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Frozen in Flames

Page 16

by Brandy L Rivers

  “So stupid.”

  “Dragons can’t so easily cross the veil. They need someone to pull them over, and most avoid having a master.”

  “Yeah, but anyone could come in and control them, right?”

  “Not just anyone. Someone with enough power.”

  She turned to him, a smile on her lips. “Well, I’m happy with my decision. Even with what you did.”

  He moved to her, pulling his shirt over his head. “Forgive me?”

  She kicked off her boots, then opened her pants. “Tell me something, did that bastard do anything to you?”

  He shook his head. “Someone put on magical binds, but I had something to remove them.”

  “And you saved me,” she murmured.

  “Didn’t he hurt you?” Lonny murmured, taking her shirt and tossing it on the floor. He trailed his fingers over her ribs and abdomen. “Already healed, I see.”

  She nodded. “I never felt it. I was too busy trying to kill him.”

  “You would have. But he’s going to suffer now and learn a lesson. I’m sure Reance will wind up having him executed. He’s too persuasive to allow to live.”

  “Forget him. You’re with me. He’s in a cell somewhere. And I don’t want to think about that prick because I’m going to make love to you before my best friend wants me at her side while she gives birth to a beautiful little boy.”

  He pulled her close. “What do you think about kids? Do you ever want one? Maybe more?”

  She pushed him back, her eyes wide. “Eventually. We just got together. Let’s not worry about children for a while.”

  He kissed her lips as he pushed his pants down his legs. She scooted out of her jeans and pushed him onto a couch. There she climbed into his lap, taking him as far as she could while sucking his bottom lip into her mouth.

  * * * *

  Lonny let Lana have control. He caressed her sides, staring into her eyes as she took a steady pace, her walls squeezing him tight. “Lana, I love you.”

  “Love you more,” she answered.

  “Don’t think so.” He gripped her hips and laid her back. “There’s nothing I won’t do for you.”

  She grabbed his neck and pulled him down, taking his mouth again. He took the pace faster, needing her to lose control. “Move in with me,” she said.

  “Anywhere you want,” he answered, looking into those gorgeous gray eyes. Flecks of red and blue brightened with each thrust.

  She cried out his name, locking her ankles around his hips. Her back arched and he kissed down her throat as she came apart, her body shaking.

  He followed her into release before rolling to his back, pulling her on top.

  “If it wasn’t for Isa, I would stay locked up in here with you all night.” She pressed a kiss over his heart. “But I bet Toryn could use you by his side too.”

  “Yeah, you’re right, but I want to keep you in bed. Or the couch. Anywhere where we can be alone.”

  “I should have let you convince me to stay in the home.”

  “I knew something was going to happen. But it worked out.” He pulled her closer, holding her tight.

  Lana snuggled closer. “Yeah, so I forgive you sending me away this time.”

  “I’ll only do it if it winds up being the best choice.” He sat up, pulling her with him. “Wherever you want to live, we will. I don’t care as long as I get to wake up beside you every day.”

  She kissed him before hopping up. “We better get dressed.”

  He dipped his head. “There will be fresh clothes in the wardrobe. Reance is always prepared.”


  “You learn to ignore it. He means well.”

  “Not sure I can ever get used to that kind of intervention.”

  Lonny chuckled. “I don’t usually notice. Well, lately I have. I knew he wanted me with you for a reason.”

  “Which meant he saved me from dealing with Maddock in a worse way.”

  “I still think you would have killed him. My magic can be blocked, but a dragon’s magic can’t be. With one exception, and Jayde did that on purpose, taking most of Aquila’s magic.”

  “Good to know, but then why didn’t you let them take me, then go for help?”

  “Because I didn’t trust Maddock to keep his hands off you.” He stood and moved to the wardrobe.

  Chapter 24

  The next morning, Lana sat on a couch in Isadora’s room, holding Kiernan. He was beautiful. Big green eyes, dark hair, and a smile. Talk about cute.

  Isa plopped down beside her. “Thank you for staying. I know you’d rather be with Lonny, locked away for the next two weeks.”

  “No. Okay…maybe. But we’ll have plenty of time. Besides, you’re going to be out of work for a while. I need to get back.”

  Isa reached over and caressed Kiernan’s face. “We can always find someone to manage the bar for a while. I’m not ready to give it up yet.”

  “Yeah, well, Lonny and I want to go backpacking in Europe. Hiring someone to fill in sounds perfect.”

  “Why don’t we look for a new bartender? We can both work less that way. Maybe two.”

  Isa nodded. “Sure, but I still want to be there at least a couple days a week.”

  “Me too.” Lana leaned over and hugged Isa with one arm. “You have a gorgeous little boy. He’s going to be a heartbreaker.”

  Isa laughed. “Please don’t. That’s the last thing I want to think about. And if he’s anything like his father…” She covered her mouth, laughing harder.

  “Yeah, let’s not think about that.” Sure, Lana found Toryn attractive, but also knew that was never going to happen. Besides admitting that had been easier than admitting she wanted Lonny for all those years.

  “So, how long are you staying out here?” Lana asked.

  “A night or two. What about you? The trial will be later today. You ready for that?”

  “Yeah, I should be there. Lonny too.”

  “How are you doing with everything?”

  Smiling, she said, “Better than I imagined. I just need to talk to Divad. Find out why he sold me out. I mean, couldn’t he have gone to Alenathos?”

  Isa shook her head. “I don’t know, but at least you dealt with him.”

  “Yeah. You should get some rest with the little guy. I need to get ready for the day.”

