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Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection

Page 59

by Nova Rain

  “I haven’t seen anything more beautiful in my whole life,” I said, my voice a tender whisper.

  “You’re exaggerating,” she blurted out with little thought, looking up at me. “You’ve been with…”

  “I’m not,” I disagreed in the same tone. “And you should learn to take a compliment.”

  “I’ll try,” Penny whispered. “Can we please get out of here? I’m starving, not to mention I’m freezing, too.”

  “I’ve made reservations at ‘Luigi’s’, an Italian restaurant not far from here,” I raised my tone, taking her by the hand.

  “How come?” she asked, pitching her voice higher. “How did you know I’d show up?”

  “I didn’t,” I shook my head in denial, leading her to the staircase.

  She gave a short giggle. “You like to take chances, don’t you?”

  “That’s why I asked you out on a date,” I explained, casting a sideways glance over at her.

  “I need you to elaborate on that, but I’d rather wait ‘til we get to the restaurant,” Penny declared, gazing out at the city lights. “I want to enjoy the view a bit more, if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all,” I assured, looking at her. I loved staring at the Manhattan skyline. It always brought me a sense of peace. Still, I had seen that spectacle from every possible angle, both in the air and on the ground. Gazing upon Penny was a lot more interesting. Until a few minutes ago, there had been a good chance I’d never get to do that.

  Chapter Ten


  If that was my conclusion, I would think this was a typical, good date. I had been on such dates before. All the same, I had to admit there was a major difference.

  The kiss.

  Oh, my God… It had swept me off my feet, and left me yearning for more. The rain, the lightning, Jake’s warm embrace, the passion in his touch and his move to lift me up had blown my mind. I thought that time had stood still during those moments. That he and I were in our own universe, with no other desire than to relish in that kiss. By the time it was over, I believed I was going to float away in a magic bubble. If anything, this was a perfect start to our night together.

  “Luigi’s” was a fine, tasteful restaurant on the edge of Brooklyn Park. Wonderful scents pervaded the air near the large building: molten cheese, cream, minced meat and tomato to name a few. I felt my stomach growling in protest while we left our coats at the reception area. As for the interior? Unlike most restaurants I had been to, its illumination was rather pale. Appliques on the walls set the mood for a romantic night. One could enjoy the view of the Manhattan skyline at any table, but the ones with the best views were down the hall, against the glass window. To my liking, the waitress led us to the table in the upper right corner.

  “I’ll have a spaghetti caponata,” Jake placed his order, sliding the menu over to me. “And a verse of ‘Living On a Prayer’ if possible.”

  I burst into loud, hearty laughter, my spine flexing as the waitress grinned at him.

  “I’ll have the same,” I chuckled, clutching my stomach.

  “Coming right up,” She said, before leaving our table.

  “Okay, let’s get back to the ‘why I asked you out’ part.” I suggested, leaning forward. “What did you mean by that?”

  “You’re difficult to read,” He replied, using a soft voice, and interlocking his fingers over the table. “Most women I’ve dated are quite predictable. Judging by what I’ve seen so far, you’re not like that.”

  “You’re sugarcoating it,” I commented, tearing my gaze away from him. “Jake, do you know my office nickname?”


  “Roaring bitch,” I informed him, still not looking him in the eye. “I’ve argued with at least a quarter of the people that work in my building. I’ve got a temper; you know that. I almost punched you in that pool. Why would you want to date me? Let’s face it. I’m a mess.”

  “First of all, I didn’t sugarcoat anything,” he claimed, his tone a tad stiffer. “I’d punch someone if they’d thrown me in a pool with my clothes on, too. And for what it’s worth, you’re not a mess. You just have a…” he paused, “Pretty loud personality.”

  “Can I be honest with you?” I asked, putting one forearm on top of the other, hands resting on my elbows.

  “Of course.”

  “When I read your note, I thought that this is just a ruse for you to get me into bed.” I began, my voice lower than usual. “I didn’t buy a word you said. I mean, a ladies man like you…”

  “There’s that nickname again. It’s like a goddamn curse,” he interrupted, rolling his eyes at me. “All right, I admit it. My personal life consists of a handful of relationships, and dozens of one-night stands. But then again, I don’t have things ordinary people have. Here’s an example. The vast majority of people have an actual home. I don’t. I just…” he faltered. “Visit my apartment once, maybe twice a week if I’m lucky. This doesn’t leave much room for a personal life, does it?”

