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A Casual Weekend Thing

Page 6

by A. J. Thomas

  Christopher, Doug noticed, had managed to unbutton Doug’s own pants already. How the hell had Doug not noticed him doing that? Not that he cared.

  Doug moaned into the kiss as he felt long, calloused fingers reach inside his briefs to stroke his cock. He broke the kiss and pushed Christopher back onto the bed, then slipped out of the rest of his clothes and crawled over him. When the other man spread his legs wide and let Doug settle between them, all of Doug’s hesitation evaporated.

  Christopher took Doug’s cock in hand again, shifted so their bodies were aligned, then began to stroke them both together. Those adept fingers and the heat of Christopher’s body pressing tight against his drove Doug into a frenzy where nothing mattered except touching more of that hot tanned skin. Beneath him, Christopher writhed and arched into every inch of contact between them. Christopher rubbed every part of himself against Doug, grinding their erections together while he stroked them roughly. Doug savored the friction of the other man’s skin scraping his nipples, hissed at the contrast of velvety skin and coarse hair where his cock slid against Christopher’s own.

  Doug kissed his jaw, then down his neck and chest. He shifted lower and saw Christopher open his eyes and stare at him, blue eyes glazed with lust. Doug held his gaze and wrapped his tongue around the head of Christopher’s cock in a motion that made Christopher’s entire body seem to twitch. Doug took Christopher’s entire length into his mouth and watched his delicious reactions. Just as he felt the head of Christopher’s cock graze the back of his throat, Doug reached a single finger back toward the man’s entrance. He pushed his way inside and then licked the full length of Christopher’s cock again.

  Christopher was so tight that Doug could hardly even move his finger inside him. He sucked the tip of Christopher’s cock and then let it go with a loud pop. “You’re too tight,” he said, breathless.

  “It’s been a while,” Christopher muttered. “Lube. Condom. Pants pocket.”

  Doug rolled off the bed and found Christopher’s pants. He rifled through the pockets quickly, finding a small tube of lube but no condom. He pulled everything out of the man’s back pocket and then saw a blue foil square sticking out of the wallet. He was just going to grab the condom, but the brief glimpse he got of the man’s ID made him hesitate.

  “Where’s the condom?” he asked, knowing he was taking too long. He scanned the ID fast, taking in the police department logo, the California state seal, the outline of the badge that was the backdrop of the ID itself.

  Another cop. An out-of-state cop, but another cop. It didn’t matter, though. Sunday morning, he’d be back in Elkin and back at work. Even if this guy was relocating and not just passing through, the odds of ever seeing him again were slim at best. It was fine to let this happen, fine to want it so desperately. And he did want it. His entire body felt like it was on fire at the idea of burying himself inside this man.

  “Back right pocket. It’s in there somewhere.”

  When he heard the bed springs shift, Doug snapped the wallet closed and held up the condom. “Got it.” He shoved the wallet back into the man’s pants and crawled back onto the bed.

  He climbed over Christopher again, running his hands up the man’s thighs as he moved. He nuzzled the tuft of blond hair where his thigh met his groin and nearly laughed as Christopher jumped and giggled. Doug ran his tongue over Christopher’s sac and up his shaft again before taking it back into his mouth.

  Doug squeezed a bit of the cold lube onto his hands, coating his fingers, and then he slipped a finger inside of Christopher quickly, then added another. When he eased in a third finger, Christopher whined and bucked up into Doug’s mouth. He felt Christopher’s hands on his shoulders, trying to push him away. Doug smiled around Christopher cock and sucked it down as far as he could without gagging. Doug felt Christopher tense and then swallowed around the head of his cock as Christopher came down his throat. He swallowed again, milking every drop he could out of him. After another twirl of his tongue, Doug eased himself off Christopher.

  “Better?” Doug asked, twisting his fingers inside Christopher.

  Even as Christopher’s cock softened slightly, he rocked his hips to try to get Doug’s fingers deeper. “Stop teasing me and it will be!”

  “Teasing? Not yet,” said Doug, licking Christopher’s cock again before moving back up to his chest and neck. He wiggled all three fingers inside Christopher, stretching his body and pressing up hard.

