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Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection

Page 81

by Nova Rain

  The velvety voice singing in French had me smiling in contentment. Of course, I couldn’t understand a word, but its softness was sending waves of serenity throughout my body. Michael rubbed his hands together, making me sigh against the beauty of the fragrance. I felt his soft, warm hands on my skin as he put them on either side of my neck, half-an-inch below my ears. He kneaded his thumbs into my muscles and then made his way all the way down to my hairline. Although he used his fingers for grip, he didn’t press them into my collarbone. And I loved that firmness in his grip. It wasn’t too weak or too strong. Michael was applying the perfect amount of force to ensure a much needed and delightful tension release. This was bizarre. He was a pilot, not a masseur. Yet, I was too relaxed to even consider why he was so skilled. That female voice was dominating the atmosphere, soothing me, sending me into a realm of sensation while he paid attention to my neck.

  Reaching its base, he placed his palms on either side of my spine and kept them parallel to one another. As if he meant to outline the shape of my heart, he fanned them out across my shoulders. He slid them down a bit and used a kneading motion to work on each muscle in my upper back. I let off a slow exhale at the feel of his long fingers on my flesh. The location of a knot in my upper back, just under my shoulder blade, compelled him to stop. I squeezed my eyes shut as his soft hands pressed somewhat harder. A deep whimper flew out of my mouth, the moment he loosened the knot.

  Opening my eyes to slits, I caught another glimpse of the view that had been enchanting me for days. The moon was high in the sky, painting a wide strip of water a light-silver shade. I smiled to myself, coming to a conclusion. I had my very own slice of heaven. I was the queen of this small, yet fantastic kingdom.

  Almost all of my senses were being pampered. And the best thing about this? They were being pampered at the same time. Vision, hearing, touch and smell had plunged into a world of delight, enjoying the stimulation Michael had been giving me. My sense of taste had been left out, but I had no doubt it would be satisfied later.

  I welcomed the liquid warmth of the oil on my lower back, the scent of that fragrance growing in intensity in my nostrils. Using both of his hands, he spread it across the area with gentle, clockwise motions. He slid his fingers down, their tips pressing into my skin and quickly releasing. Then, he released my body altogether, standing on my right. Michael pulled his shirt up and over his head, offering me the treat of his abs. With them just inches away, I licked my lips as if I was about to devour them. But I was getting ahead of myself. He had prepared something great for me. Touching him would interrupt it.

  He moved around the table and faced my legs. A tingling sensation roared up my body as more oil landed on my right calf. He wrapped his hands around it and applied a small amount of pressure. They began a slow, upward course, stretching my skin. I caught myself breathing faster, more and more moisture gathering in my core. Long, relaxing strokes up and down my leg had my heart pounding. At the feel of more oil on my ass, I bit my lower lip, bracing myself for what would follow. A whimper of lust escaped me as he started to massage my cheek in a circular motion. Creating a roll of my skin, he pushed it up with his thumbs and leaned over towards me.

  “Awwww, my God!” I whimpered, looking up at him. “You’ve been driving me crazy, baby. God, that feels so good…”

  His tiny fingernails sank into my flesh, sending waves of pleasure racing through my body. Staring at my ass, he bent towards me. He ran his right hand down my leg and his left one up my back, he planted a fiery kiss just an inch from my crack. My moan rose above the music. I tipped my head back in delight and gripped the edges of the table. I moved my legs apart, sensing the tip of his tongue traveling across my ass. His fingertip brushed my hardened clit, his lips closing around my flesh once again. Kissing his way down, Michael started a slow rub, his grunts fueling my arousal.

  “Yeah!” I groaned, his alluring lips focusing on my pussy. Wetness moistened them both as they landed on my entrance. He made sure to lap up all the juices around it, his free hand squeezing my ass. I threw my head back, my moans lengthening. I clenched my butt cheeks, his sensual rubbing and the kisses up and down my slit bringing me closer to orgasmic bliss. He ran his mouth down with vigor, causing the fire in my belly to grow hotter and hotter. Screaming out, I rocked back and forth, gasping as his fingertip ran circles over my clit. I arched off the table, waves of molten pleasure shooting through me. I rode out the waves of my orgasm, my thighs quivering in front of him.

