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by O’Donnell, Laurel

  “You see,” Evan said softly, “even now I protect you.”

  “Are you threatening me?” Jordan asked.

  “Do I have a reason to threaten you?” Evan wondered.

  “Don’t do this, Evan,” Jordan retorted. “You know. You know what happened in the dungeon.”

  Evan nodded. “Yes. But no one else needs to know.”

  If I marry you, Jordan silently finished the sentence. She had abandoned Fox ten years ago. She would not make that mistake again. She shook her head. “I can’t, Evan,” she said. “I don’t love you.”

  Evan’s jaw clenched. He looked at the ceiling, at the hallway, at the Great Hall doors. “I’ve waited for you for ten years.” His fist clenched and unclenched. He took a deep breath. He stared at the ceiling for a long moment before facing her. “I have no doubt the prisoners and the Black Fox will return for vengeance.”

  He was acting as though he hadn’t heard her. “Evan –”

  Evan’s voice rose to override any interruption from her. “I knew you would be worried about the safety of the children.”

  Jordan froze, fear spearing through her body.

  “So I took the liberty of seeing them to safety.” He swept his hand toward the door of the Great Hall.

  Jordan followed his movement to see all of her children standing forlornly in the doorway of the Great Hall. Two armored guards were standing behind them.

  Jordan began to shake. She moved to run to them, but Evan bolted forward, his hand capturing her arm, stilling her movement.

  “Again I protect your welfare.”

  Jordan pulled her arm free and raced across the Great Hall to her children. “Are you all right? Is everyone all right?’ “ She tried to embrace all of them in a protective hold, but they didn’t fit. She couldn’t hold them all. She couldn’t protect all of them against Evan. She looked into their faces.

  They weren’t hurt. Maybe scared, but unharmed.

  Jordan pulled Emily into her arms and stood slowly.

  “What’s happening, Lady Jordan?” John wondered softly. “Why are we here?”

  Jordan turned to face Evan.

  A smug, if not somewhat disappointed look washed over his face as he watched the tender scene.

  He had her exactly where he wanted.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Fox sat in a ditch on the edge of the forest, staring at the dark silhouette of Castle Vaughn. He had managed to steal a dagger from one of the guards who had carelessly left it on one of the battlements. Fox flipped the dagger in his hand. It wasn’t much aid to him in helping his friends.

  He had not taken his gaze from Castle Vaughn. Jordan was there somewhere. What was she doing? Was she looking out into the night thinking of him?

  The thought sent agony through him. Why had she done it? He couldn’t in his wildest imaginings ever think Jordan would kill anyone, let alone a baron.

  He turned his gaze from the castle. All his life had been centered on Vaughn and how his life would end. His anger and vengeance had been misdirected. Evan was innocent of the crime he had condemned him for. Fox felt lost. He felt confused.

  Suddenly, he noticed a plume of puffy smoke lifting skyward, visible against the bright moon on the horizon. It was like the smoke from a chimney, but this smoke cloud was much bigger than that. Something was on fire in the distance. It seemed to be coming from Ruvane lands. His eyes widened slightly, an uneasiness gnawing at him.

  Fox rose and mounted his horse. He was going to get no sleep tonight. He might as well find out what was burning, and check up on Mary Kate.

  As he rode down the road an acrid smell suddenly stung his nostrils. It was faint, but still the very familiar biting smell of smoke. He scanned the surroundings as his horse continued on. Great plumes of black smoke rose into the sky just west of his position, forming dark clouds in the otherwise clear air.

  He jerked the horse to a halt, studying the smoke as it billowed upward. The puffs of white against the black night seemed to be coming from the outer reaches of the Ruvane lands. Dread seized Fox’s heart. The cottage. There were no other houses out here.

  And then another chilling thought froze his spine. What if Jordan was with the children now? Trapped in some blaze with them?

  Fox spurred his horse on. When he rounded the road before the house, his worst fears were realized. The house was smoldering, still smoking, a burnt-out skeleton of what the quaint little dwelling had once been. He reined his horse in and stared in shock.