  Christopher froze in an instant; his eyes went wide and his cock swelled again. “Fuck! Right there!” A wave of tremors rippled through the taller man’s body as Doug stroked inside him. “Fuck yes!”

  “Perfect,” Doug gasped. He watched in awe as Christopher threw his head back and arched his entire body into the contact. Doug stroked him again. Watching the tremors vibrate through Christopher’s body was nearly enough to make Doug come by itself. He felt his groin tighten and had to close his eyes, take a few ragged breaths to calm down. He reached for the small tube again, applied the slick liquid to his own cock, and shifted between Christopher’s legs. He ripped the condom opened with his teeth, slicked the lube over the condom, too, and finally slipped his fingers out of Christopher.

  Christopher rocked his hips up and lifted his legs invitingly. Doug dove into the other man in a single hard thrust that nearly knocked the wind out of Christopher. He couldn’t wait for Christopher to relax and accept his size; he was too far past the point of control. With a feral heat that drowned out every logical thought, he rolled Christopher’s hips up higher and placed both of his hands on the backs of Christopher’s knees for leverage, then gave a quick, sharp thrust. Christopher moaned and tried to pull Doug’s cock deeper into him. Doug pushed Christopher’s knees so far back they were touching the bed beside his hips, then began to thrust into him fast and hard, driving into the spot that made Christopher tremble over and over again.

  Doug marveled at the tense, overwhelming lust he saw on Christopher’s face. Beneath him, Christopher fisted both of his hands in the sheets as his body was wracked with tremors of pain and pleasure. Doug growled low, thrilled when he managed to coax Christopher back to a full erection with a few thrusts. He kept up the same frantic pace, but he focused everything he had on trying not to finish. He wanted to make Christopher come all over his chest—he wanted to see it. He wanted to feel those tremors around his cock as Christopher came with him inside him. He released Christopher’s legs and licked his clean palm, then began to stroke Christopher in time with his thrusts, making Christopher groan and try to thrust into his hand. Doug tightened his fingers and stroked faster, until every thrust and stroke made the man beneath him scream. It was less than a minute before Christopher’s body tensed again, but this time Doug shifted his hand to the base of Christopher’s cock and squeezed, stopping Christopher’s orgasm. He thrust harder and faster, pushing himself to completion, and then slid his fingers gently up to the tip of Christopher’s cock. He squeezed the sensitive tip and buried himself deep inside Christopher before the building tension finally broke and the pleasure washed over him.

  “Fuck!” Christopher pulled at the sheets, closing his fists so tight his knuckles were white.

  Doug shut his eyes and let out a silent cry as Christopher’s passage tightened around him, dragging his orgasm out until he couldn’t think straight. When the world came back into focus, Doug slipped out of the other man’s body and collapsed beside him. He slipped the condom off and flung it into the trash, then stared down at the panting man on the bed beneath him. When he saw that the fake smile on the other man’s face was gone, replaced instead with a satisfied grin, Doug pulled him close. Christopher tried to shift a bit away from Doug, though he didn’t try that hard. When Doug tightened his grip, Christopher grunted and settled his head against Doug’s chest.

  “Damn.” Doug rubbed Christopher’s shoulder. He traced a small circle of slippery red flesh, lined with tiny, almost indistinguishable bumps. He didn’t miss the way the other m
an flinched as he traced the fresh scar with his fingers. “I’m sorry,” Doug whispered against Christopher’s blond hair. “I normally don’t get that carried away. Are you all right?”

  “Are you kidding? That was fun.” Christopher laughed. Doug watched Christopher’s eyes droop and the lazy, but thankfully real, smile that spread across his face made Doug want to hold him tighter. “You can get carried away with me anytime.”

  “Any time, huh? I need a minute to rest, but then I’m going to take you up on that,” Doug whispered.

  After cleaning up, Doug drifted off to sleep spooned against Christopher. He figured he’d sleep fine, he usually did after sex, but soon his dreams turned on him. When Doug dreamed of sex, he dreamed of a faceless, nameless body—a perfect ass he could pound into as hard as he wanted, and arms strong enough to hold him down and fuck him in return, even if he panicked. The dreams always shifted into a nightmare of his ex holding him down with a gun against the back of his head while he fucked him hard.

