Meant to Be

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Meant to Be Page 5

by Lucy Darling

  I make myself roll us over, thinking maybe that will get me to stop, but she only sits up. Her hair falls all around her as her hands come to my chest. She looks down at me with those green eyes. I feel the metal of her ring against my chest and it about makes me come again. My hand goes to her hip, gripping her tight as I thrust up, making sure I come inside of her as deep as I can. I don’t know if my orgasm triggers another for her but she’s coming right along with me before she falls to my chest.

  I wrap my arms around her tightly.

  “Love you too, baby girl,” I tell her before we both drift off to sleep.



  I really should get up. My body feels heavy and I know I need more sleep but another part of me screams to go find Leo. We spent the whole weekend making love. It is now Sunday night and I don’t want Monday to come. We’ll have to get back to real life. I should probably go looking for my phone too. I sit up, realizing I haven't talked to anyone but Leo since Friday night at the charity event. Not that there is really anyone to notice. Except my brother and dad. I’m sure they’ve already heard about Leo and me. Then again, maybe they chalked it up to the normal gossip. Never have they brought it up to me before, so maybe they didn't pay attention. My brother is states away and to be honest, I have no idea where my dad is at the moment.

  He randomly shows up at home and is never there for long. I’d once heard he had a bachelor pad somewhere. I didn't ask because I sure as heck did not want to know about that. It did make me wonder at the time if Leo had one too. He never brought anyone home and he was always there so I’d discounted it. In fact I’m pretty sure I might have been his first too. I didn't ask but the way he keeps exploring my body you’d think I was the first woman he’s ever touched. I know the feeling because I’ve been doing the same to his. I don't have the courage to ask him. I’m too scared that the answer may eat me alive inside. I never saw him date like my brother did. Oh, I watched but never caught wind of anything.

  “I’m going to ask,” I say to myself as I throw my feet over the bed. It will only bug me until I do it so I might as well get on with it. I usually talk about anything and everything. I might as well get this conversation over with. I look around the room for the robe Leo wrapped me in after we’d soaked in the giant tub this afternoon. It hadn't stayed on long but I don’t see it anywhere. I settle for one of his discarded shirts. I laugh when I try and button it up and see a few are missing. Oops. Pretty sure that happened yesterday when we started to get ready to go out to dinner. We didn't make it far.

  I’m sure he’s tucked away in his office. Leo is a workaholic even on the weekends. He hasn’t been this weekend, though. His phone has been as MIA as mine has. I descend the stairs. I love this estate. I took great pride in helping him update it. Everything I suggested he’s done. It’s beautiful and peaceful.

  I pause at his office door when I hear my father's voice. “You think you can just marry my daughter?” My eyes go wide at his question. Leo practically demanded I was to be his wife. My heart filled with so much happiness. He is finally going to be mine. That’s all I cared about in the heat of the moment. That, mixed with his words of love, is everything to me. My father can't stop this. I can be with Leo if I want to. No one else has a say in this.

  “How much do you want?” My hand freezes on the door handle to his office. The door is already ajar. He is going to pay for me. What the hell? Why would he pay for me? “This is no different than any other deal. How much do you want for her?”

  My eyes fill with tears. The lingering worry I had about what a marriage with Leo would be like comes full force to the front of my mind. This is just another deal to him. He needs a wife, a buffer. So he got one. Of course he loves me. We’ve been friends forever. I just thought it was different when he said it to me as we made love.

  I can't help but think he is settling. To me he’s my everything. I know he does generally love me. That we would make a good husband and wife. We fit together and there is a love there but I need more. I know thinking that I don’t have him on the deepest level will slowly eat me alive over time.

  I let my hold go of the door. The only reason I don’t step back is because I wait for my father's response. “I had her lined up to marry—“

  “Don’t finish that sentence,” Leo all but growls at my father.

  “I wanted the Brooks land. You bought it out from me. I had big plans for it.”

  “It’s yours,” Leo says easily enough but I can hear the tension in his voice. I step back from the door, heading upstairs to find something to wear.

  I know I can’t wear the dress I showed up here in but there has to be something else. I open Leo’s closet door and pause when I see all my clothes on one side of it. The same clothes that had been in my own closet Friday when I’d been getting ready. Not only them but more.

  I want to take this as an act of sweetness but I also know how Leo is. When he’s made up his mind on something he goes full force. There is no standing in his way. He decided I’d be his wife so he was already taking the necessary steps to make that happen. I think Leo forgot one thing. He can buy almost anything, my father included, but he can’t buy me.



  “You tell Rochelle nothing of this.” I stare into Jonathan’s eyes. It’s taking everything I have inside of me to not go flying over my desk and knock the fucker out. That said, I had a feeling this day might come. A lingering one in the back of my mind that I hoped wouldn’t be true. I’d bought the Brooks land because of it. I knew the man would want it, and I also knew it was something I could always use in my favor.

  “Going to go into this marriage with a lie.” Jonathan says with a laugh. This isn’t fucking funny.

  “No. I’m going into this trying to protect my wife. I don’t want her to know her own father would sell her off like a piece of property.”

