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Faith and the Fighter

Page 19

by Honey Phillips

  “It’s beautiful. You look perfect.”

  Kolga inspected the dress, then bowed his head. “I am quite satisfied. If you stay on Kaisar, you will allow me to dress you.”

  Faith grinned. “I’m not staying, and I tend to prefer jumpsuits when I’m working.”

  He gave a delicate shudder, bowed over her hand, and left.

  “Don’t you think I’m kind of overdressed?” she asked Ella doubtfully. Ella had changed while Faith was getting dressed and now wore a simple dark green gown that fell from one shoulder and was much more subdued than Faith’s outfit.

  “Not at all.” Ella giggled. “You should see some of my outfits.”

  “I’m sure you look adorable in them, but I'm not a cute little blonde.”

  “No. You’re a statuesque brunette.”

  Faith rolled her eyes. “I’m no such thing, but as long as Athtar likes me, it doesn’t matter.”

  “Loves you, you mean.”

  “Well, yes.” She felt her cheeks heat. “I never thought a big blue Viking would turn out to be the perfect man.”

  “I know. And my red devil is perfect for me.” Ella leaned closer. “Is he, um, big all over?”

  Her cheeks were bright red now. “Yes.”

  “Then it’s a good thing you’re a statuesque brunette.”

  Faith laughed. “You’re a lot smaller than Karthajin.”

  Ella gave a slow, sultry smile. “Mm. And we’re a perfect fit.”

  Faith was about to ask her if Kaisarian cocks vibrated, when another human appeared in the doorway to the room. An extremely curvy brunette with long dark hair, also dressed in a dark green one-shouldered gown, she was stunningly beautiful. Faith felt even more awkward now.

  “I’m not late, am I?” the newcomer asked. “I only just got the dress and my son Athtren was being fussy.”

  “Not at all.” Ella jumped up and hugged the new woman. “Deb, I want you to meet my friend Faith.”

  “Oh my gosh, it’s so nice to meet you. Ella has mentioned you so often.” A corner of her mouth curved up. “And Athtar desperately needed a mate.”

  “He did?”

  “Of course, he did, even though he would never have admitted it. And he’s so good with Athtren. Are you planning on having children?”

  A little stunned, Faith wasn’t quite sure how to respond. “Um, not yet. I’m about to start working on a research project with his mother.”

  “Sorry. I’m just so focused on babies right now that I want everyone to start a family.” A flash of sorrow crossed her face and Faith remembered Ella’s earlier comments, but Deb blinked and then smiled. “Thank you for inviting me.”

  Inviting her? Surely that was Ella’s idea. She turned her head in time to see Ella shaking her head at Deb.

  “What’s going on?” All of a sudden, the significance of the fancy gown and the fact that the two other women were wearing similar outfits sank in. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  Deb winced. “I’m sorry. I have a big mouth.”

  “Athtar wanted it to be surprise,” Ella added.

  “Wanted what to be a surprise?”

  “The mating ceremony,” she said with a big smile.

  “Which basically means a wedding,” Deb added.

  The room seemed to be spin and Deb caught her elbow. “Are you all right? You turned white.”

  “I’m just… I… He wants to marry me?”

  “They don’t call it that, but yes. Surely you aren’t surprised?” Ella asked anxiously. “I saw the two of you together. I thought you would want to mate him. But if you don’t, we can call the whole thing off. You don’t even have to see him if you don’t want to.”

  “Of course I want to see him,” she said automatically, her head still spinning. “God, it’s just like him not to even think about asking me. He’s so damn bossy.”

  “But you do want to mate him, don’t you?”

  “Of course I do,” she snapped. “That’s not the point.”

  “You could make him wait,” Deb said. “Leave him wondering.”

  “He’d just come roaring in here and carry me off. He seems to like carrying me around.” Both women sighed. “And then he’d spank me.”

  Deb looked indignant but Ella gave her a knowing smile. “Does that mean you want to make him wait?”

