Book Read Free

Rogue Prince

Page 19

by Cameron Drake

  “Time check?”

  Dylan glanced at his phone.

  “Ten oh six.”

  “I think I should be alone for this.” I looked at them both. “But I want to thank you both. For everything.”

  “Not a chance, Soph. You aren’t going through this alone.”

  Maxim shook his head. “I’m with Dylan on this. You need us.”

  I smiled sadly. “It’s too dangerous. I appreciate it. But it’s not up to you.” I leaned forward and kissed Maxim softly on the cheek. Then I stared into his eyes. “You won’t follow me.”

  His eyes widened and he whispered, “Sasha, don’t,” but it was too late. It had worked. I could feel it. I doubted it would stick, but all I needed was a head start.

  I kissed Dylan’s cheek next.

  “You are very dear to me,” I whispered as he stared at me in confusion. And then I exerted my will. “You will not follow me either.”

  I stepped back to see them looking at me in horror. Understanding dawned on Dylan’s face. He tried to move but he literally could not reach for me. Maxim’s face was thunderous.

  “You go too far, Sasha.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “So undo this! Now!”

  I shook my head sadly. “I know you will never forgive me for this, but I don’t have a choice. I won’t let you die for me. Keep Caleb and Bernard safe for me, please. Do not try to find me. Live your lives. Be happy.”

  I turned my back on them both and walked down the long drive that led to the main road. I started to run, but not too quickly. Not even for a human. I didn’t want to attract attention.

  A girl sprinting down the road in a prom dress might be kind of hard to forget, especially at Vamp speed. A girl in a full-length dress jogging with tears sliding down her face was a lot less conspicuous. I wiped my tears away as I approached the prearranged rendezvous. Less than a mile away, there was a twenty-four-hour gas station and convenience mart. There was an SUV parked by the air pumps, just as I’d instructed Christopher during one of our phone calls over the past few weeks.

  I could hear Dylan and Maxim screaming in my mind the whole way. They were furious. They were terrified.

  I felt slightly guilty about ruining prom for them.

  “Hello.” Christopher gave me an adoring smile as I opened the passenger door and climbed inside.

  “Thank you for waiting, Christopher. How are you feeling?”

  “I feel fantastic. You look beautiful.”

  I hid a smile and grabbed clothes from one of the bags in the back seat. I shimmied into a pair of jeans under the tulle skirt of my dress, then pulled on a light sweatshirt, unzipping my dress underneath it. A wiggle, and the dress was off, shoved into an empty duffle in the backseat. I changed my shoes as well, slipping on a pair of soft socks and lace-up booties. A baseball cap and sunglasses were next, and my transformation for the road trip portion of the evening was complete.

  I took a quick drink from Christopher and fed him another few drops of my blood. The voices in my head did not go away, but they sounded more distant. And with real physical distance between us, I imagined they would soften even more.

  I sent a quick text to Bernard, knowing it might alert them. But I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t just leave them worrying about me.

  I love you both. It’s better this way. Don’t try to follow me.

  “Ready for a road trip?” I asked my driver as I crushed the phone in my hands. I would toss the parts out the window once we were moving. He nodded and that was it. I had changed the course of my life, and possibly my death, in just a few minutes. I had saved the lives of everyone I loved. “Head to the highway. Go north.”

  We were off.

  I glanced at the clock, then braced myself. It was nearly time. I hoped I didn’t start to glow or something awful. I hoped…

  “Ow!” I shouted as searing pain erupted down my back. “What the?”

  Christopher glanced at me, concern in his eyes.

  “Should I pull over?”

  “No. Keep driving,” I hissed, trying not to scream as the agony tore through me, feeling like I was being ripped in two. I gripped the door and dashboard, bracing myself to fight through the pain.

  I grimaced as I felt something unfold behind me, creaking and delicate and big. I glanced in the mirror and cursed. There was something pushing the back of my sweatshirt up on either side. I flexed my back and watched as the lumps lifted and then lowered.

  Oh, no. Not this. I had been joking when I said I wanted to fly.

  I reached behind me and felt something smooth and silky under the edge of my sweatshirt. I shuddered at the sensation. My new wings were very sensitive.

  Wings. I had wings.

  Nightfall. I really am a freak.

  What is happening? Talk to us, Sasha!

  Caleb is out of his mind here, Soph. So are we.

  So they’d called home already. Or Caleb had driven to the school after getting my text. I ignored Maxim and Dylan. I had decided I would not use the bond to communicate anymore. Maybe I’d learn to block them out completely as time went on.

  Plus, I was kind of freaking out. I really had wings. This was not good. I was not going to be able to hide in plain sight with freaking wings. But maybe… I pulled inward with all my might. I felt a pop as they disappeared back inside me. I exhaled in relief as I reached under my shirt. My fingers encountered only skin. If I could keep the wings inside me, then maybe this wasn’t such a terrible thing.

  Of course, I probably looked freakish back there now. Bikini season was over for good. So were backless dresses. Or maybe the wings weren’t visible at all to the naked eye. Either way, I had bigger things to worry about tonight. I pretty much had everything to worry about.

