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Our Darkest Hour (Our Darkest Series Book 1)

Page 25

by Sarah Bailey

  “Just go with him to the police station and find out what’s going on.”

  “Okay, love. I thought I’d let you know as Rhys would want that. I’ll call you later when I know what’s happening.”

  “Thank you… and tell Rhys I love him if you can.”

  “I will, love.”

  We hung up. My hand dropped down beside me. Rhys had been arrested. How could this have happened? He didn’t do anything wrong other than help me get away from the scene. There was no way in hell I could allow him to get in trouble for me. I didn’t have time to think about the consequences. I had to get to Rhys now and make sure they didn’t charge him with murder.

  Jumping up from the bed, I stuffed my phone in my pocket and headed out of my room. I ran down the stairs and was at the front door, pulling my shoes on. Mum came out of the kitchen, frowning when she spied me.

  Great, just what I need.

  “Aaron, where are you going?”

  “Can’t talk right now, Mum. Rhys has been arrested. I need to go to him.”


  “Rhys got arrested by the police. They think he killed someone, but he didn’t. I have to go.”

  Mum put her hand on my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

  “Hold on, he was arrested for murder?”

  “Yes, Mum! Let go. I have to set them straight.”

  She put her other hand on my shoulder.

  “Aaron, I think you need to come and speak to me about this properly with your father.”

  I stared at her. Didn’t she understand? This situation was urgent. I couldn’t let him get charged with murder. Rhys hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “But Mum—”

  “No, come into the kitchen now.”

  I didn’t have any choice but to follow her. My dad sat at the breakfast counter with a newspaper. He raised his head and frowned when he saw me.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Aaron says Rhys has been arrested for murder,” Mum replied.

  Dad’s eyebrows shot up.

  “I knew that boy was nothing but trouble.”

  “No, Dad, he didn’t do it. It wasn’t him. And they only suspect it, he’s not been charged. I have to find out which station they took him to. I have to go.”

  “You are not going down to the police station, Aaron. There is no need for you to get involved in this.”

  I stared at him. How could he not see this had everything to do with me? I’d killed Valentine. Not Rhys. He was innocent.

  “I have to go!”

  Mum put a hand on my shoulder.

  “Listen to your father, Aaron.”

  My parents were fucking stupid. They had no clue. No idea. The very thought of how distressed Rhys would be right now killed me. How he’d protect me at the expense of himself. I’d never allow that. I couldn’t.

  “No. No! You don’t get it. I can’t let him go down for this. I can’t.”

  “Shh, it’s okay, Aaron. I know it’s upsetting—”

  “Upsetting? It’s not fucking upsetting, Mum. He didn’t kill Valentine. He didn’t!”

  “Valentine Jenkins? Howard’s son? He’s dead?” my dad exclaimed.

  My hands shook. All of my emotions pulsed through my veins, making me absolutely crazy. They weren’t listening to me.

  “Yes, he died, but it was an accident.”

  “What do you mean? How would you know that?” Mum asked.

  My hands curled into fists, my blunt nails digging into my skin. There was nothing for it. The only way they’d let me go is if I told them the truth.

  “Because I did it. I pushed Valentine down the stairs and he died. It’s my fault. He attacked me… he tried to… he tried to assault me…” Tears welled in my eyes at the memory. “It was an accident, but it was me. Rhys didn’t do it. The only thing he did was take me home after it happened. I told him we couldn’t report it… I made him promise not to tell anyone.”

  The reality of what I’d done crashed down on me. Seeing my parent’s shocked faces brought it all home. I’d made a huge mistake.

  “Why would he attack you, Aaron? That makes no sense.”

  I took a deep breath, the violence of my emotions making my entire body shake uncontrollably.

  “He was jealous of me and Rhys… because… because we’re in love.”

  I don’t think my dad’s expression could have got any worse at that moment. The anger in his eyes made me take a step back.

  “What did you say?” The venom dripping from his tone had me wanting to run.

  My nails dug harder into my palms.

  “We’re in love, Dad. I’m… I’m gay.”

  You could hear a penny drop in the silence which followed my declaration. In those moments I knew my dad would never accept it. The way his lip twitched and the level of rage simmering in his eyes had me flinching. As did Mum rubbing my shoulder with her hand. I glanced at her. The look in her eyes made my heart shatter. The disappointment was more than I could cope with.

  “Aaron, why didn’t you tell me?”

  I couldn’t help the tear slipping down my face.

  “I was scared you wouldn’t understand or accept me,” I whispered. “And I know you don’t approve of Rhys, but I love him. He’s the only piece of happiness I have in my life.”

  Her face crumpled and then she took me in her arms, holding me tight against her chest.

  “My darling boy, I’m so sorry you felt like you couldn’t come to me.”

  Any hold I had left on my emotions snapped. Tears fell and I clutched her clothes, my body shaking violently.

  My parents had never been there for me. Not once. Her apology was too little, too late, but she’d still said sorry. I’d never get that from my dad. Never. He wouldn’t be sorry for the way he treated me.

  “I have to help Rhys,” I sobbed. “I have to.”

  Mum stroked my hair.

