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Dark Skies: A Fox County Forensics Lesbian Romantic Suspense

Page 10

by Malone, Cara



  A couple hours and a takeout meal later, Amelia and Simone wound up back at the farmhouse.

  They’d gotten a little frisky on the playground, resisting the urge to push too far past light, flirtatious kisses and sensual embraces. It may have been closed after dark, but it was still a playground. But Simone had barely taken her eyes away from Amelia since their date began, and the better she got to know Simone, the more Amelia wanted to rescind her no-dating policy.

  There had to be a way to make it work, right? Other people had demanding careers and successful love lives. Amelia had rejected that for herself while she was busy climbing the ladder at the ME’s office, but it didn’t have to be that way forever, did it?

  They went inside and Amelia led Simone to the kitchen. They had pasta from one of her favorite Italian places—Amelia had paid, as she’d insisted the other day in the firehouse—but they both had something other than food on their minds.

  “Do you want a quick tour before we eat?” Amelia asked.

  “I’d love that,” Simone said. She was standing very close to Amelia, and their bodies kept brushing against each other accidentally-on-purpose.

  The house was decorated in a mix of Amelia’s own tastes and the furniture and décor that her parents had collected over a lifetime here. The result was cozy and a little cluttered, but warm. She felt comfortable here, but the house was much too large for one person.

  “I keep thinking I should get a pet,” Amelia said as she led Simone through the living room. “There’s a big backyard that would be perfect for a dog.”

  “Why don’t you get one?” Simone asked.

  “I’m hardly ever home,” Amelia answered. “Plus, it’s the same reason I don’t date—there’s no time.”

  “I bet you could find some time if you really wanted to,” Simone said with a wink. She was persistent when she set her sights on something she wanted, and it was one of the things Amelia admired about her.

  “Come on, I’ll show you the upstairs,” Amelia said. Her cheeks were burning and her core had been aching ever since the playground. That had been like one long foreplay session, teasing each other, touching each other but just barely. It had been years since Amelia felt this strongly about anyone, and now that Simone was in her house, she was confident that neither of them actually cared about the takeout they’d bought—at least not right now.

  Amelia took Simone’s hand in her own and led the way. Simone’s thumb brushed over the back of her hand while they walked, and that small gesture sent a delicious tingle all through Amelia’s body. She wanted more of it.

  “Here’s my bedroom,” she said when they got to the first door in the upstairs hallway.

  There were quite a few bedrooms here—more than her family of four had ever needed—and now three of them stood empty except for when Frannie and her husband came to visit.

  Amelia had moved into the master suite when she took over the house, and she led Simone into it. The room was spacious and airy, with white walls and lots of light during the day. Right now, it was pitch dark so Amelia switched on a bedside lamp, casting the room in a warm glow and sending shadows up the walls.

  “What do you think?” she asked, gesturing to the room.

  “It’s very ‘you,’” Simone told her. “Practical but cozy, and it makes me want to stay a while. I’d love to take a closer look at the bed, though.”

  Amelia laughed, but in an instant, Simone had closed the gap between them and stolen her breath right out of her lungs. She kissed Amelia passionately, her hands finding Amelia’s hips. The playground had been fun, and it was sweet that Simone kept trying to find ways to make Amelia take breaks and relax. But this right here? This was all she’d really wanted since the day they met.

  They both lost themselves to the moment, giving in to the desires that had been building between them until they’d grown palpable.

  Simone’s fingers came to the hem of Amelia’s shirt, tugging it up and gently over her head. Then she dropped to her knees and pressed a kiss to Amelia’s stomach. Her fingertips trailed along the lines of Amelia’s abdomen and brushed the waistband of her shorts.

  She unbuttoned them and peeled them down Amelia’s thighs, her breath warm against Amelia’s belly. She put one hand on Simone’s shoulder as she stepped out of her pants, and Simone seized the opportunity to hook Amelia’s thigh and lift it onto her shoulder, pressing a kiss to Amelia’s sex through the thin fabric of her panties. Her lips felt warm and tantalizing, making heat waves ripple through Amelia’s body.

