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Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection

Page 30

by Nova Rain

  “What are you doing to me, Michelle?” He whispers, frustration deepening his voice as he eases me back down. “Why did you kiss me again?”

  “Because I’d missed it,” I confess, my hands staying on his face. “God, I’d missed it so much.”

  “I’ve been through this once. I don’t want to go through it again,” Joe utters, the green in his eyes darkening in the rain.

  “You won’t have to,” I assure him, gently shaking my head. “I don’t care about your past. I want to be with you, no matter what.”

  “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into,” he rasps out, his gaze locked with mine.

  “I do as of last night,” I counter argue, my tone just a notch firmer. “And I want my guardian by my side, watching over me. I know he won’t let anything hurt me.”

  Joe doesn’t dignify my words with a rebuttal. His lips ease into a blissful smile as more raindrops trickle over the curve of his mouth. He curls his long arms around my shoulders, letting out a heavy breath. I sense the moisture of his jacket against my skin when I rest my head on his chest.

  “I won’t,” he gives me his assurance, planting a short kiss on my temple. “I promise you I won’t.”

  The rain is pounding on us, drenching scalps and clothes alike. Still, I don’t mind, and neither does he. We stay locked in each other’s arms, savoring the closeness that we have both been missing. I don’t have a clue where this path is going to take me. It’s going to be full of peril, dangers that I can’t even begin to imagine. But I’m not going to let any of them discourage me from being with my protector. I’ve made that mistake already, and I’ve learned from it.

  Chapter Sixty-Two


  I think my heart will explode right out of my chest. I’m going to date this incredible woman. She wants me to, despite everything I’ve done. It’s not a dream or one of Donny’s twisted jokes. It’s real. I can feel her body against mine, her soaking wet hair on my chest. I’m still trying to take it all in, and I’m sure it’s going to be a while before I have. It’s not every day that I get to have a real relationship with a classy girl like her.

  Holding hands, we go back inside. Within seconds, I realize that I’ve made a big mistake. Michelle is drenched, and I didn’t remember to bring her any clothes.

  “Damn…” I sigh in frustration, scanning her body from top to bottom. “Get out of these before you catch a cold. There are a few shirts in the closet.”

  “Helena’s got a key to my apartment,” she informs me, her voice coming out slower than usual. “Could you please tell your friends to go get it and pick up some clothes? I don’t need much. A couple of sweaters and jeans should do it.”

  Oh, Michelle… Although you said you think you know what you’re getting yourself into, it’s obvious that you’re still way too new at this.

  “Not a chance in hell,” I respond, a smile of hesitation forming on my face. “Your place could be wired with explosives for all we know. I’d rather tell them to go buy you some new outfits: Better safe than sorry.”

  “Oh…” she gasps in surprise. “That would be nice, thanks.”

  “Now, go change, will you?” I request, throwing a quick glance over at the bedroom door down the hall.

  “Okay,” Michelle chirps, flashing me a sweet smile. I peel off my coat and stroll towards the fireplace, focusing my attention on the log iron. Sitting on my knees, I grab it and stir the logs. Sparks fly over the charred wood while smoldering embers are thrown across the fireplace. Flames leap up, licking the arched top for just a second. Putting the log iron back into its rack, I sit down on the floor and lay my back against the couch. At that moment, my cell phone buzzes with an incoming call from Donny.


  “We just delivered the package to the hospital. We’ll be there in ten.”

  “Good. You made sure you weren’t tailed?”

  “Of course we did. Everything went just fine.”


  “Ahem…” Michelle clears her throat as I toss my phone back across the table in front of the couch. There she is, standing over me, in nothing more than a purple shirt. “I got out of my wet clothes. What about you?”

  “That was Donny,” I state, struggling to keep my eyes off her shapely legs. “They’ll be here in ten minutes.”

  “I can do a lot of things in ten minutes,” she winks down at me, bending her knees. Squatting down beside me, Michelle offers me a great view between her legs. My dick pushes up against the fabric of my boxers as I discover that she’s got no panties on.