  His gaze dropped to the dirt path before the house. He could make out several sets of tracks. Riders. It looked like a half dozen or so from the hoof prints. He lifted his gaze to the surrounding woods, but the trees were still and the bushes seemed empty. He scanned the area around the house for any sign of a trap.

  And saw someone lying near the side of the house.

  Jordan! Fox quickly dismounted and raced over to the prone figure, fighting back the queasiness churning in his stomach. As he neared the figure, he saw it was a woman lying in a large puddle of blood. Fox moved to her side, carefully turning her over.

  It wasn’t Jordan. It was the old woman who had run the place. Abagail. She groaned softly and opened her eyes.

  “Rest easy,” Fox told her.

  “The children,” she moaned, clutching her side.

  Fox looked down to see her cotton dress was ripped and an ugly, gaping sword wound spurted blood. Fox knew it was a fatal wound; she had lost far too much blood already. He was surprised she was still alive at all. Fox knew all he could do was try to make her comfortable in her last moments.

  She grabbed at his shirt with what must have been the last ounce of strength she had left. “He’s taken the children.”

  “Who? Who’s taken the children? Who did this?”

  “Lady Jordan is in danger,” she gasped, clenching her teeth against the pain.

  Fox scowled as her fingers tightened around his tunic.

  “You have to get to her.”

  “Where is she?” Fox asked. “Is she here?”

  “Lord Vaughn...” The old woman paused as she sucked in a deep breath. “He has her.”

  “Did he do this?” Fox asked.

  Abagail nodded her head, wincing. “You’re the only one who can...” Her voice faded and she jerked her hand from the ground, reaching into the front part of her dress.

  Fox watched her for a moment, thinking her heart was hurting her. When she removed her hand from her dress, she held a bundle of papers tied with a neat pink ribbon.

  Abagail held the parchment out to Fox. “She loves you so,” she whispered.

  Fox took the bundle from her hand, studying it.

  Suddenly, Abagail’s eyes rolled back into her head and her last breath released from her body in a soft gush of air.

  Fox stared at her for a long moment. Then he set her head down on the ground carefully. He stared at her for another long, sorrowful moment. She had been a good friend of Jordan’s and had done her best to help with the children when she could, and all she had gotten for her troubles was a pointless death at the hands of Evan Vaughn. He lifted his gaze to the burned-out shell of a house, his jaw clenching tight.

  Where had Vaughn taken the children? Dark and unsettling thoughts filled Fox’s mind. He had an impending sense of doom shrouding his future. Jordan, his men, the children -- all of their lives were in peril.

  He clenched his fist and crumbled the bundle of parchment. He looked down at it.

  A thin ribbon tied the papers together, a simple pink bow holding the package together. There must have been thirty rolled parchments all bound together. What the devil could they be? Fox wondered.

  Fox pulled the pink ribbon, opening the stack of parchments, and the documents spilled onto the ground. He picked one up and gazed at the crest stamped in the wax sealing the letter closed.

  The Ruvane crest.

  Fox stared at the crest for a long time, his thumb moving over the wax seal like a caress. He gl
anced at the other letters. All of them were sealed, all unopened. The edges of all of the parchments were crinkling, shriveled and old. They had obviously been sitting somewhere for a long time. Fox grabbed one of the letters and pried open the seal, gently unfurling the old parchment. There was a spider web inside, smeared across the leathery paper, and he dusted it away before reading the letter.


  I know you will never forgive me for what I have done, for the terrible misfortune I have brought to your family. But I want you to know what happened. Your father has told me not to tell this to anyone, but I must tell you. Please don’t tell him I wrote you this letter.

  As you know, your father took most of the visiting lords out hunting that day. He charged me with watching Michael. I love Michael like a brother, you know that, so I gladly agreed. But when you came back from the hunting party early, how could I resist playing hide and seek with you? It is my favorite game! I would have played even if it had not been my favorite.