  “Which brings us back to my previous question,” I continued as my tone hardened. “I know you said I’m unpredictable, but you meet lots of new people every day. You’re bound to have met other unpredictable women. What makes me so special?”

  “Look, if you’re finding it so hard to believe me, we might as well call it a night,” he said, annoyance sending his voice down an octave. Jake arose to his impressive, 6’3” stature, and yanked his wallet out of his pocket. Dropping a fifty-dollar note on the table, he turned away from me.

  What do I do now?

  That question popped into my mind as doubt festered within me. All of a sudden though, the old tune from the restaurant speakers shook me to my core. A rhythmic, synthesizer intro was followed by Lenny Kravitz’s majestic voice which gave me goose bumps as my words flashed back into my mind:

  “Just some good, casual sex.”

  Wave after wave of embarrassment washed over me the moment I recalled every single thing that occurred in his hotel room. My struggle to undo his robe, looking at myself in a tiny mirror, throwing up in the bathroom… last but not least, Jake’s humming of that particular song along the hallway, my head bumping into his back as he did what I never thought was possible.

  Straightaway, I jumped up, hoping he hadn’t gone too far. I sped off across the restaurant, knocking plates and glasses off tables. I heard more than a few shouts, like “watch it, lady” and “what the hell…?” but I couldn’t care less. I had to find him and apologize.

  Bypassing an elderly couple, I pushed the glass door open, my breath heavy. A look to the left revealed that it wasn’t too late. He was striding away from the building, approaching a bench with ash tree branches hanging over it.

  “Jake!” I shouted, running off in his direction. To my disappointment, he wouldn’t stop. He didn’t even turn his head to me.

  “What is it?” he murmured, his tone monotonous as I stepped around him.

  “I’m sorry,” I gasped and swallowed hard. “I’m so sorry. I remember.”

  “You remember what, exactly?” he groaned, glaring down at me.

  I sucked in a deep breath. “I remember the gentleman who carried me to my hotel room, even though I’d given him every right to take advantage of me,” I told him, moisture gathering in my eyes. “Will you forgive me?”

  “Why did you kiss me earlier, Penny?” he rebutted, his angry eyes locked with mine. “You still thought I was a ladies man back then, didn’t you? Let’s say it was out of professional courtesy. You’d kiss a prick like me, because he agreed to give you an exclusive?”

  “It wasn’t professional courtesy,” I responded, my voice wobbly. “I was torn, Jake. The reporter wanted to show up tonight, but the woman didn’t. In that case, the reporter prevailed. And when you said ‘yes’ to the interview, it wasn’t the reporter who kissed you. It was the woman. I’m not torn anymore. I know you’re not the idiot I thought you were. Now, if you…”

  “Learn when to stop,” he whispered
, leaning in towards me. His lips brushed mine for an instant, shattering any notion of sadness. In a matter of seconds, I was feeling the tenderness of his kiss, reminding me what a fool I had been to doubt him. No man in the world could kiss a woman like that without having a special something in him. In a way, I was mad at myself for giving him a hard time yet again. But all of that belonged in the past. I tasted him, losing myself in another feast of the senses. His scent flowed through my nostrils, the gentle caresses of his lips on mine intoxicating me.

  “Let’s go back inside,” Jake smiled, the tip of his nose nudging my forehead.

  “Okay,” I returned the smile, a naughty idea crossing my mind.

  Let’s get the food “to-go” and head to my place.

  Luckily for me, I didn’t let those words slip out of my mouth. I was desperate to be alone with him, but I’d been embarrassed enough for one night. My stomach was making all sorts of funny noises. It wouldn’t stop making them while we were in bed. So, I walked back to the restaurant, knowing that in a short while, I would let the naughty girl within me take over.

  Chapter Eleven


  “I don’t want our first night together to end outside of a restaurant.”

  Jake gave me a look of confusion. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive.”

  Poor man… My whims had to have been driving him crazy. So, he had to ensure that he wasn’t doing anything I would consider wrong.

  During our short walk to his car, I reached a decision. I wasn’t going to doubt him anymore. Jake had been busting his butt to prove to me that he was a decent guy, and my stubbornness had almost ruined everything. I didn’t have a clue how much patience he had left, if any. From now on, I was not going to test it.

