Rogue Prince

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Rogue Prince Page 8

by Cameron Drake

  I was going to try and get her home.

  I knocked on Caleb’s door before seeking my own room.


  Caleb’s chamber was luxurious to an extreme. Red velvet curtains, a plush Persian rug in gold, black, and red, dark wood paneling, and of course, a massive four-poster bed hung with blood-red silk brocade.

  To me, all the red was a bit too on the nose for a house full of Vampires.

  The ornately carved stone fireplace crackled merrily. Though how a Vamp could sleep with fire so close at hand, I did not understand. It was one of the few ways to kill a Vampire, after all. There weren’t many. It was pretty funny how the movies actually got that right. Stake to the heart, though material didn’t matter. Decapitation. Fire. Sun, although that would take days. Even starving a Vamp would take years to end them through desiccation, and that wasn’t definite. I shuddered at the thought.

  “I have to go out for a few hours.”

  “The girl,” he said. It wasn’t a question.

  “You know how I feel about this sort of thing.”

  “We cannot discus this here. You know that. You already know what I think anyway.”

  I winked.

  “I’ll be back by the time you wake up.”

  “Sasha…” he warned, but I wasn’t changing my mind. I whistled as I left his room with a cheeky wave. Something about danger put me in a good mood lately. I wasn’t so sure what that meant about my personality.

  That I was brave, maybe.

  That my personality was flawed, definitely.

  I sauntered down the hallway to my suite, which was even more impressive than Caleb’s. The sitting room was decorated with dark emerald-green velvet, gold brocade chairs, and a Persian rug in green, gold and gray. Beyond that, my bedroom was furnished in similar colors. Huge windows opened toward the sea.

  The suite was fit for a king. Or a princess, in this case. I had been sure not to say anything or act too awestruck about the level of luxury. The Cotswolds didn’t have to know I was more familiar with cheap motel rooms and rental houses that smelled faintly of spoiled milk.

  I paused in the doorway.

  A girl lay utterly still and silent on my bed. Camilla might have been a Vamp in that moment, she was so still. She could not have looked more out of place in this setting, with her white trainers and ripped jeans.

  Glamouring, better than a sleeping pill. Or twelve.

  “Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey.”

  Camilla’s eyes opened with a snap. I smiled, trying to look reassuring. I’d changed into a pair of plaid wool slacks and a silk blouse after our midnight swim. I wasn’t tired, but I usually didn’t stay up until dawn. If I didn’t have her to contend with, I would have happily slept until the middle of the afternoon.

  Yep, I was on Vamp hours now.

  “Let’s get you home.”

  A soft knock sounded, and a servant entered with a basket of muffins and a small pot of coffee. She set the tray down and poured two cups, asking softly if we wanted cream or sugar.

  “Eat. Drink. We have to go soon.”

  Camilla took her coffee with both hands and took a long sip. She set it down and nibbled on a muffin, which looked delicious. I grabbed one for myself. I liked my coffee plain, although I had tried it with a spoonful of honey on occasion. It was another one of Bernard’s genius tricks.

  I stopped halfway through a blueberry muffin and closed my eyes.

  Oh, ’Nard, I miss you, but I am so glad you aren’t here.

  He would be horrified. He was not built for this kind of intrigue. I was almost constantly worried about bringing him to battle. Not that he wasn’t big and strong. He was. Even as a human, Bernard was well above average strength.

  But he was such a gentle spirit. I couldn’t bear it if something happened to him.

  I wondered…

  Can I glamour a Vamp?

  Maxim sounded sleepy when he answered.

  I suspect so. The truly old ones can. But he wouldn’t like it. And it might not stick.

  I can’t let him get killed.

  I know. What are you doing with the human?

  Taking her home.


  I don’t trust the Cotswolds at all.

  You shouldn’t. They are playing both sides.

  Great. Well, have a good sleep.

  Be careful, Princess.

  I grabbed my jacket and purse and popped the last bite of muffin into my mouth. I downed the rest of my coffee.