  “Shh, it’s okay, my sweet boy, it’s okay. I understand. I know.”

  I shook my head. She didn’t understand. Neither of them did. Rhys was the love of my life. The only person I wanted in this world. I’d do anything for him. He needed me.

  “You are not going to turn yourself in to the police, Aaron,” came my father’s voice from behind us.

  I flinched. That would be the only sure-fire way I’d get Rhys out of this situation. I should’ve taken responsibility the night it happened. I should’ve let Rhys call the police. My stupid decision not to had only got him arrested.

  “You will ruin your entire future if you hand yourself in. I will not allow it.”

  I pulled away from Mum, unable to comprehend how he thought allowing someone else to take the fall for me was in any way acceptable. Then again, all he cared about was making sure I had the future he’d laid out for me. Doing things his way because that’s what he expected of me.

  “You can’t stop me!”

  He stood up, his eyes hard as steel.

  “Yes, I can. You’re not an adult, Aaron. You are my responsibility and you are not going to the police. I don’t care if you caused Valentine’s death. If this gets out, it will ruin you, me and your mother.”

  “I can’t leave Rhys to take the fall for it. I won’t! I love him. He’s the only person in this world who gives a shit about me. He loves me and he will protect me at all costs, but I can’t let him do that. I can’t!”

  My father was an absolute bastard. He didn’t care about Rhys or me. He only cared about his precious fucking image.

  He stared me down for a long minute before letting out a huff.

  “I can see you won’t back down on this. I will ring my solicitor and have him take on Rhys’ case on one condition. There will be no negotiations on this point, Aaron. You will do as I say without any complaints or arguing.”

  My heart squeezed painfully.

  “What condition?”

  I knew what he was about to say would destroy
me. Rhys needed our help to make sure the police wouldn’t charge him with murder. I knew Dad’s legal team were top notch and his offer of help was more than I could’ve ever hoped for.

  “You will end this little thing you have going on with Rhys. You will end it and you will not see him again. I don’t care if you claim to love him. He has been nothing but trouble since he came into your life and this latest incident just proves it. If you weren’t so insistent on being friends with him, then you wouldn’t have got into that situation with Valentine.”

  He shook his head, his eyes dark with anger.

  “I am so disappointed in you. You let that boy lead you astray. You’ve brought shame on our family. You’ll just have to live with the fact you caused someone else’s death. And you are also grounded. I will allow you out to say goodbye to Rhys and end it with him once the police let him go, but after that, you will stay home and you will concentrate on doing well at school. I’m taking away your car and I will be asking Harriet to stay here with Ralph to keep an eye on you. Do you understand?”

  My heart fractured a thousand times over. What he was asking of me was impossible. I couldn’t break up with Rhys. It would ruin me. I’d never be the same without him. And I couldn’t believe he had the audacity to insinuate it was Rhys’ fault that Valentine had attacked me. Then again, my father was a terrible person who didn’t care about anyone but himself.

  If I didn’t accept his stipulation, I couldn’t help Rhys. Dad wouldn’t let me turn myself in. This was the only other way I could make sure Rhys didn’t get charged with Valentine’s murder. My fucking father had me over a barrel and he knew it. There was no point objecting. He wouldn’t listen to me. He didn’t understand my feelings towards Rhys. Neither did my mother because she stood there, not saying a single word in my defence. She didn’t care my father was ripping my heart right out of my chest and wrecking my life completely.

  So even as my world broke around me and I wanted to bawl my eyes out, I found myself nodding.

  “Okay, Dad, I’ll end it, just please help him,” I whispered.

  He stared at me for a minute before pulling out his phone and wallet. He tugged out a business card, stepping towards me and holding it out.

  “I’ll call Henry Bartlett now. You better tell Rhys’ mother and give her Henry’s details so she can inform the police to get in contact with him.”

  I took the card on automatic. Despite feeling completely shattered on the inside, I knew I had to do this for Rhys. So I trudged out into the hallway, ignoring Mum’s stare and pulled out my phone. Wiping my eyes, I dialled Steph’s number. She picked up after two rings.

  “Hi, Aaron. We’re at the police station now and he’s being processed as we speak.”

  “Oh… um, my dad has agreed to help Rhys with legal representation. Can I give you his solicitor’s details to give to the police?” My voice was all high-pitched and shaky, but I couldn’t help it. I was on the verge of breaking entirely. “Henry will help Rhys with everything. I promise, he’s good at what he does.”

  “Oh, your father really didn’t need to do that.”

  “I know, but please accept this, Steph. It’s the least I can do to help him. I know he didn’t do it.”

  “Well, tell your father thank you from me.”

  We spoke for a little longer after I gave her Henry’s details. By the time I got off the phone, desolation began to set in. I turned to go upstairs but found Mum watching me.


  “No, don’t, Mum. Just don’t,” I choked out. “I’ll never forgive him for this. You hear me? Never. And I won’t forgive you either… you let him do this to me. You stood there and let him destroy me. So don’t.”

