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Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection

Page 109

by Nova Rain

  “Yes!” I cheered, lifting my fists in the air. Monica made a handbrake turn, bringing the Nissan around to face me. She jumped out, wearing a smile of bliss, her gaze on me. I opened my arms as she sprinted off, a sensation of happiness running through my system. She jumped up into my embrace and threw her own arms around my neck, letting off yet another playful scream.

  “Not bad,” Barker groaned, a wad of hundred-dollar bills in his grasp. “I’m going to get you next time, girl.”

  “Dream on, Mister,” Monica taunted, hopping off of me. “Thank you.” She added as he placed the money in her palm.

  “You did fantastic out there,” I praised. “Sorry I tried to discourage you from racing him.”

  “It’s okay,” she assured. “Man, that rush was unbelievable. It was a lot like street racing, but knowing you won’t hit anything coming the other way makes this so much more fun.”

  “Look, I’d suggest a cup of coffee, but I need to wash off the smell of gas.” I laughed, relaxing my posture. “When can I see you again?”

  “You’re not getting rid of me that easily, doc.” Monica teased with a grin. “We’ll go to your place, you’ll take a quick shower, and we’ll get right back out. How’s that for starters?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I agreed with a nod.

  Back out? If that’s what she wanted, I wouldn’t object to it. Still, I would try to change her mind. I had been fantasizing about claiming that curvy body. I had been wondering what that wonderful figure looked like without any clothes on. Since both of us were in such high spirits, the circumstances for me to make a move couldn’t be better.

  Chapter Eight


  Leaving the track behind, I had a feeling I was leaving a different planet. If it was up to me, I would name that planet “fun” or “playground.” My heart was pounding, like I had just finished a sprint. I could still feel the tremor in my limbs, and I doubted it would go away anytime soon. To top it all off, that race was the easiest five grand I’d ever made. I hadn’t had to avoid a rig, a van, or a car to win it. Neither had I missed a pedestrian by a hair. It was just a blistering lap around a racetrack, in one of the safest cars ever made, without the worry of smashing into a concrete wall.

  But the day wasn’t over yet. It could actually get even better, because I was following the man who had made all of this possible to his home. If only we’d had some more privacy after the race. That way, I could have kissed him over and over again. With dozens of people around though, I was afraid I would embarrass him. I wouldn’t repay his kindness like that. What I could do required the two of us and someplace private. It was time I showed him my gratitude. The more I thought about it, the more I believed I should have done this on the night he invited me over for dinner. I wanted it, but a little voice inside insisted I should wait just a bit longer.

  “Make yourself comfortable,” Sean urged, strolling across his living room. “I’ll be with you in ten minutes.”

  Don’t count on it.

  I wasn’t going to wait. As a matter of fact, his next move destroyed that possibility. He pulled his sweater up and over his head, exposing the cut muscles in his huge back. Holding it in his hand, he entered the bathroom to the left. He closed the door behind him, giving me the signal I had been waiting for.

  Unbuttoning my jeans, I felt waves of desire taking over me. Two hundred pounds of pure masculinity were just feet away. But I had seen more than a few muscular guys, and they all had two things in common: no brains and gigantic egos. However, Sean was smart, selfless, and had a heart of gold. The mere thought of being naked in the same room with him had me shivering.

  Having peeled off my clothes, I wrapped my fingers around the silver doorknob, anticipation growing within me. Puffs of steam were hovering throughout the bathroom. Sean was in a big, wide shower cubicle, his back to me, blobs of bath foam flowing down the back of his neck. The steam had fogged up the glass, just inches below his waist. Waves of arousal surged through me, at the sight of his drenched back. Small rivers of water were coursing down his spine while I padded towards him. Smiling to myself, I stepped into the cubicle and patted him on the shoulder. Yet, all I got in response was muffled laughter. Slowly, he turned around, with a shrewd smile on his face.

  “You did know I could see your reflection in the tiles, didn’t you?” He wondered, his voice raspy.