  “Ready? We have to move fast.”

  Camilla nodded.

  I took her hand and squeezed it as we ventured out into the hallway.

  Chapter 13

  Show them what you want them to see.

  I sat patiently as a maid worked on my hair. I didn’t really care how I looked. I was too exhausted from the day and too disgusted by everything that had happened over the past twenty-four hours.

  It had been easy to get out of the house with all the Vamps bedded down, but it was much harder to evade the staff. We’d crept through the house, quiet as mice. I had a strong suspicion we’d been seen, but I wasn’t sure. I’d taken a car without asking, a Bentley, and driven Camilla to a park near her home.

  In the car, I’d glamoured her. I tried to be gentle. She’d hit her head at the party and wandered off. She woke up in the woods with a headache and no memory of the night before. I also told her to study hard, respect herself, and avoid pale, good-looking strangers.

  I hoped that would do the trick.

  I’d driven home and taken a bath and a nap. Sadly, it wasn’t a long enough nap. I usually didn’t need much sleep, but I was definitely cranky today anyway. I would have to accept blood, if they offered it again, if I was going to get through the night with my chin held high.

  Tonight, the Cotswolds were throwing a ball in my honor. Tomorrow was an equally fancy, but smaller, gathering of high-ranking and wealthy Vamps, representatives from various groups and regions. Thus, the need for multiple gowns.

  Tonight, I was going with the blue. I stared dully at my reflection, knowing I needed to snap out of it. I lifted my chin and pushed my shoulders back. I was their princess. I had to be strong. I had to change things for the girl who was artfully pinning my hair at my crown, for the boy they’d killed last night, and for Camilla.

  For the world.

  “Let me get your jewels, Miss.”

  I didn’t bother to correct her. I should be addressed by my royal title, but I didn’t have the heart to bring it up. Humans were not the enemy or the ones I had to convince that I could lead them. Would lead them, if my father was not able.

  The maid lowered a necklace of diamonds and sapphires over my neck. It was beautiful, but the weight of it against my throat felt like something else.

  It felt like armor.

  I watched as she added a thin strand of diamonds to my hair, winding it around the mass of curls at my crown. My hair had never looked this glamorous. I doubted it ever would again.

  If I was cruel, I’d demand that the little maid come with me. It would be nice, but overly indulgent, to have such a talented hairstylist on hand at all times.

  Actually, maybe I’d be doing her a favor.

  Not yet, Sasha. Today is not ‘save the humans day.’ You have to win the battle first. Then you can win the war.

  I wasn’t sure why, but every time Maxim used my real name, it sent a chill down my spine.

  And then I change everything.


  I took the earrings she offered. I stood in front of the mirror as I slid the diamond and sapphire tear-shaped drops into each ear. The sparking blue teardrops seemed way too appropriate for my mood.

  Fun fact: Vampires had to pierce their ears with silver needles. And if they took their earrings out, they had to do it again. Mine didn’t close up quite as fast, but they did if I didn’t wear earrings for a few days.

  I stepped back and looked at myself. I felt some of my resolve
returning. My determination. I’m their princess, I reminded myself again. I would win this war!

  I really freaking hoped so, anyway.

  Stunning. But fearsome.

  Is that bad?

  No, it only adds to your unfathomable charms.

  I cracked an actual smile. Maxim did like to throw those fifty-cent words around.

  You flatter me.

  Never. I only speak the truth. I wish I had less reason to.

  Is that a backhanded compliment?

  It’s an admission of being out of my depth.

  I paused, staring into the mirror. Maxim was starting to get to me. He was… different with me now. More honest. Vulnerable. It was impossible to resist.

  And yet.

  You are such a player.

  I felt him sigh.

  Was a player. If only that were still true.

  Okay, guys, can you keep it down?

  Dylan sounded aggrieved. He must hate listening to us flirt. It seemed like we were all getting a signal boost. Maybe it was the human blood I’d consumed the night before.

  “Sorry,” I whispered to the mirror.

