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Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection

Page 11

by Nova Rain

  “Get up,” I command, raising back up to my feet. I let him walk by me, before I grab him by the back of his neck. I bend down and pick up the box as we stride out of the parking lot. Four, small, red lights are peeking through the narrow gap in the middle. Reaching down into Decker’s pocket, I find a small, white key fob. “Open the door,” I urge as we cross the street. He obeys and seats himself at the driver’s seat. “Hold on. There’s something I need to tell you,” I murmur, the moment he tries to reach for the handle. Rolling my fingers into a fist, I throw my arm forward and rotate it in midair. The punch in his eye sends his body reeling across the interior. Decker bangs his head against the passenger window, before landing flat on his chest, senseless. I throw a quick look around me. The dark, empty road acts like a green light. I toss the box into the car, and then kick the door shut. I turn around and begin to strut back in the direction I came from. I have no second thoughts over this. My mind was made up when I heard that beep.

  I press the button on the key fob, focusing my attention on the rental Toyota. A loud, blast explosion rips through the quiet neighborhood, setting off dozens of car alarms. I can feel the ground underneath my feet vibrating for a split second, as thousands of shards of glass are tossed sideways across the road and the pavement. Chunks of aluminum and plastic shoot up through the air, while the hood of the Benz is catapulted forward. It smashes into the windscreen of a black Cadillac as the fire engulfs Decker’s car. I don’t look back. I don’t have to. I know that I’ve gotten rid of the threat that’s been hanging over Michelle’s head.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “A trip to the local police station: what a wonderful way to spend the night.”

  Under any other circumstances, I would appreciate Helena’s sarcasm. It’s one of the things that I love about her. However, I couldn’t be less amused. After some stranger blew up in his car, four patrol cars showed up on the scene. I had to close down and head over to the police station for a statement. It was pointless, I hadn’t seen anything or anyone, but I had to perform my civic duty. Whatever.

  Of course, I can think of someone who could be involved in this. I’m not entirely sure about all of his “accomplishments,” but I wouldn’t put this past him or any other mafia henchman for that matter. Those people are ruthless. Nevertheless, I don’t talk to the police about Joe. Regardless of what’s happened between us, I do agree with him on a very important point: he never did anything to harm me. On the contrary, he protected me and treated me with respect. I can’t pay him back by telling the police about someone that could be behind this. I’m sure they have enough possible suspects already, or they will in a day or two. They don’t need to put Joe’s name on that list as well. Furthermore, bringing him up would lead to another round of questions for me. I was too tired to answer them; yet, there was another reason why I couldn’t bear the thought of doing so. They were guaranteed to be more personal. I only share details of my private life with my closest friends. I wouldn’t say anything to a couple of nosy cops who I’ve never even met.

  Hours and tons of frustration later I’m back in my neighborhood, thinking about the man that has unraveled my life. Oh, Joe… Handsome, flamboyant, dominant, and with a pair of lips that had me swooning every time he kissed me. I just can’t bring myself to believe you’re a villain. Why? Because you never looked or acted like one as far as I’m concerned. The way you held me in your arms showed tenderness. Making love to you finally proved to me how amazing sex can be if my partner is living in the moment, and thinking about nothing else but me. Now, you’re gone, and I can’t help missing you. Is it possible for me to find another Joe? Only time will tell; but I doubt it. This package is rare – Too rare.

  With my keys in my hand, I stroll towards my apartment building entry door, a cool breeze blowing through my hair. I settle my gaze on the lock to left, but, once I look back up, I see two, large men in ski masks right behind me. I part my lips, my stomach chilling with fear. Still, they don’t allow me to speak. The one on my right thrusts his arm up and circles it around my neck. His long fingers cover my mouth, a moment before he pulls me towards him. The other stranger reaches and grabs my wrists. He yanks them back and ties my hands behind my back as his partner begins to drag me back out onto the road. I squirm; my eyes are wide open with shock and fear; my screams remain muffled by the thug’s palm.

  “Easy there, darling,” he whispers in my ear. “It’s for your own good.”