  I didn’t. What could I say to him? That it didn’t cross my mind? No. I preferred to look at his flattened, wet hair and the streams of water rushing down his cheeks. Sean didn’t wait for my response anyway. Instead, he reached forward and pulled me in to him. In an instant, I felt hot water splashing onto my scalp. A mix of lavender and almond oil flew into my nostrils as I dived into the passion of his kiss. His clean-shaven jaw nudged my skin, and I snaked my arms around his hips. I felt his cock pressing against my stomach while his fingers traveled down my body. Longing for more, I gave a gentle bite to his upper lip, a low whimper leaving my mouth the moment he squeezed my outer thigh.

  “I love this body,” he whispered, swiping the tip of his tongue across the seam of my lips.

  “I want you, baby. I want you now,” I uttered, my voice riddled with lust as he smoothed his hand over the curve of my ass. Just when I thought he would move it further down, he took it off of me for a moment, and then raised both his hands up to my shoulders. He spun me around, and I felt the water flowing down my spine.

  “Mmmm, yes…” I whimpered, feeling his ample inches wedged into the crack of my ass. With his hands wandering over my body, Sean pressed himself into me. I closed my eyes, savoring the sensation of his rock-hard abs against my flesh. Reaching out behind him, I gripped his hip, his pulsing length giving me naughty thoughts. The most dominant one was bending over. However, I had to put that idea aside. I wanted to see what he had in store for me. Such a move might tempt him to thrust in, and I didn’t know whether he’d give in to temptation or not.

  Sean’s palms encircled my breasts, his mouth landing on the top of my spine. I brought my arm in front of me, tilting my head back. Reaching forward, I put both of my hands against the wall, and moved my legs apart. With the sound of the shower audible over the sound of his kisses, he rubbed his thumbs against my nipples.

  “So creamy… so sexy…” he complimented me in a deep voice, his words igniting my desire.

  “More, baby…” I whimpered once more, squeezing my eyes shut. “Give me more.”

  “Fuck, you’re even hotter than I imagined,” he continued, the moisture from my back soaking his lips as they drew closer and closer to my crack.

  A long sigh of delight fled out of my mouth at the end of his phrase. I loved how he was boosting my ego. Squeezing my breasts together, he laid passionate kisses down my back. His next move was both new and strange to me. Sean let off deep grunts of pleasure, nibbling across my butt. I could feel his mouth and his teeth working together, giving me wonderful sensations I had never experienced before. Hissing, I licked my lower lip, surrendering to his sensual game. Sean trapped tiny portions of my flesh, nibbling up and down my ass cheeks.

  “God, you turn me on so much!” I moaned, tossing my head back. He nipped across my butt, before dropping a couple of inches. Pinching my nipples, he nibbled back across the other way, and then let go of my breasts. Almost immediately, his hands joined in on his worship, spreading and squeezing my ass cheeks. The tip of his tongue slid down my slit, and parted my tender lips. The fire within me swirled and settled in my core. His tongue outlined the rim of my clit, and I felt everything inside me coiling.

  “I could eat you out for hours, you sexy little thing,” his raspy voice vibrated across my skin, his words driving me wild with lust. I couldn’t have been in his bathroom for more than ten minutes, and I thought I had somehow been caught in the in-between of fantasy and reality. I was the center of Sean’s attention, relishing his sensual touch, wishing it wouldn’t stop. The tremor in my knees was getting more intense by the second. No mat
ter how much I wanted to, I just couldn’t stay upright anymore. Keeping my legs spread apart from one another, I eased them to my knees. As I did, I turned my head and looked at him over my shoulder. Thick veins along the sides of his shaft tempted me to return the favor. But how can a woman in her right mind tell a man to stop doing all those amazing things? Moisture was dribbling out of my core, and Sean’s tongue followed me down and kept swirling around my clit.

  “Yeah!” I groaned, as his middle finger spread my pussy lips open. Jerking my hips back into his midsection, his deep, hard penetration caused me to squirm against his body.

  “Come on; cum for me,” he urged, his free hand kneading my ass cheeks one at a time, his hot lips less than half an inch from me. Sean’s finger dipped into my pussy, and I trembled and gasped, the waves of my orgasm thundering through me. I still hadn’t caught my breath, when I realized that he hadn’t let up. He planted soft kisses over my skin, demonstrating yet again how much he enjoyed what he’d been doing. I turned around and interrupted his sensual feast, drops of water rolling off either hip.

