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Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection

Page 115

by Nova Rain

  “Six months, give or take,” Isabelle claimed. “I’ve only had a couple of cases, hence the cardboard. Competition is pretty fierce.”

  “I can understand that,” I continued. “Well, as you’ll see, my case is a bit complicated.”

  She leaned forward before I narrated everything, from the night I met Monica, to the night I broke her out of her husband’s mansion. To my liking, she maintained eye contact with me the entire time. She didn’t look away. Neither did she fiddle with her cell phone or do anything else to make me suspect she was bored. Seconds after I had finished my narrative, Isabelle leaned back in her executive chair, her thin lips curved into a thin smile.

  “What’s so funny?” I wondered, struggling to keep my annoyance out of my tone.

  “Nothing,” she gave a short laugh, putting out the cigarette in the ashtray. “This just goes to show that what I believe about this city is one-hundred percent true. They call New York ‘the city that never sleeps.’ I call it ‘the city that sleeps around.’ My first case was about an army lieutenant, fooling around with a waitress. The second was about a neglected housewife who had an affair with her gardener. I never thought that my third case would concern a congressman cheating on his wife with other men. By the way, there’s been a rumor about Davidson for a while. According to that rumor, he and some of his fellow politicians go to some crazy parties with male strippers, but no one’s been able to find out ‘where.’ He denies it, of course. He says that his rivals are behind the rumors. And, since there’s no proof of him attending those parties, people believe him.”

  “I didn’t know about that,” I confessed. “So, are you interested?”

  “What do you do for a living, Mr. Granger?” Her question took me by complete surprise.

  “I’m an ER doctor at the Metropolitan Hospital,” I replied, my tone firm. “Why do you ask?”

  “Because you’re wearing a ‘Burberry’s’ coat,” she replied, assuming a stiffer tone. “Now, I haven’t seen what you’ve got on underneath, but something tells me it’s not a fifty-dollar suit.”

  “You’re right. It’s not,” I affirmed. “Are you…?”

  “Which brings us to my next question,” she interrupted. “Why did you choose ‘Suburban Fox’? I mean, obviously you can afford someone with a lot more experienced than me.”

  “I like your firm’s name,” I nodded in praise. “Plus, you’re young and hungry. And it seems to me that you don’t have much to lose. Am I right?”

  “Absolutely,” she maintained, leaning forward once again. “Look, I’d love to take your case. It’s a good chance for me to make some noise in the business, but I just don’t have the resources or the equipment for it. Let me put this into perspective for you. Imagine the amount of security at those parties I mentioned earlier. It’ll be very hard for me to get anywhere near them. I’ll have to take pictures from hundreds of feet away, and for that, I need a state-of-the-art camera, which I don’t have.”

  “Don’t worry about the costs,” I reassured her. “I just want those sons of bitches to leave my girlfriend alone. Oh, damn it…” I sighed, putting my fingers over my mouth. “Did I mention that my sister has footage of Davidson’s bodyguard covered in blood outside my house? She’s got his car’s number plate, too.”

  “That’s pretty much useless,” Isabelle waved her hand in front of her face. “Davidson can invoke deniability. He’ll just say he didn’t have a clue why Bender paid you a visit.”

  Unzipping my front pocket, I produced my checkbook. “Here’s two thousand dollars, Ms. Wilks. Give me a call if you need more.”

  “When I need more,” she corrected me. “Thanks a lot for the vote of confidence, doctor. I’ll do my best not to let you down.”

  “You’d better,” I murmured, handing the check over to her. “I hope you have some good news for me soon.”

  “So do I,” she said with a polite smile. Isabelle might have had a nasty habit, but I had to admit that she sounded professional. She was honest. She didn’t attempt to pass herself off as one of the top PI’s in the city, and she gave me facts. I didn’t mind her lack of equipment. After all, she was a fledgling investigator. For her to own expensive cameras, lenses and drones would be rather strange. If she was as skilled as she was observant, I would gladly foot that bill.

  Chapter Twenty


  Finding myself alone in the cabin, I decided to explore my surroundings.