  You look so beautiful, Sophie, Dylan offered, sounding less upset.

  Thank you. I don’t feel like myself.

  But you are. You are always beautiful. Seeing you like this brings it home.

  Brings what home?

  That you are meant for something bigger than a small-town former football star.

  I felt tears rise in my throat. Dylan was giving up on me. I could feel it. And I had no reason to tell him not to.

  It hurts to look at you.

  I would never hurt you. Not willingly.

  Me, on the other hand . . .

  Shut up, Maxim, Dylan and I said in unison.

  You’re going to do well tonight, Soph. We’re rooting for you.

  You and Kah?

  Yeah. Your fairy battalion.

  Oh, so you’re finally okay with the word fairy?

  I like Fae better. Sounds more badass.

  Well, tell Kah I said thank you for the vote of confidence. I need it.

  You’re going to kill it.

  I second that.

  Okay, guys, it’s showtime. Wish me luck.



  As if I’d summoned him, Caleb knocked on the door.

  “Come in!” I called, in decidedly un-princess-like fashion. He was scowling when he came in. He stopped frowning when he saw me.

  “You look incredible, Sashita. Your father would be proud.”

  I smiled fondly at the use of my childhood nickname. Tears sprang to my eyes as I looked at his dear, handsome face.

  “You’ll make me cry. Anyway, you look amazing too. And you are the one who picked out the dress.”

  The little maid bobbed a curtsy and beat a hasty retreat. I wondered if his mention of my father was calculated. You had to assume that even in a house full of Vampires, the servants gossiped. I thought belatedly about questioning her about the boy with the stakes, but I decided it was in poor taste to interrogate the staff.

  “I trust your excursion was successful?”

  “It was.”

  He looked like he wanted to say something else, but he refrained. I raised an eyebrow and he simply shook his head. I could hear his voice in my head as clearly as Maxim and Dylan. Not now, but soon, we will talk.

  “Are you ready?”

  I nodded and placed my hand on his arm.

  “You really do look wonderful too,” I murmured softly as we ascended the staircase. “Make sure Bernard gets a chance to see you in that monkey suit. You will score mega points.”

  He chuckled softly. “Good idea.”

  There were servants milling about everywhere as we made our way to the ballroom. There was a steady hum of activity and excitement. I took a deep breath as we approached the doors. The dress and the jewelry were my armor, I reminded myself. I was going to war. I lifted my chin another inch as the doors were swept open.

  It was time to face the reigning class of American Vampires.

  Chapter 14

  Cinderella lost her shoe for a reason.

  The doors opened and I stepped into a fairytale. A glittering, mesmerizing, magical fairytale. Servants and guests moved throughout the room like shifting pieces in a kaleidoscope.

  The room was painted in varying shades of green and gold. I glanced up to see that even the high ceiling was gilded, with sparkling crystal chandeliers dangling high above our heads and giving off a soft amber glow.

  It seemed to go on forever, the formal ballroom was so large. It should have been too much. Over the top. Tacky, even. But somehow, it was perfect.

  Large mirrors reflected even more light and the dazzling attire of the Vamps filling the room. There must have been a hundred or more of them. A row of mullioned windows looked out onto the lit gardens. I hadn’t seen that part of the estate, and now I dearly wanted to.

  They might be monsters, but the Cotswolds were monsters with exquisite taste.

  Claire and Sebastian were bearing down on me with shark-like smiles. Caleb gave me up and both my arms were taken. I was propelled into the room. I had no choice but to go with it.

  The introductions started. I was bowed and curtsied to. I encountered as much avarice as reverence. My head was spinning, but I maintained control of my thoughts and kept my facial expression cool and aloof. Countless Vampires kissed the soft leather of my glove. They eyed me like a prized thoroughbred. I was ready to scream after an hour.

  Instead, I wore an icy mask of superiority. The kind of face that made you get cast as the bad girl on a reality television show. I hated to do it, but a nervous smile wouldn’t do. Not tonight. I had no choice.