  Faith laughed. “No, I guess not. I do love him, even if he’s a pain in the ass sometimes.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I’m getting married.”

  “Damn it. Now you’re going to make me cry,” Deb said. “You need to stop so that I can do your makeup.”


  The other woman shook her head. “Let me guess. You never use it.”


  “You and Ella.” She sighed. “Natural beauty is all very well and good, but a girl should look her best on her wedding day. Just leave it to me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  When Deb was finished, Faith barely recognized herself. Her eyes looked big and mysterious behind her glasses, the green enhanced by Deb’s magic touch. Subtle color tinted her cheeks and her lips looked pink and inviting. She licked them nervously and found the gloss tasted sweet.

  “Now stop that,” Deb chided. “Wait and let Athtar kiss it off.”

  “Mm. I like that idea.”

  “Okay, you two. Everything is ready.” Ella danced back in and gave Faith a quick hug. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “I’m glad you’re here.” They smiled mistily at each other and Deb sniffed.

  With Ella and Deb leading the way, they walked out into the garden. The sun was setting, streaks of fire visible through the shimmering haze that covered the palace, but small lights already twinkled along the garden paths. Ahead of them, similar lights draped an open-walled tea house, mingling with multiple garlands of flowers. She could see the crew standing to one side, all of them dressed in their finest, while Karthajin and another Kaisarian waited on the other side with Warnax and another guard behind them. She knew the other Kaisarian must be Rast but she couldn't take her eyes off of Athtar long enough to really look at him. Athtar had tamed his hair, pulling it back in a single braid, and trimmed his beard so that it followed the strong line of his jaw. He was wearing the silk shirt she had stolen so often, and he looked magnificent, strong and proud and hers. Her eyes didn’t leave his until she was standing in front of him, but she managed to make it the entire way without tripping.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said when she finally reached him.

  “Thank you. Was there something you wanted to tell me?” she asked, waving her hand at the small gathering.

  “We’re getting mated.”

  She lifted her chin. “Isn’t it customary to ask first?”

  He didn’t look the slightest bit remorseful. “No. There’s no fucking way you’re going to say no. You’re mine now, baby.”

  She paused just long enough to see a hint of anxiety break through his bravado before she nodded. “Yes, I suppose I am.”

  “Fuck, you drive me crazy.” He hauled her closer and completely ignoring their audience, kissed her until she was limp and clinging to him. “Now behave yourself.”

  Together they turned to find a third Kaisarian waiting for them. He was wearing plain black robes and he exuded a feeling of calm serenity.

  “Are you ready, my children?”


  “Fuck yes.”

  In the warmth of the setting sun, with only their friends surrounding them, they were joined.

  Much later that evening, Athtar prowled the room Ella had insisted that they take for the evening. Fortunately, it was a big room and he had plenty of space to roam around. He was well aware that he should be grateful for the luxurious surroundings, but he would rather have been back on The Lady. The carpet was too thick, the chairs too dainty, the fabrics too soft, the bed—well, the bed was all right. Despite more soft fabrics and way too many pillows, it was big and firm, and it
would be perfect as soon as Faith was in it. Instead, she had disappeared into the bathroom to “get ready” although he had no idea why.

  The evening had turned out much better than he expected. The ceremony had been short and simple but all he cared about was that it was done. Faith was his forever. Afterwards, there had been enormous quantities of excellent food and wine, but it had been served casually by a few discreet servants. He had spent most of the evening with Faith in his lap, while his friends enjoyed themselves. Rast had, of course, given him hell.

  “Now you know how I feel,” Rast murmured, his eyes watching Deb as she introduced their son Athtren to Faith. Athtar couldn’t help but notice how perfect she looked with the baby in her arms.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  Studoc wandered over to the two women and said something that made them both laugh and turn pink. Athtar growled.