  All of a sudden, my hands are released. The sound of a trunk popping open fills my ears. My heels are digging into the asphalt while I’m being dragged to the left. The edge of a gray trunk heaves into view just before I’m thrown into the car. I roll across the hard surface, smacking my head up against the cold aluminum. A huff of exasperation escapes me as I open my eyes. The only thing that disrupts the darkness that I’m in is the moonlight coming through the taillight and the trunk. A powerful engine rumbles into life. The squeal of the tires tortures my ears while I struggle to calm my breath.

  “Hey!” I cry out, banging my palm against the aluminum. “Where the hell are you taking me?”

  Neither of them bothers responding. I don’t stop screaming and kicking the underside of the trunk, but all I can hear is roaring laughter. Those two are actually amused by this situation, which infuriates me even more. Therefore, understanding that anything I do won’t get me out of this predicament, I lie on my back and close my mouth. In spite of my panic, I realize that they are not the same people who put a gun to my head the other day. These guys are more than six feet tall, whereas my former attackers were 5’9” to 5’10”. Whoever they are though, I can only hope that they won’t try to hurt me…

  Chapter Nineteen


  Michelle is Eric’s bastard sister? Yeah, right. And I’m the Pope…

  If I was dealing with someone decent, I wouldn’t automatically reject that thought, not at first anyway. It’s one hell of a coincidence, and there are some clues to back this crazy story up, like Michelle’s age. But Decker wasn’t decent. He was scum, a worm that had to be dealt with. I couldn’t put aside the fact that he was under duress, too. He’d say pretty much anything to save his skin. I hate to admit that he didn’t have a motive, though. What would he gain from taking out Michelle? This wasn’t personal, he didn’t even know her. He was just following orders or that’s what he wanted me to believe. In any case, letting him go would be like signing Michelle’s death warrant. I’d had enough of him, and he knew too much. There was no way he was getting out alive, not if I could help it.

  The high beams of the old Challenger illuminate the uphill road, drawing my attention. Donny turns his car right and into the parking lot, the tires picking up dust and gravel as he heads towards me. He leaves the lights on, before he and Bryan get out. Moving around the Challenger, they pull Michelle out of the trunk.

  “Sorry about this, brother,” Donny says as they lead her towards my spot. “She kept screaming. We had to silence her somehow.”

  “It’s okay,” I murmur, noticing a strip of black duct tape across her mouth. “Good job, boys,” I nod in appraisal. “Go back to Brooklyn. I’ll take it from here.”

  My two buddies return to the car, while I wonder how to explain this to her. It’s not like anything I’ve ever done before. I mean, how do you tell someone that her father might be what you hate the most?

  “Before I take this off, promise me you won’t start screaming again,” I urge, standing right in front of her. Michelle nods in assent. Reaching up, I rip the tape off of her face.

  “Ouch!” She yelps while squeezing her eyes shut. “Where are we?”

  “We’re in Shandaken,” I reply, tucking a few tendrils of her hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry about the whole kidnapping thing, but I didn’t have much choice. There’s something you need to know. I couldn’t talk to you about it anywhere else, not to mention you’d find it ridiculous.”

  “Shandaken?!” Michell
e exclaims, her face twisting into an expression of anger and disbelief. “You dragged me all the way up to the mountains? What for?”

  “The guy who blew up in your neighborhood...?” I ask, pitching my voice a little higher. “I did that. He was about to plant that bomb in your bar. He was the same guy who tried to blow me, Donny and Bryan up, back in North Haven. I thought his boss had given him the order to kill us, but I was wrong. It was my boss.”

  “Are you done?” She scoffs at him, her voice deepening as she crosses her arms over her chest.

  “Lose that attitude,” I growl, narrowing my eyes down at her. “This is serious.”

  “Is it really, now?” Michelle squints up at me, her ironic look testing my patience. “Because, it sounds like a load of crap from where I’m standing. Joe, I’ve never hurt a fly, for God’s sake. Why would someone try to have me killed?”

  “Did your mother ever work for a ‘Thomas Santone’?” I ask, keeping my cool.

  “I don’t know,” she shrugs. “Why?”

  “Because there’s a small chance that he was your father,” I reply, my voice calm and steady.

  “Oh, my God,” chuckles Michelle, tearing her gaze away from me as she shakes her head in amusement. “Is that it?”