  I flipped over and sat up, the struggle to control my breath not over.

  “Oh. My. Word.” I rasped, my eyes meeting his in the flickering candlelight.

  “I’m telling you, you taste so sweet that I’d love to go down on you again,” he teased, his fingers fumbling with the zipper of his pants.

  “Don’t even think about it,” I growled, reaching out towards him. My hands locked onto his hips, before I pulled him closer. I heard the sound of the metallic zipper going down, his arms trapping me in his embrace. He lifted me up and off the table and headed straight for the porch door. I threw my legs around his waist and released his midsection. Feeling my back pressed against the cold glass, I leaned in and snaked my arms around his neck.

  I felt his muscled chest rubbing against my breasts when Michael kept his promise. Only this kiss was about ten times better than the one he had given me out on the pier. That one was filled with care and tenderness. This one was overflowing with passion and lust. And it was this heated passion that exploded between us. Seconds into the kiss, his tongue had slipped past the seam of my mouth, seeking mine. He pushed my body upwards to release his big, stiff cock. I felt its entire length nudging my pussy, a grunt from deep in his throat filling my ears. The next thing I knew, my juices were coating the swollen head as it attempted to push through my pink folds.

  I moaned in Michael’s mouth. Hard. Desperate to offer him just a fraction of the satisfaction he had offered me. Determined to make a memorable night unforgettable. His teeth grazed my lower lip, his hands settling on my ass. He bucked up once and let gravity do the work, helping me feel each and every one of his rock-hard inches.

  “Your pussy is burning me up,” he grunted, trapping my bottom lip between his teeth.

  “You’re burning it up first,” I whimpered, the fire of arousal raging in my insides. I tilted my head back, taken over by an insatiable appetite. My body was dancing in mid-air with his shaft buried deep inside of me, plowing harder. I moved my lips over to his cheek, his deep moans reverberating in my skull. Nipping at his temple, I let myself savor another type of view. The shadow of our merged bodies on the floor. I could see his massive back, his head and my calves hanging from his hips while his butt muscles flexed in the candlelight.

  “Michael!” I cried out his name, my inner walls gripping his cock as I neared another orgasmic explosion. Moans, grunts and music had fused into one heavenly symphony, joined by the sounds of his balls slapping against my ass. He was plunging all the way in and almost all the way out, leaving just the head in my dripping-wet pussy, tantalizing me for a split second, until he filled me back up. I thrust forward, my climax hitting me with incredible force. I stilled myself against him, waves of delectable bliss crashing around me. Michael’s groans rattled the glass behind me as he reached his own climax. He pulled out in a quick motion, making a complete mess of the floor. Holding me in a loose embrace, he stepped backwards. We tumbled into bed and bounced up, before I laid my head on his chest. Purring and satisfied beyond my wildest imagination, I rewarded him with a tender kiss on his neck.

  “Oh God…” I breathed out. “That bikini really turned you on, didn’t it?”

  “It was a good start,” he uttered, his voice steady. “The naked lady on the massage table did the rest,” he went on, rolling us over to the side.

  I gazed up into his eyes, smiling in bliss. Somehow, I lost the will to speak any further. I preferred to stare at the reflection of the flame in his irises and enjoy the
moment. Our stormy encounter had rocked my world, leaving me in a bubble of joy and pleasure. I crept into his embrace, in the hope that our future encounters would be similar to this. If they were half as good, I would be one the luckiest women on earth.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The following morning, I had to battle Michael.

  Why? Because that little tease wouldn’t give me a moment’s peace. I was trying to type a huge article on my laptop, and he wouldn’t keep his hands off of me. And boy, had he come up with ways to push my buttons:

  A kiss on the side of my neck.

  A gentle caress on my head.

  Hugging my chair from behind.