  Yet, once I was in his red Corvette, I discovered that my own patience would be put to the test that night. It was manual. Every time Jake changed gears, I felt his fingertips brushing my thigh. We exchanged a few awkward glances and smiles, dirty thoughts running through my mind. I could just lean over, unzip his pants and… take good care of him. The risk of getting pulled over didn’t make it any easier. If anything, thinking I could get caught pleasuring him turned me on. Also, I could roll down my leggings, put his hand on my leg, and have him fondle me, while I watched the bulge in his crotch grow bigger.

  Snap out of it, Penny. You don’t want your first date with him to end up in disaster.

  Understanding that fantasizing about him wasn’t the best of ideas, I lowered my window. The cold air that rushed in was a blessed relief for me. All the sexual tension that had been building up within was destroyed in moments.

  As Jake’s fancy car rolled down Fifth Avenue later, I was glad to find out that he actually lived there. Not for the traffic or the noise, but for something much more important: the view of Central Park at night. With my dirty thoughts out of my head, checking it out became my number one priority.

  So, when we walked into his apartment, I went to his balcony door, curious as to what I would see. The view didn’t disappoint. Lush trees and bushes were surrounded by flickering city lights. Bigger and smaller buildings were casting their lights upon the greenery, revealing shadows of people walking around.

  “You have a thing for city lights,” Jake spoke in a sexy voice, curling his long arms around my waist. Pushing my hair to the side, he laid a soft kiss on the side of my neck. I closed my eyes against how amazing it felt to have those lush lips on my skin. And just like that, I was paralyzed, as if someone had stolen the strength from my muscles. Just minutes ago, I believed I would throw him onto the couch and take control of the action. Jake made his way up, getting tantalizingly close to my ear.

  “That’s so good…” I sighed, his fingers travelling up my stomach. I exhaled hard, feeling them circling my breasts.

  “It can’t be better than the way your skin feels on my mouth,” he whispered, raising goose bumps up and down my body.

  I remained silent, as Jake’s hands pressed my breasts together through my sweater. The feel of his hardening cock against my back sent waves of moisture trickling down my thighs. Stopping his mouth at the nape between my neck and my shoulder, he squeezed my breasts at the same time. The tip of his tongue glided along my clavicle, Jake lowering his hands. Slipping them under my sweater, he lifted them to my upper back. I felt his fingers on my flesh for a fleeting moment, before hearing the sound of my bra unclasping. It dropped to the floor, his arms creeping back around me.

  “Mmm, yeah…” I whimpered, reaching forward feeling his big hands on my breasts. I leaned over towards the window, placing my hands on the glass, while Jake’s fingers drew circles around my nipples. I slid my ass down, eager to feel that raging erection up against me. Pushing back, I bit my lower lip, his inches wedged between my butt cheeks. Breathing harder on my skin, he moved his hand down my body. He slipped it into my leggings with ease, my whimpers getting longer.

  “So wet already,” Jake uttered, his deep voice tantalizing me further as he slid his fingers down my pussy.

  “For you, baby,” I let out one more whimper, reaching down. “Just for you.”

  I grabbed the elastic waistband and pulled it down my legs in a hurry, before a view of his fingers on my slit filled my line of sight. With the heel of his palm pressed hard against my clit, he trapped his middle finger between my wet folds. Collecting some of my moisture, he released me and raised his hand up to his mouth. The sound of Jake licking my juices off sent my senses reeling.

  “So fucking delicious,” he grunted in my ear, forcing a deep moan from me. Much to my pleasure, he was the type of man who wouldn’t let me dictate the action. I’d hate for him to just lie back and let me do all the work. Jake was dominating me, demonstrating his passion for my figure. And coming from a man like him, this was boosting my ego to the stratosphere.

  Bending his knees, he let go of my breasts and went down on his knees, before yanking my leggings all the way down to my calves. I spread my legs to accommodate him, feeling his lips high up on my back thigh. His teeth grazed the curve of my ass, fueling my anticipation. Strong hands cupped my ass cheeks, pushed them up, and then spread them. Splaying his fingers over my flesh, Jake French-kissed my slit, making me moan with untold pleasure.