  This time the dream changed, but it didn’t turn into his usual nightmares. Doug dreamed of turning Christopher over and fucking him from behind, seeing those blue eyes turned back over Christopher’s shoulder, smiling at him. Then those blue eyes morphed and turned into lifeless, pale purple eyes. Christopher’s smiling face became bloated, purplish, and dead. It was the corpse from the cliff he was fucking, long blond hair streaming out as if caught by the wind, and those dead eyes piercing his soul like daggers.

  When he felt hands on his shoulders, holding him down, he woke up frantic and lashed out in the darkness. He couldn’t move. He flailed against the hold, trying to free his legs, to shift his hips so he could buck off whoever had him pinned, but he was trapped. He blinked until his eyes adjusted to the dim light coming from the hotel bathroom, then he looked up to see a very serious-looking blond pinning him down with ease. “You okay?” Christopher asked, not moving from the perfectly balanced hold.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry.” Doug tried to shift his arms out of the other man’s grip, but failed again.

  “We’ve all got issues, man,” said Christopher. “I’m just glad you didn’t slip your gun under the pillow or something.” Christopher shifted so his hips and Doug’s were aligned, then tilted his head and smiled at Doug, considering his expression. “You normally do that, don’t you?”


  “And you normally don’t do this?”

  “I try not to,” he admitted. “I usually come down here two, maybe three times a year. Otherwise I see women occasionally, but that’s mostly to keep the guys at work from trying to set me up with their sisters or in-laws.”

  On top of him, Christopher shifted and offered him a sympathetic smile. Doug felt Christopher’s cock grow hard against his, and in spite of himself, his body arched up for more contact. Christopher ground his hips down. “I wouldn’t have thought working in Montana would be that bad.”

  “I wish.” Doug bucked instinctively, even though he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to throw Christopher off him. “Four years with the Miami-Dade Sheriff’s Office were that bad. Up here, I’m just bored stupid.”

  Christopher whistled slowly. “Miami, huh? Ouch. I read that it has one of the highest fatality rates of any law-enforcement agency in the country. Second to Detroit.” Doug felt the grip on his wrists loosen and shift, until both of his wrists were held in a viselike grip above his head. He felt Christopher run slender, calloused fingers down his body, over his hip, and finally up again along the inside of his thigh, until there was no more room. Christopher lifted his hips just enough to reach between them, then those damn fingers continued their trek up and over Doug’s balls and to the tip of his cock. “Bored stiff is the saying, isn’t it? Because you are.” Christopher caressed his dick gently, tickling every centimeter of tender flesh, until Christopher cupped Doug’s sac again.

  Then he moved a single fingertip lower and circled Doug’s entrance.

  Doug’s entire body tightened as he shut his eyes and threw his head back. He crushed his eyes shut, trying to force down the panic building in him. Part of him wanted to move. He wanted to escape from the control of this man, and he twisted his body, trying to get away.

  “Shh,” Christopher whispered. “Whatever it is, it’s in the past. You’re safe.”

  Doug shook his head frantically. “I’m sorry, I don’t…. That’s what I was trying to say before. I panic, sometimes….”

  “That’s fine, you don’t have to,” said Christopher in a soothing voice. Something in the way his tone grew deep and calming went straight to Doug’s groin. Christopher withdrew his fingers and Doug tried to look away, too embarrassed to face the man hovering above him. This man, who looked so incredible when Doug was fucking him, who looked so perfect when he really smiled, wasn’t who he was afraid of. Christopher wasn’t the lover who had so brutally betrayed Doug’s trust that it took him a year before the thought of touching someone didn’t make him feel like throwing up. He wasn’t one of the strung-out meth dealers Doug had ended up bottoming for as part of his undercover work in Miami, when he had needed to medicate himself with drugs and alcohol just to get through it. He opened his eyes and stared at the man holding him down. Doug wanted this. He wanted it so bad it hurt.

  “I wasn’t saying no, just warning you. I want you to fuck me,” Doug whispered, locking his gaze on Christopher.