  Despite my race against time—our flight back to New York was at 7:30pm—I never complained. The journalist had every reason to be frustrated with him. He wasn’t allowing her to do her job. On the other hand, the woman was relishing the attention. Having him around, feeling his eyes and his hands on me was fantastic. After all, this was Michael. He seemed to love letting his inner child loose, and I liked that. It was one of the reasons why I agreed to get into a relationship with him in the first place.

  I was able to finish my work in the nick of time. A bittersweet feeling came over me as I packed. I had been to Vermont. I visited Los Angeles in the summer of 2017, and I had spent two weeks in London and Paris. However, none of those trips compared to this experience. This had a little bit of everything: Breathtaking views. Abundant greenery. Friendly people near my hotel. Wildlife. Most of all, I was with a man that was determined to cater to my needs. The one thing it didn’t have, was the noise of a bustling city. Frankly? I didn’t miss it.

  Regardless of all that, I was glad to be going back to my birthplace. I would soon be in familiar territory, amidst people I had known for years. Yes, my surroundings would be a lot different, but I loved my job. The Bulletin was my second home, a place that meant more to me than just “work.”

  So, when I found myself striding back through its narrow halls, I just couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. Not that I wanted to anyway. The days of misery and self-doubt had become a vague memory.

  “Hey! Wait for me!” Penny shouted, walking out of the elevator behind me.

  “Good morning,” I said, looking back at her as I slowed down.

  “Oh my God, Ava! You’re beaming!” She commented, catching up. “Was Ontario that good?”

  “It isn’t easy, but I’ll try to paint a picture,” I stated, returning my attention to the main hall up ahead. “My hotel was fifty yards from a vast expanse of water. In my time up there, it never even rained once. The routes to nearby villages and towns were picturesque. All of them were drowning in greenery. The lake was in the background almost the entire time. The locals were more than willing to tell me everything about their daily routine. Add to all that an extremely generous lover with a body you can stare at for hours on end, and you’ll understand why I’m beaming. Why do you look so surprised? We talked about these things over the phone, didn’t we?”

  “Well, yeah, but I thought you were exaggerating,” she spoke in a weaker tone, our footsteps leading us into the kitchen. “I know it’s not like you to exaggerate, but…”

  “But what?” I interrupted her, gripping the handle of the coffeemaker.

  “You’ve been through a lot, and I believed you had idealized the whole thing, that’s all,” Penny explained, standing beside me.

  “I didn’t idealize anything, sweetheart,” I pointed out, steam rising from my red mug. “I saw that place for what it really was. And as you’ll see from the pictures in my editorial, it’s just the way I described it to you.”

  “What about the, ahem…” She cleared her throat.

  “Ahhhh…” I sighed and leaned against the counter. “Anything I say about it won’t do it justice. I’m just going to give you a few clues. A happy ending massage in the candlelight, listening to Enigma, with a view of the lake bathed in moonlight.”

  “Oh…” She gasped, redness flushing her cheeks. “That sounds…”

  “Unbelievably hot.” I completed her sentence. “Thank you so much for changing my mind about dating Michael. He’s a great guy. Also…” I paused and sipped some coffee. “He’s the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  I was expecting her typical reaction. A squeak. Her eyes to go wide and a huge grin. Yet, I got none of those. What I did get, was a frown and a twist of her mouth.

  “I’m glad, Ava. I really am,” she said, nodding at the same time.


  “You’re too excited,” she commented, folding her arms across her chest. “Okay, you had a blast up there, there’s no doubt about that, but don’t you think it’s too soon for you to be saying things like that?”

  “You sound like me.” I remarked, my face loosening with surprise. “Why? Weren’t you the one who insisted on me going out with him? Did something change?”

  “No, nothing changed!” She emphasized, furrowing her brow. “It’s just…” She huffed and unfurled her arms. “You haven’t seen enough of him to make that kind of judgment. The Ava I know doesn’t call someone ‘great’ in a couple of weeks. She needs a lot more time to make up her mind about someone.”

