Meant to Be

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Meant to Be Page 4

by Lucy Darling

  “You’re uneasy. I don’t like it.” He says it almost in a pout like a little boy, making me giggle. Leo can fix anything. Money can do that for you. You tell someone to do something and they do it. With me it’s not so easy. If I could flip a switch and make everything better, I would.

  I pull my head from his neck to look at him. If I could, I would stay buried there for the rest of the night. I would, but I know we have to go back to the event. Leo has to make more than a one-minute appearance. The charity is, after all, his grandma’s. I run my thumb along the band of the ring. I know it’s there but I keep touching it to remind myself it’s real. The commitment behind it might be a lie, but the material part is real.

  “You keep touching me.” I lick my lips. “We almost kissed,” I add. The kiss that Cindy interrupted. I think it got her fired. I’d feel bad but she sort of had it coming. She had a thing for Leo. I can’t blame her for it but I’d be a liar if I said I was sorry to see her go. I can help pick up any slack at the office. I’m not really doing anything during the day anyway, but Leo insisted I be there. I swear he just wants me to lie on the sofa all day so he can steal looks at me. That’s what my imagination has me believing anyway.

  “You should be comfortable with my touch.” He leans in. I watch as he sucks in a deep breath, breathing me in. He often does it. I once asked him about it and he said the smell of me calmed him. That it reminded him of home.

  “I am but this is different.”

  “It is,” he confirms before he presses his mouth to mine.



  Different is the biggest understatement of my life. I press my mouth against Ro’s. She’s soft and sweet and the little sigh that comes from her has my cock begging to be released from my slacks. My hands dig into her hair, wanting more. I want the sounds again but louder this time. I want to hear them when I’m buried deep inside of all her sticky sweetness. I want her to tell me that I’m her first and last all in one breath.

  I push my tongue past her soft, pillowy lips, needing a better taste. My hands grip her hair tighter as I deepen the kiss, afraid she could pull away. This way I know I have control. With Ro I never feel that way. It’s both terrifying and exhilarating all at once when it comes to her. It is a breath of fresh air. It’s what she is for me. The safe place where I know I can be myself and she’ll accept me for who I am.

  She doesn't hold back. Her small fingers dig into my suit jacket as she slips her tongue into my mouth. I groan at how her kiss is both tentative but filled with want too. She’s giving as good as she gets. It’s so much like her. I get lost in her. I forget about the event and how this is supposed to be fake. This is anything but fake. It is me showing her how I really feel. That this buffer thing is bullshit. It’s me finally getting a taste of something that I’ve wanted for so long. The wait, which was agonizing at times, has been worth every second. This kiss has to show her that because it’s shaking everything inside of me, making me feel bare. It’s exposing me in ways that I’ve never shown to anyone before. She’s the exception. She always has been and always will be. She’s my everything.

  “Oh my,” I hear someone saying. Ro jerks back from the kiss, her mouth swollen from what I’ve done to her. Her hair, which was all perfectly in place moments ago, is now a little wild. She looks ravished. She has been and I want more. I want to strip her bare and taste every inch of her. The small sampling she gave me is not enough. That was an appetizer and I want the full five-course meal.

  “Mrs. Walker,” she says. Her words are breathy as she tries to get herself together. She goes to hop off my lap but I stop her by gripping her hip with my hand. She shoots me a look that tells me to let her go. Her cheeks turn pink. Yeah, we’ve been busted making out like two high school kids. I don’t give a fuck. Not like I was making out with chicks in high school. I was too busy keeping my grades up and learning every inch of my father's business because I knew I’d be taking it over and cleaning up his mess. Even at a young age I knew what I’d be getting into.

  Now I'm making up for lost time but still I can’t tell my Ro no so I relent, letting her go. “How are you?” she asks the woman. The older woman looks familiar but I can’t place her. People are always coming and going. They want one thing or another. It all starts to blend together. Ro remembers everyone. She’s sweet and caring like that. The only person I care to remember things about is her. The rest of the details I pay people to handle for me.

