “Wake up mortal.” My eyes snapped open and a blank white space greeted me. A few seconds later, I realized that I was on my back, so I tried to roll over but something stopped me.

  “Huh?” I looked to my side and saw what was stopping me… I had arms. Well, not really ‘arms’ as they were made of a misty shadow, but they felt real. And when I looked down at my body, I realized that I was in a human body.

  “What’s going on?” I tried a few more times to roll over and finally succeeded on my third try. Then, I tried pushing myself up and onto my knees. But I fell down multiple times, instead.

  “What’s wrong, mortal? Having trouble?” From my place on the floor, I looked up and saw the golden being standing in front of me.

  “What’s wrong with me?” I tried again to push myself up, but I failed.

  “That should be obvious. You’ve spent so much time as a snake, that your ‘other’ body has faded.”

  “What do you mean? What ‘other’ body?”

  *Chuckle* “Nevermind, that isn’t important at the moment.”

  *Grunt* I finally got to my knees, but any further attempts to stand caused me to fall onto my stomach or back, so I just sat there.

  “Why…Why am I here? Did I die?”

  “No, you’re not dead. Though if I didn’t step in you most likely would have died.’

  “What do you mean?” The being snapped its fingers, and we were suddenly floating over the ship. My body couldn’t be seen as I was submerged, but Lena, the mutt, and the kids could be seen sleeping on the deck.

  Fenris was stretched across the width of the ship, and both his head and tail were hanging off the sides. And Lena and the kids were sleeping against his side.

  “Do you see that?” The being was pointing at the mast of the ship. I followed his finger but didn’t see anything.

  “I don’t see anything…” I shook my head for emphasis.

  *Sigh* “Of course, not.” It floated over to me and grabbed the top of my head.

  “You may feel a slight pinch…”

  “What are you…. GAH!!” A massive amount of pain coursed through my mind and a screen appeared in front of me. Though I couldn’t yet see it, as my eyes had been forced shut.

  You have been granted a new skill. Detect Concealment

  The being then turned my head back to the mast.

  “Do you see it now?” I waited until the pain subsided to crack open my eyes, but once I did… I saw it.

  A gray squid like creature was floating above the mast. Its tentacles were wrapped around the top and its singular yellow eye was staring into the water.

  “What is that!?”

  “A nightmare. A creature that feeds on the anger and resentment buried deep within.”

  “What’s it doing up there?”

  “Do you really not know?” I thought back over the past week and the answer obvious.

  “It’s the cause of my anger.” The being nodded.


  “But, why is it only targeting me? If it was truly feeding off of anger and resentment… Shouldn’t it also target the others?”

  “Normally.” The being nodded.

  “Then, why?”

  “Because it was ordered to.” I fell back over in surprise.

  “What!? Who would order such a thing!?” I shouted as I fought my way back onto my knees.

  “My sister… most likely.” I stared at it in confusion.

  “What?” It turned to face me.

  “My sister.” I shook my head and regained focus.

  “Why would your sister send that thing after me?”

  *Snort* “I’m sure she has plenty of reasons. Though, none of them are correct.”

  “What do you mean?” It held up one finger.

  “If you were to ask her. She would tell you she did it to give you courage.” It raised another finger.

  “If one of her ‘allies’ were to ask. She would tell them you were an abomination that needed to be eliminated.” A third finger was raised.

  “If I asked her. She would deny everything and blame it on someone else.” And a fourth finger was raised.

  “When she asks herself why she did it. She will justify it by saying it was for the greater good. And that you should be killed before you can corrupt anyone.” It lowered its hand.

  “And the truth?”

  *Laugh* “The truth is never so easy to explain, mortal.” I tilted my head to one side.

  “Why not?”

  ” How do you define what is ‘truth’, when everyone has their own version of it?” I thought for a few moments, then nodded.

  “Alright, then what is the most likely reason?”

  “That’s much easier to explain. She’s doing it, because you’re a threat to her… or her image, at least.”

  “I don’t understand… I’ve never met this woman before, so how am I a threat to her?”

  *Chuckle* “Simple… She’s afraid of you ‘corrupting’ her new protege.” I looked at it in confusion.


  “Sarah.” A few seconds later… it clicked.

  “She’s the one who brought her here.” The being nodded.


  “I don’t understand… wouldn’t a God who summoned someone to protect a planet be happy that said hero had a guardian?” It nodded.

  “If that was why she was brought here… Then yes.” I was silent for a few seconds.

  “Why did she bring her here, if not for that?” It shrugged.

  “Again, probably for a multitude of reasons.” I nodded.

