Passing Through

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by Holly Ardent

  Passing Through

  In A Fallen Future #1

  (Post-Apocalyptic MILF Erotica)

  Holly Ardent

  Text copyright © 2015, Holly Ardent

  All Rights Reserved

  Find Holly's other stories on her Amazon Author Page:

  Holly Ardent's Amazon Author Page

  The end of the world as we knew it (TEOTWAWKI) occurred several years back. The United States Dollar lost its reserve currency status when other countries began to use local currencies or gold in trade between themselves. With Russia and China leading the way, even the US military couldn't restore the status quo. With no demand remaining for the US dollar, it crashed and burned.

  The government defaulted on the dollar and chaos ensued in the United States. When they tried to introduce a new currency, only those who were forced to do so would accept it. No-one trusted them any more after the way they'd abused the old dollar and the people that used it on a daily basis. With everyone refusing to deal with them, and no way to extort taxes, the federal government collapsed.

  Payments for anything were made in gold, silver, copper, or barter. While services like electricity and water were still available in some places, the state government controlled those now. The companies that ran those services sold out to the state government and now taxes paid for those services as well. If you didn't have anything the government accepted for taxes; precious metals, non-perishable foods, or the like, you'd end up paying your taxes with labor.

  Shipments of everything were disrupted badly causing most stores to close. Individual markets had grown up in abandoned stores. My state, Colorado, gave out a monthly dole to everyone who registered as a resident with them, this included bare minimum foodstuffs to sustain one person until the next month's dole. If you wanted something different, you had to buy it, trade for it, or make it yourself. As an avid gardener, I preferred the second option. I normally had enough excess that I'd go to the closest market to sell and barter my extras.

  * * *

  When I saw her at the market, I wanted her instantly. Although I was married, my wife approved of me playing around, especially if she got to watch. Like my wife, this woman was noticeably older than I was. I preferred my women with a lot of experience and since things had fallen apart I'd found that older women were even more open to sexual advances than they had been before. Especially those who were now by themselves or the sole supporter of their offspring.

  Eventually she worked her way around to my table. As always I was offering the things I grew, hunted, or foraged. This time I had some dehydrated soup mixes, both vegetarian and venison based. I also had a range of fresh fruits from my greenhouse. The mix of oranges, lemons, bananas, and figs stopped her dead in her tracks.

  “How in the hell do you get those?” she said.

  “You're obviously not from around here,” I replied. “Everyone that lives nearby knows I grow these in my greenhouse.”

  She shook her head in wonder.

  “How much are you asking for them?”

  “Coin or barter?”

  “Coin, I don't exactly have much to barter with.”

  The young girl behind her piped up.

  “Mom? What are those funny looking brown things?”

  “Those are figs, Cindy. They're a kind of fruit.”

  “She's never seen them before?” I asked.

  She shook her head.

  “May I?” I said, picking up a fig.

  The older woman looked concerned for a moment. Then she glanced around the market. With as many people as were there, and no-one seeming concerned, she relaxed a bit.

  “Sure,” she said.

  “Here Cindy,” I said handing her the fig, “You can eat all of it but the stem.”

  The little girl rolled the fig in her fingers for a moment.

  “It's a little squishy,” she said.

  “That's how you know it's ripe. They're nice and sweet when they're ripe.”

  She put it to her mouth, took a little nibble, and broke into a smile.

  “Momma, it's as sweet as honey!” she said before gobbling the rest of it down.

  A small smile crept its way onto the older woman's face. Then she looked back at me.

  “What do I owe you?” she asked.

  “Nothing, consider it a free sample. I've got plenty more where that one came from. Would you like a sample yourself?”

  She hesitated for a moment, then looked at Cindy chewing away.


  I handed her a nice plump fig.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  After a brief pause she seemed about to say something else, but stopped. The pause after her thanks allowed me to pretend she'd been wondering about my name. I waited until she took a bite and started chewing before I introduced myself.

  “I'm Tim,” I said.

  She glanced up from the fig and I saw curiosity in her eyes. She chewed carefully before swallowing.

  “I'm Margaret.”

  “Well Margaret, what do you think?”

  “It's delicious. It's been a long time since I even had a dried fig. The fresh ones are always better though.”

  She took another small bite.

  “Have you ever had them just off the plant? As in pick one and pop it into your mouth?”

  She shook her head, still chewing.

  “You should come by and try that, they're better still that way.”

  She tensed up and looked around quickly. I knew what she was worried about, but had a way to allay her fears.

  “I'm sure my wife would love the company, and my two daughters are older than Cindy, but I bet they'd love to play with her.”

  The tension left Margaret's body almost as quickly as it had arrived in the first place.

  “You're married?” she asked.

  I held up my left hand and fingered my ring.

  “Going on ten years.”

  She looked sad for a moment, but when she saw Cindy her smile came back.

  “I used to be. Maybe I still am, but I've no idea where he is, whether he's dead or alive.”