  I lean back and watch her. I would be annoyed that someone else is stealing her attention from me but Ro can talk to anyone. She’s good at it and her soft voice is calming the rush of anger I’d felt when we were interrupted. I can be a moody bastard. I think part of that stems from frustration. I’m not very patient and now that I have the chance to show her affection, people keep interrupting us. I let them keep on talking while I try and get my hard-on under control. That’s also not helping my mood.

  It takes me a minute but finally I stand, draping my arm around Ro.

  “You’re engaged.” The woman’s eyebrows almost go up to her hairline. “So the rumors are true.”

  “Sure,” I agree.

  “No!” Ro elbows me. “This is new, of course.” Oh yeah. Her age bullshit. She was right. It is new in that I am touching her now. I would be doing more of it if we weren’t having this useless conversation. My face must show my displeasure with this woman because Ro gently elbows me. I look at her and she gives me one of those beautiful smiles. It instantly changes my mood.

  “Congratulations. I’m sure your father is excited.”

  Ro pales a little. She hasn't told anyone about the ring. She still thinks this is all show.

  “Of course he is.” I kiss the top of Ro’s head. I’m really not sure how her father would react to the news. I don’t really care, but I do know he loves money and if he thinks he has a chance at getting his hands on mine, he’ll be more than happy. From the way Ro has been talking, it doesn't sound like he gives a shit about what she’s really up to. Only that she is following the guidelines of what a good daughter should be doing. Now that I think of it, I don’t even remember seeing the man at her graduation. I’ll have to do some digging. I need to know if I’ll be kicking her father to the curb or playing nice. Time will likely tell.

  “That's wonderful. While I’ve got you—” Mrs. Walker starts.

  “Leo was just going to take me to get a drink but I’ll fill him in about your Renstone idea.” Ro smiles sweetly at the woman. Mrs. Walker’s eyes go back to Ro, smiling. She thinks she has an in now with Ro. Maybe she does. If Ro wants me to do whatever this Renstone idea is, then sure. I don’t care. I’ll do it for her.

  I give Mrs. Walker a nod as I follow through with what Ro said I’m doing; getting my fiancée a drink. God, it feels good to say that. Even as we move through the event she holds true to why she is here. She easily cuts people off from talking business with me. She changes the subject and makes small talk. I enjoy keeping her close and listening to her. I even find myself laughing a few times. Oddly the night flies by and before I know it, we’ve had dinner and it’s time for me to go give a quick word up at the podium.

  I know everyone is looking when I lean down and brush my mouth against Ro’s before heading to the front of the room. There is no way I am passing up the opportunity to let everyone know she’s mine. Ro was made to be at my side and I am going to make sure she stays there.



  I watch as Leo makes his way to the front of the room. I’m still in shock with how much money was raised tonight. His grandma would be so proud of him. My eyes go to the ring that sits on my finger. I wonder what she’d think of me actually wearing it. I know in my heart she’d be happy. She and I shared a special relationship and I used to pretend she was my grandma too. I look back up when Leo starts to talk. Like always, he’s quick and to the point. Giving a sweet remembrance to his grandma and thanking everyone for coming. I’d be so proud to really be his

  Tonight has felt so natural. We really did balance each other out. While I want to be alone with him to have more of that kiss we shared, it is also nice being out with him like this. I’ve never been with anyone in this way before. It’s surreal to be out together, as if we’re a real couple.

  I’m starting to think we actually are. If that kiss was any indicator. There isn't a word for what that was. It’s impossible that all kisses feel that way. I want to ask Leo but I’m not sure I want to know his response. We also haven’t had a moment alone together since the kiss. I’ve been tucked into his side all night with someone always trying to talk to us. Leo even relaxed at one point and I knew he was having a good time. I could see it in his eyes. I know when he is giving his fake polite smiles and when they are genuine.

