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Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection

Page 94

by Nova Rain

  “You heard me.” I flashed her a smile. “I’d like to hear your best memory with Catherine.”

  “Hmmm…” Rosanna hummed, kicking her heels off. “That would be her twenty-first birthday. We flew down to Miami to celebrate it, because she was born in March. You know how cold New York still is in March. She wanted to blow out her candles on the beach. So, she did. Afterwards, we hit a few nearby bars. We got drunk out of our minds and started throwing water balloons at each other. We fell asleep on the beach. Catherine…” she giggled, “…woke up when this tiny dog started licking her face.”

  “Nice story,” I commented with a grin. “Are you feeling any better?”

  “A little bit,” she chirped. “You holding me like this helps a lot.”

  “You’re definitely more relaxed than when we got here,” I remarked, throwing a glance at her feet on the armrest.

  “Oh, no!” she exclaimed, attempting to jolt up. “Why didn’t you say…?”

  “Don’t even think about putting them down,” I commanded, flexing my arm muscles around her chest. “Didn’t I tell you to make yourself comfortable?”

  “Yeah, but…”

  “No ‘but’s,’” I silenced her with a hand on her mouth. “You’re comfortable. End of story.”

  Rosanna kissed my fingers first and then pulled them away. “You’re really sweet.”

  “I’m glad you’re here, Rosanna.” I spoke in a whisper, gazing down into her eyes. “It took a lot of effort and frustration to get you here, but you were worth it.”

  “Are you sure?” The wobble in her tone returned. “I’m a stripper, remember?”

  “To me, you’re this impossibly gorgeous blonde, who bears a beautiful name.” I softened my voice even further, cupping her cheek. “It’s good you know how to strip, because…”

  Her loud, fruity laughter interrupted me.

  “You’re a mess!” she chuckled, running her hand up my chest.

  “And you seem to like it,” I laughed, the tip of my index finger tracing the corner of her mouth.

  “I do,” Rosanna admitted with a nod. “Listen, thanks a lot for tonight. I had a great time. Could you please drive me home?”

  “You’re not going anywhere until you’ve had something to eat,” I declared in a firm tone. “I’ll make us some righteous mac and cheese.”

  “Now you’re even sweeter,” she praised, leaning upward. “Cook away,” she went on, pecking a kiss on my lips. “Where’s your bathroom?”

  “Down the hall, first door on the right,” I informed her as she took her feet off the armrest.

  Mission accomplished.

  This thought came to mind while I watched Rosanna crossing my living room. Thankfully, I had managed to cheer her up. Of course, I had no idea what was going on in her head, but it appeared she was in a much better mood. That laughter just seconds ago was music to my ears. Even her walking style was different. Her hips had loosened, and she looked around her in curiosity, before entering the bathroom.

  I heard my stomach growling as I put the pan under the faucet. I turned on the stove and removed my shirt. I liked to be more comfortable during cooking. I couldn’t change into a pair of shorts due to Rosanna’s presence, but just getting rid of that shirt was enough.

  Tearing open a pack of pasta, I began to hum Toto’s smash hit. If anything, I liked it even more now that she was in there with me. It was eight years older than me; it was released in a time much before mine, but I loved every single thing about it. I wished I had an extra pair of hands, so that I could play one more instrument at the same time I played the piano.

  “Ahem…” Rosanna cleared her throat. Just when I turned around to face her, I lost my will to sing and dance around. She was standing in front of the kitchen table. Naked. Smiling. With her hands on her waist and a seductive look in her eyes. “Yummy.”

  “I haven’t cooked anything yet,” I muttered, my gaze traveling down her chest.

  “I wasn’t talking about the food,” she assumed a husky voice, curling her index finger towards me. “I was talking about the hunk shaking his hips.”

  “Are you sure about this?” I asked, scratching my jaw. “You didn’t even want to hear about it two hours ago.”

  “Ah, get over here,” she commanded, grabbing me by the collar of my tee. Her reaction had me feeling like a moron. Why else would she be nude in my kitchen?