  “And the most likely reason?”

  “Power.” I was confused again.

  “I don’t understand… Isn’t she a God?” It nodded.

  “Yes, but it isn’t personal power she craves. It’s power over the mortals.”


  “We God’s police ourselves, much like you mortals do
.” I nodded.

  “We also have laws that we must abide by, and interfering with mortal affairs, is a crime.”

  “Why? I thought it was a regular thing since you brought me here?” It shook its head.

  “Though there are exceptions to the rule. Gods are usually forbidden from changing someone’s destiny.”

  “Okay, but how does that give her power over mortals?”

  “People look up to heroes, and a truly loved hero can topple worlds without lifting a finger. Their words can move the hearts of billions, and destroy them just as easily…. So, If you control the people’s hero…”

  “You control the people… to an extent.” It nodded.

  “Exactly.” the two of us were quiet as I digested that information… Then I asked.

  “So, if you bringing me here was a crime…Why do it?” It looked at me.

  “Was it not you, who asked me to bring you here?” I nodded.

  “I did, and I’m thankful you listened… But, I’m also not naive enough to believe you did it out of ‘kindness’.” The being started laughing.

  “Smart, and also correct… I brought you here to interfere with my sister’s plan.”

  “…How?” I was preparing for it to say something like ‘Kill her’ or something similar, but.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t been able to figure out what her plan is, so I can’t decide how to mess it up.” The being shrugged.

  *Sigh* “Then, what do you want me to do?”

  “Well, my sister obviously doesn’t want you to reunite with Sarah, so… that’s a good place to start.” I nodded.

  “I was going to do that, anyway.”

  “Good… There is something else I need to mention. Lest it take you by surprise, later.”

  “What is it?”

  “…. My sister has labeled you a ‘tormentor’ of Sarah, and as such. Her followers will try to prevent you from finding her.”

  “What!?” I snarled.

  “I never harmed my wife, let alone tormented her!”

  “I’m aware.”

  “Why, then!?”

  “That’s… a long story.”

  “Summarize it for me.” I folded my ‘arms’ across my chest.

  “It should suffice to say, that… When she was young, she married someone she shouldn’t have. And he wasn’t the ‘nice guy’ she thought he was… He abused her, physically and mentally. He was a cruel bastard, who wasn’t worth the air he breathed. But, she loved him… That same love eventually turned into a hatred of men. And she sees all men, in the same light that she saw him. As abusers… and so much more.”

  “…. I understand that she has demons… But, you do realize that isn’t an excuse?”

  *Sigh* “Believe me, I know.” I nod

  “As long as you’re aware.” It folded its arms over its chest and stared at me.

  “I think we’re about done for today. Do you have any questions?” I thought for a few seconds then nodded.

  “Yes, for instance… Why did you lie about where I was going?” It shrugged.

  “I needed you there at that point in time. Besides, I have faith that you’ll make it to the end.”

  “You’re not going to tell me why that is, are you?” Silence was my answer.

  “Alright, next question. Why did I hear Sarah’s voice back on Rualea?” It shrugged.

  “Who knows.”

  “You’re not going to guess?” It shook its head.

  *Sigh* “Very well, next question… What’s your name?”


  “Okay… Niabus. So, you’re male I assume?” It shook its head.

  “I’m whatever I choose to be. Being a God does have its advantages, after all…. But yes, I was originally a male.”

  “I see…I think I’m done for now… Wait, will I see you again?” He shrugged.

  “Probably.” He snapped his fingers and I woke up back in my body. The first thing I did was swim up to the surface and climb onto the boat. Then, I slowly opened my ‘eyes’ and looked into the ‘Nightmare’s’ eye.

  It must have realized that I had discovered it because it tried to shut its eye. But my power took hold before it could, and slowly turned it to stone.

  I raised my head up until I was level with it, then I broke its hold on the mast and carried it down into the water.

  “I want to do so much more than just eat you, but… I can’t risk you tampering with my mind anymore.” I swallowed it, then curled up and went back to sleep….

  Chapter 18

  Another week passed by and with that creature no longer influencing my mind. I was finally able to calm down and think again. Because of that, I decided to just avoid the Leviathan instead of actively trying to kill it. After all, If I didn’t need to risk my life, why should I?

  Speaking of the creature. I woke up to this pop-up the following day.

  You have eaten the following race for the first time. Nightmare Demon: Tier 4

  While the creature’s name didn’t surprise me so much, the tier did. Because I expected a demon to be a terrifying creature, and while the squid’s appearance was certainly monstrous enough… It was weak. Although maybe this particular demon race was naturally weak, hence the concealment.