  “I could have him sent back to Hothrest,” Karthajin suggested. The emperor had not taken kindly to Studoc’s outrageous flirting with Ella earlier in the evening.

  “Tempting, but I think I’d prefer to give him a fucking training session once we’re back on the ship.”

  “He’d probably prefer the ice planet,” Rast said dryly.

  Athtar surveyed the rest of his crew. Thynmirr had joined Studoc and the women. Grabon was deep in conversation with one of Karthajin’s guards, a big Bukharan named Sendat. Warnax and Kanithe were comparing knives, while Ella was questioning Ultana about the history of Ylft. He sighed in satisfaction and raised his glass.

  “Here’s to addictive little humans.”

  Both men laughed and drank.

  “And thank the Gods we found them,” Rast added

  “May they always be at our sides,” Karthajin said solemnly and raised his own glass.

  “Fuck yes.”

  Now Athtar smiled again, remembering that moment, and wondered impatiently what was taking his mate so long. He was staring out at the fussy little garden, when she spoke from behind him.


  He whirled around and lost the ability to talk. She was wearing a sheer gold gown that drifted over her body. It concealed nothing and yet, the soft swath of color made her seem more naked than if she had been wearing nothing.

  “Fucking gorgeous,” he managed at last.

  Pink tinted her cheeks and she walked towards him, the gown concealing and then revealing her body with each step.

  “You look pretty good yourself.” He had discarded his clothes as soon as they were alone and now she reached for his cock, long cool fingers closing around the throbbing length and stroking it slowly.

  He shuddered, then lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. The soft covers no longer annoyed him, they were a fitting background for his beautiful mate. His chest actually ached as he looked down at her.

  “You’re mine now,” he said, the words filling him with satisfaction.

  “Only now?” she teased.

  “You know better than that. You’ve been mine since the first moment you stumbled off the flyer and fell into my arms.”

  “I remember. You caught me.”

  “I will always catch you,” he vowed.

  She gave him a misty smile and put her hand to his cheek. “Oh, Athtar. I love you so much. My husband. My mate.”

  He groaned, her words running through him like lightning, his cock throbbing with the need to be inside her. He kissed her, putting all of his passion, his love into his kiss, even as his hands sought frantically, ripping the pretty gown open in one swift move, groaning again when he found her delicious cunt already slick and ready.

  “I can’t fucking wait,” he warned.

  “I don’t want you to wait.”

  The words hadn’t even finished leaving her mouth before he drove into her with one long, hard stroke. She arched her back and cried out, and he could feel her tight little cunt fluttering, trying to adjust to his size, but when he tried to pause, to give her time to adjust, she tightened those long fucking legs around his hips and dug her tiny nails into his shoulders.

  “Don’t stop,” she demanded.

  Thank the stars. He curled one hand over her shoulder and grabbed her hip with the other, holding her in place as he succumbed to his primitive instincts, his need to show his woman that she belonged to him, only to him. He drove mindlessly, deep into the hot tight fist of her cunt, pounding into her body as she met each stroke, rising to meet him, his beautiful, passionate little scientist. His. The satisfaction of that knowledge roared through him as his balls tightened and a line of fire shot down his spine, as he felt her body begin to convulse around him, as he shuddered and came, his seed erupting in waves of pleasure, filling his mate.

  He pulled her close, too full of emotion for words, until at last he could speak.

  “Gods, I love you so fucking much.”

  She smiled up at him. “I love you, too. I’m glad we were mated tonight.”

  “Even if I didn’t ask you?”

  “Yes, you big lug.” Her hand came to his cheek and she stroked his shortened beard. “You trimmed your beard.”

  “It seemed like the thing to do.”

  “I like it, but I liked the long one, too.” Her hand moved up to his hair. “Take your hair down.”

  He reached back and undid the braid. She helped, stroking her fingers through the long strands until they flowed around his shoulders again.

  “That’s better. Now you’re my Viking again.”

  “What is this Viking you keep mentioning?”

