Her Champion Bodyguard (Lockwood Industries Book 4)

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Her Champion Bodyguard (Lockwood Industries Book 4) Page 15

by Laura Ann

  Kinsley blew out a breath and collapsed against Sawyer’s shoulder. “Thank heavens.” Tears pricked her eyes as the emotions of the last thirty minutes came slamming back in with full force. “I can’t believe it was him,” she whispered thickly. “I can’t believe Tyrone would do all those things.” She swallowed hard. “And I can’t believe Coach was at the root of it all.”

  Sawyer wrapped her tight in his arms. “He’s not well, Kins. It’s obvious either the revenge or maybe something else has messed with his mind.” He rested his cheek against her head. “I’m just sorry you were caught in the middle of it all.”

  Kinsley shook her head and wiped her tears. “I’m grateful he was caught. If he’d picked another victim, they might not have had the ability to hire someone like you.”

  “We do tend to get our bad guy,” Ridge said with a smirk. Leaning in slightly, he whispered, “And we look good doing it, too, except for ol’ Sawyer here.” Ridge laughed as he danced away from Sawyer’s fist.

  “Considering you look just like me, you just insulted yourself,” Sawyer shot back.

  Ridge shrugged. “I’ve already got my lady, so...”

  Kinsley shook her head and leaned into Sawyer’s shoulder again. She laughed lightly when Amadeus pushed against her other side. Letting go of Sawyer, she stepped back and wrapped her arms back around her horse. “Good job, boy. You knew he was up to no good, didn’t you?”

  Without warning the barn door burst open and quickly filled with chaos as police and paramedics entered the space.

  AS THE MESS WOUND DOWN, Sawyer looked to see how Kinsley was holding up. Her shoulder was pressed against Amadeus’ side, and her head leaning on his back. Her eyes were half-closed, and it looked like she would collapse at any moment. “Excuse me,” Sawyer said to the officer standing in front of him. Stepping around the crew of emergency workers, he made his way into the stall. “Hey, beautiful,” he said softly. “You look worn out.”

  Kinsley smiled wearily. “How come half the things you say to me are about how I look terrible?”

  Sawyer shook his head. “Don’t be putting words in my mouth. I said no such thing.”

  “Well, it means that in girl speak.”

  “I don’t know girl speak, so you’ll have to interpret it in guy speak,” Sawyer shot back. He leaned in and nuzzled her cheek. Now that the danger was over, he was done with holding back.

  “Maybe I don’t know guy speak.” She sighed.

  “Stick with me, baby, and I’ll teach you everything you need to know,” Sawyer whispered in her ear with a grin.

  Kinsley laughed and pushed at his chest halfheartedly. When he didn’t move, she just left her hands there and became solemn. “Is it really over? Is Tyrone going to jail?”

  Sawyer sighed and pushed a hand through his hair. “Yeah. But we still need to talk to Ritton. That’s not gonna be pleasant.”

  She patted his chest. “Good luck with that.”

  Sawyer raised his eyebrows. “Oh, so you’re leaving the hard work up to me? I see how this relationship is going to go.”

  Kinsley smiled. “You’re getting paid for this. I’m just an innocent bystander.”

  Sawyer put his hands on Amadeus, caging her in. “Maybe I don’t care about being paid.”

  Her dark eyes darted back and forth between his, the yearning in them speaking far louder than words ever could. “What do you care about?” she whispered.

  “You.” Sawyer leaned forward to meet her, but just as they were about to connect, a loud, bellowing voice echoed through the barn.

  “What’s going on here?” Ritton’s growl was easily distinguishable above every other voice.

  Sawyer sighed and straightened back up. “Wish me luck,” he said as he moved to the stall door.

  Kinsley slipped her fingers into his. “You don’t need it. You’re amazing.” She smiled and followed him into the walkway, heading toward the shouting coach.

  “Lockwood!” Ritton shouted at Ridge. “What happened?”