  Jonathan looks shocked for a moment. He starts to open his mouth but I keep on going. “I don’t have to give you shit for Rochelle. She’s eighteen and a free woman. I’m giving you this so you don’t throw a fit. So you put on a smile and pretend to be a good father to your daughter so she doesn’t get hurt. Trust me. I don’t want to lie to my wife but as her husband my vow to protect her comes first. She always comes first.”

  I watch some form of remorse pass over his face. He doesn't tell me I don’t have to give him the land, though. “You’ll be excited for her,” I tell him. He nods, standing.

  “I shouldn't tell you this because I feel like you should have asked but I’ll take care of her. I do love her.” Jonathan looks down at the floor for a moment before turning to leave. I know her brother won’t be so easy to handle. He loves her; he just is lost in work. He’s driven and I knew that when I’d sent him off to New York to run my office there. I’d held him off by telling him to trust me. He said he did. He probably shouldn't with the things I’ve done to make sure his sister’s path always led to me. I think I’ve been doing it long before I was even aware of it. I debate calling him now to tell him my intentions. That Ro is going to be my wife by the end of this week. One way or another. I’d do it today if I could. I only need to find out if she wants some family or friends, or only the two of us.

  Did she want her father to walk her down the aisle? I don’t want that man hurting her any more than he already has. It’s why I’ve done what I can to make sure she’s always protected. Even if it’s from her own family. Ro is sweet and soft and I don’t want that bastard’s greed and ugliness touching her. I know what it’s like to have a father like hers. Mine might have been worse but hers is coming in at a solid second. I’m more mad at myself for not seeing her dad for who he really is years ago. That he was more than absent. I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to her. I’ll also show her we’ll never have a family like the ones we grew up in. We’ll be a part of our children's lives. We’ll love them with everything we have because that’s how we love one another.

Some of the sourness her father left in my mouth fades away as I think about the possibility that our family could already be growing. I’ve spent all weekend inside of her. There is definitely a good chance that she’s pregnant. I worried that I’d go too far with my lust for her. Her body told me otherwise. It welcomed every inch of me when I slid inside of her. We are a perfect fit.

  I jerk my head up when John practically throws my office door open. I stand from my desk knowing something must be wrong. “You weren’t answering your line,” he says.

  I grab my phone, clicking it back on. I didn’t want to be disturbed while doing what I needed to do with Ro’s father. I see all the missed calls from John. “We are under strict orders that no one touches Ro. We couldn’t stop her and we couldn’t reach you.”

  I hear what he’s saying but I’m not putting it together in my head fast enough. “Where is she?”

  “I have someone following the taxi she got into.”

  “Motherfucker.” I wait for nothing, heading for the front door.

  “Sir. Please let me drive you. You’re in no state.”

  “No,” I tell him, putting my hand out for him to give me the keys.

  “Not really asking, sir. I’m a better driver.” He’s not trying to be cocky. It’s the truth.

  “I don’t care about the rules of the road.” He nods in silent understanding as I get into the passenger seat. I pull out my phone, trying to call Ro, but it goes straight to voicemail.

  “It’s dead. You need a tracker on her that can’t die.” I grit my teeth because he’s right. “I have Hall on her. She’s heading to the airport.”

  “What the fuck?” I mumble to myself. Why is she running? I’d left her happy in our bed. My phone rings in my hand. Colden, Ro’s brother’s name, fills the screen. I answer.

  “You said I could trust you.” He doesn’t sound mad. More disappointed than anything.

  “You can. Always with Ro.”

  “I thought that. It’s why I knew I could go to New York. She had you but now she calls me half in tears asking me if she can come here.”

  “I’ll fix this,” I vow.

  “You better. You also better be fast, Leo. I already have a ticket for her.”

  “You think I can’t have that whole airport shut down with one call?”

  Colden laughs through the phone. “Just get there. Do what I know you’ve been planning to do since we were kids.” I’m not used to being shocked but that caught me off guard. He hangs up before I can respond.

  “Faster,” I tell John. I have a feeling why my girl is running. I thought keeping her in the dark about some things would be good for her. That I was protecting her. Still, she’d gotten hurt. She must have heard her father and me talking.

  I’ll fix this. There is no other option. I’ve wanted Ro for so long and I’m not going to fuck it up now. Having spent the weekend making her mine, I now know I’ll never be able to last another day without her.



  I see Hall the moment I step out of the taxi. He gives me a nod with a half-smile that says sorry. He’s only doing his job. I need to get away to clear my head. That’s what I kept telling myself when I called my brother and left Leo’s estate. Even though I am actively running from him, the idea of being far from him scares the crap out of me. I don’t know what else to do. It’s why I’d picked a local college to further my education. I never wanted to be far from where he is. Now I’m skipping out on him because of a conversation he had with my father. Although it’s not right, I know in my heart Leo always has good intentions when it comes to me.