  “So, what are you suggesting?” I wondered, annoyance sending my voice up an octave. “That I should wait another four or five weeks before I tell you what I think of him? What for? Penny…” I drew in a sharp breath. “I don’t have to do that. The man is an open book. He’s not hiding from me. And what you said the other day about him hiding any bad feelings? It’s true. He admitted it when I drove him to the airport on Monday. He said he was trying to lighten the atmosphere between us.”

  “Do you remember what you used to say about Curtis?” Her question didn’t indicate I was getting through to her. If anything, it showed the exact opposite. “Let me remind you. ‘He’s a gentleman,’ ‘he’s great in bed,’ ‘he always has the courtesy to call to say he’ll be late,’ blah blah blah, yada, yada, yada… How did that end?”

  “In pain,” I grumbled, tightening my jaw. “What’s your point?”

  “Slow down,” she advised, softening her tone. “I know Michael is a good man, but he’s human, which means he’s flawed. I don’t want to see you get hurt when you discover his flaws. Hold your horses, Ava. That’s all I’m asking.”

  “Yeah, he is flawed,” I agreed with a nod. “When we’re alone together, he keeps on teasing me. This morning, I told him I had work to do, but it didn’t matter to him. He stayed in the room and kissed me and caressed me every chance he got. I’ll let you know if any more of his flaws surface. Now, excuse me. I have an editorial to publish.”

  At that point, I turned on my heels and stormed out of the kitchen. I knew she was looking out for me. Our relationship had transcended the boundaries of friendship. She and I were family. Nevertheless, Penny had made a big mistake. She had pointed out the obvious. I wasn’t a baby. I was well-aware of human nature. I had seen the good and the bad in people. Somewhere along the line, I would see Michael’s flaws as well. I just didn’t need her or anyone else to remind me of that.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “She’s amazing.”

  Jake’s baffled expression at my words was a treat. I couldn’t blame him. Usually, one of my first lines upon our meeting in the cockpit wasn’t complimentary to anyone. It ranged from “what a bore” to “I’ve had enough with her.”

  “It’s nice to hear you’re finally excited with someone,” he commented with a grin. “Although, I have to tell you Penny and your girl are not on good terms these days because of you. They had an argument in the office. Ava talked you up, and Penny asked her to slow down because she might get hurt. They haven’t spoken to each other in three days.”

  I snorted in amusement. “Really?”

  “Yep,” he affirmed. “How does it feel to know you got them to argue with each other?”

  “You mean ‘how does it feel to be the milliont
h thing for which those two argued with one another,’” I corrected him. “They’re besties, Jake. They’re supposed to argue a lot. Let me go get that manifest.”

  I unbuckled myself and arose, my friend continuing to wear that smile. I had seen this coming. Penny and Ava might have been very close, but they were nothing like each other. Penny was way too loud and had a bad temper, whereas Ava was a very composed girl. One had to try hard to get her to yell at them. I saw that for myself on our departure day from Ontario.

  Stepping out of the cabin, I found Greg Olson, the shift supervisor, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Is our belly still open?” I asked, throwing a swift glance to my right. A rig was moving away from the aircraft, black fumes shooting out of its exhaust.

  “They closed it ten minutes ago,” he replied, holding the manifest and a pen up.

  “Are the cargo pallets secure?” I posed the last question as he handed them both to me.

  “I just checked them. They’re secure; you’re good to go.” His answer came while I was reading the contents of those pallets. Textiles, canned goods, and clothing. Total weight? 47,423 pounds, well below that of the plane’s payload capacity.

  “Thank you.” I signed the manifest, ripped it off his binder and dismissed him with a nod. I climbed back up the stairs and secured the exit, catching the sound of the latch clicking into place.

  “Here,” I told Jake, setting the document onto his knee. “We’ll be traveling a little lighter this time.”

  “That’s good,” he commented, placing it in the designated holder on his right. “We’ll get to Alaska faster.”

  “Awesome. We can go hunting for reindeer. Wait. We don’t do that,” I joked, strapping myself back in.

  “Fire up the engines,” Jake laughed, throwing a sideways glance over at me.


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