  “You are so bad, Dr. Granger,” I reprimanded, leaning forward.

  “I’m just getting started,” he stated, putting his hands under my armpits. In a moment, he was lifting us both up from the shower floor, bringing a smile to my face. I loved his idea. I couldn’t wait for him to hold me in the air and claim me. Grabbing him by the shoulders, I hooked my legs around his hips. He pulled his cock out from under me, our lips locking in a fervent kiss. Sean guided it to my entrance, our tongues crashing together. Water bouncing off of my thighs, I tilted my head back, squeezing my eyes shut. I felt his swollen cock at my opening, his lips landing on my chin. I let out a loud moan as he pushed into me, splaying his fingers over my ass. He plunged deeper and filled me up, desire darkening his eyes. Bending towards him, I draped my arms over his back, the sight of his lush lips luring me to him.

  “Don’t hold back. Fuck me,” I demanded in a voice thick with lust. “Fuck me nice and hard.”

  “Yes,” he hissed, our mouths joining in another, frantic kiss. Stroking my butt cheeks, he withdrew first and shoved himself back into my dripping-wet pussy, his hot breath making my skin tingle. Just a few strokes later, Sean was pumping in and out of me, sending waves of delight shooting through my system. A firm slap on my ass forced a louder groan from me. He grabbed and held on, his lips enveloping mine, feeling like small drops of molten lust. Plowing deeper and deeper with long, hard strokes, he dug his tiny fingernails into my skin, adding to my arousal. I pulled him in, losing all sense of control. This wonderful man had been catering to my needs, pampering me, proving to me that I actually mattered to him. His big, stiff cock was massaging my insides, coaxing me to my second orgasm. I slammed my hips back and forth, my moans so loud that I was sure they could be heard from his front yard. I kissed the side of his neck, my pussy clinging to his shaft, edging him on to his own release. I threw my head back, reaching an explosive climax that had me quivering in his arms. Sean yanked himself out, grunting even louder as his juices spurted out of the tiny hole of his cockhead. I tightened my grip around his neck and stroked the back of his head, a smile of satisfaction spreading across my face.

  “You were amazing, red,” he whispered in my ear, “fucking amazing.”

  “What?” I chuckled, resting my head on his shoulder. “Did I hear you right? Did you just call me ‘red’?”

  “Yeah,” he admitted, loosening his grip around me. “I thought of calling you that the night I found you in my car, but it just didn’t feel right.”

  “Don’t remind me of that,” I purred. “Take me to bed. I want to get crazy with you tonight.”

  “Okay,” he laughed, reaching down to turn off the water. “Just how crazy are we talking about here?”

  “You’ll see,” I winked at him, picturing that sculpted body lying in bed, with me on top of him. I didn’t need to use my imagination to go wild with him. I just needed to remind myself of all the good things he had done for me, and I would give him a night he would never forget. Sean deserved a lot more than a hot, steamy night, but that’s all I could give him for now.

  Chapter Nine


  Traces of sunlight coming through my window woke me out of my slumber the following morning. I pried my eyes to slits, eager to catch a glimpse of the beauty with whom I had spent the night. Yet, I was in for a disappointment. I was alone in bed. The outline of her body was imprinted on the sheets. Her half of the blue blanket was folded on top of mine.

  I swiped it away and scooted out of bed, her absence spoiling my good mood. It was 6:20am. Why had she left? What did she have to do that required her getting up so early? My shift was starting in forty minutes, and she had woken up before me? How had she even managed to do that? We fell asleep way past 2am.

  I shuffled into the bathroom, my eyelids protesting. I smiled in contentment as I laid my eyes on the shower. An image of her wet, naked body flashed into my mind, making my entire body quiver. When I shifted my gaze over to the mirror though, every dirty thought vanished into thin air. Monica had left me a lipstick message, in capital letters. Right below it, she had drawn a heart, broken in two:

  “I’m Sorry”

  The edge of a piece of paper was sticking out from the top shelf of the cabinet. I yanked it open, wondering what in the world could be happening in this situation. I started reading:

  “My dear Sean,

  If anyone had told me I would be using the word “dear” before a guy’s name a month ago, I’d have laughed at them and called them “crazy.”

