Passing Through

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Passing Through Page 2

by Holly Ardent

  “... really don't mind. He wants so much it tires me out so you'd be doing me a favor. If you're worried about it, I'm happy to be right there,” Molly said. “I kind of like to watch him with other women,” she added in a softer voice.

  “That's an interesting offer,” Margaret replied. “Are you sure? I mean, I'm tempted, but I wouldn't want to upset you.”

  “I'm sure. We can talk about this more after we put the kids to bed. I'm thinking your daughter will want to have a sleepover with my girls and they can all bunk out in their room.”

  “Yes, lets. That gives me some time to think it over.”

  I waited until I was sure they were done talking, then closed the door loud enough to be heard.

  “Whats for dinner?” I called out.

  Molly and Margaret came out of the living room.

  “Stew and biscuits,” Molly said. “I already added some more fillings to the stew, but you're going to have to limit yourself to two biscuits tonight.”

  I sighed melodramatically and used my best sarcastic voice.

  “Ah, the hardships of having company.”

  “Is he like this all the time?” Margaret asked.

  “No,” Molly said. “Most of the time he's funny.”

  I clapped my hand to my chest and threw my head back. Then I gave her a smile and walked over to claim a kiss from her.

  “I missed you today,” I said.

  “You were gone what? All of eight hours?”

  “Yes, are you saying you didn't miss me?”

  “No, I was busy trying to keep up with the terrible twosome. That kept me occupied.”

  I turned to Margaret, who was looking a little uncomfortable.

  “Don't worry,” I said. “We're always like this. We don't fight much, but we do banter a lot.”

  “It keeps him sharp,” Molly said. “Otherwise I'm sure he'd be practically giving away the stuff he gets a good price for at the market.”

  “It lets her blunt her vicious tongue so she doesn't feel the need to lash me with it,” I said.

  Molly stuck her tongue out at me, then waggled it around a bit.

  “You wish I'd lash you with my tongue.”

  “Maybe later dear, we have company,” I said.

  She gave me a Bronx cheer and headed for the kitchen.

  Dinner was a venison and vegetable stew, very filling. Since we tended to do a lot more physical labor nowadays, we weren't exactly worried about eating too much. The biscuits, on the other hand, were a luxury. I couldn't get wheat to grow well on our property, so they were made with some white flour that had come in the dole. I traded some of my wares at the market to get other peoples' shares of it as well, so we had a stockpile of it and could have biscuits or bread a couple of times a week.

  Cindy, in particular, was enamored of the biscuits. While she was still chewing on one she felt the need to share her opinion with her mother.

  “Mom, these are great? Do you know how to make them?” she asked, spraying biscuit crumbs all over the table.

  “Don't talk with your mouth full dear. Yes, I can make biscuits. At least I can when we have the ingredients.”

  After dinner the children went back to their bedroom to play and I broke out a bottle of applejack that I'd made from our own apples. It had quite a kick to it and it produced a nasty hangover the next morning if you drank too much. I made it myself though, by making hard cider and concentrating it, so the price was right. I could've sold it easily at market, but I couldn't make a lot of it, so normally I kept it for my own use.

  Margaret took her first sip and squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened them again, they were watering.

  “Wow, that stuff's potent.”

  I nodded.

  “Yeah, a little goes a long way,” I replied.

  She took a second, smaller, drink and barely grimaced as she swallowed.

  “It's good though,” she said.

  “Thank you. I make it myself.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah, we've got a few apple trees out on the property. We eat apples fresh until we can't stand them any more, then dehydrate some, and I use the rest to make this stuff.”

  “I'm tempted to just slam it down,” she said. “It's been a long time since I've gotten drunk and I could use that to relax some.”

  “Well, if you really want to relax, I've got a better option for you.”

  Molly snickered.

  “Not that,” I said. “Margaret, if you're interested, one of the other things I grow in my greenhouse is marijuana. I always have a couple of plants out there. Most of it I supply to the doctor since his only anesthetics are that and alcohol, but I keep some for personal use too.”