  She dragged me towards her, until her lower back made contact with the table. I gripped her waist and threw my arm up to her face, the instant she pressed her lips against mine. I stroked her skin, using my weight to push her down on the table. Seeing her in lingerie in that strip club had given me an idea of how soft her skin would be. Yet, seeing and touching were two very different things. It was like a combination of fine silk and velvet, but much, much better. Fabrics are cold, and she was warm and tingling under my touch. Releasing my collar, she hitched up my tee, my fingers moving down her leg.

  “I love those thighs,” I grunted, feeling her small hands clutch my shoulder blades. She whimpered in response, hooking her legs around my waist.

  “Take that thing off,” she urged, her voice thickening with desire.

  Leaning back, I pulled my tee up and over my head and threw it behind me.

  “Oh, my God…” Rosanna whispered, biting her lower lip, her gaze fixed on my chest. I took a moment to marvel at the beautiful body that had been dominating my fantasies. Her chest was rising and falling, big, juicy breasts craving my attention. Her shapely legs were up in the air. Between them, beckoned the center of my desire. I sensed her soft feet on my chest, toes caressing my shoulders. Little by little, she slid them down, the hunger in her eyes provoking me to shove myself deep into her. Still, this wasn’t an option. Rosanna wasn’t some random girl that I’d picked up in a bar. I wasn’t going to treat her like one. I wrapped my fingers around her ankles and led her feet down my body.

  “I’d love to play with those abs every day,” she said in a raspy tone, her toes gliding over the ridges of my abs. “God, they’re so hot.”

  Letting go of her ankles, I undid my belt and yanked my zipper down. I reached in and whipped my big, stiff cock out, licking my lips. My sheer size caught her attention. Rosanna’s gaze shot down to my crotch as I leaned forward.

  “Yum-yum,” she let out one more whisper, the head of my cock brushing her inner thigh. Having had enough teasing, I gripped her by the thighs and pulled her towards me. Her ass hanging off the edge of the table, I sat down on my knees. Closing my eyes, I smelled her skin, before my lips landed on her inner thigh.

  “You’re so fucking creamy,” I groaned, kissing my way towards her core. When I reached the crease between her leg and her pussy, my tongue peeked out. The scent of her arousal filling my nostrils, I drew a slow arch around her core, my chin nudging her soft lips.

  “Taste me…” Rosanna’s command sounded more like a desperate request. Kissing her thigh, I moved my lips over to the left and opened my mouth.

  “Awwww, yeah!” She moaned as my tongue parted her pussy lips. I sucked her juices into my mouth with vigor, feeling my cock twitch in protest. The tip of my tongue teasing her slit, I cupped her ass cheeks. I grabbed them and squeezed them together, grunt after grunt of pleasure leaving me. Propping herself up on her shoulders, Rosanna reached out towards me.

  “That’s it, baby,” she groaned, diving her hand into my hair. “Yeah, keep it up,” she hissed as my upper lip nudged her clit. In moments, I darted my tongue against it, determined to offer her a climax she would never forget. My thumbs just half an inch from her crack, I dug my nails into her flesh, kissing her hard clit over and over again. I inched backwards for a split second and then let my mouth bump into it, her moans picking up in volume and intensity. Rosanna’s hips shook and her glutes clenched as she grabbed a handful of my hair. I let my tongue slide into her; boy, did that make a difference. She threw her head back, one more sound of lust flying out of her mouth, just before I felt her s
ticky juices coating my tongue. They dribbled down my throat, their delicious taste compelling me to lap them all up.

  “You’re a bad, bad man,” Rosanna complained, still writhing on the table.

  “You love that, too,” I teased, getting back up.

  “Yeah,” she whimpered, leaning forward. “Come on. Don’t keep me waiting.”

  “I wasn’t going to,” I told her, rubbing my shaft along her slit. Holding it tight, I led it to her entrance. I felt her glistening folds split around my cock, her tightness fueling my arousal. Rosanna kept her eyes on mine, her mouth shooting open as my inches delved deeper into her. Spreading her legs, she reached up and held on to my shoulders. I sensed her fingernails scratching my skin, sounds of my deep, hard penetration tearing through the atmosphere. That little tease swiped her tongue across the seam of my mouth, her body heat edging me to pound her.