  “Well, he wasn’t,” she claims, her eyes staring down into the dirt. “My father left me and my mother when I was three years old. His name was Henry Cusack. I have pictures of him back in my apartment. Can you drive me back to New York now?”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” I stiffen my tone, realizing that she still doesn’t understand that she’s in danger. “According to the guy he sent to kill you tonight, Thomas Santone had an affair with your mother. When he found out she was pregnant, he kicked her out of the house. But the old man saw his mistake, and left you ninety-five percent of his fortune. And his son Eric won’t rest until you’re dead. Just because Decker failed, doesn’t mean he won’t send more of his men to take you out. So, sit tight. We might be here for a while.”

  “Why do you insist?” Michelle wonders, her voice raising up an octave. “I told you; my father’s name was Henry Cusack.”

  “Look, you can believe whatever the fuck you want about mafia Don’s,” I grumble, hardening my stance. “They’re dirt. Believe me, I know. But none of them does anything without good reason. You’re staying put until I look into Decker’s story. I’ve given Donny and Bryan a hair of yours. I told them to grab one of Eric’s and take them to Shandaken Hospital and run a DNA test. That’s why they brought you up here. Santone doesn’t have any people working for him in this town.”

  “I really don’t know what to say,” she confesses, rolling her shoulders, her tone coming out mellower. “After everything I said to you the other day, you still want to protect me? Why?”

  “Because you’re innocent,” I tell her, lowering my voice. “I’ve seen too much innocent blood spilled over the years. Now, follow me,” I urge, shuffling off towards the cabin to the left. “And don’t ask what you’re going to do about work. Call in sick.”

  I swing the front door open and turn on the light, revealing a small but cozy living room, with a fireplace in the left corner and a kitchen on the right. I bought this place years ago for emergencies such as this, but never had to use it.

  “There’s just one bedroom,” I announce, halting beside the counter. “Take it; I’ll sleep on the couch. It gets pretty cold up here, even in September. You’ll find extra blankets in the closet.”

  “I guess a ‘thank you’ is in order,” Michelle remarks, turning around to face me as she passes me by. Our eyes meet across the room, sending sparks of electricity right through my heart. I stay still, remembering the rage in her eyes when she barged into my apartment. I knew it was over between us, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to kiss her again. The same desire flows through me, the moment she puts her lips together. I force restraint, unwilling to see that angry face once more. “Thank you,” she whispers, the calmness in those big, brown eyes of hers making my heart flutter.

  “Goodnight,” I mutter under my breath, turning away from her. I grab a crate from the fireplace and stride back outside, hoping that the chilly wind will help me relax. By the time I get back with enough logs for a fire, she’s gone to the bedroom. I may be relieved, but deep down in my soul I know that this won’t last. There will be tension between us tomorrow morning. Still, I have to put it aside, and concentrate on keeping her safe. Besides, this is why I had her kidnapped tonight.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Devil or angel?”

  The same question keeps on swirling in my mind through the rest of the night. An outlaw who’s been killing for a living has just executed someone for my sake. He doesn’t seem affected by this in any way. He talked about it as if it was nothing. And he seems willing to take this a step further, by going up against his own boss. I should be flattered; no one’s ever gone out on a limb to protect me like Joe. Yet, other, nastier emotions settle in. First and foremost? Disgust: I smelled burned flesh as soon as I walked out of the bar. A man’s severed arm was lying on the street, among shards of glass and charred plastic. Second? Terror: I could well be in his stead. In fact, more than three dozen people could have been killed or injured if it wasn’t for Joe. That’s how many people were in the bar at the time of the explosion. Whichever he is, he’s put me in an unbelievable dilemma. My body is craving him. I want to go back out into the living room, hug him, kiss him, make love to him for hours they way we did in my apartment. Moreover, my heart wants to feel that familiar warmth of being in love again. Joe has already proved twice that he deserves that special place in there. What would be better than dating my protector and my best sex partner ever? All the same, my mind is holding me back. It wishes to stay away from someone with such a shady past like his.