  She took another drink of her applejack, then set it down.

  “You do? I'd love some.”

  “We have to smoke it outside though, house rules.”

  “Well, it isn't cold out, let's go,” she said.

  “Let's wait until the girls go to sleep first, then we'd be happy to share some with you,” Molly said.

  “Oh yeah. That's probably a good idea. I think Cindy's tired, so unless your girls can keep her awake, it probably won't be that long.”

  We sat in the living room and chatted for a while. I wasn't very good at small talk, but Molly was very outgoing. I mainly listened while they talked, dropping in the occasional comment so they knew I wasn't ignoring them.

  After a while I went back and checked on the girls. They weren't asleep yet, but they were all lying on the lower bunk bed. Kate was reading a book out loud to the other two.

  “It looks like the girls will be asleep soon,” I said.

  Molly glanced over at me and winked, then went back to talking to Margaret.

  Fifteen minutes later I checked again. When I saw the girls were all sprawled across the bottom bunk I went in and pulled blankets over the three of them. Then I went to my room and grabbed my pipe and marijuana.

  In the living room I waved the pipe and bag at the two women.

  “The girls are fast asleep. I pulled blankets over them, but they ought to be warm enough anyway. The three of them look like a puppy pile.”

  Margaret was the first of the two to her feet. She followed me as I went outside. Molly came along behind both of us.

  I packed the pipe and lit it, then took a moderate drag to get it burning well and held the smoke in my lungs. Then I passed it over to Margaret. She took a deep drag and started coughing.

  “Easy on that, it's pretty strong. Harsh if you take deep drags, but much nicer if you aren't in a rush.”

  She nodded. Once she finished coughing, she took a more reasonable drag, then handed the pipe to Molly. Molly took a very light hit before passing the pipe back to me. My second hit was much lighter than my first, but Margaret kept taking deep enough drags that she almost coughed. Molly and I let her do what she wanted, but we both stayed light on the intake.

  Before we even finished the first bowl Margaret had the giggles.

  She's one of those, I thought. The thought of getting stoned gets them most of the way there. I'm sure it isn't actually affecting her for real yet. That tells me she's suggestible though.

  Along with giggling she became very talkative and kept up a running commentary. Her words were rushed as though she had a time limit in which to finish each sentence.

  “I haven't done this in more than a decade,” she said. “I was right though, I can feel the tension draining right out of me. Thank you so much.”

  “You're welcome Margaret,” I said.

  “Oh please, call me Maggie.”

  “Maggie, have you thought any more about what we were talking about earlier on?” Molly asked.

  “You mean about sharing Tim? Sure have, I haven't been able to get the idea off my mind. I'd love to. You don't just have to watch, you know? You could join us.”

  “I like watching. Although I might join in after I watch for a while.”

  Maggie paused to take another hit. I'd
refilled the bowl already so we were working on the second one now.

  “Can we go do that right after we finish this?” she asked. “Because while I've had sex more recently than pot, I've missed it a hell of a lot more.”

  Molly looked over at me. I smiled, nodded, and moved closer to Maggie.

  “We sure can,” Molly said, “but do you really want to wait that long?”

  I snaked an arm around Maggie's waist and turned her to face me. When I leaned over and pressed my lips against hers she stiffened for a moment. Then she melted and molded her body against me. I could tell that her clothing hid a ripe, lush woman. Her large breasts were pressed against my chest and I let my hands slide down until they rested on her wide hips.

  I pulled her even more firmly against me and slid my tongue into her mouth. She sighed into my mouth as I explored hers. I teased her tongue with mine, but couldn't get her to slide her tongue into my mouth in return.

  My hands slid back up her sides and moved in to cup her breasts.

  “You might want to break the lip lock for a moment,” Molly said.

  When I turned, she was offering me the pipe.

  “There's probably enough left for one more hit for both of you,” she said.