  “I'm sorry. I imagine not knowing is the worst part of it.”

  “Some days. Other days it's lying alone at night trying to fall asleep. It didn't used to be bad until Cindy decided she was a big girl and needed to sleep in her own bed.”

  I had to step away from her then to handle another customer. When I'd finished with him, Margaret and Cindy were gone. They were still in the market though. I saw them talking to Allan, the guy who ran the place. He was a friend of mine and I'd helped him set up the old grocery store we were in to use as the local market. I was sure that if she was asking him about me that I'd get a glowing character recommendation.

  I saw Margaret around the place a couple more times over the rest of that day's market. When Allan announced that it was closing time, most of the people filed towards the exit. I saw Margaret, with Cindy in tow, fighting the flow of traffic and heading back towards my table.

  Good, I thought, she's taken the bait, now it's time to set the hook.

  “Is your offer still open?” she asked. “I found out that the next ride I can get heading west doesn't leave for a couple of days so I've got a lot of time to kill.”

  “Sure, where are you staying? I know there are a couple of people around here with rooms they rent out for a day or two at a time.”

  She flushed.

  “I haven't made any arrangements yet. I was hoping you might tell me who I should talk to about that.”

  “No need. My wife and I have a couple of extra rooms that you can use.”

  “Oh, I couldn't.”

  “Yes, you could. Like I said, she'd enjoy the company. I'm sure she'll draft you to help w
ith some of her chores if you're willing. As far as I'm concerned she works too much anyway, so if you were willing to help it would give her a break for a couple of days.”

  “Are you sure? I'd hate to be an imposition. I don't even know you, but the store manager said I can trust you. So did a couple of the other people running tables here.”

  “It's no problem at all. I'm sure Molly and my kids would love to have you two there for a couple of days.”

  “I don't know about staying that long if there are rooms I can rent down here.”

  “We're less than a half mile away. Come on up and you can make the decision of where to stay later on after you see what I'm offering,” I said.

  “That sounds fair enough. Should I wait for you out front?”

  “No, here is fine. I just have to load everything into my cart and we'll be good to go.”

  Allan let the vendors keep their transportation in the back room. He was waiting there now to unlock the door and let people go in and retrieve them. I got the grocery cart I used to move my stock back and forth from the market and came back out.

  “Is that a shotgun?” Margaret asked.

  She was referring to the Mossberg I kept bungee corded to the handle of my cart.

  “Yes, when I go back and forth with my stock and profits, I like to have a little protection. I've got a pistol on me, but the shotgun is more visible and tends to make a bigger impression.”

  Her nose twitched.

  “I'm not too fond of guns,” she said. “I mean, I carry one for protection, but having one out in the open like that?”

  She shook her head.

  “Look at it as insurance. If they can't see my gun and try to rob me, I might have to shoot them. They might even manage to shoot me. If they see the easily accessible shotgun, they leave me alone and no-one has to get shot.”

  “I suppose that makes sense, I don't have to like it though.”

  “I'm not especially fond of having to visibly carry a gun so I don't get robbed,” I said. “But, I try to be a realist and some of the vendors have had problems in the past. So this is my solution and its worked for me so far.”

  “I'm sorry, I don't know you or the area and here I am passing judgment.”

  “That's alright, I've always felt that people are entitled to their opinions, so long as they allow me to have my own and don't try to force theirs on me.”

  I put the last of my stock into the cart.

  “Ready?” I asked.

  Margaret nodded and grabbed Cindy's hand.

  “She can hop on the front of the cart if she wants. Most of the way home is paved and she can ride until we're on the last tenth mile of dirt road.”

  Cindy looked up at Margaret, who sighed and nodded her head. The little girl jumped onto the bar on the front of the cart, facing away from me and leaning slightly forward. She held her place with both arms on the front of the cart.

  “Careful,” I warned, “it can get a little bumpy.”

  “That's alright, momma says I'm strong.”

  I started pushing the cart towards the front door. Allan was waiting there now, letting the vendors out, but keeping the door locked when people weren't actively passing through. There was a small crowd of people outside as always. They were looking for work and had become a regular sight in front of the market. The last ones here were hoping that one of the vendors might need help and their cries were overwhelming for a moment.

  “Good with my hands, can do repairs...”

  “Strong back, I'll do manual labor for you...”

  “Honey, what are you doing with that old bag? You could do a lot better with me.”

  That last one was a new voice, the others I'd heard before. I looked over to see a woman who was almost Margaret's age, but trying to cover it up with expired make-up and revealing clothes. I leaned in close and spoke softly enough that Margaret wouldn't hear.

  “Loaning her a room and I'll tell you something else. Even if I had something else in mind I'd rather have her than ten like you. She's not trying to pretend to be something she isn't.”

  Allan noticed the exchange and stepped through the door.

  “Is she bothering you Tim?” he asked.

  “Nah, just spelling out a few things for her.”