  I kept my chin up and my shoulders back. I caught Caleb’s eye once or twice. Delisi and Varni were socializing, but I caught them both watching me more than once. Delisi flashed me a sympathetic smile and I gave her one in return. It was the sole moment of near humanity I allowed myself.

  After a full hour, the introductions were over. The guests gasped as I was given a glass of Champagne and drank it with relish. Then the dancing began.

  Man, Vamps liked to dance. Nothing too modern. This was ballroom dancing. And they were really freaking good at it.

  How could they not be with their lightning-fast reflexes and centuries of practice? I’d practiced with Bernard and Caleb myself in anticipation of this trip. I’d also binge-watched videos and a few choice movies like Strictly Ballroom, which Bernard and I loved.

  I was not about to break out in non-federation moves here. This dancing was smooth and languid, meant more for flirting and whispering than for showing off.

  Sebastian claimed the first dance with me. I felt more than a small thrill at the way he spun me around the room. I noticed him staring at my mouth and ignored him. He was far too forward. And I had enough bad-boy Vampire problems of my own.

  I decided to distract him instead.

  “What are those white panels? I didn’t notice them before.”

  “They muffle the sound.”

  “Oh. That’s brilliant.”

  He flashed me a killer smile. The man really did have exceptional bone structure. I still didn’t find him attractive.

  Well, that’s a relief. I don’t think you could manage three.

  Shut up, Maxim.

  I thought I was the one with the devastating smile.

  Shut up, Maxim, Dylan added.

  I forced myself not to laugh at Dylan’s response.

  The panels were a brilliant idea though. Vampires had exceptionally good hearing. Ordinary sounds could be almost painful and distracting when first turned. I had developed decent control and could filter things out. But I’d never been to a rock concert. I had no idea if I would be able to filter through loud music, stomping feet, and a thousand human voices at once.

  Never mind the heartbeats.

  I’ll take you one day. You’ll like it, Maxim offered.r />
  I didn’t respond.

  So far, I’d danced with Sebastian, Horace, Wallace, Varni, Caleb, and a host of other Vampires I had never met before. I remembered all of their names, thankfully. If I were human, I would never have stood a chance.

  In fact, I wanted to kick off my high heels shoes like a human woman might at the end of a ball. The shoes didn’t exactly hurt. Vampires didn’t get calluses. But they were starting to annoy me.

  I sighed and gratefully accepted another flute of champagne when the song ended. I caught Caleb’s eyes and nodded toward the doors. I moved fast, before anyone could stop me and beg for a dance. I wandered outside and underneath the twinkling lights. The garden was even more beautiful than I’d imagined. Roses were everywhere. I lifted one to my nose and inhaled deeply, careful not to let it brush my skin.

  “They are our own breed, grown only on this estate. Elaine is a master with flowers. She has been since she was a girl.”

  I looked over my shoulder at Horace.

  “Ironic, isn’t it?”


  “Roses grow in the sun.”

  He looked away. “It’s been hard for her. She goes out in it sometimes.”

  “What? The sun?”

  He nodded. “We’ve had to stop her. It’s been many years, but it’s a sickness.”

  “Sun sickness,” I mused, realizing how hard it must be for someone like her. I’d thought her distant. But perhaps she was simply half mad.

  “Moon sickness.”

  I nodded. “Please tell her how impressed I am by her garden.”

  “For you.”

  He plucked a massive rose and handed it to me. His skin caught a thorn and a tiny bead of blood appeared. I inhaled sharply, the delicious scent filling my nose. I felt my fangs pop and cursed inwardly.

  His eyes grew wide as he stared at me. Then he smiled.

  “Care for a taste?”

  “No, thank you.”

  The last thing I wanted was to be bonded to one of the Cotswolds. Or anyone else, for that matter. Vamp blood did smell damn good to me though. But Bernard had explained to me that swapping blood was something only done between mates. Unless, of course, you were half Vamp, a quarter Angel, and a quarter human and had an insatiable taste for Vamp and Fae blood.


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