  * * * *

  There was a knock on the door after Lana dressed for the trial. Frowning, she walked to the door and opened it. Divad stood there, his hands crossed in front of him, and his head down.


  He sighed. “I was scared.”

  “For which part?”

  “Can I come in?” Divad asked.

  Sighing, she stepped farther into the room and he followed. Lonny moved to her.

  “We tried to have a second child, but we couldn’t. So Alenathos brought you and I thought everything would be all right.” He sighed. “Then Maddock came to me. He knew the story, and he threatened to destroy me, my family, everything if I didn’t promise you to him. And then my wife found out and kicked me out. I didn’t have an option, Lana. I didn’t want to give you away, but I didn’t know what else to do. No one had seen Alenathos in years.”

  “Stop. Shit. It just sucks knowing I wasn’t that important to you.”

  “You were. You are. I still think of you as mine. I was still looking for a way to get you out of the marriage when Reance stepped in. And I jumped at his offer.”

  “Well, I’m sorry I was the reason your marriage fell apart.”

  He sighed. “That’s not your fault. She loved you as much as any parent. I do too. I just didn’t know how to fix it.”

  She hugged him. “That does make me feel a little better.”

  Divad stepped back and turned to Lonny. “Take care of my little girl. Make sure she knows how loved she is.”

  He nodded. “Always.”

  “I need to go. I’m
one of the witnesses. I’ll see you at the trial.”

  Lana hugged him one more time and he left.

  Lonny rubbed her back. “He really didn’t have a choice.”

  “Yeah, I’m starting to see that. I just hope our children always have a choice.”

  “They will.”

  Chapter 25

  A week later, they stood in Lonny’s home, packing things. Lana turned to him. “You really want to give up your home?”

  He smiled. “I’ve never been attached to a place. Just people. You are all I want. So moving into your house works. Honest. You could suggest a cardboard box, and as long as you were happy with me, we’d do it.”

  She laughed. “No box. My house. Or we can find one. I don’t want you to think it has to be all my choice in everything.”

  He took her hands. “Lana, I’ll tell you if I disagree with something. Where we live is not important. Now, if you were to say let’s move to Faery, I’d have to convince you otherwise.”

  A laugh bubbled up. “Fair enough.”

  “Besides, I like your house.”

  “Me too.”

  “So let’s finish packing.”

  They worked for another hour before there was a knock at the door. Lana hopped up before he did and let Toryn in.

  “Well, what’s the news?”

  “Maddock and his father have been executed. The trial finished late this morning. There was a slew of irrefutable proof.”

  “Good. They can’t ruin anyone else’s lives,” Lana answered.

  “Need help?”

  “What about Isa?” Lonny asked.

  “Aeryana is at home with her. I figured the faster you move, the faster you both can get back to work before your vacation,” Toryn answered.

  “All right.” Lonny tossed him a roll of tape.

  “It’s good to know you’re not ditching us. I’d miss you too damned much.” Toryn nudged Lana. “You too.”

  She grinned. “We’d miss you too.”

  “Oh, and tomorrow, Isa wants some girl time with you. Just the two of you.”

  “We on baby duty?” Lonny asked, a smile on his face.

  “Yup. Which is part of the reason I’m here now. And Scotty is on the way.”

  “He doesn’t have to. I know they’ve been busy with Nyla.”

  “Yeah, but he wants to be here for you, since he wasn’t there during the mess with Maddock.”

  “He would have been if we needed him there,” Lonny answered.

  There was another knock. Lana grabbed the door and found her parents there. Fuerah and Alenathos.

  She pulled them inside. “The more the merrier.”

  Fuerah smiled. “I need to steal all the extra time with you I can.”

  Alenathos dipped his head.

  Fuerah grinned. “At least we’ve all found our heart.”

  About Brandy L Rivers

  Brandy L Rivers is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She is kept busy writing the Others of Seattle, Others of Edenton, Combustible, and the Pine Barrens Pack series.

  An avid reader, Brandy has always loved writing. She became serious about it as a stay-at-home-mother. With every story her world of characters expands, pulling her new directions.

  Living in rainy Western Washington with her husband and three kids, Brandy is already working on future stories in each of the series, and several other projects.

  To keep up with upcoming releases and news visit me at my

  Website – Facebook - Twitter

  Or join my newsletter

  Or reading group Rivers’ Shenanigans

  Also by Brandy L Rivers

  Others of Edenton

  New Beginnings

  In Too Deep

  Shadows Fall

  Shadows of the Past

  Fated Love

  Falling Into Place

  Breaking Free

  Mending Scars

  Labor of Love

  Light in Darkness

  Blissful Agony

  Deep Trouble

  Entangled Darkness

  Blood Bound

  Woven Fates

  Others of Seattle

  Nights Embrace

  Storm Mistress

  Accepting Fate

  Red Queen

  Seductive Solutions

  Changing Destiny

  Coming Together

  Storm Wrath

  Twisted Bonds

  Darkness Binds

  Frozen in Flames

  Nights Embrace Spin Off

  Summer Rhythm

  Branches of Emrys


  Dreams of Change

  Finding Hawk

  Chasing Dove

  Shattered Reality (coming 2019)

  Pine Barrens Pack Co-Written with Rebecca Brooke

  Cursed Vengeance

  Vengeance Unraveled

  Shifted Vengeance (Coming 2019)


  Heart on Fire

  Falling Star

  Sweet Tooth


  Love Behind the Scenes

  The Callback

  The Long Shot

  Untitled (Coming 2019)

  To keep up with upcoming releases and news visit me at my

  Website – Facebook - Twitter

  Or join my newsletter or reading group Rivers’ Shenanigans




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