  You see, the men I’ve met so far haven’t been good to me. They all wanted something from me. If I dared say ‘no’ to them, they got cruel and nasty.

  That’s before you came along. You’re an amazing guy, Dr. Granger. You’re kind, caring, thoughtful, unbelievably handsome… You have the whole package. I couldn’t believe how lucky I got meeting you. Luck has not exactly been my friend over the years.

  I’ll always be grateful to you. You gave me respect. You showed me what it’s like to matter to someone. God, I’ll miss that… But now, it’s time for me to say “goodbye.” I’m a mess, Sean. I cuss, I have a short fuse, and I prefer torn jeans to fancy dresses. You deserve a real lady. I don’t think I will ever be one.

  My whole life is a mess, too. I’m not going to bother you with the details. They don’t matter now. Do yourself a favor: forget about me. I would just unravel your life. I don’t want to pay back all your kindness with trouble. It’s not fair to you.

  Take good care,



  P.S. Yesterday was one of the best days of my life

  “Damn…” I sighed, crumpling the paper in my palm. I had an answer as to “why” she had taken off like she had, but, along with it, came a flurry of questions. I wasn’t blind. I had seen her for what she was, and I didn’t mind. In truth, I liked her because of that. I wasn’t expecting her to change her ways for me. In any case, I had to find some answers. Most of all, I wanted to find out what she meant by claiming that she would unravel my life. She had already done that, to some extent at least. And frankly; I loved it. Monica Townsend had made my life a whole lot more interesting. I wasn’t going to give up on her, not until I discovered why she felt she would become such a nuisance.

  Chapter Ten


  “It’s for the best…”

  I kept repeating this sentence that morning. Why; because I had found a keeper, and I had let him go. I had a good taste of what it’s like to be a human being, but I knew I couldn’t savor it for long. A woman with my past doesn’t get to enjoy the things others can. Those few written words would have to lift the burden from my conscience.

  I was driving around pointlessly on the streets of New York City, without any desire to go back home. There was nothing for me there, other than frustration and screams of anger. Some of the images I came across intensified that cold sensation
in my heart. In the middle of the usual chaos of Fifth Avenue, a young couple was holding hands. The guy towered over his girlfriend. He was about as tall as Sean was, and she couldn’t have been more than 5’5” or 5’6”.

  “That could have been him and me.”

  The key word: could.

  If I could somehow erase my mistakes, then yes.

  Still, I had no magical powers. I couldn’t turn back time. All I could do was suffer the painful reality of my life. I was a prisoner of my own recklessness. Date Dr. Granger? No, darling. You can’t. You should have thought about that before screwing up so badly. This realization, this terrible truth brought tears to my eyes. And before I had a chance to think of anything else, another image tore my heart to shreds. Right outside a lounge café on East Houston Street, another couple was kissing. Curled up in each other’s arms, they didn’t give a rat’s ass about passersby or honking, either. Inevitably, the same assumption crossed my mind, but, just like earlier, I had to repeat to myself that I couldn’t have that.

  Sunlight had faded into darkness, when I decided to call Jessica. Luckily for me, she wasn’t in the mood for dancing that night. She was in her tiny apartment in the South Bronx, waiting for Kate. In my sorrow, I had something to be happy about. Those two were my best friends. I would only have to tell my story once.

  The disgusting smell of trash was lingering in the air as I approached Jessica’s apartment building. No surprises there. My friend’s neighborhood was old and overcrowded. There were four dumpsters in total around her building, but they were nowhere near enough. I tried to ignore the stench, noticing Kate’s Mercedes and Jessica’s Supra, parked beside one another. A faint smile formed on my face. It was amazing that the German car hadn’t gotten stolen yet. Most likely, nobody had realized that a two-hundred grand car was among their own scrap.


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