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Her Champion Bodyguard (Lockwood Industries Book 4)

Page 9

by Laura Ann

  Harlan’s face relaxed and he leaned back, studying his brother for a moment. “I know I don’t talk about my time as a prisoner of war.”

  Sawyer held his breath, wondering if his closed-off brother was actually going to open up. Harlan had never been the same since he’d returned to U.S. soil, but he refused to speak to anyone about it.

  “And truthfully, I’m not going to tell you about it now. But I will say that I would be the worst kind of person if I denied those I love their chance at happiness.” His blue eyes were flashing as he spoke. “Especially in a world where I’ve seen the very dregs of society.” He leaned forward. “If you’ve found your opportunity, don’t waste it.”


  “Mr. Lockwood called,” Kinsley’s father said as Kinsley came down to breakfast the next morning.

  Kinsley sucked in a breath, then cursed herself for her reaction. “Yeah?” she forced herself to say cooly. “He sending over someone new?”

  “Your bodyguard and fake boyfriend should be here within the hour,” her father continued. His back was to her as he flipped pancakes at the stove, so Kinsley wasn’t able to see the look on his face.

  Kinsley shrugged. “I’m sure Harlan will send the right man.”

  Her father hmphed, but otherwise didn’t respond.

  Anyone who doesn’t leave in the middle of a job is the right man, Kinsley thought to herself. Sometime during the night, she’d gone from broken by Sawyer’s betrayal to angry. She couldn’t believe that Sawyer would walk out on her...on them, after all they’d been through the last couple of weeks.

  He’d kissed her until she’d melted into a gooey puddle, and then he had the nerve to leave when she needed him most. How dare he, she thought angrily. How dare he barrel his way into my heart and then turn away as if it meant nothing. He’s nothing but a—”

  The doorbell rang, interrupting her angry, mental tirade.

  “You mind getting that?” her father asked as he continued to pile pancakes on a plate.

  “Sure.” Kinsley forced a peppy tone into her voice even though she felt anything but. Despite her frustrations and heartache, she didn’t want another bodyguard. She wanted the guy who sent her pulse through the roof. She wanted the brooding man who made her feel more alive than she ever had before. She wanted the bodyguard who had saved her life and stolen her heart. She wanted Sawyer.

  Doubly angry that she still had feelings for such a jerk, Kinsley stormed to the door and yanked it open, only to nearly fall on her backside when the very face she’d been dreaming about was standing on her doorstep.

  It’s probably one of his identical brothers, she reassured herself. No need to be in a panic. It’s not Sawyer. “Hi,” she said with a tight smile.

  The man on her doorstep frowned slightly. “Hi?” He phrased the greeting like a question, as if he was unsure of his welcome.

  Kinsley's laugh was awkward. “I’m afraid I don’t know which brother you are. I can’t tell you all apart.”

  Understanding lit the bodyguard’s eyes and a slow grin crept across his face. “And if I don’t want to tell you?”

  Kinsley’s brows furrowed. “Then I’d guess you were Ridge?” She tilted her head to the side, trying to find any type of identifying features. “Sawyer said he was the flirtatious one.”

  The triplet rolled his eyes and grumbled something under his breath.

  Kinsley studied the man even harder before gasping and backing away from the door. “S-sawyer?” she stammered. “What are you doing here?”

  To his credit, Sawyer immediately looked repentant. “How did you know it was me?”

  Kinsley bit her tongue. She had no intention of telling him that while they were kissing, she had discovered one of the curls just behind his left ear was wound so tight it was like spring. For whatever reason, it was far more curly than the rest of his hair, staying in a tight little ball unless a person tugged on it or ran their fingers through it. Of which Kinsley had done both. In fact, the more she thought of it, the more she wanted to do it again, but she clenched her fingers into fists instead. “I asked what you’re doing here,” she reiterated.

  “I came to apologize.”

  “Well, now you’ve done it. So goodbye.” Kinsley moved to close the door, but she wasn’t fast enough.

  Sawyer’s large hand and strong arm held the door wide open. “I don’t think so,” he said softly.