  She was unwrapping Amelia like the most precious gift, taking her time and truly savoring every moment of it. It was unlike anything Amelia had ever experienced before. When was the last time she’d slowed down to truly savor anything, let alone a beautiful woman? She was so used to focusing on her destination, getting there so she could move on to something else.

  It wasn’t like that with Simone, in the bedroom or any other part of her life. She lived in the moment and was present in every minute of her life. Every time Amelia was with her, it felt like time stood still and she got to live like that too. Maybe that was how they could be together—all they needed to do was stop time.

  When she was in just her bra and panties, Amelia took Simone by the hand and lifted her back up to her feet. “I think you’re overdressed.”

  Simone was in a pair of jeans and a thin T-shirt, and Amelia undressed her not quite as carefully as Simone had done, but just as enthusiastically. Then they lay down together on the bed, their bodies entwined and their hands exploring each other. Simone ran her fingers through Amelia’s hair, pulling it out of its ponytail and letting it go wild across the pillow.

  Amelia kissed the plump tops of Simone’s breasts spilling over her bra, then brought both hands up to the silky cups. Simone let out a small groan of pleasure that turned into a growl, then pounced on Amelia, grabbing her by both wrists and pinning her to the mattress.

  “You always have to be in control and in charge, Dr. Trace,” she said, her eyes locked on Amelia’s. “Well, not tonight. Tonight, you are mine to play with, mine to pleasure.”

  Amelia struggled against Simone, mostly just as an excuse to move her hips against Simone’s core. Her eyelids fluttered shut for a moment, telling Amelia she’d hit the right spot, but she kept her grip on Amelia’s wrists. She wasn’t going to relent.

  Simone bent down, nuzzling the crook of Amelia’s neck. She dragged her tongue along Amelia’s flesh, all the way up to her ear, making her shiver and squirm. “Do you like that?”

  Amelia had no words. All she could do was nod.

  Simone released one wrist to stroke down Amelia’s stomach. Her fingers hooked into Amelia’s panties and she sucked in a breath, anticipating the touch that would come next. Simone paused, making her ache for it, and Amelia arched her back, pressing her hips against Simone’s body.

  “Touch me,” she breathed. “I want you so bad.”

  “God, I want you too,” Simone groaned, sliding one leg between Amelia’s thighs as she settled beside her. She moved her hips, grinding against Amelia’s clit and watching the pleasure bloom across her face. “I’ve thought about this a lot in the last few weeks.”

  “Me too,” Amelia said. “You’ve got me so close already.”

  “I want to taste you,” Simone whispered, pressing her lips to Amelia’s and then sliding her tongue into her mouth. Between kisses, she said, “I want to fuck you until you can’t remember your name.”

  The words made Amelia’s body flush with desire, need rippling through her. Simone dragged her panties down her thighs, and quickly dispensed with her own. Then she lay back down beside Amelia, one leg thrown over her thigh, Simone’s pussy wet against Amelia’s hip. Her hand went to Amelia’s bare sex and her knees fell open. She couldn't remember the last time she’d been this wet for anyone.

  Simone did something special to her. She’d never felt such an instant attraction to ano
ther woman, and just thinking of Simone, or seeing her name pop up on her phone when they texted, was enough to make her core hot and her chest full.

  Simone’s fingers slid through the slick folds of her pussy and glided over her clit. Amelia’s thighs shook and she knew it wouldn’t be long before she was coming against Simone’s hand.

  “I have one demand,” Amelia said, grabbing Simone’s wrist and stilling her hand before she could go any further.

  Simone cocked an eyebrow at her. “I thought I told you to relax and let me make you feel good.”

  “You did.” Amelia’s eyes were locked on Simone’s and she didn’t back down.

  Simone smiled. “What do you want?”