  It’s always been the same way since we were little kids. I always found security in knowing he was near. It always settled something inside of me. I know that I can call him and tell him I need him and he’ll be there as quickly as he possibly can. He always drops what he’s doing when it comes to me. It dawns on me in this moment that he always puts me first. He’s treated me the same way all along. Way before I even came up with this buffer idea.

  “You going to get on the flight with me?” I try and tease Hall but my voice comes out sad. I know Leo had Hall follow me. What I do find odd is Hall isn’t trying to physically stop me. But when I think back on it, never once has any of Leo’s staff ever touched me besides his assistant Hillary.

  “To be honest, I don’t think you’ll get that far.” He’s being more than honest. He knows I won’t. I already want to go running back to Leo. This weekend has been my every dream come true.

  “He’s coming?” I ask. Of course he is. My eyes start to water. Deep inside of me I knew he would chase me. I think I was counting on it.

  “I think we all knew this was coming, Rochelle,” he says in a way that alludes to many other things.

  “What do you mean?” I turn to fully face Hall as the taxi I was in pulls away from the curb.

  “Rochelle. This has all been coming.” He shakes his head at me.

  “What do you mean?” I step closer to him. I want to know what he’s talking about. His eyes grow soft for a moment.

  “You and Leo.” He looks around and I know he’s debating telling me something.

  “Tell me,” I push. “Please.”

  “Shit,” he mumbles under his breath. “Think about it. That man treats you differently than anyone else. We don’t have a security detail on anyone but you.”

  “I have a security detail?” This is news to me. Leo has one. “We don’t just watch Leo.” I’m not sure if I should be upset or happy about this new discovery. It doesn’t surprise me. This is typical Leo. I’m curious what his reasoning is. To make sure that I am safe or to watch my every move. My brain quickly decides it doesn’t matter what the reasoning is. My heart knows that whatever he did, it was for me. He always puts me first. Plus, I’m not going to lie, I like that he’s watched me so closely all of this time.

  The sound of screeching tires breaks me from my train of thought. When I turn, I see Leo swing the car door open and immediately lock eyes with me. He looks disheveled and stressed but yet still so freaking handsome. I bet I look a mess compared to him. My eyes are still likely red from the tears I shed in the car on the way to the airport.

  “What are you wearing? Is that my shirt?” He nearly growls out. Now that pisses me off. He practically bought me from my father and he’s worried about my outfit.

  “What concern is it of yours? Oh, that’s right. You’ve paid for me so now I guess since I’m your property you can tell me what I can and can’t wear.” I’m just getting started because now I’m pissed again. “Guess again, you big jerk. I can’t be bought and I don’t belong to anyone.” I choke a little on the last word. A tear slips down my cheek. Before I can wipe it, Leo is in my space. His hand comes up and his thumb gently swipes the tear from my face.

  “You are right about everything, Ro. Except for one thing. You’ll always belong to me. Not because of what you think happened with the conversation with your dad, but because I love you. I always have and I always will.”

  “Love me?” I ask. I need more than that. We’ve said I love yous before.

  “Yeah, Ro. Love you more than anyone in this whole fucking world. Love you in ways I shouldn’t have until you’ve had time to experience life but I couldn't help it because we were always meant to be.”

  I fling myself at him. He catches me, easily pulling me into his embrace. “I love you like that, too. Forever,” I say into his neck. I feel him moving. I don’t have to look to know he’s gotten us back into the car.

  “Look at me, Ro.” I lean back, not caring that I probably look a mess, with tears leaking down my face. He cups my cheeks in his big hands. “You gotta stop crying, baby. It’s killing me.” His words come out pained. “I did what I did so something like this wouldn't happen. Now I’ve really fucked this up.” He kisses my cheeks and it makes me cry harder. I’m putting things together now.

  “My dad’s an asshole.”

  He stops kissing my cheeks
to pull back and look at me. I’ve known this for a while but haven’t wanted to admit it out loud to anyone.

  “I know I can’t buy you, Ro, but I was trying to buy you some peace of mind when it came to your father,” he admits. “I should have seen how he was treating you long ago. I was trying to fix it so he couldn't hurt you anymore. Even if I had to buy it from him.” I reach my hand up to caress his face, knowing in my heart that he would never do anything to hurt me. Realizing that Leo will do anything in his power to make me happy and keep me safe. He always has and I know he will continue to forever.

  I should have known better. I think deep inside of me, I did, but I still had a fear that this was all too good to be true.

  “I love you,” I tell him, leaning in to kiss him.

  “Love you too, Ro.” He digs his fingers into my hair and kisses me. His hold on my hair tightens when he pulls back for a moment. “Take us home.” My face flushes because I know he’s talking to his driver, who I’ve forgotten all about. “Don’t ever run from me again.”

  “I think sometimes it’s good for you to have to chase something. Most things come to you easily. You get everything you want. I’ll have to make sure to keep you on your toes. It’ll be beneficial for you,” I say tartly.

  He fights a smirk. Then he pulls my mouth back down onto his.

  “You can try but I promise you won’t get far,” he growls against my lips. Good, because I don’t ever want to be far from him again. Since I can remember he’s been my everything and after all this time, he will finally be my husband.




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