  “And Ro—” My attention snaps back to Leo as he says my name into the microphone. I’d gotten lost in my head for a moment. I give a bright smile. Everyone has turned to look at me. “We are both thankful for everyone’s congratulations on our engagement.”

  My cheeks heat. People have been whispering and asking about it all night. I’m sure Mrs. Walker spread it around. She is always one for gossip, but most are around here. This, though, is definitely making it public. It will be in the freaking newspaper tomorrow for sure. It’s probably already on all of the online gossip websites. One of the city’s most eligible bachelors is off the market.

  “It will be a short engagement so don’t be expecting invitations. I won’t be able to hold off calling her my wife to plan a big wedding,” he adds. People laugh and clap. My stomach flutters at that. That kiss was real. I know it in this moment. I also have a suspicion that Leo didn't care for me saying I’d go on to get married one day. “Thank you all,” he says again before leaving the podium.

  He makes his way right to me. His eyes never leave mine as his long strides clear the distance between us. His hand reaches out and I take it. He pulls me from my seat. “I showed my face and made my speech.”

  “You did.” I laugh in agreement.

  “We can go.” I’m not sure if it’s a question or not, but he doesn't wait for a response as he pulls me from the ballroom and out of the hotel. I’m not sure if he wants to get out of here so he doesn’t have to talk to anyone again or if it’s the need to be alone with me. I don’t hesitate to find out. I’m practically running in my heels so that we can get to our destination quicker.

  Before the door to the town car even closes, he’s all over me, his mouth coming down onto mine. I hold nothing back as he pulls me into his lap. This time I straddle him, my hands digging into his hair as our mouths make love.

  “Leo.” I say his name when I pull my mouth from his, trying to catch my breath. My whole body is on fire with a need I can’t control. I rock against him, needing friction. My nipples are so hard and tight they ache with need too. How would it feel for him to suck on them?

  “I know.” He digs his cock into me and I know he's having the same problem.

  “Where are we going?” I ask but seal my mouth to his before he can answer. We get lost in the kiss until I’m breathless all over again.

  “To the estate,” he answers when I pull back from his mouth again. He doesn't stop, though. His mouth goes to my neck as he kisses and sucks. My dress feels too tight now. There are too many clothes between us. I rock against him, making him groan. The sound goes straight to my clit. I love how badly he wants me.

  I don’t realize we’ve arrived until Leo is pulling me from the car. He lifts me from my feet. I wrap my legs around him, burying my face in his neck. I know his driver. Heck, I know practically everyone in his life. I wonder if they are all shocked or if they expected this. While there might have been whispers about us, before today no one had actually had a confirmation. I didn’t even have one before today.

  “They’ll get used to seeing us together,” Leo says, reading my mind. I nibble at his neck as he enters the estate. He stops for nothing. I even hear the butler call out to him but stop mid-sentence when he likely sees me wrapped around Leo.

  We enter his bedroom. Leo immediately brings me down onto the bed. I let go of him a little so I can look up at him as he hovers over me. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he tells me before kissing me again. My heart flutters with excitement as I let him have his way with me. His mouth leaves mine to travel down my neck and lower. I have no idea what I’m doing but I know Leo will guide me. He always does.

  The man has been at my side all of my life and now he is going to make me a woman. He pulls the dress from my body, leaving me in nothing but a pair of silk panties. I can feel the moisture that’s collected on them from how wet I’ve become. I’d be embarrassed but Leo has done this to my body. He stands at the side of the bed pulling at his own clothes. His eyes never leave my body as he traces every inch of me.

  And I know he’s going to fix the ache he’s caused inside of me. I only pray that he fixes the one that’s in my heart too. I know I should worry about that but I want him in this moment and I’ll deal with any consequences later.



  As long as I live I’ll never forget this moment. It takes everything I have in me to turn and walk away from her, remembering that I haven't locked the bedroom door. I don’t think anyone is dumb enough to try and come in here right now but I’m not chancing it. No one can ever see my Ro like this. This will forever belong to me and me alone.