  Sean’s countryside home was surrounded by mountains. Situated on top of a hill, it overlooked a lush valley. Just past his front yard, was a snowy slope, lined with huge, balsam fir trees. Beyond the estate, lay the small, picturesque town of Shandaken. I was too far to make out details, such as building sizes and ages, but this experience blew my mind.

  The freshness in the air was entirely new to me. The peace and quiet was only disrupted by the occasional dog bark. As for traffic; I didn’t think the locals even knew what that was. The odd pickup truck would roll past the cabin every hour or so, with its bed full of goods like tree logs, crates, and bulging sacks. No yelling. No honking. Just people going about their business in their own, relaxed pace. Things were moving slowly up here. And if Shandaken was that beautiful in late November, it was guaranteed to be even better in spring. Nature would be at its finest. With the snow gone, that place would look and smell like heaven. That slope would be rid of its white color. Flowers would bloom between those trees, breaking the monotony of green.

  When Timmy woke up, he was ecstatic. He had never seen so much snow. To make matters worse, his foster father didn’t allow snow games, because he “might” catch a cold. It was sad to say the least. How can someone be so cruel as to forbid something so exciting to a child? Still, I shouldn’t have been surprised. They were treating Timmy as if he was a robot. In all the time I had spent in the Davidson’s mansion, I had never seen him wearing clothes kids his age love to wear, like superhero hoodies and t-shirts. What he did have, was a huge wardrobe of suits and overcoats. In other words, he had a huge selection of boring outfits.

  So, once he started throwing snow at me, I let my inner child out. We chased each other on the slope, laughing and having fun. I could feel the strain in my legs, and I was chugging out cold air, but I didn’t complain. This was part of his childhood, a childhood he hadn’t lived yet. I was determined to offer him what his rich foster father could not or would not let him have. After hours and hours of playtime, he was so exhausted that he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore. I walked him to bed, tucked him in, and kissed him goodnight, my heart swimming in a sea of joy.

  At some point during the day, I went over to the basement. Within moments, I realized that it was ideal for a romantic night in. I even sent Kate a picture of it, saying how much I loved it. The wide skylight offered a decent view of the hillside. Some of the trees were close enough for me to see some scratches across their trunks. A candlestick on the small dinner table in the middle, and a king-size bed in the upper left corner with a big mirror over it completed this simple—yet mouthwatering—picture. I couldn’t wait to be alone with Sean in that basement. He had given me some amazing, sensual moments in his house, but I’d just spent one night with my gorgeous doctor. I wanted more, many more.

  As the night went on however, hope of another night of passion with him began to fade. At almost 10pm, he had yet to return from the city. And this was his third trip to and from New York in less than twenty-four hours. My poor Sean was definitely going to be exhausted. I couldn’t ask anything more of him. He had already done too much.

  I was stirring the logs in the fireplace, when the light from high beams of his BMW poured in through the kitchen window. The time on the clock over the door read 10:15pm. Some cuddling, some niceties and off to bed. Those were the things we could do.

  I heard the ringing of his keys a moment before the door hinges creaked. But the person who walked in wasn’t Sean. It was Kate, with a blue suitcase in her hand and a big smile gracing her

  “Hey, girl!” she chirped. “How have you been?”

  “Hi,” Sean murmured, brushing past her. “How was your day?”

  I laid a quick kiss on his lips and looked up at him. His shadowed eyes and his lazy walking pace just confirmed my fears. “It was great. A lot less tiring than yours, I guess.”

  “Mon, follow me,” Kate urged, striding off through the living room. Sean tumbled down to the couch like a log, while I made my way towards the bedroom.

  “I’m spending the night here,” she informed me, setting the case on the bed. “I agreed with your man to drive me back tomorrow. He works the second shift. I’ve got a little surprise for you,” she announced and unzipped the suitcase. “Check it out.”

  Flipping it open, I gasped in surprise. Three sets of lingerie were on top of pants, sweaters, blouses, and socks. Black, red, and purple lace, folded in neat, separate piles, caused me to burst into laughter.

  “Girl, you’re crazy,” I chuckled. “Thanks, but…”

  “No ‘but,’ Mon.” she interrupted. “Try them out.”

  “Kate, he’s driven four hundred miles in a single day,” I lowered my tone to a whisper, my smile vanishing. “He’s beat. Even an army of Monica’s can’t get him off that couch.”