  I trudged away upstairs, tears streaming down my face. When I got in my room, I shut the door and walked over to my bed. I curled up in a ball on it, holding the pillow which smelt like Rhys to my face, crying into it for all I was worth. This might be painful now, but nothing would hurt me more than when I had to tell Rhys I wasn’t allowed to see him again. When I had to say goodbye. I could already picture the look on his face. The devastation he’d feel. I would have to hurt him. I’d have to walk away when I’d made a promise to him when we were kids I’d never leave.

  I cried harder. I was going to break all the promises I’d ever made to him. The boy I loved more than life itself. Who’d put me back together so many times. He was my whole world. He was my everything. And now I had to destroy all of it. All my hopes and dreams about us spending our lives together.

  Now more than ever I hated my father. Hated him for the decision he’d forced me into making. I’d never forgive him or my mother. They’d ruined everything. Absolutely everything.

  Rhys wouldn’t forgive me for this either. He’d hate me. He’d tell me I’d chosen my family over him. And the worst part… that was true. My parents had left me with no choice. They’d used my love for Rhys against me.

  I’d protected him but it was at the biggest cost of all.


  I’m sorry, Rhys. I’m so, so sorry. I know you’ll never forgive me. I hate myself for this. I hate myself so much right now.

  I’d never forgive myself for doing this. For ruining everything. I’d die a thousand times over when I ended it with him. It would rip my soul in half. And those pieces would never fit back together again.

  I love you, Rhys. Please remember that when I end it. Please remember I’ll love you for the rest of my life.

  Chapter Forty Five

  The whole time I’d been at the police station getting processed, I’d felt my heart fucking sinking with every moment. When Mum told me Aaron’s dad had provided us with a solicitor, everything got so much worse. Patrick wouldn’t ever willingly help me, which meant Aaron had to give something up to get his help. The question was what? Had he told them it was him? No doubt if he had, Patrick wouldn’t want Aaron getting involved in this. His dad only ever cared about his self-image. Whatever Aaron had given up, it couldn’t have been good.

  Patrick’s solicitor was called Henry Bartlett. He’d explained in detail to my mum and me how the interview process would go after he’d had an initial consultation with the officers. He said the allegations made against me were a little flimsy given the evidence they’d shown him, but he hadn’t seen everything they had. He advised me to make no comment to all questions asked of me as he didn’t want me incriminating myself. There were a lot of legal details he’d explained to me as well, which I didn’t really understand, but my mum seemed to. The whole thing hadn’t reassured me at all.

  My skin prickled as I went into the interview room with them. My nerves hit an all-time high when all the recording equipment was turned on. Henry looked at me whilst I listened to them reading my rights. Mum was sat back from us. She had a right to be in the room as I was under the age of eighteen.

  “So, Rhys, we know you were at Oliver Trenton’s house on the night of the fourteenth of August. We have eyewitness statements placing you there and you had an altercation with the victim in question, Valentine Jenkins,” Detective Sargent Mandrake said as he placed down various pieces of paper in front of me. “Would you care to tell me what your argument with the victim was about?”

  I knew what I had to say and that was nothing.

  “No comment.”

  The DS gave me a long look before he asked me some further questions related to the party, all of which I answered in the same way. Henry told me not to incriminate myself regardless of how much I wanted to tell them I had nothing to do with Valentine’s death. My only crime was knowing who’d done it and helping that person escape prosecution. I would never incriminate Aaron.

  The DS set out another piece of paper with blurry CCTV footage of a lone boy walking in a park.

  “You were seen walking near where the victim was found at twelve sixteen after witnesses said you left Oliver Trenton’s house. Care to tell me what you were doing here?”

  I d
id not know they had footage of me. It made me nervous as hell. I glanced at Henry who gave me a subtle nod.

  “No comment.”

  “Do you want to explain what happened between when you left Oliver Trenton’s house and when you were next seen here at twelve forty-seven walking hand in hand with another boy?”

  He set out another photo which showed me and Aaron together. It made my stomach twist in knots. I couldn’t believe they had pictures of this. They’d clearly done a thorough job in investigating and that’s why they’d arrested me.

  “No comment.”

  “Can you identify this person in the photo here for me?”

  He pointed at Aaron. No way in hell would I be telling him. Protecting Aaron from this shit is the only way I could get through it. I could deal with the police questioning me if it meant I kept the love of my life safe.

  “No comment.”

  I could tell the DS was slightly irritated with my insistence on not answering his questions, but I’m sure he was used to it. Henry had assured me he advised a lot of his clients to respond with no comment during police interviews. He said they would be looking to trip me up as he suspected they did not have the evidence they needed to convict me of murder. I had to hold on to that no matter how much this whole process scared the hell out of me.

  The DS looked at the officer next to him. That’s when I knew. They hadn’t been able to identify it was Aaron. They’d not caught his face on camera like they had mine. The relief I felt knowing that spread throughout my system.

  They asked me some further questions. All in the same vein as the ones before, trying to get me to talk, but I kept responding the same way. By the time the interview was over, I felt on edge and completely overwhelmed. The evidence they had didn’t look to me like it was enough, but I didn’t know for sure.

  When the officers had turned off the equipment and left the room, saying someone would be back to take me to the cell again, Henry turned to me.

  “I do not believe they have enough evidence to charge you,” were the first words out of his mouth.



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