  “I don’t think you have any say in the matter,” Kinsley snipped. She was already a mess of emotions. She had definitely not woken up with the intention of speaking to the man who had sent her over the edge.

  “As your bodyguard and boy— fake boyfriend, I have plenty of say.”

  “You...” Kinsley let go of the door and stormed toward him, her finger poking him in the chest. “Are not my bodyguard, nor my fake boyfriend. You left. Left, Sawyer! You turned and walked away from me while I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL!” Kinsley’s chest was heaving and, unknown to her, tears had begun to pour down her cheeks. She knew she should probably stop yelling and go back in the house, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. Let the neighbors listen. Maybe they’ll learn something.

  Sawyer’s face was tired and resigned. “I know,” he said softly. “And it nearly broke me. That moment will forever be my greatest regret.”

  “I...” Kinsley’s breathing grew more and more erratic. She didn’t know how to keep yelling at him. How can he stand there and say he regrets it? He doesn’t get to regret it! I’m the one who was hurt. Instead of saying any of those things, Kinsley felt as if her words had been taken from her. She couldn’t speak, and she couldn’t breathe. Finally, she broke down into sobs. Covering her face with her hands, she let the rest of the tears come. All the feelings and stress of the last couple of days came pouring out of her in a decidedly undignified manner.

  “Ah, Kins,” Sawyer groaned. He wrapped his thick arms around her and tucked her into his chest.

  “You...walked a...way,” she gasped through her tears, hitting his chest once with her fist, but there was no real fire in the contact. The very next moment, she grasped his shirt with both hands and burrowed into his strength, praying it would help hold her together and not caring that she was drenching his clothes.

  “I know,” he said soothingly, rubbing a hand across her back in circles. “I know, and it was wrong. I-I was scared, Kins.” He rested his cheek against the side of her head in a tender embrace.

  Kinsley tucked her forehead into the crook of his neck and rested a hand against his heart. She could feel it pounding in his chest. The sensation helped calm her own. Letting go of his shirt, she wrapped her other arm around his chest and hugged him closer.

  “I was too close,” he continued in a hoarse whisper. “You are far too beautiful for your own good, and I was getting too close.” He sighed, and she felt a kiss to her temple before he continued. “Seeing you get hurt when I was right there terrified me in a way I have never felt, and trust me when I say I’ve been in situations where most men would curl up in a ball and cry.”

  SAWYER HAD NO IDEA why he was spilling all of this to the woman in his arms. He hadn’t planned to. Despite Harlan’s advice, Sawyer had planned to apologize and get back to work, keeping his focus on protection and nothing else. However, when he’d seen the heartache and heard the anguish in her voice, he’d known it wouldn’t work. It would never be able to be strictly business between them. They were already in too deep.

  She sniffled. “I’ll bet,” she answered quietly.

  Sawyer nodded and gave her a squeeze. He didn’t want to dwell on his time in the military, but he, needed her to understand. “When I realized that it was because of my failure that you were in there, I knew I had to leave. You’re too precious and valuable to lose, and although it took every ounce of self-discipline I had, I needed to back out and let someone who was more clear-headed keep you safe.”

  She shifted in his arms and looked up at him, her mouth open and ready to speak, b
ut Sawyer put a finger to her lips.

  “Hear me out, please,” he whispered.

  Kinsley closed her mouth and nodded.

  “I’ve never been one to commit to a woman, Kins,” he said while still looking her in the eye. “My brothers call me the playboy.” He shrugged. “I wasn’t trying to toy with anyone, but I definitely found no reason to keep any relationship long term.” His eyes roamed her face. Even flushed from crying, she was stunning. “When I was first assigned your case, I wasn’t exactly...thrilled,” he admitted.

  Kinsley snorted.

  A crooked smile pulled at his lips. “I was sure you were going to be a rich, spoiled princess, but you’ve done nothing but prove me wrong during our time together. You’re kind, you stand up for what you believe is right, and you fight for the underdog like a champ.”