  “Honey…” she snorted in amusement. “One Monica would do just fine. Trust me.”

  “I can’t believe I’m having this conversation,” I complained, shaking my head in disapproval.

  “Well, neither can I,” Kate whispered. “Men are visual; when will you get that through your thick skull? What do you think he’s going to say if he sees you in that lingerie? ‘Sorry, I’d rather catch some z’s’? And I didn’t come all the way up here to hear you two snoring. Now, put the black set on and go get some. Just take your phone with you, in case your boy wakes up.”

  “Okay, but I’m going to need your overcoat.” I remarked, picking up the lingerie set.

  “Atta girl,” she gave me a smile of mischief, peeling off her overcoat. Still not sure about what I was going to do, I started taking off my clothes. Once I was naked, I discovered that Kate was correct about that set. It was made up of a long, elegant peignoir, with sleeves that looked coquettish, a matching thong, and a shiny, satin band.

  “Smoking,” Kate praised as I tied the band over my stomach. “Good humping.”

  “Shut up,” I groaned, draping her overcoat over my shoulder.

  Predictably, Sean was fast asleep. He was lying on his back, his arm splayed over the back of the couch. I stopped over him, and used the fabric of the peignoir to tickle his chin. He shook his head once, before his eyes snapped open.

  “Holy crap…” he whispered, looking at me from top to bottom. Smiling to myself, I turned away from him. I yanked his front door open, and put on the overcoat. The sound of his footsteps behind me proved that Kate was right all along. I shouldn’t have doubted her. I should have listened to her from the beginning, but no harm, no foul.

  Sean followed me out of his cabin, the cold air giving me the chills. I turned around the corner and into his backyard, my gaze on the winding staircase to my right. Entering the basement, I lit the candle on the table and left the overcoat on one of the chairs. My anticipation grew when I caught the sound of his heavy footfalls on the steps.

  “Your outfit could tempt the freaking Pope,” he complimented, joining me inside.

  “Really?” I cocked an eyebrow, striking a pose. “What’s so special about it?”

  “The woman in it,” his answer escalated my heartbeat. “God, I’ve missed that body…”

  “Come and get it then,” I winked up at him, and then kicked my heels off. Climbing into bed, I rolled on my back. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my thong and brought my legs to my chest. I rolled the underwear up and off, noticing him pull down his pants. Sean took off his white sweater, exposing the sight that sent waves of arousal coursing through me. The flickering candlelight revealed the ample ridges of his abs. I marveled at the shadows, licking my lips. The sexy “V” in his chest tempted me to jump back up and throw him down on the floor. Yet, I put that thought aside. I had a different plan, a plan that required a bed, not a hard surface.

  He crawled up the bed, his eyes taking in every bit of me. I sensed the stiffness of his torso on my body as he lay on top of me. I threw my arms around his massive back, his lips colliding with me. The soft fabric of the peignoir rustled, his kiss taking me on a journey of passion. I moved my toes up and down his butt, caressing his skin, my palms full of his bulging muscles. With his fingers just over my knee, he pushed his crotch into me, making me whimper with lust. Up, and up his hand went, mapping out my skin, squeezing my thigh. Tightening my grip around him, I rolled us over.

  “I fucking love these abs,” I whispered in his mouth. “I want to lick them so bad.”

  “Keep talking dirty to me,” he encouraged, sliding his fingers down my hips.

  “After that, I want to suck you off,” I told him as he bit my lower lip. “I want to make you cum with my mouth.”

  “Do it,” he uttered, his deep, sexy voice making my whole body tingle. I nibbled my way down his neck, his hisses filling my ears. I brought my hands in front of me and put them down on his chest, the tip of his cock nudging my inner thigh. I gripped his breasts hard and raked my fingers against his chest, planting open-mouthed kisses all over his flesh. Sean leaned his shoulders forward, his labored breath urging me to continue. He was loving this just as much as I was. I dragged my fingers down his body, my mouth reaching his abdomen. Sliding my tongue over one of the first, hard ridges I encountered, I licked over the deep line carved down in the center. Sparks were flying across my fingers while I traced his cut muscles.