  “Leo.” She half cries my name. When I turn around I see she’s sitting up. She sees that I’ve locked the door. Her eyes are filled with excitement as I make my way back to her. I’ve made a public claim on her tonight. It felt good to finally be able to let everyone know Ro is mine and she will always be mine. I wasn’t fucking around when I said the engagement would be short lived. I already have things working to make it happen. If I was a better man I’d wait to take her virginity but we’ve both waited long enough. She’ll also be taking mine tonight.

  “Take the panties off, Ro.” I want to snatch them from her body. They are hiding her sweet little pussy from me, but I want her to give herself over to me as badly as I want to take her. I watch her breath pick up. I’m only standing in front of her in my boxer briefs. I am a little worried to take them off and let her see all of me. I am a big man and I don’t want to scare her. I want her shaking with need and begging me to put myself inside of her. Still, my briefs don’t do much to hide my hard-on. There is even a small wet spot from when I’d come a little in the car ride here. She was straddling me, rubbing her body against mine while I got to taste her skin. There was no controlling myself at that point.

  She hooks her delicate fingers into the panties, pulling them down her slender legs and tossing them away. “Lean back and spread your legs,” I command.

  “You’re bossy,” she teases me, but does as she's told. I love how she’s not shy right now with her body. I can only think it’s because of how close we are. That what we had, started as a friendship and grew into more as we got older. There is a trust between us. One that I will forever handle with care.

  She parts her legs, showing me all of her. I fall to my knees like a starving man, gripping her hips and pulling her to the side of the bed. Her ass almost falls off as I feast on her. I can’t take it slow like I should. Savor her as I should. I’m starved and I devour her cunt. She really does taste like cotton candy everywhere. I lick and suck at her, enjoying the sounds of her calling my name out. The first orgasm she gives me is quick and helps sate some of my need, but I keep on eating her, needing more. I want her as wet as I can get her. To have the pleasure I’m giving her body coat her pussy and thighs. To know that I’m worthy of it before I push inside of her and take what’s she’s kept for only me.

  “Leo!” Her fingers that are buried in my hair give a pull. Her clit is so sensitive that her whole body jerks from the slight touch of my tongue now. I’ve lost count of how many times she’s come. “I want more.” She doesn't have to beg me.

nbsp; “Anything for you,” I remind her. I pull down my briefs as I move up her body, lifting her as I go to put her in the center of the bed. Her legs spread wide, making all the room I need.

  “You know I love you,” I say against her mouth. I’ve said those words to her before. A few times she’s said them to me in response. She’s always said them to her brother and long ago I got lumped in with the I love yous when she was doling them out. Then it was a natural thing for her to say to me. I always said it back instantly.

  This time it’s me that says it first. It’s not that I haven’t meant it the times I’ve said it before. I’ve always loved her in some way or another. But I want her to understand the weight of the words now. For her to understand that this isn't like any other I love you we’ve said before. This is our two souls finally coming together.

  “I love you too.” She smiles up at me. The head of my cock presses into her. She gives a small gasp.

  “You’ll love me as my wife,” I add. She wraps her legs around me.

  “Yes, as your wife,” she agrees with a small moan.

  “As my everything,” I finish as I push inside of her. She lets out a gasp. I press my mouth to hers, kissing her softly as I try and stay still inside her tightness. She returns the kiss, her fingers digging into my back. Her hips try and thrust up, but I have her pinned to the bed, her small body caged under mine.

  The thought makes cum leak from my cock inside of her. She is finally mine. I pull back a little and thrust back fully inside of her. The moan that comes from her mouth into mine lets me know she wants more and I give it to her. Thrusting in and out of her. Pleasure tingles in my spine as I fight not to come.

  “Oh, Leo.” She calls out my name again. “I love you.” She cries as her pussy clamps down around me. There is no holding back now. I come inside of her, groaning her name. I bury my face in her neck, breathing her in as I keep making small thrusts inside of her. I’ve come but I can’t stop. I’m not sure I ever will.


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