Her Champion Bodyguard (Lockwood Industries Book 4)

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Her Champion Bodyguard (Lockwood Industries Book 4) Page 16

by Laura Ann

  By the time Matthew and Judah had arrived, Edi had already been out of the house, but she’d seen pictures of the two rascals. They were as darling as they came and the yearning inside of her grew overwhelming as she saw the family she so desperately craved. But then reality would slap her in the face and Edi would realize it wasn’t true.

  The happy, wonderful family that Bob Ross and his young wife, Stephanie, portrayed was nothing more than a public facade. If life had taught Edi anything, it had taught her that. Behind every smile there were secrets and sometimes those secrets were enough to break a person.

  Bob sighed and slumped into a chair in her bedroom. “Look, honey, I know we hurt you when everything...fell apart all those years ago,” he began, but Edi put up her hand.

  “I don’t need to hear it,” Edi said firmly. “I’m grown up enough to realize how life works. What’s done is done.” She finished shoving her favorite sweatshirt into her bag and zipped it shut. “I’m grateful that you help me financially with these trips, dad,” Edi said softly, her chest aching from the hole that had been left there nearly a decade ago. “But I don’t want to get all chummy with your new family. And I have absolutely no desire to find out what skeletons you’re hiding in your closet now.” She shook her head. “You do what you want with your life and I’ll do what I want with mine.” She forced a smile. “This way we’re both happy.”

  “But you’re not,” Robert said softly.

  Edi stiffened, her smile frozen in place. “What?”

  “You’re not happy,” her father pointed out. “You’re running away from your problems and it’s draining you.”

  Edi scoffed. “You have no idea how I feel, dad.”

  Bob closed his eyes for a moment, before looking back at his daughter. “Will you at least take what’s his name,” her dad tapped his lips. “Caden? Will you at least take Caden with you so I’m not so worried about your safety?”

  Edi held back her eye roll. “Caden and I went our separate ways nearly six months ago, dad.”


  “Edi,” she nearly growled. She hated her name and always made sure people called her by her nickname.

  Bob nodded. “Fine. Edi. Isn’t there anyone you can take with you? A single beautiful woman in South America is going to be a target.”

  “I’ll be fine, dad,” she said, brushing off his concern. “I’m sure there’ll be security at the facility.”

  “But they won’t be watching you individually,” Bob said. “What about when you leave the facility property?”

  “Then I’ll take my pepper spray.”

  “I’d feel better if—”

  “Dad. Please.” Edi stopped moving and looked her father in the eye. “I’ll be fine. You worry about getting re-elected and I’ll take care of myself.”

  Her dad sighed. “No way I can change your mind?”

  “Not a chance,” Edi said firmly.

  “THANKS FOR MEETING with me on such short notice,” Mr. Ross said as he held out his hand to Harlan Lockwood. “I realize this was very last minute, but Quentin Gruffman said you’d be able to help me.”

  Harlan shook the man’s hand and nodded toward a chair. “We’re happy to work with you Mr. Ross. Please have a seat and you can tell us what’s going on.”

  Archer watched the man unbutton his suit coat before sitting down. Their new client was as polished as they came and that always made Archer slightly nervous, but it wasn’t his job to judge a person, simply protect them.

  As an employee of Lockwood Industries, Archer played the role of protector often. Not too many years ago, he’d been part of the military, but when his good friend and comrade, Harlan Lockwood had been captured by enemy forces, then eventually released from both prison and the military, Archer had waited out his contract, then left to join his military brother in show of support for all that Harlan had gone through.

  And Archer hadn’t been the only one. Harlan’s two brothers, Sawyer and Ridge, who together with Harlan made up the Lockwood triplets, had also left their career path, along with Valentina Lopez and Roman Lanley. The familial connection they’d formed during their time together in the service had carried them beyond their contracts and into real life.

  A few months after they had all left the armed forces and joined Harlan, Lockwood Industries had been born. It had been the perfect project. Allowing each of them the opportunity to use the skills they’d developed during their years of service, while helping Harlan get back on his feet mentally.

  Archer didn’t know the full story of Harlan’s time as a prisoner, but he knew it had changed his friend. Harlan no longer smiled and the dark bags under his eyes testified to his lack of sleep as well. He seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, but Archer was at a loss as to how to help. He just kept hoping and praying that being involved in a project and being surrounded by those who cared for Harlan the most would be enough to help his friend out of his funk.

  Mr. Ross sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t know if you know anything about my family, Mr. Lockwood, but I’ve been very involved in the political arena for many years.”

  Harlan nodded. “I think most of us,” he glanced at Archer and the other employees in the room, who all nodded, “have heard of you Mr. Ross.”

  Mr. Ross nodded. “Then I suppose you’ve also heard of my daughter Edwina?”

  Archer frowned. He’d never heard of a daughter. He thought Mr. Ross had two sons.