  Ridge looked at the coach, and then at Sawyer. “Who’s he?” Ridge asked.

  Ritton looked to see who Ridge was speaking to and did a double take. “What the—” His mouth pinched into a small, white line. “Are you telling me there are two of you now? How the heck did that happen?”

  “Actually, there are three of us.” All heads turned to Harlan, who had just entered the barn. He raised a cool eyebrow at Ritton. “Coach Ritton, I presume?”

  Ritton’s head nearly spun off his shoulders as he looked from one brother to the other. Finally, he flung his arms in the air. “Would somebody tell me what the he—”

  “Uh-uh!” Ridge shouted, covering the curse. He grinned when Ritton quieted down. “There are ladies present.”

  The coach’s face was turning an alarming shade of red, forcing Sawyer to take hold of the situation. “Coach.” Ritton turned to Sawyer. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  “You Sawyer?” Ritton snapped. His eyes went to Sawyer and Kinsley’s entwined fingers.

  Sawyer nodded. “This is my brother, Ridge.” Sawyer tipped his head. “And the one by the door is Harlan.”

  Ritton rubbed his hands down his face. “Never seen anything like it,” he grumbled.

  Sawyer squeezed Kinsley’s hand as she snickered quietly. “Come on, Coach. Let’s go somewhere more private.”

  Sawyer led the way to the office, Harlan and Ridge following behind. Once they were inside the quiet room, Sawyer took the lead. “Tyrone was behind the attacks,” he said softly.

  Coach jerked back. “That weasel? Are you sure?”

  Sawyer sighed and he felt a heavy weight push down on his shoulders. When Kinsley rubbed his back, he sent her a grateful smile. This is going to be harder than I thought. “We caught him in the act of messing with Amadeus’ shoe.”

  Ritton cursed again and put his hands on his hips. “But why? Anyone who knew him knew that Tyrone liked Kinsley. Why hurt her?”

  “He was trying to get to you,” Sawyer said quickly.

  Ritton frowned deeply. “Me? Why would he want to get to me?”

  Sawyer ignored Rigde’s mutterings about idiots and pushed on. The next words felt like acid on his tongue, but he knew things would never be settled until everything was out. “Because he’s your son.”

  The room went deathly still, and for a moment, Sawyer was afraid that Ritton would pass out. The coach’s face had gone deathly pale, and he swayed a little on his feet. Before Sawyer could react, Kinsley jumped in and helped the older man sit down.

  “My son?” Ritton croaked. “How can that be?” He shook his head. “Wait...don’t answer that.”

  Sawyer held out his hand, inviting Kinsley back by his side. He wasn’t ready to have her so far away, even for a few minutes.

  Ritton groaned and leaned forward, his hands on his knees. “It all makes sense now, how she wanted me to hire him. How she kept insisting he would be useful around the barn.” He shook his head and looked up at his audience. For the first time since Sawyer knew him, Ritton looked broken and his eyes were filled with tears. “I didn’t know,” he rasped. “I didn’t know.”

  “But Tyrone did,” Sawyer said softly. “And he wanted to ruin your life the way he felt you ruined his.”

  In a shocking move, Ritton’s breathing quickened and soon he was sobbing into his hands.

  “Come on,” Kinsley said, nodding toward the door. “Let’s give him a minute.”

  All three brothers and Kinsley filed back into the hallway.

  “Why don’t we plan on meeting tomorrow at one,” Harlan said as they stopped. “You two can catch me up on everything, and we’ll tie up any loose ends at that point.”

  Sawyer nodded and wrapped an arm around Kinsley’s shoulders. He suddenly felt heavy. His adrenaline was draining, and he wanted nothing more than to go home and lie down for a week. Having to tell Ritton about his son was the hardest part of all, and Sawyer felt as emotionally drained as he was physically.

  “Can you take me home?” Kinsley asked, drawing his attention back to the present. “I don’t have a car.”

  Sawyer kissed her temple. “You sure you don’t want to just come home with me?”