  I accepted the pipe and took a light hit. Then I held it to Maggie's lips.

  “The rest is yours,” I said.

  She managed another two hits from it before it was dead. I tapped out the ashes and turned to the door. Maggie was still chatting away.

  “We should keep it down a bit, we don't want to wake the kids,” I said.

  Her mouth gaped for a moment, then she made a motion I hadn't seen since I was a kid. She pinched her thumb and forefinger together and drew it across her lips like she was sealing a zipper. I choked back the laugh that tried to bubble up through my throat and opened the door.

  What the hell? She's probably in her mid to late thirties and she's acting like she's Kate's age, I thought. Although... this could be a lot of fun if she keeps acting like that.

  I led the way through the darkened house to Molly's and my bedroom. It was on the other side of the house from the kids' room. We'd arranged it that way intentionally. They were good kids, but they were also loud and sleep was a necessity as far as Molly and I were concerned.

  Once we were in the room Molly closed the door behind us. I reached for Maggie's hips and drew her back against me. My cock was already hard from playing with her outside. Now I pulled her to me so it was pressed against her ass, just to let her know. I reached around the front of her and started unbuttoning her blouse. She tried to help, I assume to make it go faster, but instead she was only slowing me down. That was okay though, I took the opportunity to run my fingers along the soft skin of her upper breasts and stomach.

  Meanwhile Molly had crossed the room and pulled the chair out of her nook. She set it down where she'd have a good view of the bed and started stripping. As my hands stroked Maggie's skin, I watched Molly take her shirt and bra off, exposing her breasts. They weren't firm and rigid like a younger girl's would have been, but they were full. Her nipples, always large, had grown even more during her pregnancies and never went all the way down to their original size. Right now they were standing hard and firm, telling me exactly what she thought about watching me paw Maggie.

  Maggie's blouse came off and fluttered to the floor, already forgotten by both of us. I pulled my arms back and undid the clasp on her bra. When I pushed the shoulder straps forward, it slid off of her and joined her blouse on the floor.

  My hands went to her breasts while I was still watching Molly, who was watching us. She glanced up and caught my eye, then looked down at her own hands and moved them to her nipples, pulling them straight out from her breasts. I knew this game since we'd played it before. My hands duplicated her movements, doing the same to Maggie's breasts that Molly was doing to her own.

  I ground my cock against her ass while I tugged on her nipples. Maggie let out a sharp exhalation, then pulled her torso backwards, stretching her nipples even farther. She didn't get much movement though, her back ran into my chest after about an inch.

  I looked over at Molly again. She was smiling at the sight of Maggie's stretched out nipples. My wife slid one of her hands off of a nipple and down to her waist. She unfastened her pants and her hand disappeared from view.

  I guess she wants me to get right to doing Maggie, normally she takes this slower.

  I slid a hand down and started working on Maggie's pants. She started to move her arms to help, but I trapped them against her sides with my upper arms. She squirmed, pleasantly, as I unfastened her pants and pushed them down.

  “Step out of them,” I told her when I had them down around her ankles.

  She did as she was told. I slid a knee between her legs and worked it from side to side, spreading her stance. My hand slid down inside her panties, a finger driving down to her slit.

  She was drenched. The crotch of her panties had to be soaked, but my hand was so wet from her slit that there was no way I could tell for sure. I slid a finger into her and she started squirming again.

  At least she hasn't giggled since we came back in the house, I thought.

  When I glanced over at Molly, she'd lost her pants and her panties. Her clean-shaven pussy was glistening in the light and she was stroking herself. When she saw me looking she caught my eye and nodded.

  I looked back at her, a confused look on my face.

  Normally that's her signal for me to go ahead and fuck them. This fast though?

  She grinned at me and held up a finger, then a second finger. In case I didn't get her message, she went back to a single finger, let it droop down, then raised it stiffly again.

  She wants the first one fast, then for me to work Maggie over for a while until I get hard a second time, at least I think that's what she's telling me.