  “They were fighters, too. Historical warriors who were big and strong and tended to carry off women so that they could have their wicked way with them.” Her cheeks turned pink, but her nipples were fat little peaks beneath the remnants of her gown. He rolled one gently and she immediately arched towards him. “I may have read a book or two where they were the heroes,” she added breathlessly.

  “Do you want me to have my wicked way with you, Faith?”

  “Oh, yes, please.”

  “Should I start by punishing you for making me think for even one fucking second that you didn’t want to be my mate?”

  For a second, she looked guilty, then she lifted that fucking chin.

  “You should have asked me.”

  “I didn’t think I needed to. I thought I was pretty fucking clear about how I felt.”

  “I just don’t want you taking me for granted.”

  “Take you for granted? Baby, you are the most brilliant, argumentative, challenging woman I have ever fucking met. I would never fucking take you for granted.”

  “Oh. Well, in that case, have your way with me, my Viking.”

  With a growl, he sat up, bringing her with him. He yanked the rest of her gown out of the way impatiently and lowered her down over his cock. Despite her wetness, she was still swollen and he had to work himself slowly into her delicious cunt. When he was buried to the hilt, he stopped and looked at her. Her face was flushed and her lids heavy, her big nipples pink and swollen, half covered by the torn gown. He could feel her channel quivering around him, still adjusting to his size. Perfect.

  He brought his hand down behind her and gave a quick hard spank. He felt the impact where their bodies were joined, and her cunt clamped down even tighter. They both groaned.

  “Ooh. I like that,” she gasped.

  “I thought you would.” He repeated the gesture, keeping a steady rhythm of quick, sharp smacks as he felt her ass heat under his hand, as her cunt fluttered wildly around his cock while she tried to wiggle and squirm and get closer to him. When her ass was warm and glowing, he used one hand to pull her closer while his other hand reached between their bodies and pressed down on her exposed, swollen clit. His cock sang inside her and he felt her shiver and come, the grip of her cunt so tight he could barely breathe. As soon as her grip loosened, he laid her back against the bed and began thrusting, covering her mouth with his, his tongue matching the rhythm as he tried to bury as much of his body inside he
r as he could. Her legs came up, drawing him impossibly deeper, and her arms circled his neck, holding on to him so tightly he felt like they were one being. His balls tightened as he thrust deeper, harder, aware of nothing but this woman that he loved so fucking much, his mate now and forever, and he exploded in a long pulsating wave, vaguely aware that she had tightened around him again as he clung to her.

  When his pulse finally slowed, he lifted his head and looked down at her. Her cheeks were flushed and she gave him a satisfied smile.

  “Wicked enough for you, baby?”

  “Definitely. I believe you could fight off a whole horde of Vikings.”

  “I would fight anybody or any fucking thing to keep you safe and happy.”

  “You don’t have to fight for me. I’m already yours. All you have to do is love me.”

  “I do.” And he lowered his head and proceeded to show her again just how much.


  Two and a half years later

  Faith woke up feeling cold. She automatically turned to curl into Athtar’s body, but his side of the bed was empty. With a sleepy sigh, she put on her glasses and went to find him, her bare feet whispering over the polished coral floors. She loved this house. Athtar had worked with Rast to have it built for them here on Sherae and it was perfect. Set on a rocky promontory close to the spaceport, it was far enough away for privacy but an easy walk to the town and palace where Rast and Deb lived. All of the rooms opened onto the sea, even the huge lab built into the bottom level.

  They had spent their first year together traveling and she had loved every minute of it. Her lab had grown to encompass half of one of the cargo bays, and between her work there and the interesting places they went, she had never wanted to leave. She enjoyed it so much so that even after she decided she wanted a child, they remained onboard until she was almost six months pregnant—at which point Athtar had put his foot down and brought her here. She had thought she would miss the ship and the crew, and she did, but it had been surprisingly easy to settle into this life.


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