  “Oh, you sexy little thing,” I mutter, biting my lower lip. “You don’t want to waste any time, do you?”

  “We’ve wasted enough time,” she whispers into my hair, her soft breath giving me goose bumps.

  “Okay, hold your horses,” I urge, tightening my voice, putting my hand over her chest to push her back. “The last thing I need right now is Donny and Bryan walking in on us.”

  “Bummer,” Michelle complains, tearing her gaze away from me. “Hey, wait a minute. How come they’re back so fast? It’s…”

  “Almost noon,” I finish her sentence. “I think my sexy counselor lost track of time. Why don’t you go get some sleep? You look exhausted.”

  “Alright,” She agrees, bending down to kiss me. “FYI, I’ll be in bed thinking of what I want you to do to me tonight.”

  “Get out of here, you little tease,” I tell her with a smile, a little surprised by her bluntness. I shouldn’t be, though. Michelle’s been pretty forward so far, especially in bed. I can still remember her statement:

  “I guess you bring the naughty out in me.”

  I can’t wait to do that, over and over again. I didn’t mention it earlier, but I’ve missed her, too. Her smile, her voice, her knockout curves… We’ve only gotten back together for a few minutes, and I can’t help but imagine her in bed, with a black, body stocking on, her hand over her pussy, rubbing her clit. Fuck.

  “We’re back, bitches!” Donny cheers, pushing the front door open. “It was big, it was long, but we ripped the fucker right off.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I squint up at him as he and Bryan enter the living room.

  “Eric’s hair,” He explains with a huge grin on his face. “We found a bunch of them on the headrest of his Ferrari.”

  “Nice,” I nod in content. “How long will the DNA test take to come back?”

  “Three days,” Bryan replies, striding past Donny. “Where’s Michelle?”

  “She’s resting,” I say. “Did Eric ask where I was?”

  “He sure did,” Donny nods, sitting down on the couch. “I told him you were down with the flu. That should buy you some time. Joe…” He pauses, pursing his lips. “What if Decker was telling the truth? What happens if your girl and that dick are actually related?”

  “That’s the million dollar question,” I comment. “We can do this the legit way or our way.”

  “This is the part where you explain,” Donny urges, turning his head right to face me.

  “We find Thomas’s will,” I start, interlocking my fingers over my stomach. “We take it to his lawyer. Eric gets his miserable five percent. Michelle gets the lion’s share. They’ll both hate it, but they’ll have to respect their father’s will. It’s either that, or…” I pause and draw in a sharp breath. “We kill that son of a bitch.”

  “Both those options suck,” Bryan says, speaking his mind. “Eric will never give up control over the family’s business, we all know that. He’ll have Michelle killed and make it look like an accident. Even if he somehow accepted handing everything over to her, the rest of the Dons won’t tolerate a woman at the helm of the Santone family. She’ll be dead within days. And the Dons are considered untouchable. Taking one of them out is an insult to the whole organization. The others will hunt us down with everything they’ve got.”

  “Sure, but you’re forgetting something,” I point out, bringing m
y knees to my chest. “The Dons value family more than anything else in the world. I wonder what they’ll think of Eric once they’ve found out that he’s been hiding Thomas’s will. They won’t like to hear that he’s been trying to murder his own sister, either.”

  “So, you’re suggesting letting them take care of him?” Donny interjects a question, pitching his voice higher. “It’s a long shot, Joe. I don’t know if that’s ever happened before.”

  “Let’s wait for those DNA test results,” I suggest, having run out of ideas. “We can’t do jack shit without them.”

  “Actually, we can,” Bryan disagrees, his wicked, teasing smile puzzling me. “Look, you don’t have to remind me what Eric said about robbing that bank up in North Haven. I was there. But you can’t deny that it’s our one shot at getting out of this life.”

  “It is, but Eric will know who hit the Citibank, the moment he hears the word,” I retort. “We’ll do it for nothing. He’ll demand we give him all the money.”