  It was obvious that she wanted me to fuck Maggie right now. If I was misreading her intent for later, she could tell me then. I pushed Maggie's panties down and hissed in her ear.

  “Get those off your legs so I can spread you wide.”

  She shimmied back and forth until her panties were around her ankles, then stepped out of them. I pushed her forward so her tits were trapped between her chest and the bed. Then I spread her legs wide and stepped between them.

  She was even wetter than I'd thought. The inside of her thighs had drips running down them. Now that her legs were spread and her panties gone I could smell her arousal. It smelled musky, almost primal and if her actions were any indication, what she wanted most at this point in time was my cock inside of her. So I gave it to her.

  I pushed myself forward and my cock slid smoothly into her pussy. Despite being soaked, she was still tight. But her lubrication let me slide straight into her despite the tightness. As I slid myself into her she let out something between a wail and a gasp, but softly enough that the children probably wouldn't have heard it even if they were awake.

  I immediately pulled back out and drove into her again. She was wet enough that I heard tiny splashes both when I began and finished a thrust. That didn't matter to me though, if anything it turned me on even more knowing that she was so wet because she wanted me to fuck her.

  I moved my hands to her ass and fondled it as I drove in and out of her. I'd much rather have my hands on her tits or clit, but I couldn't get to those at the moment.

  I'll flip her over in a minute or two, after the initial urgency wears off.

  I grabbed her butt cheeks and held on tightly, using them to keep her from sliding around on the bed as I sped up my thrusts and pounded her pussy with my cock. She started squirming again and this time I heard short little gasps also.

  Good, as soon as she cums I'll flip her over and get my hands on her tits and clit. If she's going to cum just from my fucking her, I'll drive her crazy once I can get to the rest of her.

  I kept pounding away at her even when I felt her cunt tightening down on my cock. I knew she was
going to cum shortly, but I wasn't even close yet.

  Maggie let out a yelp and her pussy started convulsing around my cock. I just kept thrusting in and out of her warm, wet pussy. I decided I'd just keep going and see how long I could stretch out her first orgasm.

  I kept fucking her while enjoying the way her cunt could be so tight, yet smooth and slick enough for me to slide in and out with no problem. I kept going until I was interrupted.

  “Tim?” Molly said.

  I pulled my head up to look at her.

  “I think you'd better give her a break. She looks dazed.”

  “Oh, I should've noticed that,” I said.

  “I don't think she'd mind if you kept going, but I know you'd like more than just her pussy.”

  I nodded and slowly pulled out of Maggie. When I actually looked at her I noticed that she was taking occasional long breaths, interspersed with a bunch of shorter ones.

  She might be hyperventilating, but that should pass in a minute or two, I thought.

  I rolled Maggie over on her back and got my first look at her breasts. Like Molly, her nipples were larger than average. I bent over and took one of them in my mouth. I wanted to get it to full size and see whose were larger, hers or Molly's.

  “Tim!” Molly said. “That's not going to let her recover.”

  I drew my mouth off of the nipple long enough to reply.

  “She's not complaining, is she?” I said.

  Molly started to reply, then noticed Maggie feebly shaking her head from side to side.

  “What's that Maggie?”

  “Not... complaining... at all,” she said, obviously out of breath.

  “Oh, alright,” Molly said.

  I took Maggie's nipple back in my mouth and started sucking. Motion next to me made me flick my eyes to the side so I saw it when Molly took Maggie's other nipple in her mouth. Maggie almost immediately went back to her short breaths, her body quivering beneath me.

  After a few minutes of sucking on Maggie's thick, stiff nipple I drew my mouth back and started licking her breast instead. The flesh was soft and smooth except for the areola, which was thick and crinkled. I ran my tongue across it and felt it stiffen up. When I looked down I saw that it was ridged when hard. I gleefully traced the ridges with my tongue. I felt Molly shift away again and looked over at her.


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