  “Oh, you little tease,” Sean groaned, not taking his eyes off of me. I just couldn’t get enough of his taste, of his masculine scent, and the sensation of him straining underneath me. Running my tongue around his bellybutton, his cock beckoned to me. Trapped in between us but rock-hard, it kept twitching, desperate for my attention. I leaned up, my lips hovering over him. Slowly, I let my tongue dance across the head of his shaft. I smiled in satisfaction and licked over him again, enjoying his groans of appreciation.

  “Monica…” he called out my name, his voice bass-deep. “I want your ass on my face.”

  “You’re a bad boy, doctor,” I said with a sly smile, my tone raspy. I turned around and crawled backwards, noticing his stiff cock sticking straight out from his body. I squatted over him, grabbing the base of his shaft. Before I had a chance to taste him again, I felt his big hands on my skin, squeezing and kneading my ass cheeks. “Very bad,” I whimpered, leaning over his cock. His erection straining and swelling towards me, Sean licked his way up the side of my slit.

  “Two can play the teasing game, baby,” he stated rightly, but, what he didn’t know, was that I hadn’t even started yet. I trailed my tongue over the sensitive flesh of his cock, and lapped away the pre-cum dripping from the head. A small moan escaped me, just when I felt his mouth over my slit. My free hand cupped his heavy balls, making Sean moan with pleasure as he pulled up the peignoir. Rolling them within my grasp, I took him in a fast, wet slide.

  “Fuck…” he moaned, his knees trembling as the tip of his tongue teased my entrance. With his tool stifling my own moans, I slid him in and out of my mouth and across my tongue, taking him way more than halfway down. I wanted to feel those inches throbbing under my touch. Pleasure was spiraling through me while his tongue swirled over my swollen clit. Sean spread my ass cheeks, his hot mouth pressed up against my wet folds. I sucked and licked him in the hungry way he deserved. Bobbing my head up and down on his cock, I savored the saltiness coating my tongue. I took him all the way and then retreated, listening to his growls. Sean had lost it with my moves. He was bucking his hips, planting kisses over my pussy, my ass cheeks and licking my entrance. But, as he gripped my flesh tighter, I felt the tip of his tongue sliding into me, forcing me to release him.
  “Yeah, baby!” I moaned, jerking him faster and harder. “That’s it! Right there!”

  If I’d been eager to make him explode before, I was dying to do it now. I pushed him up back through my lips, the head of his manhood hitting the top of my mouth. As I sucked him harder, his gasps and grunts filled the room, overshadowing my moans. Still, even while I was taking him over the edge, he didn’t lose focus. He kept sliding his tongue in and out of my drenched pussy, bringing me closer and closer to my climax. Throwing my head back, I squeezed my eyes shut, pulsing ecstasy rippling through my body. A guttural shout left him, just moments before his juices shot up through the air, way over my head. I purred in satisfaction, watching them stain his white sheets.

  Sean didn’t allow me to gloat. He pushed me forward and off of him and sat up. But I wasn’t going to play along with whatever he had in mind. That mirror over his bed had given me a fantastic idea. So, I put my hands down and crawled around to face him.

  “Give me that dick, baby,” I uttered in a sexy voice, catching a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror.

  He nodded and crawled past me. I spread my legs, waiting for the moment that he would blow my mind yet again. When he had positioned himself behind me, I licked my upper lip like a hungry cat. His entire left side was illuminated by the pale candlelight. Shadows had formed across his abs, his chest, and his arm muscles.

  “You’re so fucking sexy…” I told him, staring up at him through the mirror.

  “There’s just one sexy person in here,” he murmured, stroking his cock. “And right now, she’s bent over in front of me. Look at that ass…”

  Bastard… He had shown me how modest he could be, and had complimented me in a couple of sentences.

  “Awww, yeah…” I groaned, narrowing my eyes to slits as his big, stiff cock slipped into me. Slowly, he pushed in deeper until he filled me up. Eight, delicious inches withdrew and pushed back in, giving me what I had been craving for days. Grabbing me by the hips, he thrust into me again. I had a feeling I was going to enjoy watching us in the mirror, but this was unlike anything I had ever imagined. My hunky doctor was giving me the time of my life, and I could see and feel every single thing.


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