  “Yeah, lick it, baby!” I cried out, turning my head to face him. I could see just a tiny part of his forehead and his hair, but it didn’t matter. His tongue was going up and down my pussy, licking my glistening folds while his hands stroked my ass with vigor. I eased my knees down on to the floor, savoring the sounds of his kisses and his demanding grunts. He took his right hand, and in moments, the sound of his metal zipper drawing down compelled me to tilt my head down. Shoving his fingers into his boxers, he whipped his thick, throbbing cock out. I licked my lips, gazing over at the bulging veins along his shaft. A drop of pre-cum dribbled down his length as he pulled his foreskin back.

  “Fuck, I want you so bad!” I moaned, squeezing my eyes shut. Jake was sucking on my pussy, my juices coating his delicious lips. A tiny portion of his tongue was dipping into me, and then sliding down, coaxing me to a powerful climax. I loved how he didn’t focus anywhere specific. He was stimulating my nerve endings, offering me heavenly feelings I had yet to experience. The heat gathering in my core was like a volcano, waiting to erupt. I ground my hips against his mouth, throwing my head back as my orgasmic cries reverberated through his apartment. Jake held my ass tighter, like he wanted to taste every last drop of my juices. He laid a soft kiss on my flesh and straightened himself up while my legs quivered with pleasure.

  Putting his hands on either side of my midsection, he eased me up. Jake pulled my sweater up and over my head and tossed it away. Looking up at him over my shoulder, I bent over once more. I sensed the swollen head of his cock at my entrance, staring at his reflection in the glass. He began to unbutton his white shirt, and I didn’t let that chance go to waste. Slowly, I pushed back, taking his big, stiff cock inside of me.

You nasty little thing,” he grunted, watching his inches disappearing in my depths. “You couldn’t wait.”

  “Nuh-uh,” I told him, my voice raspy with unbridled lust. “Oh, my God…” I moaned, just when my butt cheeks made contact with his groin. I rocked my hips forward, Jake peeling off his shirt. He didn’t allow me to repeat my move. Instead, he grabbed my butt cheeks and shoved himself in, his guttural grunt and my loud groan colliding.

  “Talk about a masterpiece,” He continued in a sexy voice, his eyes glued on my ass. A smile of smugness spread across my face. It didn’t stay on for long, though. It was just impossible for me to keep on smiling, with him kneading my flesh, and his shaft buried deep inside of me. Jake was penetrating me with long, hard strokes, intoxicating my senses like a sweet, powerful drug. I had gotten a taste of it out on Granite Prospect, and now, each and every shot of it was hitting my brain with electric currents. I whipped my head around, catching my wobbly ass cheeks out of the corner of my eye. His hungry gaze met mine as I reached behind.

  “I want to touch you,” I whimpered, my eyes half-open. A simple nod served as his answer. He released my body altogether and wrapped his fingers around my wrist. Leading my fingers to his mouth, he parted his lips and let my index finger slip inside. I bit my lower lip, a lustful moan escaping me as I felt his wet tongue swirling around my finger. I didn’t protest. I could not protest. How could I even think of that? Jake’s sensuality was out of this world. And within moments, he satisfied my request. He led my hand down to his chest and pressed it onto him, helping me feel every twitch of his muscles. I sank my long fingernails into his skin, watching his face twist with passion and desire.

  “Pound me,” I urged, my voice dripping with lust. “Fuck me hard.”

  “Yeah,” he grunted, his hands returning to my hips. Two, firm slaps on my ass signaled the beginning of another explosion of passion. Sheer momentum was sending my body forward, causing my forehead to bump into the glass. Jake was filling me up, his gaze roaming over my arched back. I could feel his thick cock stretching me out, sending waves of delight up and down my body. I rocked my hips back and forth, trying to meet his fast pace. Once our bodies synchronized, I shut my eyes to savor each and every moment of this unbelievable ritual. My ears were filling with his deep groans, my own moans and the sound of his body smashing against mine. I could feel my juices dripping out of my drenched pussy, and stick to his balls, every time he thrust into me. My breath fogging up the glass, I climaxed with loud bursts of orgasmic shivers. My orgasm shook my body from head to toe, stealing my breath while Jake continued to pound away into me. Before long, more of his grunts filled the atmosphere. Pulling out, he jerked himself to completion, streams of his juices landing on the floor.


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