  Kinsley closed her eyes and shook her head. A small smile played on her lips.

  “And it got under my skin. I’ve always been a protector, but now I was encountering a different type of foe. I’ve never had to protect my heart before.” He took a breath for courage when Kinsley stirred in his arms again. He had reached the breaking point. He was laying everything on the line and she would have the opportunity to reciprocate or reject. “And when you were hurt and I realized how much was out of my control, it scared me off.”

  Her dark eyes were wounded, but she held his gaze. “So now what do we do?”

  Sawyer wanted to crumple in relief at her words. A part of him had expected her to slap him and walk away, but true to form, she was defying every stereotype he could come up with. Slowly, he brought his forehead to hers. “Well, ideally you forgive me and we go back to where we were.”

  “Back to where we were? Meaning fake boyfriend and girlfriend?” She had gone stiff in his arms, and Sawyer knew it wasn’t going to be enough.

  “That part is definitely negotiable,” he said thickly. His eyes had drifted to her lips and he was finding it more and more difficult to stay on topic when all he wanted to do was kiss and make-up. “But the bodyguard part is not.”

  “And what about your worry that you’re too close? If we renegotiate the relationship, how will that make you feel?” Her fingers were toying with the collar on his T-shirt and driving him absolutely crazy.

  “I...” He closed his eyes and sighed. “I can’t think when you’re touching me like that.”

  “Good,” she breathed before tilting up her chin and pressing her lips to his.

  This woman is going to be the death of me. Sawyer pulled her in tight and proceeded to take over the kiss. Kinsley might have initiated it, but he wasn’t about to let her end it. Over and over, he used his mouth to show her how he felt. He was far from ready to confess his love, but there was no point in denying there was something decidedly tangible between them. Any person walking on the street would be able to see it, and Sawyer was tired of denying it. The hard part came in knowing how to handle everything going forward. How can I have all this, but keep her safe at the same time? Someone is out to hurt her, and it’s my job to stop it.

  A throat cleared in the doorway and Sawyer immediately pulled back. “Good morning, Mr. Storm,” he said with a sheepish shrug. It wasn’t like he could deny what they’d been doing.

  Kinsley was biting her lip to keep from laughing and Sawyer almost squeezed her side in retaliation. Nice. Staying quiet and letting me take the heat.

  Mr. Storm was standing with his arms folded and an eyebrow raised high. “Are you two about done? The cool breeze from the open doorway was refreshing, but now the pancakes are cold and I’m pretty sure the neighbors have seen more than enough.”

  Heat shot straight up Sawyer’s neck and into his cheeks. Unlike the beautiful girl in his arms, his skin was light enough to show it all off and he knew he was an unflattering shade of red at the moment. Idiot. Kissing her out in the open where anyone could see. You used to actually be good with women.

  “Just reestablishing our boyfriend, girlfriend status, Dad,” Kinsley said with a grin. She stepped away from Sawyer and kissed her dad’s cheek. “Rumors will fly and it’ll only make it all look more real.” She flounced inside, leaving Sawyer alone with her father.

  Sawyer ducked his head and shoved his hands inside his front pockets. “I want to apologize, sir. It was wrong of me—”

  Mr. Storm held up a hand for silence. When Sawyer complied, the older man put it down and spoke. “Have you apologized to her?”

  Sawyer nodded.

  “Are you going to actually protect her this time?”

  Sawyer nodded again, this time more firmly.

  “Do you have any plans to walk away and break her heart again?”

  “No, sir,” Sawyer growled, knowing a shake of the head was not enough.

  Mr. Storm narrowed his gaze and studied the bodyguard. “I’ve made enough mistakes in my life to know we all need second chances, but not only is my daughter’s heart on the line, so is her life. Harlan told me why he sent you back, and I’m glad he was able to talk some sense into you. I agree with him. No one will take Kinsley’s life more seriously than the man who’s in love with her. But I make no promise that there will be a third chance, so I suggest you make the most of this one.”