  “I’m not talking about the Citibank,” Bryan declares, using a more serious expression. “I’m talking about the ‘Bank of America’ branch that’s four blocks away. It’s not all that different. The sewers run directly under the vault there, too. There’s just one problem. It’s got private security watching over it, twenty-four, seven.”

  “That complicates things,” I comment, intrigued by the idea of the heist. “I’m not turning that down, but we’re going to need more information. Anyway, thanks a lot for today, boys. Give me a call when you get back to Brooklyn.”

  “Will do,” Donny assures me, rising up to his feet. “Take care, big Joe.”

  As they clear the cabin, the thought of ending up with millions of dollars flashes back into my mind. I was pretty pissed when Eric told us to stay away from that Citibank branch. Yet, this heist will have to wait for a while. With the threat on Michelle’s life, I can’t even think about focusing on anything other than protecting her. If someone messes with her, he’s messing with me. And if my boss believes that his title is enough to keep him safe, he needs to review his logic. Bryan is right; executing a Don will start an all-out war, but if that’s what it takes to ensure Michelle’s survival, then that’s just what I’ll do.

  Chapter Sixty-Three


  The tantalizing scent of pasta sauce greets my nostrils, making my eyes snap open. I scoot out of bed, eager to see for myself what Joe has been doing. Tiptoeing towards the kitchen, I find him stirring a wooden ladle in a boiling pot. There are two plates on the table, and a bowl of lettuce salad with tomato and cucumber.

  “I didn’t know you cooked,” I utter, my voice raspy from sleep as I stroll across the kitchen.

  “Hey, sleeping beauty,” he teases, glancing back at me. “I’d weigh about four hundred pounds if I didn’t. And unlike someone I know I do cook for my guests.”

  “I guess I deserved that,” I admit, hopping onto the counter beside him.

  “Here,” Joe says, lifting a teaspoon of sauce up to my lips. “Is it good?”

  “Mmmm, delicious,” I hum, the rich taste of tomato, basil, oregano and sausage filling my mouth.

  “Oh, you’re right about that,” Joe whispers, taking me by surprise. In a moment though, I understand what he means by that. His eyes are not on my face. They’re more than two feet south of it. He tosses the spoon across the counter behind me, and steps forward. I scoot over to the edge of the counter, maintaining eye contact with him. Reaching out towards him, I cup his crotch through his pants as he tilts his head down. Joe claims my mouth with passion and I feel his strong hands landing on my knees. I unclasp the button of his jeans, feeling his stiffness on my wrist.

  “Who’s the tease now?” I whisper in his mouth. “You’re hard and you haven’t even touched me yet.”

  “I get hard just by looking at you,” he confesses, running his fingers up my inner thighs. I throw my arm around his shoulders, reaching into his boxers. I hiss, the moment I feel his inches twitching in my grasp. Pulling his foreskin up and down, I bite his lower lip as he presses his crotch into me. I spread my legs wide, his fingertips in the crook between my thighs and my pussy. But Joe doesn’t stop there. Instead, he continues to make his way up my body. I stroke his shaft, his balls brushing my entrance.

  “So fucking soft,” he growls in my mouth, his index fingers caressing the underside of my breasts.

  “Kiss them,” I whimper, tipping my head back. “Kiss them now.”

  At that, he pulls his hands out of my shirt, and begins to undo the buttons, from bottom to top. I squeeze the head of his cock, licking my upper lip like a hungry wolf. I arch my body, feeling the warmth of his hands surrounding my breasts. Putting them together, he rubs his cock against my slit. Wanting to feel him better, I let go of his length and lean back against my shoulders. His mouth starts a sensual trip down my neck, laying fiery kisses over my skin. My nipples are trapped between his index and middle fingers. Two, gentle pinches send more waves of arousal throughout my body. A large drop of pre-cum dribbles out of the head of his cock and smears my groin, the full weight of his balls resting on my pussy. Joe slides his tongue down the center of my chest, stroking my breasts at the same time. He eases them apart, and then presses them back together before tracing his fingers around my nipples. His teeth graze my sensitive skin as he moves his mouth over to my left breast.