  A few minutes passed, and I relaxed a little. It seemed that my transformation was complete. I imagined a T-shirt that said, All I Got for my Angelic Transformation Were These Wings and rolled my eyes. Then again, they might come in extremely handy. If I could somehow get some armor with slits in the back so my wings could release… that was kind of badass.

  I’d been so worried about this possibility. Now that it had happened, I felt weary. The strain of the past few weeks was wearing on me.

  “So, where are we heading?”

  I started rattling off directions, then added that we needed to find a Quick Mart or something along the way.

  I needed a sugar fix.

  But what I really wanted, more than anything, was to find an empty place and stretch my wings.

  Chapter 30

  Every journey begins with a single step.

  The roads were empty at four AM. We had stopped for coffee and for gas. I was crunching on orange cheese-dusted chips, trying to drown out the outrage and anarchy that was coming down the bond. Dylan and Maxim were bouncing from threats, to begging, to disbelief and back again.

  The next stop, we would exchange blood again, I decided.

  “Are you getting tired? I could take over.”

  Christopher shook his head, giving me a brief smile. When I wasn’t glamouring him, we had developed an easy camaraderie.

  He’d even tried to get me to call him ‘’Topher.’

  He was full of questions when I gave him free reign. Did I have a boyfriend was the top of the list. If I liked him ‘that way’ was next. I had to laugh. He was half-glamoured and a hundred percent crushing on me.

  He would make a lucky girl very happy someday.

  I’d make sure he forgot me as soon as we said goodbye. I’d tell him to find a nice girl instead. Someone who would be good for him, not hijack his mind or put him in the path of murderous Vampires.

  I’d set him free.

  As for the bond, I didn’t mind getting ’Topher updates the last few weeks. The guy was extremely basic. He loved sports, eating, and sleeping. He wasn’t a player with girls, from what I could tell.

  He even liked to study. He didn’t just cram out of duty or fear of getting bad grades. He
actually enjoyed it.

  I really had picked a winner. And I could hear his heart clearly in the car. It was perfect. My blood had healed him.

  “It’s ten hours. We’re only halfway there. Are you sure you can drive the rest of the way?”

  He smiled again.

  “I feel invincible right now.”

  I hid a smile. He was riding the crimson wave. I knew it was my blood making him feel that good.

  The exchange was making the voices in my mind quieter with every passing mile. I was singing along with the radio to drown them out between crunchy bites of fake cheesy goodness. I wasn’t much of a singer, and I didn’t even bother to try to sound good. I just sang loudly, letting the words of the song keep my mind clear. It was really annoying for them, from what I could tell.

  Sasha. Do not do this. It’s suicide.

  La-la-la-la, hmm, hmm . . . I hummed along with the music when I didn’t know the words.

  She’s not going to listen to us. We have to follow her.

  She compelled us not to.

  But she didn’t compel Karen not to. Or Caleb or Bernard. Or even Janelle or Sebastian. They can drive.

  I sat up in my seat. This was not good. They were looking for ways around my compulsion.

  We don’t know where she is going yet.

  I can hear you, you jerks. Didn’t you hear me? I don’t want you to follow me. Any of you.

  It was the first thing I’d said to them since I left. I sighed, annoyed that my temper had gotten the best of me. I should have anticipated that they would find a workaround.

  The truth was, I hadn’t expected to stop them, just slow them down. And once I was far away, I expected them to give up. They might know where I was going, but they didn’t know how or when I planned to get there. Hopefully, it would all be over before they even made their way to Europe.

  We will never give up, came Maxim’s curt answer.

  Please. Keep them there. Tell them I am coming home.



  If Caleb and Bernard come, they may both die. Or only one may die, leaving the other in pain. I can’t do that to them. I can’t risk that for you. For any of you.

  That’s not your choice to make.

  Yeah, Soph. This is nuts. You need us.

  Nobody else is dying for me. I need to do this on my own. I can handle it.

  No, you cannot.

  Thanks for the vote of confidence, Maxim.

  I didn’t… I could feel his despair and my guilt returned in full force. He continued after a moment. I didn’t mean that you are not strong and brave. You are. More than anyone I have ever known. But the New Leaders specialize in tricks and cruelty. If they hurt you, I will come. I will come, and they will die for it, but it will be too late. Or I will be the one to perish. You aren’t protecting any of us. You are only making things worse. You are playing right into their hands.

  I crossed my arms and frowned at the road.

  “Drive faster,” I murmured.

  Christopher didn’t hesitate. He pressed the pedal and we picked up speed, heading for salvation well above the speed limit. I imagined a steel box surrounding me. Screw the white light. I needed titanium. The whole car became a tank in my mind. A moveable fortress.

  I could feel them scratching at the outside, trying to get in. But they couldn’t.

  We were nearly there. A few more hours and I would be free. Unreachable and untouchable. I would send Christopher back to his life, only having lost half a day and a few hours here and there. He would go back to his life, and I would sail across the Atlantic to face the Vampires who had stolen a kingdom and imprisoned my father.

  Beyond that, it was dangerous to dream.