  “Are you sure?” Christopher asked, his voice level.

  “Unless you’d like to ride me instead, ’cause I’d be up for that.”

  Christopher ground their erections together hard and groaned. He shifted his weight off Doug’s hips and chest, squirming to settle between Doug’s legs, then kissed him again, crushing their lips together and reaching his tongue deep into Doug’s mouth, distracting him while he slipped a single finger inside him.

  Doug’s eyes opened wide as both lust and panic threatened to consume him. Christopher kissed his jaw, his chin, and his neck, tasting every bit of skin he could reach without releasing Doug’s arms. Doug felt his panic ebb as he drank in the delicious sensations. Christopher pulled away and smiled down at him, everything about him reassuring and intoxicating at the same time. He was calm, completely controlled, and absolutely stunning. When Doug finally managed to get himself under control, Christopher shifted his head down and kissed Doug fiercely. Doug burned as he felt himself being stretched by talented fingers.

  Doug tried not to cringe, but it was hard not to. Christopher was so eager, stretching him so quickly, that it hurt more than he remembered. Doug tried to ride out the pain, but he couldn’t force himself to relax enough to stop fighting Christopher’s hold, much less allow the other man to penetrate him easily. “Lube,” he gasped.

  Christopher pulled his fingers out of Doug and groped for the lube in the darkness. He had to use his teeth to untwist the cap, and then he set the small tube between his teeth and squeezed some onto his fingers. A moment later, the burning returned as Christopher shoved three fingers inside him. When he scraped Doug’s prostate this time, the explosion of pleasure smothered the burning. Doug cried out as the first wave of pleasure ripped through him. He pushed back against those fingers, finally shifting his hips enough to free his right leg from Christopher’s pin.

  Christopher moved in a flash. The fingers inside him vanished. Before Doug could move his leg out to try and flip Christopher, Christopher looped his arm beneath Doug’s knee and lifted his leg up, flipping him onto his stomach. Doug felt a steady hand settle on his shoulder and another lift his hips slightly, bracing him. Doug felt the other man’s tip against his skin, then felt it slip inside.

  “Fuck!” Doug cried out, twisting his entire body as the other man rocked into him.

  “Anything you want,” said Christopher. But he didn’t move. Doug wanted to scream and tried to thrust back, to feel more of Christopher filling him, but Christopher held him tight. Christopher leaned forward and nipped at the back of Doug’s neck, then lapped at the skin gently. />
  “Now, damn it!” Doug yelled. “Fuck me!”

  Christopher inched Doug’s hip up higher and rocked into him carefully, almost teasing him. Then he moved Doug’s hip again and repeated the shallow, careful rock.

  “Please!” Doug whined, trying to push back with all of his strength. The moment he did, he felt Christopher’s cock brush against his prostate and he lurched forward, whimpering. Christopher kissed his shoulder gently, then sat back on his knees, took hold of Doug’s hips with both hands and hammered into him so hard Doug screamed. Another hard thrust followed, slamming into his prostate and pushing him forward before Doug had a chance to catch his breath. The pace Christopher set was so frantic, all Doug could do was hold on. The panic and fear that had so often stopped him from doing this were gone. There was no time to panic. There was only sensation, pleasure and pain both, melded together until every nerve in his body was on fire. With Christopher pulling his hips back with each thrust, he had no choice but to let that fire consume him.

  Christopher held out longer than Doug had. He fucked Doug until they were both out of breath, each movement making his hips and balls slap against Doug’s ass. In the darkness, Christopher’s panting and the slapping of skin against skin formed a rhythmic background music punctuated by each cry and scream he pulled from Doug’s body. With one half-muted scream, Christopher curled around Doug’s back and exploded inside him. Doug took a ragged breath as he felt the last tremors of Christopher’s cock. Despite his trepidation, Doug tried to clamp down on Christopher, to hold him inside his body, just as they were. Christopher kissed his shoulder with a tenderness that seemed alien after the way he’s just fucked him. If Doug hadn’t been so damn close, he might have enjoyed the soft caress of his lips more. But he needed to come. He reached down to take himself in hand and felt Christopher close his fingers over his.


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