  I leaned closer to him and spoke for his ears alone.

  “She doesn't look too bad under all that makeup, you should see what she wants for a night. I know you're always bitching about not having a woman.”

  “Kind of old, don't you think?” he replied.

  “I like 'em that way. More experience, and normally much more willing to do things the younger ones wouldn't. Just a thought.”

  A considering light came into his eyes. Allan and I had known each other for a long time and I knew he was as much of a pervert as I was. He just had to be more careful about expressing it since he was single.

  I pushed the cart out of the small crowd of people and hooked a right.

  “What was that all about?” Margaret asked.

  “She's a prostitute, or trying to be one. I told Allan he should see if she wants something longer than just a single night. He can afford to support a woman if he wants to. He gets a share of everything the vendors bring into the market, or its equivalent in silver.”

  “Why would you suggest that to him?”

  “She's new, I haven't seen her there before. I thought maybe she might have been driven to it by desperation. If so, then maybe he can catch her before she slides any further down the ladder.”

  “But why? If you don't know her, why bother?”

  “Oh. That's for Allan's sake. He's lonely for company, always has been. He's one of those shy types when it comes to anything other than business with the opposite gender. I figured I'd give him a nudge, and if he starts out thinking of it as a business proposition, then maybe he'd be less shy after the fact.”

  Margaret blushed.

  “So you're trying to set him up with a woman?”

  “At least giving him a chance to get somewhere with one. I'd help out more if I could, but that's probably about the level of interference he'll stand for.”

  We made small talk the rest of the way back to my place. It was fairly obvious when we came in sight of it. I had an acre plus of land and about half of it was garden. Aside from that, the large greenhouse would've given it away all on its own.

  “I'm guessing this is your place?” she said.

  I nodded.

  “Yup, the figs came from that greenhouse right there. The driveway's a bit farther up the road though.”

  * * *

  “Molly, we've got company!” I called out as I walked in the door.

  Margaret followed me into the house, holding her daughter's hand.

  “Becky, Kate you've got company too,” I said, loud enough for my daughters to hear if they were in their room.

  Two bundles of energy came dashing out into the living room. My eight and ten year old daughters were constantly full of energy so I was always looking for something to help wear them out.

  “Girls, this is Cindy,” I said.

  They took over from there. The two of them darted forward and Kate, the older of the two, took Cindy's hand.

  “Come with us,” she said, and started pulling.

  Margaret was trying hard not to laugh at the sight.

  “Go ahead Cindy,” she said. “I'll be out here if you need me.”

  The three young girls headed for my daughters' bedroom.

  My wife, Molly, came out at a slower pace. I appreciated the sight of her after spending half the day at the market. She was never going to be a supermodel, her frame was too thick for that, but she also didn't suffer from their androgynous appearance. Molly was full-figured, not fat, but curvy. She had hips that I loved to grab at the slightest provocation and was padded enough that I didn't have to worry about hurting her during sex. Since I weighed nearly two hundred pounds, that was a weight off my mind.

  “Tim?” Molly said

  I felt a broad grin break out on my face.

  “Hi Molly. I brought company home. This is Margaret. Margaret, this is my wife, Molly.”

  “Have you put your overstock away yet?” Molly asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Go do that then, I'll entertain Margaret for the time being. Dinner's in half an hour.”

  “Thanks hon,” I said.

  I went back outside and started unloading my cart. I knew Molly would take care of Margaret and, if I wasn't mistaken, my wife would probably start feeling Margaret out about spending the night in our bed.

  Molly had a method that could get women into my bed that was downright simple. If I told a woman that my wife didn't mind me fucking other women, she wouldn't believe me. Molly told them that they had to try me out, that she liked to share, and that she really wanted them to. If she thought they were up to it she also told them that she liked to watch. She actually watched me with all of them since she had a little nook set up, with a good view of our bed through a peephole, that kept her well hidden.

  I had lots more fun when she was right there though. I'd get to watch her play with herself and she'd frequently interject with comments like:

  “Oh, get him to eat you out, you'll love it.”


  “You should let him fuck your ass, he makes me cum every time he does it to me.”

  It was nice having a private cheering section. Women who wouldn't even consider some things if I suggested them would fall all over themselves to do them if Molly suggested it. Maybe it was a jealousy thing. If they knew Molly let me do it then they didn't want to be seen as a prude, so they'd let me do it to them also. I don't know for sure, I just knew it was a lot more fun when Molly was there.

  I wonder if Margaret will be the type that likes someone watching or not? I thought.

  I'd already decided that Molly would be able to get her into my bed. Now I was just looking forward to it and wondering what we'd do. Margaret didn't strike me as the wild and crazy type, but a lot of women who were wild didn't look it until you had them in bed and they asked you to tie them up or use them however you wanted.

  I got the cart locked down in the attached garage and brought the remainder of my stock into the storeroom just off of it. Then I went back into the house.


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