  “Awwww, fuck!” She moaned, my groin hitting her clit with more force than before, her breasts swaying.

  “I want to fuck this sweet pussy all night long,” I uttered, my voice deep while I filled her up. Each thrust was sending ripples up and down her legs. My thighs were crashing into her ass cheeks, the view of them wobbling coaxing me closer to my orgasm. I considered flipping her over, just to stare at that big bubble. But, by doing so, I would interrupt her sexy symphony of moans. I was savoring even the slightest sound that came out of her mouth. Loud gasps, hisses, groans and moans were acting like a powerful beverage. I had tasted it, and now, I was addicted, craving more and more by the second. The sound of the table bumping into the wall put a wicked smile on Rosanna’s face.

  “Harder!” She demanded, banging her hand onto my shoulder. An even tighter grip and a lustful moan later, I could feel her juices dripping down my shaft. I released her legs and reached forward, our faces inches from one another. I filled my hands with the creamy flesh of her breasts and then pushed them together, Rosanna breathing harder on my chin.

  “Right there!” She cried out, the sight of her reddened cheeks spurring me on. I was pushing in all the way, the tip of my cock staying inside her with every withdrawal.

  “Cum for me, baby…” I grunted as her fingernails scratched my skin further.

  “Yeah!” Rosanna screamed in my face, yanking me closer. With the sounds of her pleasure very close to my ears, I pounded her faster, until I felt her body quaking under me. She ground against me, eager to maximize her pleasure. The sensation of her ample juices meeting my shaft both satisfied and relieved me. I had been struggling to withhold my own climax. Jerking back, I pulled out, thick semen spurting out of the head of my cock. Smiling up at me, she slipped the tip of her index finger into her mouth.

  “Well…” she gasped. “I bet you weren’t expecting that, were you?”

  “That’s true,” I affirmed, placing my hands on her hips. In a gentle move, I picked her body up. “I thought you were not in the mood.”

  “You were right. I wasn’t,” she admitted, draping her arms over my back. “Not until you proved to me what a good listener you are.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind from now on,” I muttered, smiling at her.

  “Now take me up to your bedroom,” Rosanna requested, her raspy tone coming back as she curved her legs around my hips.

  “You insatiable little thing,” I teased, shuffling off. She burst out laughing, filling my heart with joy. Unbeknownst to her, she had just uttered one of the phrases I’d been hoping to hear from her. And I intended to give her my best that night. Not only because I had helped her feel better, but also, because she had agreed to become part of my life. Offering her some more, steamy moments was the least I could do for the woman who had blown my mind in that fundraiser.

  Chapter Eleven


  A fuzzy sensation on my forehead woke me up the next morning. I swiped the blanket aside and rubbed my blurry eyes, light peeping through the blinds. Chris’s masculine scent was still lingering in the room. His clothes were littering the floor. To my disappointment though, he wasn’t lying next to me. And that ugly feeling only grew, when I slipped my hand under the pillow. He hadn’t left a note there or on his nightstand.

  I got up and exited his bedroom, wondering why he had left like that. Reaching the hall outside, I looked over the railing. That’s when I discovered what a fool I’d been to believe he hadn’t thought of me. There was a basket of red roses on his living room table. Just like that, I found the energy to run down the stairs. The flowers’ wonderful scent reached me while I was still in the middle of the staircase. A white card was resting on the side of the basket.

  “Good morning, Rosanna

  I’m sorry, but I had to wake up early for a meeting.

  I can’t wait to see you again.

  Call me,


  “Neither can I,” I said to myself and sniffed the roses. The night before was full of surprises. Pleasant surprises. On my way to the Empire State building, I was afraid that my terrible mood would either ruin our date or cancel it altogether. The things I told him on that observation deck were more than enough to encourage him to drive me home, and ask to see me some other time. Chris didn’t do either of those, which was just the first surprise. I was so eager to share this and everything else with a friend. Alas, it was this eagerness that reminded me of the painful truth. Catherine was unavailable; she would be, until she found the strength to forgive me. Rachel was probably somewhere in the suburbs, showing houses to clients.