  “Oh well, at least I got something useful out of this.” I was, of course, referring to the ‘Detect Concealment’ skill granted to me by Niabus. After receiving this skill, and waking up the next morning. The first thing I did was to check the kids, then I checked Lena and Fenris for any other concealed creatures.

  I didn’t find any, however, I did find something on Fenris’ forehead. A small blue jewel, about the size of a thumbnail, was sitting directly between his eyes. I decided to wait a few days before asking him, as I didn’t want it to be too coincidental, that the day after I stopped having nightmares, I was suddenly able to see it.

  “Hey, Fenris.” He looked over the edge.

  “What is it Snake, I’m busy.” I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Licking your balls does not equate to being busy.” I could hear Hali and Solon snicker.

  “I was not!” A few seconds later, Lena decided to chime in with.

  “Yes, you were~”

  “Hey, you’re supposed to be on my side!” I raised my head up to the railing, so I could see what was going on. And I saw Lena walk over to Fenris and kiss him on the ear.

  “Aww, I am on your side… But there’s no point in lying about it, Dear.” Fenris grumbled under his breath.

  “Yeah, well ever since the twins were born. it’s not like I’ve been able to get you to do it.” A plank came loose and smacked Fenris on the nose. *Yelp!* He quickly covered his nose with his two front paws and whined.

  “What was that for!?” She glared at him.

  “Not in front of the children!” She hissed at him.

  “Hey, Mom?” Hali tugged on Lena’s sleeve.

  “Yes, sweetie?” She looked down at her daughter with a smile.

  “What did Dad mean, when he said he couldn’t get you to do it?” The veins appeared on Lena’s forehead and Fenris jumped overboard, almost landing on my back in the process.

  “Don’t worry, sweetie… I’ll be having a ‘talk’ with your father later tonight, about that very thing.” I glanced down at Fenris and saw him doggy paddling beside the ship.

  “I guess you’re in the doghouse now. Eh, mutt?” He glared at me and showed off his teeth.

  “Watch it, snake.” I smiled at him.

  “So, are you still busy?”

  *Growl* “What. is. it?” Lena came over and stood beside me.

  “Torga, would you please bring my husband back on board?” I smirked down at him.

  “Gladly.” He tried to swim away before I could grab him. However, I quickly caught up and wrapped my lower body around him, then carried him back to the ship.

  “Let go!” I swung my body up over the ship and dropped him in front of his wife. When he landed on his head in front of her, she gl
ared at me, but otherwise didn’t say anything.

  I saw her about to start chastising him, and though I thought it would be amusing to watch. I wanted answers first, so I interjected.

  “Mind answering my question, now?” She glared at me, then back at him.

  “We’ll talk about this later… Dear~” She walked away and had an obvious sway to her hips.

  *Whine* Fenris was watching her walk away, and he had to lay down on his stomach to hide… ‘something’.

  “What are you, a horny teenager?” He glared at me.

  “Don’t think I’ve forgotten, that it’s your fault I’m in this mess!” I tilted my head in confusion.

  “How is it my fault? I’m not the one that made you say something stupid. You did that, all by yourself.” He stared at me for a few seconds, then rolled his eyes.

  *Scoff* “Whatever, just ask your question.” I nodded.

  “Alright… What’s that on your forehead?” His eyes opened wide.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The small jewel between your eyes… What is it for?”

  “Lena, could you come over here, please!?” She had been over on the other side of the ship talking with Hali and Solon when she heard Fenris’ call. But, she came walking over a few seconds later, anyway.

  “What is it?” Fenris motioned to me.

  “Ask her, it’s her area of expertise.” Then, he walked over to the kids and fell down beside them, causing the ship to rock and them to start climbing on him.

  “You wanted to ask me something?” She asked, and I nodded in return.

  “I did… What’s that jewel on Fenris’ forehead?” She tilted her head.


  “The small jewel between his eyes. What’s it for?” She seemed to realize what I meant because she took a step back.

  “You… you can see it?” I nodded. She began chewing on her nails.

  “Do you have the ‘Detect Concealment’ skill?” I nodded.

  “That explains it… *Sigh* Alright, the jewel is a druid artifact.”


  “It’s a semi-rare stone that has been enchanted to… well… Make things more convenient for us druids.”

  “How so?”

  “Hmm… Well, as we cannot fight against animals to defend ourselves and it would be very inconvenient if we were forced to leave our partners behind when entering a city. The jewel was enchanted to shrink them to a normal size, so they could always be with us.” Her explanation confused me.


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