  Harlan nodded. “From your first marriage, right?”

  Mr. Ross nodded. “Yes. She’s in her late twenties now, and likes to spend her time on humanitarian aid missions.”

  Harlan nodded his understanding.

  “Edwina and I...” Mr. Ross cleared his throat. “We don’t always get along very well, not since the divorce. But despite what she thinks, I love her and want her to be safe.” He sighed. “This time she’s headed down to Argentina and I just don’t trust that a single, beautiful woman like her will be safe down there.”

  Harlan nodded. “Understandably.”

  “I’d like to send one of your men,” Mr. Ross glanced at Valentina, “Or women, with her. But there’s a catch.”

  Archer narrowed his gaze, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “She can’t know you’re there to protect her.”

  Archer’s eyebrows shot up high. “Why not?” he asked before he could think better of it.

  Mr. Ross turned toward Archer. “Because she’s stubborn enough to believe she’ll be fine. She doesn’t like to take anything from me, but I can’t say that I blame her for that.” He shook his head, looking tired. “When she was in her teens, our household fell apart and the veil was torn from her eyes.” He gave a sad smile. “She’s never really recovered or trusted anyone ever again. She graduated from high school and took off, refusing to ever speak of it. It doesn’t help that her mother was killed in a drunk driving accident not too long after our break up. Edwina holds everyone at a distance. She doesn’t trust easily.”

  “I still don’t understand why she’d be so opposed to protection,” Archer said, leaning forward. He rested his clasped hands on the table. “Doesn’t she know the danger of the area she’s going to?”

  Mr. Ross shrugged. “Probably, but she thinks she can take a can of pepper spray and be fine.” He looked back to Harlan. “Truth is, I think it had more to do with me than anything. I’ve changed since she left. My new wife has helped me settle down and build a real family, but Edwina has only ever known the politically driven me. She doesn’t trust that my suggestions are because of love. She thinks I just want to look good to the public.”

  Archer held in an eye roll. Heaven save us from stubborn women, he thought bitterly. He had a sister who was the exact same way. She often did things just because she knew Archer wouldn’t like it. It drove him crazy no matter how much he loved her.

  “It sounds to me like your idea of being undercover might be the best option,” Harlan
stepped back into his lead roll. “If we sent a man down to the same project, he could keep an eye on her without letting her know why he was really there.”

  Mr. Ross nodded. “That’s what I’m hoping for. She doesn’t ever have to know.”

  Archer frowned. “I’m not sure that’s the best idea. Generally these types of things have a way of coming out.”

  Sawyer slapped his shoulder. “I agree with Archer. If one of us shows up down there, why can’t we just tell her? It will probably make the whole thing easier.”

  Mr. Ross shook his head. “Not this time. I know my daughter and she will not be happy.” He huffed. “It wouldn’t surprise me if she left in the middle of the night just to escape a situation like that.”

  Archer shook his head. He didn’t like it, but there was little he could do. The client usually got their way unless their suggestions created a real danger to whoever was assigned the case. Not telling her isn’t dangerous, it’s just dumb.

  Harlan spoked up. “I understand your concern and since you know your daughter best, we’ll follow your advice.” His blue eyes turned to Archer. “I think this might be an assignment best suited to you, Archer.”

  Archer’s eyebrows shot up. “Me?” He wasn’t thrilled with the idea of chasing after a ridiculous woman who refused to see reason.

  “You blend in better with a crowd for one thing,” Harlan said with a nod. “Sending Roman or one of us would probably tip her off immediately.”

  Archer scowled and folded his arms over his chest. He wasn’t short by any means, coming in at six-foot-one, but other than Valentina, that made him the smallest of the men. Not to mention he was more lean muscle, than bulk like the triplets and Roman. The others were built like linebackers, where Archer was more like a wide receiver..

  Ridge coughed to cover his snicker and Archer shot him a look.

  Harlan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “That wasn’t an insult, Arch. But between your size and your marksmanship, you’re probably best qualified anyway.” He sighed. “Down in a place like Argentina, you’re going to want to carry a concealed weapon at all times.”

  Archer relaxed his stiff back. He knew Harlan was right, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. He nodded. “Whatever you say, boss.”

  Harlan nodded his thanks and turned back to Mr. Ross. “I have a few more questions for you and then we’ll get Archer off as quickly as possible.”

  Mr. Ross gave a curt nod. “I appreciate it. Thank you.”

  Archer settled into his seat, mentally going over the things he would need to pack while Harlan asked questions. As Harlan excused the other men who weren’t going to be involved, Ridge slipped up and whispered in Archer’s ear.

  “Better watch it,” Ridge teased. “This sounds like the perfect recipe for loooove.”

  Archer swatted at him, sending Ridge out the door chuckling. Just because everyone else is falling for their assignments doesn’t mean I will, Archer lamented. Having a woman would be fine, but I’ve never been one to go after the stubborn ones.





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