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A Christmas Demon for Clara

Page 18

by Chloe Alice Balkin

  Except Hazel, who grabbed a kitchen knife.

  The lead angel walked over to her, smiling in the most peculiar way as he took her hand and eased the blade from it. "Not today, little warrior. Today sees no more combat. Seraphim and cherubim, return." He nodded to Clara, and his wings, already having receded from the terrifying fires, sprang forth in their original form of golden, glowing curls of filigree. He looked up at the sky, as though he was also about to take flight.

  "Wait!" Clara yelled at him. She was suddenly able to move again, as was Locke. Except he'd frozen in an awkward stance, so all he did was face plant in the snow. Clara told herself not to tease him about that later, about her great knight pitching straight over, but she was sure it would happen eventually. "What's happening? Where are you going?"

  "I have deemed you innocent of the crimes you were charged with, Clara Jubilee."

  "The fuck does that mean?" Hazel hissed. "Fucking hell, you guys need to get your shit together before you go hunting innocent humans—"

  The angel clamped his hand over Hazel's mouth. Her eyes rolled back when his hand glowed faintly over her skin. "You talk too much, little warrior. The celestial body believed your sister was keeping her ghosts against her will. It seems now that this was an error that needs to be redressed. The process will take some years and, in light of this revelation, I doubt you'll have cause for concern in the future." He shot a warning glare at Clara. "Unless you deliberately interfere with the mechanics of death."

  "I would never do that!"

  "Very well. May the Heavens ever shine in your favor, Jubilee sisters. And…sorry we cut off the arm off your demon guardian."

  Clara shifted awkwardly. "Yeah, about your guy." She gestured to the bloodied angel still lying in the snow. "Sorry Killian did, ahh…."

  The angel shrugged and scooped up his incapacitated companion. "You mess with a supernova wrath, you get cut up."

  One final nod, and he took off into the skies above.

  Chapter 28

  The last thing Locke wanted to do now was leave Clara. He wanted to hold her through the adrenaline crash they'd both undoubtedly go through. He wanted to reprimand her, gently, for the trick she'd pulled on him, pushing him through the door like that. He hadn't even gotten a chance to evaluate her actions, and he wanted to be with her as he worked through how anger would manifest with his aionia.

  He wanted to spend the rest of the long night with her, never letting her go. Making love to her or just sleeping with his body wrapped around hers. It seemed impossible that this was all a misunderstanding, and his nerves were still shaking. He still needed to protect her. She'd been incredibly brave tonight, but now he totally understood why Druxel had freaked out earlier that day when he'd come to them asking if he could get Ramellen's help.

  Those few precious seconds he'd been separated from Clara as he'd scrambled to make a new door to her lawn, his heart had nearly escaped through his bowels. He couldn't imagine what Druxel must have gone through knowing his mate was potentially facing angels and there'd be no way to know until daylight how she'd fared.

  He wanted to protect Clara from his own terrors, but there was something more important now. It was Christmas, and he wanted to be able to offer her what he hoped would be the greatest Christmas present he could.

  Boss was happy to see him when he portaled into the cave. Or, at least, he didn't immediately coldcock Locke or string him up by his entrails.

  "You've removed the human from the realm."

  Locke nodded, wishing that he wasn't about to say what he needed to. He braced himself for the incoming blow, warily taking inventory of all the torture devices lining the walls of the sex room Boss had led him to, doing his best to erase the stench of bodily fluids from his nostrils. "For now, but I need to talk to you about that."

  The growl that rumbled from Boss's gut had Locke easing himself back. The closer he was to the wall, the easier the impact against it would be.

  "The angels have been dealt with. Permanently, we hope. We had to explain…or Clara had to explain…she wasn't holding the ghosts back. She was helping them stay. This satisfied the angel, who I guess is going to take that back to headquarters for further ruling."

  "That idiot," Boss grumbled.

  Locke's brow shot up.

  "Mettle," he clarified. "That was probably the angel you dealt with. Big one? Stupid hair that sticks up and does a weird floppy thing? Holiest of Holies in his scabbard?"

  "That's the guy."

  "Yeah, that's the idiot." Boss shrugged. "All's well that ends well, right? Clara doesn't have to come back to Hell."

  "That's the issue." Locke's mouth went dry at the look Boss gave him. He briefly considered not asking. He didn't want to scare Clara on Christmas by not being there. Better to leave it alone, then.

  No. Even if he was incapacitated now, he had his chalk. He could at least get a message to Clara. No matter what happened now, she needed to know.

  Locke straightened up and cleared his throat, cutting right to the meat of it with, "Clara is my aionia, and I am hers. I humbly request that she be granted access to Hell permanently so that we may live as intended by demon rights. Sir. My prince." He swallowed again, immediately regretting his decision to throw it out there like that.

  Yeah, the way Boss's crimson eyes churned, that was definitely not the right way to go about it.

  Another grumble from Boss's stomach. Hunger. Probably for, like, three of Locke's limbs. His voice was straight brimstone, the bedrock on which hellfire was birthed. "What do you mean, you are her aionia?"