  Michael wanted to play, too. I found the best hiding spot for him -- behind the flour bags in the storage room. You counted and I hid in your horse’s stall. Remember? You found me almost immediately because I couldn’t stop giggling. Then you went looking for Michael. I went to find him behind the flour bags, but he wasn’t there. I thought he had found a new hiding place. You know how he loves to hide inside the wardrobe cabinet in his room. So I went to his room to look for him.

  I found him, Fox. I found him.

  Fox paused for a moment, brushing away another spider web from the parchment, then continued to read.

  It is hard for me to tell you what happened next. Because it was my fault...

  The baron was standing over him, over Michael, holding his head, pushing his face down into the straw mattress. Michael was strangely still. His breeches were pulled down to his knees. It was awful, Fox.

  The baron heard me enter the room and quickly turned to me. I didn’t know what to do. I called Michael’s name, but Michael didn’t move. Then the baron let him go. He shoved Michael aside and struggled with his pants. Then he came right at me. His eyes were filled with hate, Fox, an ugly, ugly hate. He reached into his tunic and pulled out a dagger. He told me he was going to kill me. And after he finished with Michael, he was going to do the same to me.

  I screamed and raced for the door, but the baron caught my hair. I turned and clawed his face in my panic. He raised the dagger and tried to strike at me, but I caught his hand and twisted his wrist as much as I could. He was still coming toward me and... he tripped. He fell toward me, the dagger coming down. Somehow, something happened.

  We landed on the floor, he on top of me. Something warm spread across my stomach. Something sticky. I tried to push him away, but he was so big that all I could do was squirm out from beneath him. I was ready to run. But he didn’t move.

  Then I saw the blood start to seep out from beneath him, moving toward me. I backed up a step and as I looked down at the floor, I saw my dress was stained with red. I lifted my hands to touch it. But they were covered with red, too. It took a moment for me to realize it was blood on my hands, on my clothing. I started to cry and scream.

  Your father came in and hugged me and helped calm me. Michael was fine, thank the Lord. Your father made us both leave the room immediately. He brought me to your mother’s room. He cleaned me up himself and bid me change into one of the dresses I kept at your castle for when we visited.

  Fox, he made me promise not to say anything to anyone. He didn’t want anyone to know Michael or I was involved. I was so scared that I gave my word. I didn’t know then the baron was dead. I didn’t know until the day they took your title and lands away. I didn’t know. But I had given my word. Your father made me promise again. He said I had saved Michael’s life and now he was saving mine. He told me that if the king knew I had killed the baron then I, too, would be killed. I would be hanged or burned at the stake. The baron was like a brother to the king. I was scared, Fox. I was so scared.

  Fox looked up from the parchment, realizing for the first time how much Jordan had needed him all this time. He glanced down at the pile of parchments. Jordan had been just as alone as he all these years. Alone with her shame and guilt. She must have felt he had abandoned her as much as he thought she had abandoned him. Fox realized with a burning pain in his heart that all of this happened because she had saved Michael from a monster.

  His hand ached and he looked down at it to find it curled tightly around the parchment as another memory struck him hard. He remembered that just as he was leaving Jordan’s room, just as he was climbing down the rope, he thought he heard Michael accuse Evan of bringing him to the baron. It made no sense then. But now -- now it all made sense.

  All of his misery, all of Jordan’s misery. Everything. It was all because of Evan Vaughn!

  The sound of a snapping branch and Fox whirled, his sword out, his lips curled with rage.

  He half expected Vaughn to be standing there, half hoped he would be.

  But what he saw made him lower his sword.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Beau held up his hands. “We surrender.” Fox moved forward quickly. “What the devil are you doing out? How did you escape?”

  “Disappointed you won’t be able to rescue us?” Beau wondered.

  “Lady Jordan freed us,” Pick told him.

  “Fox,” Michael added, “she gave the guards a sleeping potion. When Evan finds out, she’ll be in great danger.”

  Fox’s jaw clenched and he looked back at the smoldering cottage. “I think he already knows.” Fox stalked back to his horse and swung himself up.