  “Your hot pussy, sitting on my face,” Amelia said, and Simone bit her lip.

  “Goddamn, I was wrong—you’re hot when you make demands.”

  “I want us to come together,” Amelia said. “I want to taste you too.”

  Simone kissed her deeply, inhaling her, one hand going to Amelia’s hip and squeezing hard. She could feel just how much Simone wanted her, and the feeling was definitely mutual.

  Then Simone let go and turned to face the foot of the bed. Amelia scooted downward and Simone straddled her head. She lay down, their bellies meeting and her full breasts against Amelia’s hips. Then she dropped her mouth to Amelia’s clit with such urgency that she couldn’t help crying out and digging her fingernails into Simone’s thighs.

  “Oh my God,” she gasped. If Simone was going to eat her pussy like that, she wouldn’t have the concentration, or even the muscle control, to return the favor.

  “You’re even sexier in real life than in my fantasies,” Simone murmured, her lips vibrating against Amelia’s clit.

  Before she lost herself completely, Amelia lifted her head and buried her face in Simone’s dripping pussy, lapping and sucking at her. The banter stopped as they both absorbed themselves in the moment, and it wasn’t long before Simone’s thighs were shaking against Amelia’s ears.

  “I’m gonna come,” Simone groaned, two fingers pressing at Amelia’s entrance.

  “Come for me,” Amelia urged. “Fuck me and come with me.”

  She had both arms wrapped around the dip in Simone’s lower back, tonguing her clit and her entrance. She felt Simone’s fingers plunge into her, and a moment later, they were both coming hard, everything in the world fading to black except their two bodies pressed tight against each other, moving as one.

  Simone stayed the night. They reheated their takeout dinners for a late-night snack, then retreated to the bedroom because neither of them could get enough of each other. And when they were both exhausted and content, Amelia pulled the sheet up around them and Simone cradled Amelia in the curve of her arm.

  “This okay?” she asked.

  “It’s perfect,” Amelia had answered. If only they really had found a way to freeze time, to hit pause on all her responsibilities and just be with each other. At least they had tonight.

  Just before she drifted off, Amelia asked softly, “Simone? You awake?”

  “Hmm?” She sounded half-alert at best, and she held Amelia a little more tightly. It felt perfect.

  “Remember when I said I didn’t have time to date?”


  “I wish I did,” Amelia said.

  “Me too.”

  “Maybe I can find time, as long as you’re okay with the fact that I work long hours and I have to prioritize my job.”

  Simone kissed the top of her head. “Babe, I’m a firefighter. I’m in the exact same boat.”

  “What if that means we never have time for each other?”

  “We found time tonight,” Simone pointed out. “Why don’t we just agree to try, and see what happens?”

  Amelia nodded, loving the way Simone’s breast felt against her cheek as she snuggled up to her. “I’d like that.”

  It was the last thought she had before she drifted off to sleep. She spent the rest of the night curled up against Simone, not moving an inch, and it was the most restful sleep she’d had in ages—even better than that bubble bath she’d been dreaming of since the tornado.

  In the morning, Amelia woke to sun streaming in the window and an aching bladder. She gently wormed her way out from under Simone’s arm and tiptoed into the bathroom, then went downstairs to start brewing some coffee. It was still early—she wanted to go into the office and chip away at her paperwork, but that didn’t have a deadline, and Simone had mentioned that she had a shift today but not until the afternoon.

  When Amelia came back upstairs with two cups of coffee, some cream and sugar and a couple of breakfast croissants on a tray, Simone was still sleeping peacefully. She’d turned her face into Amelia’s pillow and her lips were curled into a slight smile—hopefully she was having sweet dreams.

  Amelia decided to set the breakfast tray down on the bedside table and let Simone sleep while she took a shower. But as soon as she set the tray down, her phone started ringing in the pocket of her robe.


  “Damn,” she muttered, hurrying to silence the ringer.