  Right, yeah, that was a sticky spot. "I have…shared blood with her."

  That wall became Locke's best friend as Boss's fist slammed right into his gut. Locke's first thought was he'd never make it back to Clara for Christmas celebrations with his tail threaded through his asshole, but no, somehow Boss had missed his spinal cord entirely. His legs were screaming at him right now.

  "How dare you drink from her!" Boss roared.

  It could have been the pain blurring his judgment, because Locke said, "More to point, she drank from me."

  Boss dug around in Locke's chest cavity before squeezing hard on his lung.

  That shut him right up.

  "I told you not to touch her. How fucking difficult was that to understand?"

  Boss shook him off with a flick of the wrist that sent him flying across the room.

  "She…is…my aionia," Locke groaned before heaving up what remained of his dinner on the floor. "You…you must…understand."

  Another roar from Boss, this one wordless. Nothing but a bellow to the mountains above them.

  Locke curled in on himself, hoping but not banking on this being a time to heal the hole running through his belly. He had to keep going, no matter what Boss did next. "She knows what that means. She felt the bond. She…acknowledges it on her end. I can't pretend to understand how a human could feel such a thing, but I know her thoughts. They are mine. Please, my prince. Grant me this one thing." He moaned as a final, tragic thought hit him, a last plea that would break him as much as it stood a chance of convincing Boss. "She is human. I'll only have her as long as her life continues, and there is no way…no way she stays with me beyond. No matter what happens between now and the end of her life, she will go to Heaven. Please don't take away what little time we have together."

  Boss closed his eyes and tilted his head up. "Damn you, Locke. I would damn you to the confines of this Hell, this very cave, for all of eternity if I had that power. You…ruined everything."

  Boss didn't explain what Locke had ruined, and he didn't have to.

  "I will grant you this, you son of a motherfucker."

  Chapter 29

  Clara woke to an empty bed.

  Her bed, and it was empty.

  She smelled Locke everywhere around her, as though he held her, as though he'd returned while she slept and kept her in his arms until sunrise, but she
knew that was not the case. She'd stayed up far too late waiting for his return, and it had only been a few hours since they'd curled into one another, blissed out on their sated passions.

  No, not sated. Never sated. She would never have enough of Locke.

  It was that which she smelled, the time when they actually had been together. And though she tried not to get inside her own head and convince herself that she was making it up, she still feared to the bone that he would not return. He'd left so abruptly, and she hadn't gotten the chance to apologize to him for pushing him through the portal.

  He'd said he would be back soon—hopefully—and she reminded herself he couldn't lie to her, but was that true? Was that actually a thing, or had she made it up?

  A knock on her door had her crawling out of bed, groggy and unready for the day. She wanted to curl up in that bed until Locke returned, even if she died there.

  "Clara?" Eloise called from the other side. "You in there?"

  "She's in there," Hazel snapped. "Merry Christmas, Clara."

  Some of those choice curses Locke loved so much rattled through her mind. This would be the worst holiday forever now. Would any of them be her favorite?

  "I'll be right out." Her voice was hollow, her throat thick as clay. She slipped into a robe, donned her stupid, fuzzy, novelty Christmas slippers, and shuffled out of her room. "Sorry," she said to the dolls still stacked up out there. "I'll put you away soon."

  "Any word from Locke?" Eloise asked as they headed down the stairs.

  Clara tried to say no, but she had no voice.

  "I made breakfast," Hazel offered. "A big one. We'll be all set when Locke gets back. It's all in the oven to stay warm, don't worry."

  As though she'd worry about cold breakfast now. The idea of food was—

  "I think I'm going to be sick," she choked out, spinning on the stairs to rush back to her bathroom and losing her footing on the bowed wood planks.

  She lost her balance and crashed into her sisters, neither of whom were braced for the impact. To Clara's horror, all three tipped down to tumble down the tall staircase.

  "Clara!" Locke bellowed as he rushed up the stairs, catching them before collapsing himself, but it was enough to keep them from falling too hard, instead sliding down the stairs into a puddle below. The sisters all got themselves up okay, but Locke remained laying there, clutching his stomach.

  "Oh, no. Oh, no." Clara dropped back down to her knees beside him, stroking his hair as she fought to untuck his shirt, a vibrant crimson now stained darker at his stomach. What had happened? How had he been so damaged in the fall?

  Locke took her hand before she could get to the wound and brought it to his lips. He managed a weak smile and said, "Merry Christmas, aionia," before groaning and rolling onto his side.

  "What's wrong?" Eloise asked while Hazel asked, "How can we help?"

  Locke waved them all away, taking another second before stretching out, catching his breath, and lurching back up to his feet. "Sorry, I'm fine. I will be, at least. Are you guys alright?"

  They all nodded. Hazel said, "Breakfast is ready," sheepishly.

  "Can it wait?" he asked. "I'd like to do presents first."

  Clara giggled and hopped on her toes to kiss him flat on the lips. "Absolutely. Please. I made you a present."

  "When in Hell did you have time to do that?" Locke chuckled, pulling her in and sagging down on her for several breaths.