  Sawyer gave a curt nod, not bothering to deny his feelings for Mr. Storm’s daughter. He wasn’t proud of his earlier behavior, but he was ready to move past it. He’d learned his lesson and had no intention of screwing it up this time. “I understand.”

  Mr. Storm nodded and let Sawyer into the house. “We were just going to eat. Come join us and we’ll discuss the incident at the show.”


  Kinsley pulled the orange juice from the fridge and set it on the table, then took the chair next to Sawyer. Although they never finished their discussion of where their relationship stood, she wasn’t about to be very far away from him.

  In a far shorter time than she would have imagined, all the broken pieces were put back together. One part of her worried she was moving too fast, but the other part, the part that felt like it needed Sawyer in order to breathe properly, was not about to listen to her logical voice. Love isn’t logical, she thought to herself. And even though he didn’t confess his love and I’m not ready to confess mine, he did admit that there’s something between us,, and I think anyone passing by knows it, too. She almost giggled at the thought of anyone seeing them kiss, but Kinsley wisely held it back. This is not the time to act like a loopy teenage girl. We have serious things to discuss.

  “I want to hear exactly what happened at the barn from your point of view,” her father said as he poured syrup onto his stack of flapjacks. His eyes darted over to Sawyer, then back down to his food.

  “There was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary,” Sawyer said after he’d swallowed. “I even ran back to check on things while Kins got ready to ride out.” He scratched at his chin. “I ran into Tyrone and spoke to him for a moment, but I didn’t see anything in his behavior that would implicate his participation.”

  Kinsley shook her head. “I told you Tyrone is harmless.”

  “No one is harmless,” Sawyer muttered before filling his mouth with food.

  “That’s a pretty cynical point of view,” Kinsley said with a frown. What is it he’s seen that would lead him to such a pessimistic lifestyle?

  Sawyer shrugged but didn’t answer verbally.

  “I would imagine you’ve seen some pretty difficult things in your lifetime,” Kinsley’s father said.

  Sawyer nodded, his mouth still full.

  “Do you still feel like this is an inside job?” her dad asked.

  Sawyer nodded again, wiping his mouth on a napkin. “More than ever. That place is always buzzing with people. Someone would have seen something if there was an unauthorized individual poking around. I think there are far too many eyes around for a stranger to consistently get into Kinsley’s thing.”

  “So who do you feel are your top suspects?” Garrett sat back in his seat, his
eyes shrewd as he watched Sawyer.

  Kinsley felt like she was watching a ping pong match, her eyes darting back and forth between her father and her...well, she didn’t really know what he was at this point, but he was still her bodyguard. Probably best to just keep thinking of him that way until our other matters are settled.

  “The same three I had from the beginning,” Sawyer hedged. His eyes darted to hers, and she knew she wouldn’t like who was on the list.

  “Just say it,” she said with a sigh. “I won’t snap your head off.”

  Sawyer raised his eyebrows and his mouth moved into a crooked grin. The effect was so adorable that Kinsley wanted to jump into his lap for another heart-stopping kiss, but the presence of her father kept her from being so bold. “Mary Ann is one.”

  Garrett nodded. “She would have a lot to gain if Kinsley was out of the running.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” Sawyer agreed. He looked at Kinsley again. “Coach Ritton is another.”

  Kinsley’s jaw went slack. “What? Why? Why in the world would a coach sabotage his own student?”

  Garrett folded his arms and tilted his head. “I agree. It doesn’t make sense.” He shook his head. “I don’t see what Ritton would have to gain.”

  Sawyer shrugged. “I agree. I don’t see either, but we know he had the time and the access, and right now I’m keeping that in mind.”

  Garrett pursed his lips and nodded. “Okay. Anyone else?”

  “Just Tyrone,” Sawyer admitted.

  Kinsley rolled her eyes. “Again, we have no motive. What would Tyrone gain if I was out of commission?”

  “And I still say that his crush on you might be enough,” Sawyer argued. “Grown men who allow people like Ritton to beat them down all the time often have repressed emotions and feelings. Tyrone’s possessive feelings for you might be just the thing to give him an outlet.”


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