  “Oh, yeah!” I moan, squeezing my eyes shut at the feel of his full lips over my nipple. Reaching down, I grip his wrist and guide it towards my mouth, his grunts growing longer by the second. With his tongue twirling around my nipple, I slip his middle finger in between my lips.

  “Fuck, baby…” Joe groans, his eyes snapping open to look up at me. I let the tip hit the top of my mouth, before easing it out. He pushes it back in, seeking that delicious heat over his skin. I play along; I love this game, just as much as he does. I swirl my tongue around his finger, sucking him into my mouth while he sucks at my nipple. Joe bucks, making me feel his entire length along my slit. Without taking his lips off my body, he pulls his fingers out of my mouth. The next thing I know, his strong arm is wrapped around my shoulders, and his cut muscles are flexing underneath me. My pretentious scream echoes back from the walls of the cabin as he lifts me off the counter.

  “I love how strong you are,” I say, my voice a husky whisper, locking my legs behind his back. He places his hand on either hip, his hungry eyes taking every bit of me. He pushes me down onto his cock, making me tilt my head back. His rock-hard shaft dips into me as I drape my hands over his back. I clench my butt muscles, just when I sense his balls against my entrance. Tilting my head back down, I gaze into his eyes. I roll my hips, in an attempt to control the action. Still, Joe has something else in mind. Smoothing his hands over my ass, he grabs and holds onto my cheeks, before pushing my body back up.

  “Fuck me,” I whimper, swiping my tongue along his lower lip. By now, I don’t care who’s in control. All I want is for him to hold me like this and give me some of the pleasure he gave me on our first night together. He lets my body slide down on his cock, pecking a kiss on my chin. He keeps me like this, with his inches buried deep inside of me, his hot breath blowing tendrils of my hair back from my face. His lips completely cover my mouth, and then he withdraws, spreading my ass cheeks open. Shoving himself back into me, he slaps my ass, making me quiver with desire. Joe growls into my mouth, his stiff cock filling my pussy as our tongues crash against each other. Putting my hand on the back of his neck, I yank him in, aching to feel his face against mine.

  “That pussy’s dripping all over my cock,” he grunts, massaging my ass cheeks, his fingertips closing in and then sliding away from my crack.

  “You’re fucking it so well,” I moan, holding onto the side of his neck as I toss my head back. His relentless pounding is making my breasts bounce wildly up and down. I cry out with wanton desire, every time his muscled body smashes into me. His big, heavy balls are hitting my ass cheeks with every push
. I squeeze his firm skin, his massive cock throbbing inside me. More, sticky pre-cum is spreading within me, mixing with my juices. I tilt my head forward, my eyes narrowed to slits. I crash into him and put my head on his shoulder, letting him lead me to the land of pure pleasure. I sink my teeth into his flesh, growling as he smacks my ass. Rolling my hips back and forth, I cry out his name as I feel his legs shaking under me. The tremendous orgasm that hits me paralyzes my limbs, leaving me quaking in his arms. Joe’s groans make the glass in the kitchen window vibrate, the moment he stills his hips. Tremors shoot up and down his legs, his hot juices spurting out of his cock.

  “You…” he gasps, sliding his hands up my body. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you? Hopping up on the counter?”

  “No,” I chuckle, leaning back to face him. “I just wanted to get comfortable. I’d totally forgotten I wasn’t wearing any underwear.”

  “Whatever,” Joe sighs, playfully patting my thigh. “Dinner will be served in fifteen.”

  Dinner? I’ve already had dessert: six feet, four inches, 215 pounds of pure sexiness and masculinity. Of course, I’m not going to say this to him. I’ve been way too forward today, but how could I not be? I’m all alone in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, with the object of my desire. I won’t hold back. This is my way of showing him how much I’ve missed him. And I don’t think he’s going to complain. If anything, he loves this.


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