  Kinsley elbowed him, but her smile let him know she was enjoying his flirting. “You haven’t earned that right.”

  “Things to look forward to, I guess,” he muttered as they walked out of the barn.


  Kinsley’s smile was a mile wide as she sat on Amadeus’ back and waved to the crowd. We did it. We actually did it. Her victory at nationals felt sweeter than ever after overcoming all the trials during the season.

  Her eyes caught on a particular blond head in the audience and she felt her smile turn impossibly wider. Sawyer put his fingers in his mouth and whistled loud enough to wake the dead, causing some of the people closest to him to wince and cover their ears. Kinsley shook her head, her love for her ex-bodyguard soaring through her.

  Once her time in the limelight was over, she walked Addy to the edge of the arena, then slid off. She immediately wrapped her arms around him. “You are amazing,” she cooed in his ear. “Thank you so much for your hard work.”

  Amadeus snorted and turned to butt his head against her.

  Kinsley laughed and grabbed his halter, leading him down the walkway. Her blouse felt drenched, and she wanted nothing more than to take off the stiff uniform she was forced to wear and relax in order to celebrate her win.

  Cameras and journalists slowed her progress, but Kinsley tried very hard to be patient with them and answer all their questions while she slowly worked her way back to the barn area.

  Once her interviews were over, she breathed a sigh of relief and picked up her pace. When she turned the corner to head toward the stalls, she stopped. Sawyer was standing at her spot, with the gate open, waiting for her to arrive.

  He smiled wide and beckoned her on, giving Kinsley the energy she needed to finish walking down the path.

  “Have I told you lately how awesome you are?” he asked as she stepped up for a quick kiss.

  “Mmm...Not lately,” Kinsley said with a smirk. She walked into the stall and brought Amadeus inside.

  Once everyone was in, Sawyer came around as well and closed all three of them inside. “Well, you are,” he said softly.

  “It feels so good,” Kinsley said through her smile. “We’ve worked so hard for this.”

  Sawyer nodded.

  Kinsley took off her helmet and jacket, then began to unload the gear off Addy’s back. “Didn’t we, boy?” she asked as she set the saddle down. “You’re the best horse in the whole world.”

  Sawyer snorted. “We’re actually together now and I’m still jealous of a horse.”

  Kinsley laughed lightly, then turned to the blond hunk and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Don’t worry,” she whispered. “You’re the best boyfriend in the whole world.”

  Sawyer smirked and gave her a hard, but short kiss. “There’s only one thing I’d like better than that,” Sawyer whispered against her cheek.

  Kinsley frowned. “What? You don’t want to be the best boyfriend?”

  Sawyer pulled back and slowly shook his head. “Not when I’d rather be the best husband in the world.”

  Kinsley gasped and her knees buckled, causing Sawyer to wrap his arms tighter around her. “Are you serious?” she breathed.

  “More serious than I’ve ever been,” Sawyer said. Slowly, he released her, making sure she was steady before he reached in his pocket and dropped to one knee. “Kinsley Storm, you are without a doubt the most intriguing, maddening, amazing woman I have ever met.”

  He raised an eyebrow when she attempted to speak, so Kinsley snapped her mouth shut. Warmth was spreading through her body, along with excitement, and she was having a hard time standing still. She bounced on her toes a little as he continued.

  “Although it might have taken me a long time to be willing to acknowledge my feelings, I can guarantee you that no one in this world will ever love you the way I do. I’ll love you, hold you, protect you, and take care of you like you’re the most precious jewel on earth.” He swallowed hard, and tears began to form in Kinsley’s eyes. “Because that’s exactly what you are. And if you’ll agree to take me on as your husband, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you never regret it.”

  Kinsley wanted to throw her arms around him and kiss Sawyer until he couldn’t see straight, but a tiny imp of mischief ran through her mind, and after everything he’d put her through, she decided to tease him a bit. She put her hands on her hips and looked over at Addy. “Whatta ya think, Addy? Do we want this lug around forever?”