  Chapter 31

  There is no turning back now.

  I stood on the deck, my face shielded by my hooded cape. I was dressed in fancy clothes again, playing the part of a wealthy young heiress, traveling alone. The young man standing below by the gangplank lifted his hand in farewell to me. I gave him a small wave, wishing him well.

  I could feel his emotions now. He was sad but still humming with energy from my blood. He felt like something was missing but didn’t know what it was. The irony was, he wasn’t missing it yet. The moment he got back into his car, he would forget all about me.

  I didn’t know what our bond would become over time and distance. He was human, and it had taken a much softer, simpler form. But our connection had served its purpose.

  I couldn’t hear a thing down the bond from Dylan or Maxim. It had been hours. I knew they might be sleeping, but I doubted it.

  There was an announcement of last call for visitors to get off the ship. I watched as the ramp was lifted and twisted away from the ship. The engines got louder. I could feel the hum of energy beneath my feet. And then we were underway, pulling away from the shore and heading out into open water. Christopher got smaller and smaller until he was a speck. The ship turned and I could see him no more.

  The rail was crowded with passengers, eagerly taking in the sights. The city looked beautiful from here. We had a spectacular view of the Statue of Liberty as we passed by.

  I closed my eyes and said farewell to America as we headed out to open sea. My time in America had passed. I was going somewhere much older and full of secrets. I was going home.

  “Miss? Would you like me to show you to your room?”

  I nodded and handed the valet my ticket. His eyes widened. He seemed impressed. I’d done a workaround with the room assignments. Usually, you needed to be titled to land one of the larger suites. I didn’t care about the status, but if there were Vamps on board, I wanted to send a message.

  Vampires loved to travel by boat, according to Caleb. Especially the really old ones. The elegance was part of it. The fact that Vampires could not drown was another.

  “This way, Miss.” He snapped his fingers, signaling to another valet to gather my bags. “You’re on the state level.”

  I followed him down one level. There was added security here, more staff bustling about, and elegant carpets and crystal chandeliers everywhere you looked. The ship was old but made to look even older. I allowed myself a moment of pleasure at the beauty surrounding me. I knew quite well that the rest of the passenger accommodations did not look like this. I’d done a lot of research into the ship before purchasing my tickets.

  I followed him down a long hallway with dark wood paneling on the lower half of the walls. The doors were heavy wood. Solid. I nodded in appreciation.

  We paused in front of my suite. He opened the door with an ornate brass key and handed it to me. I was about to thank him when the door swung open. My jaw dropped as I stepped inside.

  It was nearly as sumptuous as my bedroom at the Cotswolds’. Maybe more so. Especially if you threw in the balcony I could see across the massive room with spectacular ocean views.

  The ceiling was surprisingly high, with sparkling chandeliers dotted throughout. Nothing huge or gaudy. Just… perfect. The room was decorated in shades of blue and taupe, with velvet upholstered chairs and thick wool rugs.

  It would be a great place to train, I realized. It was that big.

  And I hadn’t even seen the bedroom yet.

  “Is everything satisfactory, Miss?”

  I nodded with a bright smile and handed him a folded twenty-dollar bill.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  He tipped his hat and reminded me to ring if I needed anything at all. He pointed out the meal schedule and phone. My bags were delivered, and I doled out another tip to the second valet. And then they were gone.

  I turned in a circle, then ran to the bedroom to look inside. It was just as lovely as the rest of the suite. The bathroom was even better. No tub, but the shower was huge, with gorgeous marble tiles and a bench.

  For lazy showering, I thought with a smile.

  I threw open the French doors to the terrace. It was warm outside this time of year. I could leave these open. We were already in the
open sea, so there was no way anyone would see me inside except the seagulls. I checked the door to make sure it was locked, then looked around, wondering if there were security cameras. I wasn’t picking up on anything. Not even a tingle of apprehension. I felt totally safe.

  More than that, I felt totally alone, which was a change.

  It was risky, but I couldn’t wait another minute. I shrugged off my sweatshirt and ran to the full-length mirror across the room. I turned and stared at my back.

  It looked… normal. My skin was seamless, with not even a crease indicating where my wings had emerged during my transformation. I couldn’t even see a shadow. I closed my eyes and tried to communicate to my wings. To tell them to unfold.

  I opened one eye and peaked. Nothing.

  “Okay, let’s try this again.”

  A stiff breeze came through the room, and I felt the urge to lift up into the air. I felt it then. It didn’t burn like it had the first time, but it didn’t exactly tickle either. Something large was trying to fit through narrow slits on either side of my spine. I looked again, and I could see them now, a pale triangle starting to emerge from each opening. I watched in awe as they unfolded, growing larger and larger behind me. Eventually, my wings blocked my own view. I turned to look at myself.

  I had wings. Really big, functional-looking wings. And… I squinted to look. There were feathers on them. Tiny feathers that were hard to see. My wings actually felt damp, I thought as I ran a finger over them. Another breeze wafted through the room and they flapped instinctively.

  I lifted off the floor slightly with a giggle. The feeling was incredible. Insane. Beyond imagining.


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