  I sneak a peek out the window on my right. Dark clouds have filled the sky over the Catskill Mountains. A flash of lightning indicates what is about to follow. I roll out of bed as a boom of thunder rocks the entire cabin, making wood and glass vibrate. Putting my clothes back on, I stroll out of the bedroom. Just then, I sense a chill on my skin. The front door is wide open. A few logs are still smoldering in the fireplace. There’s a messy, brown blanket in the middle of the couch. A gray coat with the tags still on it is neatly folded on the armrest. I pick it up and put it on. I’m amazed to discover it’s my size. Moved by yet another one of his gestures, I trot off towards the door. Gentle raindrops land on my cheeks. There’s a wonderful, mixed scent in the air: Balsam fir tree, cedar, and pine. Joe is standing on the edge of the cliff, gazing out at the view, his back turned to me. The Panther Mountain Peak is stretching out into the distance, disappearing into thick layers of white mist.

  “You should get back inside,” Joe advises, without taking his eyes off the view.

  “You’re full of surprises,” I praise, making my way towards him. “Thanks a lot for the coat. I’m sure it will come in handy.”

  “Like I said, it gets pretty cold up here. I didn’t want you to freeze to death,” he states, slipping his hands into his pockets. “How long have you been up?”

  “Actually, I couldn’t sleep,” I confess, halting on his left. “Last night was just a little too crazy for me.”

  A smile of bitterness bursts upon his lips. “Welcome to my world.”

  “Is it like that all the time?” I pose a question, raindrops trickling down my forehead.

  “Trust me, last night was just a taste,” Joe responds, averting his gaze from the mountain to look down at me. “It can get a lot worse.”

  “I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but, um…” I falter, pressing my lips together. “After everything we’ve been through, you’re still a mystery to me. Who are you, Joe Mancini? A devil? An angel? Because, I sure as hell can’t figure it out.”

  “We’re all a little bit of both, Michelle,” he points out, his voice bass-deep. “What we choos
e to let out is just a matter of circumstances. You think you can’t shoot someone in the head. But what if that someone is barreling towards you, holding a knife? Will you protect yourself or will you let them slit your throat?”

  “I guess I’ll pull the trigger,” I murmur, nodding at the same time. “Can I ask you something?”


  “If all you wanted of me was one night, then why did you try so hard to make it unforgettable?” I speak, my voice starting to wobble.

  “You know, I thought lawyers were supposed to be so smart,” Joe states, a touch of discomfort in his tone.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I inquire, my voice picking up volume.

  “I never wanted anything from you, not one thing,” he says in an emphatic tone, clenching his jaw. “When I saw you behind the counter, I thought to myself: ‘Damn, I must have been dreaming or something. Is that a real woman? Man, I have got to take her home tonight.’ Two minutes later though, I was trying to forget that idea. Seeing you walking around with that tray, being polite, not just silly like other barmaids, it just…” he pauses, “...showed me how different you were, how better you are. And I wouldn’t drag a girl that nice into my world, just because I wanted to get laid. But, after you kissed me, I just had to have a taste of what it’d be like being with you. And I didn’t try to make anything unforgettable. I was in bed with a fine woman. I wanted her to enjoy every moment even more than I did.”

  Once again, his words pull at my heartstrings, just as they had back in his apartment. This time however, I’m not mad at him. I gaze up into the light green of his eyes, while the rain pelts down around us. Water has soaked his hair, streaming down into his temples and onto his lips. My heart skips a beat as I reach up to cup his face. The feel of his wet skin in my palms sends my senses reeling. I swipe my thumb across his mouth and collect a few, cold raindrops as one more peal of thunder tears through the clouds above us. I feel his arms snaking around my hips. In a quick move, he pulls me into his warm, tight embrace and lifts me off my feet. Bringing me up to his level, he rests his lips on top of my mouth. Taking a sharp inhale of breath, I part my own lips, curving my legs around his waist. I can’t believe I’m in this moment with him. I can’t believe I am tasting him one more time after learning the truth about him. I should be miles and miles away from Joe, and yet, I’m back in his arms. And to my surprise, it doesn’t feel at all wrong. It feels right, like something I should have held on to and never let go. A raindrop rolls off his chin and lands in the middle of my neck; the tips of my pinky fingers brush his earlobes. His soft tongue caresses my upper lip, just before he eases it into my mouth. I press my fingers into his cheekbones, relishing in that tenderness that surrounds my entire existence. Joe pecks another kiss on the tip of my nose and then lays his forehead onto mine, vapors from his breath shooting out of his nostrils.


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