  "Not in Hell," she said as she led him to the family room, where presents were all tucked under the tree.

  They were passed around, and Clara ripped open the ones from her sisters first, holding the box from Locke for last. Everything was wonderful, as always, but it was different this year. The gifts from her sisters had obviously been chosen while she was in Hell and with the expectation she might be there for a while. Framed pictures of them together, trinkets from around town. Eloise gave her a journal filled with updates of what had gone on in and around the store, with the promise that the episode with the angel—Mettle, according to Locke—would be really funny now that the threat was gone. Hazel had put together a box of Clara's favorite candies, one of which Locke attempted to steal and Clara smacked his hand away.

  This was Clara’s candy. He could get his own.

  Locke saved his gift from Clara, as well. When everything else was unwrapped, she urged him to open it.

  "You first. There's a second gift, but it's not wrapped."

  Clara gave him a very shrewd look, her eyes dropping to his lap.

  "In all fairness, that's wrapped in clothing right now. Go on."

  Clara tore away the paper, opened the box, and pushed the tissue away.

  She immediately covered it back up, her face burning hotly.

  "What is it?" Eloise asked. Hazel was smirking as though she knew.

  Clara groaned and closed her eyes as she unwrapped the contents again and lifted up the bra and panties set. It wasn't particularly risqué, but it was undergarments.

  Made out of cotton, printed with dozens of tiny lemons.

  Locke looked very much as though he'd eaten the canary as he boasted, "You are all the lemon bar I need."

  "These are to cover my—"

  "Yes, those are the lemon bars I refer to."

  Clara groaned again, this time finishing it off with a sigh. "Keep in mind, I was not expecting this when I made that present for you."

  Confusion crossed Locke's face, but only until his jaw dropped and he tore into the box in his lap. "Oh, damn," he said. "Oh, fuck…oh, sweet hellspawn, yes!" He jammed an entire lemon bar in his mouth, giving himself chipmunk cheeks as he attempted to chew.

  His eyes rolled back blissfully, but because this was Locke and, at the end of the day, he was very much a demon, he grabbed her hand and pulled it to his crotch.

  "Locke!" she squealed as she felt his erection growing in his pants.

  She was the only one mortified by this, Eloise and Hazel both laughing and deciding amongst themselves that breakfast would still be ready in an hour.

  "Is that enough time for you lovebirds?" Eloise asked.

  Hazel pointed her thumb to the front door. "We gotta clean up the yard from last night anyway."

  "Wait!" Locke spat out through the lemon bar. "I want you guys here for her second present."

  Eloise recoiled. "Not my thing."

  "Definitely not into the voyeur thing," Hazel agreed.

  Locke swallowed. "Not that—and let's make it more like two hours. My second present is news, actually. I talked to Boss and…" He raised Clara's hand up to his chest, his heart, and looked her in the eye, stealing a very brief kiss before saying, "He's granted you permanent access to Hell. I'll be able to make a door for you so you can pass between realms of your own accord. You'd be able to live both here and in Hell, with me. I'll still have my limits here, but you can spend as much time on either side…if you want. It is your choice."

  Clara's heart melted. He wasn't bleeding from the fall. No doubt, he'd taken a lot of blows from Boss. That would never change.

  But she'd always be there to nurse him back to health for as brief a time as it took him to heal.

  She remembered her sisters were still there, at Locke's insistence. He wanted them to be part of the decision. He didn't want her to forget them in any hasty promises she might make.

  Eloise laughed when she tore her eyes away from Locke to get their opinion. "Go on."

  Hazel shook her head. "Damn, Clara, just say yes, already."

  She looked back at Locke. Her heart. Her love. Her aionia. She threw herself at him, embracing him in a giant hug. "Yes, yes, of course!"

  He winced at the impact but recovered quickly with a laugh. "Best Christmas ever," he declared.

  At the sound of her sisters' footsteps receding, he dragged them both back to the floor.

  When the front door slammed closed, his hands slid up the back of her thighs, bunching the robe up at her

  Best Christmas, indeed.

  More From Chloe Alice Balkin

  Candy For Demons

  A Christmas Demon For Clara

  An Easter Demon For Eloise (Spring 2020)

  A Halloween Angel For Hazel (Fall 2020)

  A Valentine Demon For Verity (Winter 2020)

  THIRD Shift

  Warren’s Tabby

  Beauty And The Boar

  Song Bird

  Truth or Weres (Coming Soon!)

  Tales of Fate’s Desire


  East/West (Coming Soon!)

  The Series I Shouldn’t Have Written

  Magical Cave of Glowing Wonder

  About Chloe Alice Balkin

  Chloe Alice Balkin makes cakes pretty for a living. In the spare time she no longer has because of the writing thing, she enjoys a wide range of crafting, including quilting and painting Bob Ross artworks on her walls.

  Chloe currently lives in the Atlanta suburbs with her platonic lifemate and their two children, which are cats. If you would like to see her children – which are cats – you can follow her on Instagram. She’d also love it if you subscribed to her newsletter so she can offer you specials and freebies.




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