  Sawyer rolled his eyes as if he knew exactly what she was doing, but Kinsley waited out Amadeus’ answer.

  When the horse snorted and began to nibble at Sawyer’s head, she couldn’t help but laugh. “I guess that means yes.” She giggled, holding out her hand for the ring.

  Sawyer scowled and pushed the horse away before standing and slipping the solitaire onto Kinsley’s finger. “We need to curb him of that, or I’m going to be bald before my time.”

  Kinsley admired the shiny diamond, then wrapped her arms around his neck and ran one hand through his hair. “And that would be a shame because I adore your curls.” She grinned. “Especially this one.” She tugged on the extra tight one behind his ear.

  “Enough to keep playing with it forever?” he asked, leaning in close.

  “Enough to want my children to have it,” she whispered back right before their lips met.

  In true Sawyer fashion, the kiss quickly went from sweet to fierce, and Kinsley allowed herself to melt into the usual puddle. I’ve been after this championship for years, she mused internally. Who’d have thought that a brooding bodyguard would turn out to be my real win?

  Swoon! Can you imagine having

  someone like Sawyer on your side?

  There’s just something about that

  alpha male protectiveness...

  Am I right?

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  Laura Ann’s Reader Family

  “Her Loyal Bodyguard”


  “I’m a grown woman, dad,” Edwina, or Edi as she preferred to be called, said in exasperation. She stopped stuffing her clothes into her suitcase and put her hands on her hips. “I realize you have this whole...” she waved her arms through the air, “idea of the perfect family facade for your public persona, but you’re going to have to do it without me.”

  She turned back to her work and once again began packing. The plane she wanted to leave on was heading out to Argentina tomorrow and Edi wasn’t even close to being ready. She’d only been home from teaching English in China for about ten days, but it was proving to be ten days too long.

  “You just got home,” Robert, her father, complained. “Can’t you spend a few more days with us before you go throwing yourself into danger again?”

  Edi scoffed. “Why? So you can make sure we get our picture taken for the newspaper? So you can brag about my work and use it to further your vote count?” She snorted and shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

  A warm hand landed on her shoulder and Edi jumped a little, then turned to face her father. She hadn’t gotten along with him for many years, but she had to admit some of that was her fault. Her father was a politician through and through and though his campaigns might be at more local le
vels, his mind never left the race.

  During her teenage years, Edi’s life had fallen apart when her mother had left them and it wasn’t until all the problems her parents had been having came to light that Edi realized her whole life was a lie. Her father was just as good at hiding his life from his family as he was at hiding it from the public and Edi wanted nothing to do with it.

  Edi couldn’t blame her mother for leaving, but when Cecilia Ross died while drunk at the wheel, Edi found she couldn’t quite forgive her either.

  As soon as she was old enough, Edi had started traveling and had never looked back. Driven by a need to help those who had nothing, Edi spent her time living in tents, hostels and other less than ideal situations in order to accomplish her work. There was something inside of her that was empty and yearning. Service was the only way she could think of to fill that void.

  She knew her kind of lifestyle could be dangerous for a single, young woman, but she’d learned how to be careful and take care of herself. And she wasn’t about to let her father’s next campaign stop her from leaving on tomorrow’s plane.

  “No photos,” Robert said, putting his hands in the air. “I just...” his shoulders dropped. “I just want to spend time with you,” he said softly. “You left the house for the first time almost ten years ago and have rarely been back since.” He pushed a hand through his still thick, wavy hair. “Your mother—”

  “She’s not my mother,” Edi interrupted.

  Robert sighed and nodded. “Your stepmother would like a chance to get to know you. And your brothers barely recognize you.”

  “They’re four, that’s to be expected,” Edi shot back. Even as she put on a tough face, her heart pinched. Edi’s mom had jumped into a quick marriage with her yoga instructor before she’d died. Robert, however, had taken a little longer, but true to the stereotype, had married one of his young political aides and a year later had become a father again to twin boys.


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