  “Where are you going?” Beau asked.

  Fox looked into the dark forest toward Castle Vaughn. “I’m going to free Jordan.”

  “Is he afraid to show his face?!” Fox demanded. Fox sat atop his horse before the castle, riding back and forth before the moat. The drawbridge was raised, the castle not yet open. Fox whirled his horse, charging across the field before the castle. “Where is your lord?” he demanded of the battlement guards staring down at him. The rising sun splashed over the guards, and the shifting patterns of light and dark shadows slithered across their faces, making them all appear grotesque.

  “Enough! I am here, you black dog! Have you come to surrender?”

  Fox spun his horse around to see Evan staring down at him from the battlements. But what caught Fox’s eye was Jordan at his side. His heart ached. He wanted her free. He wanted her. At least Vaughn had not harmed her.

  “You hide behind Jordan like a coward!” Fox called. “Come and face me.”

  “You must be mad!” Evan called from the walkways of the castle.

  Jordan jerked forward, but was pulled back.

  “I have come to claim what is rightfully mine.”

  “I will never give up your lands!” Vaughn hollered down.

  “I have come for my betrothed. Give Jordan to me and I will leave you in peace.”

  There was a long moment of silence. Jordan turned to Evan and must have said something harsh because Evan shoved her roughly away from him. Fox gritted his teeth.

  “She isn’t yours! She will never be yours! Surrender to me now or I will have my archers shoot you down,” Evan commanded.

  “Come and face me, Vaughn. Come fight me,” Fox called. “I have already beaten you once. And I would thoroughly enjoy doing so again. They still say you are the best fighter in these lands. I say they are wrong, and I stand here before you to prove it.”

  “Why would I accept your challenge?” Evan demanded.

  “Because if you don’t, your villagers and guards will know what a coward you truly are.” Fox reined in his horse and circled again, staring at the walkways, wondering if at this very moment they were preparing an archer to shoot him down.

  Jordan reappeared at Evan’s side and he again shoved her abruptly away after a brief exchange with her. “I accept your challenge!” Evan hollered. “To the death! I will meet y
ou at midday in the field of honor!”

  Fox ran the stone across his sword, sharpening the blade. He had been impulsive. One might even call him foolish. But Fox refused to think of that. He had no armor, only a sword and a steed. Still, he felt undaunted. Righteous. He had to win the battle for Jordan.

  He sat at the far end of Vaughn field, waiting. He arrived hours early, honing his skills, practicing, preparing his weapons. But his mind could not erase the concern and worry he had seen on Jordan’s face.

  Always worry for others. Never a concern over her own fate.

  He lifted his head toward the road. He hoped his friends were all right, although he knew they were. They always were. They were probably on their way back to Castle Mercer -- Pick and Beau arguing, no doubt.

  Fox grinned and ran the stone across the blade again.

  Mary Kate. Where had Vaughn taken the children? Did Jordan know? He hoped so. He hoped she was there to watch over them. Because after the battle they would either be free... or Fox wouldn’t be around to worry about them.

  Jordan watched Fox across the field, preparing his weapons. He inspected the length of his sword and then sheathed it. Anxiety filled her. She had goaded Evan enough on the battlements to get him to accept Fox’s challenge. She had been trying to buy some time, hoping Fox would flee. But now, as the battle was about to begin, she wondered if she had done the right thing.

  Fox lifted his head and their eyes met for a moment. Anguish filled Jordan. Why was he doing this? He had said he came to claim his betrothed. Her. Had he really meant those words? Or was this just his way of getting back at Evan? Was he using her to take revenge?

  Her gaze swung angrily to Evan, who stood nearby watching Fox. He turned his gaze to her. His mouth grimaced and he strolled to a soldier who stood a mere two feet from her. “I will take no chances,” Evan told him. “If I can’t have her, then no one will.” He glanced at Fox, then back at the soldier. “If he wins, kill her.”

  Complete and utter dread washed over Jordan.

  The soldier swung his gaze to Jordan, then back to Evan. “Yes, my lord.”


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