  She was too slow though. Simone’s eyes popped open and she sat up. For a second she looked alarmed, trying to place her surroundings, and then she relaxed. She smiled at Amelia. “Any time I wake up to an alarm, my first thought is that I’m at the station and there’s a fire. Good morning.”

  “Good morning.” She smiled back, then remembered the phone and looked at the screen. “It’s Tom.”

  “Don’t take it, you’re not working today,” Simone begged, reaching for her, but they both knew that wasn’t going to happen.

  Amelia answered the phone. “Tom, what’s happening?”

  “Aww, shit, it’s Saturday,” he said in lieu of a greeting. “Sorry to bug you.”

  “No, it’s fine,” she said. “Can I do something for you?”

  “Nothing, that’s why I feel like a dick for calling so early,” he said. “I just wanted to give you an update on the Megan Hunter case.”

  “What’s going on?” She put the phone on speaker and sat down beside Simone so she could listen in.

  “I’m still waiting on the DNA results from Cal Thomas—you know how slow the labs are, especially at the end of the week,” he said. “But I did hear back from a detective friend I reached out to in Granville. Guess who has a registered nine-millimeter and doesn’t know where it is?”

  Amelia frowned, and Simone’s mouth popped open.

  “One of Megan’s parents,” Simone guessed.

  “Olivier, is that you?” Tom asked.

  Simone put a hand over her mouth and looked at Amelia, then lowered her hand to whisper, “Sorry.”

  Tom just laughed though. “I knew you two had a thing. Anyway, you got the nail on the head—Bill Hunter has a nine-mil, and when I called to ask him about it, he checked his gun safe and said it’s gone missing.”

  “He didn’t know it was missing until you asked?” Amelia answered.

  “I have a feeling he knew once I told him about the bullet wound on Monday, but he probably didn’t want to say anything because it makes Megan look bad, stealing her dad’s gun,” Tom said. “I’m going down there today to talk to the Hunters face-to-face. Just figured you’d want to know.”

  “Thanks, Tom,” Amelia said. Then, thinking of what happened last time he traveled for work, she added, “Be safe.”

  He promised he would, then hung up the phone. Amelia put hers back in the pocket of her robe, and Simone wondered aloud, “Why would Megan bring a gun to meet her bio-dad?”

  “And how did she get shot with it?” Amelia added. Then she pointed to the tray on the bedside table. “I brought you breakfast. I’m going to get a quick shower.”

  Simone caught her hand before she could get up from the bed. “How about I come with you and we make it a slow shower instead?”

  “I like the sound of that,” Amelia said. In fact, she liked everything about her first date with Simone, an
d she was starting to think it was just what she needed.



  Simone hadn’t expected to spend the night with Amelia. All she’d really wanted to get out of their date was to get to know her a little better and make sure Amelia took a little time to decompress when she’d been working so hard amid the mass disaster.

  Instead, it felt like she’d spent the last eight hours falling in love.

  It was surreal, and when at last Amelia decided it was time to go into the office and get some work done, Simone asked, “Can we do this again soon?”

  “We better,” Amelia said, and the immediacy of her response made Simone’s heart flutter with joy. Amelia had been so insistent over the last few weeks that she had no time to date, but Simone knew all she needed to do was wear her down. It looked like she’d been successful.

  “Breakfast tomorrow morning?” Simone asked.

  Amelia laughed. “After your shift?”

  “Yeah,” Simone said. “Meet me at that little place by the police precinct. All the cops I know swear by it, and you know they know their breakfast foods.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Amelia promised. They kissed at the door, starting with a sweet goodbye and soon morphing into something much deeper and more urgent. At last, Amelia nudged Simone’s shoulder away. “We have to stop or I’m going to drag you back into my bed for the rest of the day.”

  “Would that be such a bad thing?” Simone asked.

  When Simone reported to the firehouse that evening, she was still walking on air, her head full of Amelia’s scent, her body remembering the feeling of her curves pressed up against her.


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