  At any rate, sharing my experience with somebody could wait. I would have plenty of opportunities to discuss this with my friends in the future. I would keep the sweet memories to myself for now. They would be a good way to distract myself at work.

  Fifteen minutes before the beginning of my shift, I was looking at my reflection in the mirror in the dressing room.

  Eat your hearts out, bitches. I’m dating a millionaire.

  I couldn’t help but laugh with that thought. I puffed my chest out with pride, recalling meetings with the smuggest women in the city. No matter their age, they were all acting in a similar—nasty—way. Just because their boyfriends or their husbands were rich, they thought they were somehow superior to the rest of us. I had come very close to slapping at least two of them, due to their crappy manners. Now, if anyone attempted to flaunt her marital status, I’d be able to shut her up by mentioning who I was dating. I was positive that this payback would be sweet,

  Trotting away from the mirror, I caught a glimpse of the door handle turning. It was Dorothy, wearing her usual, strict expression.

  “There’s a man out in the lobby waiting for you,” she informed me. “He says you two need to talk about something extremely important. You have twenty minutes.”

  “Thank you,” I nodded and passed her by, wondering about the identity of the man she had mentioned. I could think of just one person who would want to see me, but that didn’t make much sense. It had been less than two hours since I’d left Chris’s apartment.

  The emptiness of the lobby helped me spot him. He was in the upper left corner, at the spot furthest from the entrance. The man in question was in his late twenties, early thirties, tops. He was a couple of inches shorter than Chris, and wore a fancy, gray overcoat. Waves of confusion washed over me. I had no idea who he was; neither could I recall meeting him.

  “Good morning,” he greeted me with a polite smile. “My name is Sam Rockwell; I’m Chris’s publicist.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I murmured, shaking his hand. “What can I do for you?”

  “Well, lots of things,” he claimed, slipping his hands into his pockets. “First of all, I should tell you that I know everything about you. Including your job at ‘Eleganza.’ I was with Chris last Friday night. I was surprised to see him paying for a private dance. You see, he never does that. So, I did some digging. Does your supervisor know you’re also a stripper?”

  “Yes, she does,” I groaned, understanding what he was getting at. “Did you c
ome here to threaten me?”

  “No,” he shook his head in refusal. “I came here because it’s my duty to protect Chris as his friend and associate.”

  “You’re trying to protect him from me?” I pointed at myself, furrowing my brow.

  “I’m trying to protect him from himself,” Sam spoke in emphatic tones. “He likes you a lot. He told me about your little date. In fact, he wouldn’t shut up about it. But what Chris hasn’t realized, is that the press could destroy him if they catch wind that he’s dating a stripper. You see, deep down, he’s still that nerdy kid from Queens. I’m going to ask you a simple question. How much do you make in a year from ‘Eleganza’?”

  “About sixty-five thousand,” I croaked, stiffening my posture. “Why?”

  “Let’s even up that number,” he suggested, easing his checkbook out of his pocket. Chris’s publicist wrote up a check and then tore it from the book, before holding it out in front of him. It was inverted, but that didn’t prevent me from seeing the number. It was one hundred thousand…

  “You’re trying to bribe me into breaking up with him,” I assumed, anger sending my voice two octaves down.

  “Au contraire, mon ami.” He smirked, stepping a bit closer. “I’m offering you a long, very well-paid leave of absence. I’ve blocked this check number. I’ll unblock it first thing tomorrow morning, if you quit your job at ‘Eleganza’ tonight. So, what do you say?”

  I gasped in frustration, my eyes glued to the amount. One hundred thousand dollars was a lot of money. It could cover student loan payments, rent, and a bunch of other things. Yet, regardless of that, the fact remained that it was a bribe. Taking that check would wreck my relationship with Chris. I didn’t even want to imagine what his reaction would be upon finding out. Moreover, this guy’s gesture was offensive. What I did for a living was my business, not his.

  “Get the hell out of here,” I spoke through gritted teeth. “You can’t tell me what to do. Nobody can. Got it?”


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